Flower sprout

Flina's P.O.V

I walked right to my room falling on my bed, wrapping myself with blanket due to the cold,, as I sink into the softness and solace the bed brings, I slowly close my eyes falling into a deep trance.

I open my eyes seeing myself or should I say... seeing Inar, her golden blonde hair and her white silky dress.

"Come my darling, sweet and strong, My all powerful I made so young" she stretches her hands to me.

I walked closer to her,

"Are you willing to let me take over... Your FLESH". She smiles brightly but it gave an eerie feeling.

"huh!. No, why would I agree to such?".

She looks at me slightly angered,

"Don't you want to avenge Mother?, Mother was killed in a very pathetic wa—".

"She's my mother, not yours" I walked more closer to her.

"You may look like me but you're not me, you're dark, rotten like the fruits and flowers around you, I would never give up my body to you".

She smiles at me creepily,

"What if... I give to you Ivan?" she move closer to me, turning her head sideways facing me.

"You want Ivan don't you?, I will make him yours all you have to do is give me your body".

"I refuse".

Her eyes gleams read as she viciously tears off her dress, black inscriptions written all over her, the inscriptions crawls up and fills her up, she falls to the ground groaning in pain.

"I despise you, I saved your dying body from Xanxer and this is how you repay me" she screams.

"POSSESSED" I read the inscriptions all over her body.

"I will never let you take over" she squirms,

"You're weak, naive ... foolish, I'm better being the possessor than YOU!"

I touched her and whispered to her

"I finally understand, I am you, you are me but slightly different, you've lived longer than I have, being born over and over, over the passing centuries but it stops now cause now I am the new YOU".

"You're foolish... you forgot the warning and let Orah to run wild, she slowly disappears as my hair turn golden-blonde, the rotten fruit vanishes and My world became fruitful, this place is no longer a place of emptiness but a beautiful garden, one of the flower blooms magically as someone sprouts, A tiny fellow with gold blonde hair and red eyes.

"So tiny"

It bows and blinks adorably "Master, you have to go now" she says.

it's all coming to me, the memories from the past Inar, floods into me, it's getting hard to breath, I struggle as I wake-up back in my room.

The room feels cold and masked with a black thick fog, I ran out seeing Zamora lifeless on the floor.

"Zamora!!!" I yelled out immediately, I knelt beside her.

Her skin is pale, cold and dry...

"Zamora!!!" I shakes her inorder to revive her but she didn't move. Her breathing is low.

'she's dying'...

"I can do this" gathering up courage to revive her,

"I just have to concentrate my energy on her core" i placed my hands on her tummy,

"Chal Utrie Ul Zui" I whispered, sending energies to her core and spreading them evenly, she wakes up with a heavy gasp, her eyes pitch black as she stares right at me, she pushes me away.

"You're so adamant, the book clearly gave a warning, Did you not read the warning?" her breathing is unsteady as she talks.

"We.. we are meant to control it separately not together, that's the sole reason Zulia left but.. but you went ahead and ruined—"

"Stop screaming at me, I'm not a child, I did not call for her, all I did was sleep, Inar was the one who called for me but regardless I'm in full control" I smiled at her.

"Well great for you but you made it worse for me, the air is getting thinner and I'm finding it hard to breathe, Orah keeps whispering in my ears and trying to control me.. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR IMPATIENCE!!!" she groans, her breathing worsesn as she frowns at me, her eyes still remains black, I sit her up as she tries to control her breathing.

"I should leave, so you could control it"

"Don't go... it's going to devour me if I don't fight back".

"Then... then fight back, you shouldn't wait until it controls you".

"HOW!!!, how can I fight something that's is ME, it's me, I am Orah and Orah is me",

"It's me all along, but how can I fight Myself?".

"Take a deep breath, maybe the book can help"

There must be something in this book that could help.