How far can a Mother's love go?

Cersei I

Artur, my firstborn son, my darling boy. My Golden King. The bright light of the Red Keep, as many of the servants liked to call him. Ever since his birth, he had become the one thing that kept me from going mad in this blasted castle, before Joffrey, Art was the only person in the Red Keep who could keep myself from riling up. I always dreamt of seeing him on the Iron Throne as Joffrey wields a Valyrian Steel sword against his enemies.

And yet, I never expected him to be fostered at such an early age. My son, my darling lion, being taken away from me by my own father. I will not see it happen, I will not allow it to happen. I'll do all I can to keep my son with me, anything for my darling boy.

And so I struck, I called my father to the same room he dined with us in. Sitting there in silence with one of my handmaidens to keep me company. Then the knocking of the doors sounded.

"Lord Tywin, your Grace."

"Let him in."

Like always, the doors opened and father came walking in, his normal serious and calculated steps going to the chair in front of me. Standing to show respect, my handmaiden did the same.


I said as I motioned for the handmaid to leave.

"Why have you called for me, your Grace?"

"I would like for us to sit first to start."

Nodding, father sat down as I did the same.

"Now, tell me. Why have you called for me?"

"I want to open the situation on Art's fostering."

"What's there to discuss?"

Then there it was, his gaze, cold and freezing on any it laid its eyes on. Ever since I was a child, father always had that gaze that frightened me.

"You don't mean to say that Artur cannot foster to Casterly Rock. If not Casterly Rock then where?"

"Nowhere. He is my firstborn son, like all firstborns, he shall and will always be with me."

"You have on several occasions proclaimed your role in this family's future, now that you have fulfilled it, all you need to do now is give birth to more of Robert's children, the greatest thing you've done is give birth to Artur, as of yet Joffrey has yet to show any aptitude in any way, shape, or form, that may be mitigated with a proper fostering either under someone of great martial prowess or naval might."

"You cannot do this, father. You're stealing my first boy, my son from my arms!"

"You're my daughter! And he is my grandson! You will do as I command and foster him at Casterly Rock!"

"And so you'll pluck him out of my arms for what? To make an heir you never had?"

"Yes. If it means giving millions of Gold Dragons to Robert for his whoring and drinking then I shall do everything to foster him. You don't understand the weight that boy can bear on the Iron Throne, hell we've never seen anyone of his likeness ever since Jaehaerys. Were you listening to his words at our meal this morning, you'd know from my lectures that he'll become a king we've never seen before."

Tears already forming in my eyes as I already knew that nothing would change his mind, as a last plea I begged, even threatened.

"I'd rather see the whole world burn than have my son ripped from my arms."

Tears dripping down my face as father's expression never ceased to haunt me.

"I've spoken with Robert and Lord Arryn and they've agreed to have him fostered at Casterly Rock. On the other hand, Ser Barristan has yet to agree or decline the offer of squiring Artur."

The sudden sound of his chair moving had forced me out of my sadness, wiping my tears away, I looked up and saw him standing.

"We will not discuss this again. You've done your part for the Family, all you can do now is have more children, I will not let you endanger the future of this family, of the future of the Seven Kingdoms."

Then his footsteps walked off and faded as the last thing I heard was the doors opening and closing as I sat there sobbing and crying.

Ser Barristan I

Ser Barristan Selmy, called 'The Bold,' by the ones who could remember but known as 'The Old,' by those too young to have seen. Serving as a Kingsguard for several decades to both Jaehaerys II and his son, Aerys II, the Mad King, now appointed as the Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard of King Robert. He had summoned me to his chambers to speak of matters upon his son and heir.

And there was Ser Jaime, I have no inclination as to how he still had his Whitecloak, he disgraces it and taints it with the blood of his own King, though I pity him, forever named as 'Kingslayer,' and 'Oathbreaker,' no man should live that way.

"Ser Jaime."

"Lord-Commander, I expect you'd wish to meet His Grace?"

"Please inform His Grace of my request of audience."

Nodding Ser Jaime knocked on the door.

"What the fuck is it!"

"Ser Barristan requests an audience with you, Your Grace."

It would only be a few moments later when the doors would open and a woman would come walking out. Nodding my head in respect, I had at least expected His Grace to be in his cups, not in his whores.

"Come in!"

Finally, walking through the doors and standing in front of His Grace, he sitting down on his seat and drinking a cup of wine, like every normal day.

"Your Grace, you summoned for me."

"See Barristan. Remove your helm."

I did as I was ordered and removed my helm. King Robert grew fatter and fatter by the day though his physique was still similar enough to his former self to not look any different.

"As the Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard, that would mean you are also my sworn-shield, aye?"

"Well, your Grace. Most Lord-Commanders of the Kingsguard have been always seen by the side of their Kings, mayhaps to inform them and advise them in martial matters or to only protect them from swords unseen by themselves."

