All I want, is to go home

Zulia P.O.V

I woke up seeing Prince Travis face right in front of mine, he's asleep yet he looks so innocent, then it occurred to me.

'Why am I on Prince Travis bed?'.

He turns a bit facing me, he opens his eyes slowly then notices me.

He sits up and called out for a maid.

The maid hurries inside, he signals her and she runs out of the room.

He sits beside me and said no word.

Zamora runs in, then the First Prince walked in afterwards.

Zamora floods my ears with questions, I can't tell her everything that happened, not infront of the Princes.

I want to tell her that I saw Artemis in another form, I want to tell her I can use my fire element but I don't think she'll understand right away.

"Are you alright?, can you walk?" she asks.

I hugged her "I'm fine Amora, you shouldn't worry about me" I smiled at her.

The first Prince stares at her then walks out, Zamora notices him leaving, he gives off a worried look, her mind seems to be on 'HIM', she finally got attached to him even after I said no.

"You can go, I'm doing fine" I held her hand.

She looks at me.

"Go, it's obvious your mind isn't with me but him" I let her hand go.

She runs after the First Prince, I turned over to seeing Prince Travis still fixated on me, I stared back and spoke no word.

Is he going to stare until his eyes pops out?, it's making me uncomfortable and it's weird he isn't saying anything.

I can't take this anymore,

"Thank you for the kindness you've shown, by treating my wounds and letting me lay on your bed" I said trying to break the silence.

I slowly got off his bed then bowed to him.

"I know you don't mean that gratitude but... I'll take accept it, I also want to thank you for..." he pauses then stares at me again but this time it feels different,

"Thank you for saving my life" he says then removed his gaze from me.

"I am greatly honored but I only carried out my duty as an imperial knight, I only saved My Captain and most importantly I am a knight and as a knight I swore to lay my life to protect the royal Bloodline" I bowed then walked towards the door as I planned to leave.

"Lia!" he called,

"Yes Prince Travis" I turned back facing him.

"You did great, don't belittle yourself, stop putting yourself down into thinking you're weak. Once in a while give yourself praise" He smiled at me.

Why?... Why is he nice to me all of a sudden, I clearly remember during the mission he despises me so much.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I faced him.

he was quiet for a while,

"I realized, i was just taking my misery out on you" he looks at me with an emotionless face but no matter how he tried to hide it, there's sadness in his eyes, his soft gaze, he looks so 'alone'.

Maybe I misunderstood him, maybe he's also going through things he can't share to the world.

"Thank you Prince Travis, I'll take my leave now".

I left his room and headed straight to Prince Cyrus room.

He's still unconscious, i checked his pulse and he seems to be fine but why hasn't he woken up yet, I sat down on the chair beside him.

"Prince Cyrus, get well soon, It saddens me to see you in such position" I stood up as something grabs my dress.

"Prince Cyrus, you're awake?" he was conscious all along.

"Have you fallen for me?, seeing how teary your eyes are, do you miss me that much. I should give you a kis—".

"What was i expecting, a pervert will always be a pervert".

I turned my back to him,

"I'm glad you're alive, I was worried that I thought you won't make out out alive". he says

I turned to see him, he smiles at me so brightly.

"If you didn't make it, I'll not be able to forgive myself for losing my precious blue eye collection" he gives a sad expression.

huh!, he only cares for me being part of his collection not my well being?.

I left his room.

I feel a dizzy, maybe Prince Travis will grant me permission to go back home.

I went to his room and informed him that the third Prince was awake, He didn't seem shocked.

Seems I'm the only one who was still worried thinking he was still unconscious.

"Prince Travis, can I take the day—?"

"Lia, I'm a bit hungry, can you get me something to eat, something chewable, a bit soft yet satisfying." he says.

"Okay Prince Travis".

seems I'll ask him later after I get his food, I want to go home.

I went down to the royal kitchen, almost missing my way there.

"I keep forgetting how big this castle is".

