I'm sorry it's for the best.

Zamora P.O.V

His muscular body right on top of me, as our scents mixed together, I feel hot everywhere he touches, i want more.

We heard a knock on the door

"Prince Aragon!!!" a voice from the other side of the door.

"I thought I said no one should bother me for the next hour" he murmurs.

"My beloved Fiance!!!". The voice shouts happily.

The first Prince slides out his fingers as it made a slicky sound.

He stood up as he got dressed without a rush, taking his sweet time.

"It's me Princess Irina" she knocks more.

I stood up from his bed immediately.

"Take your time Amora, don't rush" he pecks my forehead.

I didn't even take off my dress yet he made me felt that immense amount of pleasure.

I went towards the door and opened it

Princess Irina walks right in, hitting my shoulder as she enters.

"My beloved Fiance" she opens her arm wide, expecting a hug,

'Fiance?' my blood boils as I am disgusted in the forbidden intimacy I just had with the first Prince.

She walks up to him,

"Seems like you didn't read my letter, I have finally agreed to marry you, My Parents and Siblings are coming over a day before the king's birthday, so we can start the preparations, my dear future husband, but before anything I like to deal with her first"

The first Prince looks at her uninterested.

She turns towards me,

"I wonder what this wh*re was doing in my Fiance' room with the door locked, why do you look all flustered?" she clocks am eyebrow.

I bowed and didn't look at her face, last time I did so, I got slapped in the face by this low class Princess.

Immediately I heard a loud clap sound, it was too loud not to notice.

Ohh wait!... she slapped me again, my face looking the other way than it was.

"How dare you ignore me when I'm right before you?, you dare belittle me with that icky green eyes of yours"

The First Prince looks at me, his eyes is filled with rage, it's obvious he's trying his best not to lose his composure.

He held Irina's wish and drags her towards him.

"Why... did you hit My Maid?" he said in a low yet terrifying tone, as I felt chills down my spine.

"When did I get engaged to a princess like you? and who gave you the right to utter my name and dare to call me 'Your Fiance'?".

She shivers and coils up like a snail hiding in its shell, he releases her wrist, her fair skin has turned pale as her wrist has become red, seems her held her too tight.

"I can never marry the likes of you, a Princess like you, disgus—".

"First Prince you dare treat me this way because of a maid" She faces me as she grits her teeth.

I noticed a green piece of green gem as her pendant in-between her cleav*ges, it made my insides burn, I'm angry... furious for some reason

I want... I want to kill her.

A black aura emanates from my skin as it envelops my body,

Princess Irina looks at me with shock

"Your eyes... they're black" she mutters as she fell to the floor, seems she fainted.


I keep hearing a repeating voice in my head.

"Orah... you finally let me out, all it took was a piece of Inar and I am finally free" the voice whispers... over and over again in my head

My Prince stares at Princess Irina's body as he knelt down beside her fainted body.

"All along, the last piece of Xanxer was with you" he snatched the pendant right from her neck with force, her neck chain breaks as it tears a bit of her skin.

He stood up, summoned the guards to pick her up and place her in the guest room.

"They rushed in and carried her out"

"You!!!, call the royal doctor and let him tend to her" He said to one of the guards

"Yes Your Highness" the guard bows then leaves.

It's just the two of us in the room, the voice in my head is gone,

The Prince looks at me with sadness,

"Can I even protect you?, I can't even hit a woman who just hit my woman, I'm burning inside... how dare she hit you, and this is not the first time, Amora I'm sorry" he breaks down as he gently touches my cheeks.

He has the sweetest touch but...

"I'm sorry My Prince but I think we should stop, nobody would gain from this, we can never be together, for I am a maid".

He looks at me disheartened,

I know I am not a maid but... we still can't be together even though I have feelings for him, I have other responsibilities, and that's my kingdom, the minute we save Neodessa I shall be the new ruler. I'm sorry it also hurts my heart.

"That's no excuse,there's no rule that says I can't betroth my maid... but if that's your wish Amora, I won't force you to be with me".

"It's for the best, we can't be together" I said to him.

He hugs me tight then finally releases me,

"You're excused for the rest of the day",

He said as he walked out of the room, he didn't even give me one glance before he left.

All I saw was his back turned against me.

Why so I feel... broken?, like I lost something inside of me.

Zulia warned me not to get attached... if only I heeded.