I can't be this weak

Zulia P.O.V

I changed into my black imperial cassock and held my sword at hand, seems Prince Travis already knew what option I'll be choosing for him to have already gotten my dress made

"It fits perfectly,yet free enough to move"

Erin waits outside for me to get dressed, I got out smiling to feel at ease, he looks at me with a blank look

"I tend to smile when I'm nervous " I said to him,but he gave me no reply

He walks as I followed behind him.

"Ma Gwen, she's a new knight and will be going through the same training so feed her well" he bows slightly and walks away

He didn't even glance at me

"Ohh my!!!,what a pretty young lady,you look just like my new maid, i recently hired one,the only difference is her green eyes and black hair"

Seems she's talking about Zamora,she dished my food and served me a full course meal

"Am I really allowed to eat all these?"

She nods, when last did i eat so many delicacies at once?.

"It's so sweet,I can't stop eating though I'm filled up already" I stuffed my mouth will more

Ma Gwen stares at me smiling

"It's been a while I've seen someone eat this food with so much joy,seems you're the strong type" she smirks

"Huh, you can know my strength by how I eat?"

"Yes this food is part of your training,good luck"she walks away

"Well I'm done now,i should be leaving for the training grounds,thank you for the food"

Prince Travis and Prince Cyrus walks in the minute I got in.

They gave an aura around the training ground that made me nauseated

It's probably because I ate too much

"Lia!, come here" Prince Travis points at me

I walked over to him,with eyes piercing through my skin and knights murmuring below

"This is our newest member and she is part of the Black imperial knights,treat her very well" he squeezes my shoulder and gave me a fake smile

"I hope you survive long here" he whispers in my ear

"Erin!, she's yours" Prince Travis says as he walks away

Erin walks over with two swords,he keeps his distance and threw one over to me.

"If you beat him,you'll get rewarded" Prince Travis says

"And if I don't win?" I asked

"You'll fight me"

What's this energy I feel? Is this fear?

"Fight you?,how is that even a punishment?"

Prince Travis looked at me unbothered, everyone had their eyes on me

Erin unsheathes his swords and I did the same

Should I attack first?,he's not doing anything

I ran towards him with every energy in me but I could only move slowly.

"You think you can beat me with that speed" Erin laughs

He hits me with the back of his sword,I could not defend

Why is my body heavy to move?.

"Erin!!!, if you take it easy on her I'll kill you" Prince Travis yells firmly

I can't move well,what's going?

Erin runs with full force, all I could do was defend with my sword

Our swords kept clashing and I kept being on the defensive side

His hits are getting hard to avoid,he finally slashes my arm

"It's bleeding"

He looks at me unbothered

"If you don't do anything you might die" Prince Cyrus says softly

"I don't think that's what you should be saying in a calm voice "

Erin kicks me on the face

"Don't get distracted, we are still fighting "

I could taste a bit of blood in my mouth,my jaw hurts

"Finish her" Prince Travis yells


Erin strikes me but I feel no pain,I lost my balance and fell to the floor

It felt like my energy was being sucked out

Nobody seems like they're going to help,all they did was watch

My eyes slowly closes "Is this how I'm going to die?"


I woke up on a soft bed,my head is spinning

"I am alive "

I heard footsteps approach the bed ,I only see a faint dark silhouette

"You think I'll just let you die"

I know that voice anywhere

"Prince Travis?"

"You seem fine to me,just rest a bit and you can go home, you slept for four hours at a stretch"

He calls that's sleeping, I fell unconscious

"You really think I'll just go home with no explanation" I dragged myself out of the bed and walked towards him.

"You don't want to leave?"

"You fed me something, didn't you?"

He tilts his head

"For a lowly commoner you really don't know how to talk"

"You want me to respect you,then earn it"

He grits his teeth and grabs my wrist tightly

"I can kill you if I want and there's no one that can stop me"he leans forward,I could see his dark brown eyes fixated on me

"With this attitude of yours,I doubt I'll ever be able to respect you"

He lets go of my wrist

"What did you put in my food,I know my body well,I would never move so slow even if I had one leg"

He turns his back against me

"Rest a bit, I'm sure your head is spinning right now and you can barely see me,Then get out of my room after you've rest"

He walks out

I can't wrap my head around him,it seems like he has personality disorder.

How does he expect me to rest at this rate,did I even ask him to bring me over to his room?.