I finally found the royal kitchen and met Ma Gwen, chopping some herbs.

"Hello Ma Gwen".

"Ohh Lia!, I heard you almost died, i was so worried, what brings you to the kitchen?".

"Ma Gwen, that was just an exaggerated rumor, I'm doing absolutely fine".

"You can't fool me, Prince Travis does the same thing, pretending to be fine when he's not. You look so pale, here! have this loaf of bread, I baked it myself, it's my special bread recipe" she hands over a bread to me.

"Ma Gwen, I don't need—".

"Shush!, when last did you have something to eat, you've gone for a mission for days and now you look as thin as a rolling pin, if you want more come over and I'll give you more".

She's so sweet, she reminds me of mother before she became so strict.

"Thank you Ma Gwen, I have to get this soup to Prince Travis".

I got to Prince Travis room,

"Here's your food".

"It's Potato soup, and it's less spicy, chewable and it will be easy to ingest".

"Okay Lia".

He looks at me and takes a spoonful of soup and spilled it on the tray, he tries it over again but he keeps spilling the soup on himself.

He looks so pitiful, I collected the spoon from him.

"Why don't I feed you, I don't think you can handle this by yourself". It's fun how he pretends to be fine when he's not, he looks pale and hasn't gotten enough rest, his wounds reopened and might take a while to heal.

I wonder why he pretends so hard, acting like he's so strong when he's definitely not okay.

"I can feed myself " he forcefully collected the spoon back and tries to feed himself again,

Taking a spoon of the soup but gives up halfway after spilling it on his lips.

I let out a short laugh, he tilts his head,

"Do I look funny?".

"You're so stubborn, just like a child, you know you don't have to act all tough all the time, it's okay to not be okay, once in a while you can be weak" I took out my napkin and wiped his lips.

He looks so adorable, seeing him in this weak state makes him so ... how can I put it. Like I should cuddle him.

"Just let me feed you" I took the spoon of the soup and fed him, he reluctantly refused but eventually gave in.

Emptying the whole bowl but he still looks hungry.

"Do you want more?, Prince Travis".

He ignores my question.

"I have a bread at hand, we can share it if My Prince doesn't mind" I split the bread and gave him half.

I picked up the dirty bowl and walked towards the door.

"You can just send a maid to return it to the kitchen" he says.

arghh... it's not like I don't want to send a maid, I just need a reason to leave this uncomfortable room.

A maid came in, took the bowl and tray then walked out.

"Thank you" he said to the maid

I turned to the Prince,

He really is appreciative today, now its time to ask for the rest of the day off.

"Prince Travis can I take the rest of the day—".

"Can you help me wash up?, I can barely get myself up" he cuts me off again.

I'll just help him out one last time and ask for the day off, I really am weak.

Helping him to the bathroom, as I took his clothes off leaving only his underclothes, he slips into he tub as I fill the tub with water.

While trying my best to divert my attention away from his body, I feel like a wolf in heat, as I fight my lust to pounce on him.

He wets his hair, as the water showers all over his body, I stare at his lips as I'm reminded of that night, that savoury lips of his.

I must leave this bathroom before I do something I might regret.

"Just stay," He says to me, as he noticed i was about to leave.

This isn't right, if I stay here too, I might do something I shouldn't.

I sat on the chair as he soaked in the tub.

"Has he fallen asleep?".

It's must feel nice, I haven't had a bath in a tub in a long time.

He finally opens his eyes after a long while, he takes a deep breath, I helped him out of the tub as I dry him off with a towel, applied ointment to his wounds and dressed him in a light breezy shirt. He lays down on the bed and closes his eyes.

"I'm glad you survived" he whispers.

Was he referring to me?.

It's already late, he ended up using my whole day by sleeping in the tub,

"Prince Travis I'll be going home now," I said to him, I hope he heard me.

I'm so tired

Let me just have a quick nap on the chair then leave.

I sat in the cozy chair next to the bed and went to sleep.