A meeting with the Old Lion

Artur II

Yesterday, one of the most powerful and feared lords of the Seven Kingdoms, the Lord of Casterly Rock, the man who instigated the Rains of Castamere, the one who betrayed the Targaryens and plundered King's Landing, and my grandfather.

Lord Tywin of House Lannister, The Old Lion of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Father of Queen Cersei Lannister/Baratheon and Jaime 'The Kingslayer,' Lannister.

From my knowledge from both books and conversations between the servants, my grandfather was a cold, calculating, and ambitious man, like my first father. Yet he also cared for his family, maybe not to a point of like other grandfathers but he still cares that carry his blood.

It was yesterday that I had first saw Tywin, he had an intimidating aura and a freezing gaze not many could withstand, I could see mother and uncle looking anxious at him while father was one of the few who were either confident in their stance or foolish enough to not know not to tumble with a lion, as old as he may be.

Joff was completely under our grandfather's gaze, he was shivering at his sight, clutching on my sleeve as he tried his best to hide behind me from grandfather's gaze. I knew our grandfather was a dangerous man and as many in the Empire said, 'First impressions matter,' I stood there, in silence, not quivering, not shaking, not faltering under his sight. Facing him with confidence but not defiance, I had an urge to smile yet my inner self knew better and told me to stand still, it would only be a few seconds of our eyes crossing each other, his calculating emerald, and my calm forest green. His gaze then shifted to my father's and that was when the bread and salt was given, a few more moments later and mother would see us to her chambers, Joff to be cared for by some wet nurse of midwife while I was to be learning from Pycelle yet he was called by my grandfather so as a substitute, one of his junior Maesters filled his role.

Mother and uncle Jaime were also called to meet with grandfather, as to the reason why I had yet to know, until now.

"Remember, be mindful of your words and manners."

"Yes, mother."

Both of us said, we were sitting on our chairs, as always, Joff was as near to me as possible, his seat nearly touching mine. Mother was sitting at our left while uncle Jaime stood close to the seat to our right while an empty seat was in front of us.

While waiting, I was quite anxious, sweat nearly dripping down my brow with the only thing I heard in my ears were that of the beats of my heart. The silence was deafening until there was a knock on the door.

"Lord Tywin, your Grace."

"Open the door."

As mother's words left her mouth, the doors to the room opened with a few footsteps filling the silence of the room. As if practiced, mother and I stood with Joff following suit.

"Your Grace."


Joff and I stood looking at both mother and grandfather. When his gaze slowly turned to us, Joff quickly put his hand to my sleeve, one thing I've yet to teach Joff is to not fear others so quickly though progress on that is still non-existent. My spine told me to shiver but I withheld its shrieks of fear, we had stood for a good second until grandfather sat down on his seat. The sound of the chairs moving filled the room for the moment as all of us took a seat.


"Yes, grandfather?"

"Do you know what kind of prince you are? What role you've been born to?"


Before I could say anything, mother had interfered.

"I don't think that's the most appropriate of questions, father. He's only recently had his fifth nameday."

Grandfather gave her a short gaze until locking eyes with me.

"Artur, is it true that the servants of the Red Keep seen you read books hours after nightfall?"

"Yes, grandfather. Sometimes I have one of the servants bring me extra candles when I read the longer books."

"And what books do you read?"

"I cannot remember their names, I only know they concern the histories of both Westeros and Essos as well as that of the many leaders and commanders of Westeros, especially those of Targaryen lineage."

"And I'm guessing that you've heard of the many Kings and Princes of the Targaryens? You have heard of Duncan 'The Small,' of Daeron 'The Good,' and of Jahaerys 'The Conciliator'?"

"I have grandfather yet none give any credit to the different Hands, two such are Viserys II and that of former Lord Brynden Rivers, men who are not well remembered by us but men who held the Kingdoms together in the most turbulent of times though both men pale in comparison to your own deeds as Hand, grandfather. Without you, the Mad King could've fractured the Kingdoms a few years into his reign."

As I finished speaking, grandfather then turned his gaze on mother.

"At least there's someone I can leave my legacy to."

Mother hid her frustration well but I could clearly see it, she loved both Joff and I, more than any one in this world and to hear an insult on not just her and uncle Jaime but to Joff as well. Grandfather's gaze then went back to me, his questions were akin to that of Lord-Archon Tureus when I had first arrived to the Imperial Palace.

"Now, Artur, what King do you think you'd be?"

"I don't know, I cannot say what king I shall become because there are trials and obstacles I shall go through, one such example is the Defiance of Duskendale, the Mad King could've been a good king had it not been for the horrible situation he found himself in. Mayhaps, Princess Rhaenyra could've been a wonderful queen were it not for the order Westeros was in."

At my remark about Princess Rhaenyra, grandfather had let out a small laugh. Mother and uncle Jaime were quite stunned at the scene, I had heard days earlier from uncle Jaime that grandfather stopped smiling after his wife, grandmother, had died.

"Most lords of Westeros think that a woman has no single right to rule even though their household is ruled by them, your grandmother, Lady Joanna, oversaw the going ons of Casterly Rock when I was Hand with assistance from your granduncles, Kevan and Tygett, though most things were decided by her."

Grandfather said giving emphasis on the word 'ruled,' to make everyone in the room understand.

Mother made a bittersweet smile from the utterance of grandmother, I heard she was close to her like a any mother and daughter, it was the reason why mother hated her youngest brother, my other uncle, Tyrion, someone I have yet to meet. After a few moments, grandfather continued speaking.

"You are correct to assume that you won't be the same boy as you are when you become a man but I'll ask a far more important question. What kind of king do you think is best? What trait must a king have to be successful in ruling and administrating his rule?"


"Yes. A king must be intelligent in his ways."

"But a king must be just, must be strong, and must be good in his ways to rightfully use his knowledge lest he use it wrongfully and burn his kingdom."

From that, grandfather had a smile with his gaze becoming warm.

"Well we shall see if you have the aptitude to use your intelligence for the good of the realm. A house with great wealth and fertile lands asks you for your protection against another house with a strong navy that one day might oppose you, now what would you do in that situation?"

"How far away are we from the houses? How large is our navy? How large are our banners? How large are our treasuries? A king cannot answer the question so easily without the full knowledge of the situation. Like the Targaryens did with Dorne, they thought Dorne would fall like the northern kingdoms but they never realized that the deserts were their weakness, they never realized that for an army to fight, they need to go to their destination first and to do that one would need supplies, one would need logistics."

Grandfather then turned his gaze back to mother.

"Cersei, in a fortnight, I wish to have Artur foster at Casterly Rock where I shall teach him all I can in the ways of administration and ruling. Joffrey shall be fostered at Casterly Rock as well at a later date, unless you have other plans for him."

"May we discuss this at another time, father? I wish to finish my meal with my sons before speaking of their future."

"Then so be it. When I leave, I shall inform His Grace of my wishes to foster Artur at Casterly Rock and speak with the Lord-Hand on having the boy be squired for either Ser Barristan or your brother. Joffrey shall be considered in the fostering but you shall be the one to choose whether or not he shall squire under some knight, do you understand?"

"Yes, father."


Grandfather then went to eating his meal as we all did. Might this be a good opportunity, or a horrible one? I do not know but I shall see in the future if my actions have been for the better or for the worse.