"I see, I relieve you of that duty and give you a new one. Lord-Commander Barristan Selmy, I want you to be the sworn-shield of my son, Artur, and train him as your squire."

Kneeling and bowing my head in thanks, such an honor has only been bestowed by few.

"Your Grace, no honor has ever been bestowed upon me, thank you."

"Stand, Ser."

The clinking of my white-golden armor filled the room, standing at attention to the orders of His Grace.

"I hope there's still some of that Boldness that you're famed for, Ser. I want my son to learn from the best of the best and I trust only you to do that."

"When shall I start his training, Your Grace?"

"On the morrow. Wake him as early as your normal squires would. And don't worry, he's been informed of the situation."

"Might I take my leave, Your Grace? I shall prepare what I shall need to squire for the prince."

"You may."

As I was walking to the doors, King Robert shouted.

"Oh! Ser Barristan!"

Turning around, I faced His Grace.

"Your Grace."

"Whatever my wife tells you, don't listen to her shit. All she'll ask of you is to go easy on Artur."

"Your Grace."

I said bowing, now leaving the chambers of His Grace and walking off to prepare for the squiring of Prince Artur.

Artur III

It was late at night, I was writing down some things I would need to do once I become King. Some mundane acts such as the remodeling of King's Landing's sewage system as well as its expansion to house the rising population of over half a million, something that cannot be so easily housed in such enclosed areas.

Then the far more important act would be for the creation of a Royal Retinue, some ten thousand men at best and five thousand at worst. If history told me anything, it's that whomsoever wields the greatest armies, shall eventually sit on the greatest throne. I learned that the hard way when 'The Chaos,' occurred where a civil war occurred in the Empire between I, republican forces, forces loyal to a false claimant to the throne, and that of the Ortendos Sect of the Imperial Faith. Millions died in the war because of the Imperial Army's unequipped and unprepared forces, I will not let that happen now. Not in this world.

As I was writing, a knock was heard from my doors.


Mother. Walking to my doors, I opened it to see her, she was tired and quite stressed, her eyes were red from crying I suppose.

Out of the blue, mother took me to her arms and carried me to my bed where she hugged me. I could feel tears forming at her eyes as she muttered something inaudible to me.

"Mother, what happened?"

"Nothing happened, Art. Nothing."

Her voice, defeated and sad, had she been in another argument with father? No, father's chambers were never opened for the day save only for that of Ser Barristan. What had happened? The only way for me to get her to say it would be to play a child.

"Mother is lying! And lying is bad!"

She had giggled at my 'outbust,' kissing my forehead she then replied.

"I'm so sorry, my little cub. Your mother shan't lie anymore."

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"You know how much I love you, Art, don't you?"

Nodding, she then continued.

"Remember when your grandfather said he would have you fostered at Casterly Rock?"

"Your home."

"Yes, where I and your uncle Jaime were born in. I had an argument with your grandfather on your fostering."

"Why? Isn't a fostering good?"

"Yes, it is but not for you."

"Why? Is there something wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, my cub. Never say that, you're the single greatest son a mother could ever ask for and that is the reason why you cannot go. I don't want you to go, I'd rather see the Red Keep burn than see you away from me."

"That is bad, mother. Bad things shouldn't happen to our home."

"Hehe, yes nothing should ever happen to our home."


"Yes, my cub?"

"Can you tell me the story of the Mother Lion and her Cub in the Kingswood, again?"

"Of course, my cub. There was once a Mother Lion and her Cub who lived in the woods, the Kingswood, the Mother Lion loved her son very much and kept him safe at all times from all dangers.

Dangers such as wolves who howled into the night and frightened him but his Mother reassured him and told him,

"You are a Lion, my Son. A Lion does not fear those below him, does not fear the monsters of the night as once you roar your power into the air, they shall bow before you and bring you a crown of gold."

But her son still feared the night and said to her, "But will I be strong and fierce like father? Will I be a lion like him?"

And she said, "Yes, my son, you need only to roar to show them your power.

All of the stags of the dark woods,

the falcons of the tall mountains,

the fishes of the long rivers,

the wolves of the freezing snows,

the vipers of the searing heat of the deserts,

the kraken of the never-ending seas,

even the land itself will bow to you and they shall rest a crown upon your head and kneel."

Then once the light of day sprung upon the Kingswood, the Mother Lion and her Cub walked out of their home and the Cub roared.

The leaves of the trees and bushes of the Kingswood shook as his roar echoed throughout the world.

Then, the many animals came out but not to fight but to kneel, the wolves came running down the hills and knelt as the fishes knelt in the rivers and the kraken in the seas.

The falcons, on the branches of the tall trees, the vipers under the shade.

The last to arrive were the stags as two of the largest and most beautiful of them came carrying a crown upon their antlers and then rested it upon the head of the Cub.

Good night my darling Cub. I love you."

"I love you more, mother."