All in all, I must choose Leonora

Travis P.O.V

She seems really uncomfortable around me, I should let her take the day off but... I want her to stay a longer.

I finally left the bathtub, after stalling a bit, she dries my hair with towel as her fingers ruffles around it.

Why am I being this way around her, her soothing fingertips as she applies the ointment, it stings a but I love how she caresses my back.

I finally laid down as I stare at her blue eyes till I fell asleep, seems she'll leave when I fall asleep, she's been trying really hard to leave, I've held her back for too long.

"I'm glad you survived" I whispered.

After a while I woke up as I saw Lia on the chair beside my bed, she fell asleep.

"It must be uncomfortable for her to sleep in a chair".

I carried her and placed her gently on my bed, she moves a bit but didn't wake up.

"You're a deep sleeper".

I tucked the little strand of hair on her face to the back of her ear, her soft lips as it perked out.

She looked pale since this morning but now her skin looks so bright when she sleeps.

I'm tempted as I grazed my palm on her face.

I gently stroke her cheeks, "It's so soft and smooth" she held my palm,

"Father... I promise, I'll avenge you" she whispers in her sleep, is she having a nightmare?.

"And Your Highness, mother I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you" she turns over with my palm in her hands, bringing me over to the bed,

"You have a tight grip". I murmured,

Right next to her, I tried to slip my hands away from her grasp, she rolls herself till she got on top of me.

"How can a lady sleep so..." she places her head on my chest as she murmurs something in her sleep.

"How can you be so carefree when you sleep?, what if I—".

How dare I have indecent thoughts.

I have to get away from under her, I slowly pushed her off me, I noticed her blue eyes slightly opened, she closes it back.

"Oof!, for a while, I thought I was going to be caught"

I heard a knock on the door.

"Prince Travis the fourth Prince arrived not too long ago and requires your presence"

"That brat is around?, what does he wants this time around"

I left Lia in the room as I went to Cyrus's room, Aragon and Ivan were already present.

"Hi Brother" Ivan smiles at me, I ignored his greeting as I stared.

"I already placed the pieces together and it looks like the last piece is a bit of a small fragment, Fathers birthday is quite near, make sure to retrieve it soon".

He walks towards the door,

"Make sure to find it soon, or ...that's the end". He snickers.

Aragon looks at him furiously.

"We have no idea where the last piece could be hidden and there's no more clues, amd we have little to no time left".

Cyrus stares at me intently,

"Why do you have handkerchief with the Neodessa's crest on it?".

"It belongs to Lia" I pulled it out from my pocket,

It really is the crest of Neodessa.

"Doesn't Neodessa have a new ruler, I heard from the affairs". Aragon says.

Cyrus keeps staring as he is lost in thoughts.

What is he thinking about now?.

"But what happened to the previous King?".

"You mean King Roland, he's a fiesty man, I've had a few talks with him when I visited",

"He has the prettiest daughters, well I've never met all three but just one, she had light blonde hair and blue eyes just like that knight of yours" Aragon points at me.

"You mean Lia?".

"Yes, their eyes looks so much alike, i always wonder—".

"Wait... who are those girls" Cyrus finally breaks from the chains of his thoughts

"Lia and Amora, they definitely are not from our kingdom neither do they act like commoners but they're neither nobles".

"What if they're... the lost Princesses of... No I'm thinking way too deep, it's impossible".

I understood what Cyrus was implying, I also had my suspicions but Neodessa has Three Princesses but they're just two, Lia and Amora and never have they acted like they were three.

"We should concern ourselves with more pressing matters" Cyrus says.

"How are we getting the last piece of the gem of Xanxer?"

"Let's break the deal with Ivan" Aragon says.

"And why should we do that?".

"Ivan never agrees to something, only if he's going to gain from it and that alone is scary and enough reason to cut this deal off, he definitely doesn't want our Mother the Queen back to life",

My brother pondered,

"And most certainly i doubt he likes Leonora since her used her, there's also a curse that befall those that plays with the gem, even it's existence causes a lot of misfortunes".

"You want to turn back now?, I risked my life and had a very low chance of making it back alive, and you want to turn your back on Mother?" I yelled.

"Travis, you know we don't meet eye to eye because of your lack of patience, I doubt you even care about Mother, all you care about is that Lady, do you think If you brought Leonora back to life, she'll be glad to see her murderer, she probably wants to rest in pea—".

"For the next in line to the throne, you have a weak heart, I care about Mother and Leonora and I'm sure they'll be pleased to be brought back to life",

"And Cyrus, stop over overthinking silly things, we have to find the last piece and everything will go as planned" I walked out.

How dare He say that to me, I entered my room, my bed has been laid well.

Lia left already, as I saw her handwritten letter on my bed.

'Thank you for letting me use your bed once again Prince Travis, I'll take my leave now'.

Just seeing this... make me feel lost.

Lia has made my heart waver it's best if I stay away from her and harden my heart, for I only belong to Leonora, I owe my soul to her...

But still I want to protect your smile Lia.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but all in all I must choose Leonora.