He is a flirt, stay away.

Flina P.O.V

Ivan and I, have gotten really close 'i suppose', he comes over daily, treats me well and kindly, gives me flowers and kisses me with so much passion yet something doesn't feel right about him.

His smile is so bright yet it gives a dark and cryptic aura.

"Ivan.." I called him, he looks lost in his thoughts and didn't respond.

"Ivan", I gently tap him, he looks at me with a cold sharp stare then switches right to his regular smiley face.

"Ivan are you... alright?" I held his hands as I looked into his eyes.

Ivan rarely look at me for too long, either he avert his eyes from mine or brings up a new topic to discuss.

"Lina", he pulls me by my waist making me sit on his laps.

"I'm doing fine, I just thought of the King," he says.

"The king?, you mean King Lir?" I asked

"Yes the King of this Empire, his birthday is in the next ten days and I just thought maybe you could... perform on his Majesty birthday, there's a singing selection at the castle tomorrow, you have a lovely voice" he rubs his thumb on my cheeks.

"Ivan!, you know I love you and I'll always be here for you, if you need—".

"Where is this coming from Lina?, we were talking about entirely different".

"I just love you too much,, and sometimes I think ... something is bothering you and you can't share with anyone but you can—".

He holds my hand, "You really are the sweetest, there's nothing bothering me, the only thing I think of is YOU," he kisses the back of my hand lightly.

"Do you want to do it?" he slides his hands underneath my dress.

Zulia enters suddenly, I'm startled as I stood up immediately, I haven't seen her in days.

She stares at me right from the door step, then turns towards Ivan.

"I have no control over your life Lina, but would you please do it in his place and not in our living room" she finally steps in as she staggers to her room.

"She must be very tired" I faced Ivan, he gives me a sad expression.

"Would you love to spend the night in my—".

I stopped him before he went any further.

"Ivan, Lia just came and it's been awhile, I also don't think it's appropriate to stay over".

"But I desire and crave your touch my Lady" he sucks on my fingertip.

"Ivan!," I called his name hoping he'll stop.

He doesn't stop, he continues as he grabs me, pulls me closer and kisses my lips then tries to—.

Zamora opens the door, she enters and ignored us and went straight over to her room

"Make sure to lock the door when you're heading out Ivan" she yells from her room.

"Seems I have to head out, don't forget what I asked of you" he kisses me then bites my lower lips gently

"I'll miss you, see you tomorrow darling".


I'll head over to the castle tomorrow, I might be selected to be the main singer on the king's birthday".

It was time for dinner, Zulia and Zamora came out from their room, Zulia sluggishly got out as we dined together.

Zulia explains the mission with the Princes in a cave behind a large waterfall.

I didn't even realize my sister was in such a serious health situation, all I thought was she was tired not knowing she almost died.

Zulia has a tough spirit and can put up with all that comes her way.

"Don't worry Flina I'm fine, The expression on your face looks like you're about to weep" She pets my hair and gives me a bright smile.

She continues explaining,

"His eyes looks just like Artemis', It was him all along, He never died, he was never a wolf from the onset, he was and is still a Gryphon".

"Weren't you scared to see such large Gryphon?".

"I was scared, really scared, I couldn't move until it got close and I saw his eyes then i felt relieve".

She stares deeply at her plate as she is lost in thought, I want to ask where the Gryphon is but it's best if I don't bring it up.

The Next Morning,

Zulia and Zamora already left for the castle, I got dressed and left the house, went for a quick peep at Ivan through the window, he sat on a chair while snaping off the wings of a butterfly, right next to him was a jar filled with wingless butterflies.

I always knew something was dubious about him, from the lack of warmth in his kisses to his dark voided smiles, everything about him is filled with lies and pretense.

"He looks lonely" I muttered, Ivan notices my presence, I smiled at him.

He opens the door, as I stood at the doorstep, I spot the wingless butterflies, he looks atme with no remorse.

I gave him a warm hug, which went on for longer than I expected, he hugs me back but tighter.

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

He finally releases me, his eyes looks cold.

"Seems you're heading to the castle, I'm certain you'll be selected for the lead" he pets my head and kisses my forehead.

"Here have this, I baked it this morning" I handed the pie i made for him.

"You keep doing this every morning, I might get use to expecting your food" he muttered to himself.

Why?, why is he scared of getting used to me.

"Are you scared of attachments?" I asked.

He smiles "I don't like getting attached to things that will die soon" he says

"Die soon?, I know life is short, but I doubt I'll be dying anytime soon, I'll always be by yourside".

"You can't be sure, can you?" he said coldly.

"I am sure, I won't ever leave you".

I left his place for the castle, hoping to see Zulia and Zamora soon.

This is the first time at the castle, it's sooo... big.

I'm facinated by the large emblem being designed on the floor, the inner castle looks bustling and busy, his they're preparing for his royal Majesty birthday.

I walked up to a maid,

"Sorry but do you know where the—?".

"Ohh My, You're so pretty, are you here for the singers selection for the king's birthday" She held unto her broom stick as she is bewildered as kept staring at me.

"Yes.. yes I am" I smiled politely.

"Can I feel your hair?" her eyes twinkled.

I rarely go out because I am the only one, no matter how I dress, I still look like a princess.

"Can I touch it?, it feels so soft" she traces her fingers in my hair, not waiting for my response whether I am comfortable with it or not.

This is really uncomfortable but how can I tell her, I spot Zulia

"Sister!!!" I waved at her.

Zulia notices me, she's walks over to my side,

The maid notices us "You're sisters, you both have dazzling blue eyes" she smiles but her smile seems off.

She scurries away.

"Let me lead you to the selection room, be careful of those in this castle, not everyone likes you" Zulia holds my hand as she leads the way

"Also make sure to call me Lia, you rarely go out so you never had to use our false names".

I entered the room, it was filled with pretty ladies, a man enters as he clears his throat.

"His Highness, the First Prince won't be available for the selection" he says

"But Ladies don't feel bad, I am here, As a Prince of valor, I am more than capable to select which pretty lady shall be the chosen one" He smiles.

Zulia scoffs and rolls her eyes,

"That's the Third Prince, Prince Cyrus, ignore him, he flirts and loves to add people to his pretty collections, if he tries to get close to you, tell him I am your sister, so he'll back off" she whispers.

"Ohh Lia, why are you here?, don't tell me you're here for the selection, I never knew you could sing" He smiles at her as he stares.

That doesn't look like the eyes of a flirt, instead he looks interested in Zulia.

"Enough with the teasing, Prince Cyrus, I'm here to drop my sister".

He turns towards me and stares quietly.

"So there was a 'Third' one" he mutters to himself.

"Nice to meet you, Lia's sister, you have blue eyes just like her and blonde hair" He checks me out. The way he points out my features is concerning.

"It's an honor to meet you, Prince Cyrus" I bowed.

"It's an honor to meet a Princess-like singer, you are just so beautiful, I am—".

Zulia covers his mouth with her palm,

"Don't fall for his tricks, he's a proud flirt" she says.

She suddenly removes her palm from his lips.

"Why did you do that" her face turns red.

"You touched my lips without my permission, I just licked it as a punishment, but with the way your face is as red as a rose, seems you enjoyed it". He snickers

"I'm not falling for that" She walks out

He turns towards me "It's nice you finally came out of your shell My Princess" he smiles then follows after Zulia.

Did he just call me Princess, if Zulia didn't warn me that he was a flirt, I'll have really thought he already found out who I am.