A day with the first Prince

Zamora P.O.V

Prince Aragon left the dining hall and I followed, he walks into a chamber as he sat behind a desk filled with so many scrolls

I stood in front of the desk as I watched him read through the scroll,he looks troubled and disturbed.

"My Prince are you alright?" I asked

He didn't even give me a glance but kept staring at the scroll.

Why do I even care about him?,I might get attached before realizing.

He stood up and plans to leave the chamber.

"I need some fresh air, just wait here I'll be back"he walks out.

I walked towards the desk to see what got him so worked up.

'Reports Of The Gambling site in the West district'

I read through the scroll and it seems there—.

"What are you doing?".

"This can be fixed easily,you just have to go undercover and seize the building, and if that doesn't work, ermmm Most gambling sites are owned by nobles,the best way to solve this is to establish power and fear in the heart of the nobles,you might want to take their legs away"

"This kind of issue shouldn't get you so worked up" I said unconsciously.

He stares at me blankly.

"I'm sorry My Prince, i didn't mean to read the scroll,".

He walks over to the desk as he sat down quietly.

"I'm sorry My Prince, it seems I made a mistake, I'll leave n—"I tried to leave as he grabs my wrist.

"Stay!" he says firmly.

I stared at him.

"Yes you made a mistake reading a confidential scroll but,you gave a great remark" he smiles softly, giving me a warm feeling.

This is the first time I'm seeing him smile so sweetly.

"Yes my Prince"I stayed by his side,as he reads through the scrolls,time went by as I got more comfortable around him and talked about how he could solve some of the issues written on some scrolls.

"I never knew you were this smart,thought you're just a clumsy girl," he smiles again.

"I'll take that as a compliment My Prince,".

"First Prince, Princess Irina's on her way to the chambers" A maid enters and bows.

Ohh my goodness,she's so pretty,with her blonde hair and her blue eyes brings out the color of her blue attire,I didn't even realize i was staring.

"How dare a maid like you stare at me?," She says with a slight frown.

She walks over and slaps me. I didn't say a word.

"Father told me, the Empire of Ztoa is a very welcoming Kingdom but I didn't expect a slave would treat me so poorly," She faces Prince Aragon.

"My apologies My lady,it seems I didn't train my maid well?,"he places he right palm on his chest and bows slightly.

"Ohh Prince Aragon you're such a gentleman," she's all over him,getting all flirty.

It's so obvious she has ulterior motives.

"Can we talk privately?," she whispers, as she closely moves towards him.

"I've got something to discuss with you," She says.

"Okay then," Prince Aragon orders everyone to leave except me.

"Why is she still here?" She frowns at me

"She's my personal maid...,so Princess Irina, you said you've got something to tell me,".

"Rude of you to let a maid—"

"Get straight to the point, I'm listening" Prince Aragon says, in a stern voice and a slight frown.

"Okay,I'll be frank with you,I detest the notion of getting married to you".

"Okay Princess Irina,I also don't want to—"

"I'm not done yet,but after meeting you and stepping into this castle I've been attracted to you,and you'll definitely make a fine husband and I'll be your queen" She giggles.

Prince Aragon nods with a slight smile

"I heard you're the one taking care of the Kingdom since your father is a bit weak,very soon he'll die and you'll be the next King" she places her hands on his shoulder.

"You should escort the princess to her room"He tells one of the maids.

"I'll see you later my darling" she blows him a kiss as she leaves.

"Are you alright?,"he caresses my cheeks,

"It's a bit red,do you want to see a—"he stares.

"I'm fine My Prince" I smiled

"Princess Irina is the last Princess of Kingdom Estrius,so she's a bit spoilt and has no regard for anyone".

"It's fine My Prince." Why is he so concerned about how I feel about her.

"I think I have an ointment in one of my drawers here," he rummages his drawer in search for the ointment.

"Here it is,I knew I had it in here somewhere" He smiles,as he shows me the ointment.

"I've never seen a Prince so happy to find an ointment for his slave"

"You're not a slave,but my maid" he murmurs

"Thank you my Prince" I collected the ointment and bowed slightly.

I rubbed it on my cheeks.

So she's the Princess of Estrius,if only she knew who I was,she dare not hit me.

"I'm a bit hungry, Ma Gwen already prepared soup" He claims.

"Soup?, In this whether?"

"Yes hurry Amora"

"Yes My Prince."

Did he just call me Amora?.

I went to the Royal kitchen and met Ma Gwen

"Seems the Prince needs his soup"She serves me the hot soup

God it's so hot,why is he drinking this and it smells weird.

"Make sure he drink it before it gets cold, it works better when it's hot" Ma Gwen instructs me

"Yes Ma'am" I nod.

I hurried to his working chamber to serve the soup,accidentally tripping and pouring it all over him.

"You really are clumsy" He frowns at me.

"Couldn't you do one job properly?" he yells.

"I'm sorry My Prince" I'm too scared to look at him,it feels like a different person all of a sudden

He takes off his robe and shirt.

It seems the hot soup burnt his skin a bit,it's red

"I'm sorry My Prince" I took the ointment and rubbed it on his reddened swollen skin.

"I'm so sorry"

"Enough with the sorry" he lifts my chin up and looks into my eyes, I didn't even realize we were this close to eachother.

I could hear my heart beat faster

"You know you haven't beautiful green eyes" he leans forward, I could feel his breath on my skin

I took a step back.

"Thank you My Prince."

"That soup was a sleeping aid,but seems you're going to be my sleeping aid"

"Huh?" I tilt my head a bit

He sits on the chair and told me to sit on the desk,I did exactly as he said.

"Just give me an hour" he looks at me sleepy eyes.

He moves the chair closer to the desk as he places his head on my laps

"My Prince i don't think you should—"

"I find it hard to sleep, just let me stay this way".

"But what if someone comes in?"


"My Prince?... My Prince?"

Did he fall asleep so quickly?.

Seems it would take a while before I get home today.