My Amora

Zamora P.O.V

Two days after the selection, Flina was chosen and hasn't stopped talking about it, she's so delighted

"I finally feel like I have something i can do, I don't feel useless or—" She jumps in happiness.

"Flina you were never useless, don't ever say that" Zulia says.

"I won't be going to the castle today, I'm taking a break, I'll go tomorrow for my dress fitting, Prince Cyrus says he hope they find a perfect dress for a perfect Princess like me"

"He called you a Princess?" I asked.

"Don't put any meaning to it, Prince Cyrus is just a flirt, trust me, he is just trying to get close to Flina" Zulia says.

"Well as long as everything is fine, I'll be going to the castle now, and Flina hope everything is going well, you haven't touched that 'book' for a while now".

"I'm trying to stay away from it, though I've gotten a hang of my powers, before I can bring something to life, I have to destroy it" She says

"We'll talk well when I come back, I really have to go now".

Got to the castle a bit late, prepared the Prince bath.

"Good Morning My Prince" I woke him from his sleep.

seems he has been really busy planning for the Kings birthday.

He opens his eyes and looks at me,

"Your bath i ready My Prince".

"It's so nice to see your eyes, the first thing it in morning, it's indeed a good morning" he smiles.

He is awake now, so I took a step backward, he got out of his bed and walks towards me,

what does he want this early morning?.

"My Prince, the water will get cold and it will be unfit for you, the cold water will be harsh on your skin".

"Amora cares about me this much" he whispers in my right ear.

"It's not that I care, as your maid your health is my top priority and I—" he cuts me off,

"Hush! darling, unbutton me, I doubt the water is waiting patiently, as you said it's better i bathe while it's still warm"

"You want me to... How dare I touch your Highness' body".

He ignores me and walks towards the door, he opens it and informs the guards not to bother him for the next hour.

He comes back in and locked the door with keys.

He walked to the bathroom on his own, I stood outside the bathroom door waiting for him to be done.

"Amora!" he calls,

what does he want, hope he is trying to make me bathe him again.

"Amora, I know you heard me call" he repeats.

I walked right in, as I saw his half naked body, soaking wet.

Each time I see his dark hair wet as water drips down, I get this burning feeling insi—.

He drags me by my waist, "Don't you want to touch it, feel it... hold it" he whispers in my ear, as my ear tingles, I could feels his breath on my skin.

He places my palm on his wet muscular chest, when I'm this close to him, I realize how tall My Prince is".

"Are you just going to stay fixated at one point Amora?".

His voice... it's soothing when he calls my name that way, it's not even my real name yet... why is it so seductive?.

"Amora can I—?".

I placed my lips on him, as I'm driven by lust and the scent emanating from his showered body,

He parts his lips from mine and smiles.

"Seems we both want a little bit of ease".

He grabs my waist, pressing my body on his, my dress gets a little damp, his grip is tight as my bo*bs are being pressed against his chest, my cleavage shows off more from the top of my dress.

He lifts me up as he carries me out of the bathroom, droplets from his hair drips on my skin.

I feel the chill from cold water then later the sensation of warmth.

Dropped me on his bed gently,

"I'm not holding back today, My Amora"

Did he just say 'my'?.

He climbs the bed, as my laps stays in between his laps, his wet towel grazed my legs.

He looks at me then smiles,

"I have no idea where to begin, all I know is I want to devour you".

He takes off my shoes slowly as my dress folds up exposing my thighs, I feel hot, shy, dizzy, I can't explain 'what is this feeling of wanting more?'.

He raises my legs as he kisses my legs, then moves to my thighs as he got close to my—,

"Amora, you're to nubile to be left all alone"

he lays forward as he kisses my neck, then bites it.

I can get a whiff of his scent by being underneath him, it's the scent of cool breeze mixed with his natural lusciousness.

He bites more, seems he loves to give love bites, I felt something crawling up into me.

"Awwwugh!!!" my eyes widened.

My breathing intensify, did I just make that sound?, it's hard to concentrate, what is he doing down there?.

"Relax my darling, don't be too tensed, it's just my finger" he whispers in my ear then bites my ear lobe.

I'm losing every ounce of my energy each time he thrust his finger, he slides another finger in as it pressing my insides.

"Unghhhhh!" I moaned, I feel embarrassed, what if someone heard me.

"The way you moan, makes me lose my mind, look at me, call my name". He thrusts in deeper.

"Unghh!!" I can't hold in, no matter how much I hide it.

"That's not what I want to hear, Say my Name".

What am I feeling...more I want more

He kisses my cleavages. simultaneously while stealing glances of my expressions.

"My Prince... more" I said as tears drips from my eyes, it feels so good.

"When you look at me with those eyes, how can I disagree, you're loosen up now, I'll go in slowly and fill you up leaving no space inside"

How can he say those embarrassing words out?.

His face is right in front of mine, as he kisses my lips, his passionate kisses always felt like our souls mixed together