Breakfast with the Princes

Zamora P.O.V

I left the dungeon for the First Prince's room

"Good mor-"

"Why are you late?" he glared at me

"My sister is being locked up in the dungeon so j went to meet her"

"Locked up?,by who?"

"Prince Travis"

"Ohh Travis..." he stares at the floor for a while

"Well it's none of my business, prepare my bath"

"Yes My Prince"

It's not like I asked for help anyways

I did exactly as he asked as he slips into the tub

"The temperature is just right"

"I will take my leave now" I hurriedly left before I see things I don't want to

I left the bathroom and waited in his room

"Amora!" he called

"Yes My Prince " I replied from the other side of the door

"Come inside"

"Huh,now?" I opened the bathroom door and entered

"Help me out"

"Help with what?"

"What else?,Me bathing" he tilts his head

"Ye...Yes my Prince"

I knelt beside the tub on the bare wet floor,I grabbed a sponge and scrubbed his back

"Amora don't use the sponge, use your bare hands"

My bare hands?...

"Yes My Prince" I carefully dropped his sponge.

I rubbed my palm against his back,it's so smooth yet rough

I washed him then moved to his neck

"Are you going to focus on my back alone "

"No My Prince"

"Wash my hair too"

"Yes My Prince" I bowed slightly

"You'll help me wash everyday"

"Yes My Prince"

How many times have I said 'Yes My Prince' it's so tiring

"Take a stool over there" he points at the stool in the bathroom,I sat on it as I ran my fingertips through his hair

"You have soft hands"

"Thank you My Prince"

I feel really uncomfortable doing this

I was done washing his hair and I moved to his front

He stares at me with those dark brown eyes of his, how is it so noticeable?

"Never touched a man before?" he tilts his head

"Close your eyes, you don't want soap entering them, do you?" I said trying to shut him up

I rubbed his shoulder and slowly moved to his chest

I can feel my cheek redden,it feels like I'm committing a crime

How can he keep this body under those clothes,its so soft yet hard...

My hands are fixed on his chest and I can't take my eyes off

He opens his eyes

"Why did you stop?"

"I don't think I can go further than this My Prince"

"You may leave, I'll finish up myself"

"Yes My Prince" I bowed then left the bathroom

"Snap out of it Zamora" I can't believe I am having urges to touch him more,what was I imagining

He walks out with wet hair down,water dripping from the tips to his shoulders.

I can't believe I'm allowed to watch this,

Is this the work of a personal maid?

"Help me dressed up"

I helped dry his hair with a towel and helped him dress

He walks out the room as I tagged behind

He enters a large hall as he bows

"Good morning Your Majesty"

I bowed my head as I walked behind

"Aragon, how was your night?"

"It was fine father,how was yours too"

"Better,I heard the royal Doctor gave you some sleeping pills"

"Yes I used the pills and was able to get three hours of sleep,seems I'm getting better"

"That sounds nice"

Three hours of sleep?,how is that getting better?,He has a nice name though Aragon.

A group of maids enters as they greeted the king, and The first Prince they served them

"Where is—?"

"Here we are father" Prince Travis and Prince Cyrus barges in

They bowed to the king and hugged him.

They went to their seats

I cant believe I'm witnessing breakfast between the king and the Princes

"How was the trip at kingdom Lar?"

"It was a bit of a problem but we took care of it" Prince Cyrus said

"Not much bloodshed this time,few people lost their lives" Prince Travis says

How can they talk casually about killing people while eating

"Travis,I heard you locked someone up last night" The first Prince says

"It was a crazy intruder that's not worth your time" Prince Travis glanced st me giving me a death stare

"Why did you lock her up?"

"Seems your maid has a lousy mouth but didn't give you the full details"

"Did you just call my maid lousy?"

"Is she your favorite?" he smirks giving me a dirty look

"Enough with it you two,do you plan to fight over a maid" The King glanced at me

I felt chills over me,it feels like he wants me dead with the look in his eyes

"We are not fighting father,just having a little chat" Prince Travis says with a fake smile

Prince Cyrus just kept eating and didn't say a thing, of all the Princes he seems like the normal one

"Ohh well,Princess Irina will be arriving today, treat her well Aragon,she's meant to be your fiancée" His Majesty says

"Well she isn't yet father"

"Win her over,it would be nice joining hands with their kingdom"

"That's if I find her compatible, if I don't she means nothing to me" Prince Aragon says

"I've lost my appetite, I'll be leaving now" Prince Aragon stood up and I followed

Seems he isn't fond of Princess Irina