Chapter 27

As Lina mentioned, the academy made an announcement that a freshman meeting was scheduled. She puts up notices like bulletins on bulletin boards in the hallway, so she's sure no one will know. I also read the notices posted on the bulletin board one by one and quickly checked the detailed schedule and location.

The meeting will be held next Saturday, and the location is the auditorium where the entrance ceremony was held. Attendance is personal, but I prefer to attend because of Lina's pressure.

"What? You think you're going to the freshman reunion?"


The weekend passed by.

After finishing all the simple exercise and writing, I headed to the gym and met with Nicole. As if she had just finished all her battles, her body was covered in sweat.

Nicole asked me in a voice that did not understand a little while wiping the sweat dripping down with a towel at my words.

"Suddenly? I thought you wouldn't like it?"

"I happened to be able to attend."

"…how did it happen?"

For a moment, Nicole's voice became slightly cold. At the same time, the golden eyes exposed through the towels covering his face became fierce. As the youngest is the older sister who loves the youngest, it seems that she understood what had happened to me.

As soon as I saw Nicole's eerie eyes, I hurriedly opened my mouth. I felt my plight once again that I had to be careful about every word I said to her older sister.

"No, there's nothing to worry about, sister. I'm attending out of curiosity."

To my lie, Nicole responded with a nuance that she would not believe it, but that she would pass on it.

"…Okay then. Is the reason you came to me for a meeting? To ask?"


"Hmm… It's a meeting…"

Nicole wiped the sweat from her face and began to think deeply. I waited for her to open her mouth.



As I stood still and waited, a familiar voice reached my ears. It has a husky yet boyish tone.

When he turned his head, he saw Adelia, Nicole's friend, walking towards him from afar. As if she had just finished all the battles, sweat was dripping down her cheeks.

"What were you talking about? Hug me too."


Adelaide, who came closer, wrapped one arm around my neck and treated me friendly. I was more than embarrassed by the sudden touch.

The reason was skinship, but Adelia's outfit was a problem. Currently, Adelia is wearing so-called sleeveless clothes.

Not only did you feel the soft touch of bare skin, but the subtle scent of the body mixed with sweat stimulated the sense of smell. It was really stimulating for me, who had no contact with the opposite s*x except for my family.

Even in my previous life, I was even more embarrassed because I couldn't communicate because of the shock of the death of my parents.

"Hey! What are you doing? Get away from my brother right now!"

Nicole also shouted that Adelia's skin ship was unexpected and hurriedly put it away. It freed my neck from Adelia's arms, but I couldn't stop her face from burning.

However, Adelia was shivering with a smile despite Nicole's violent behavior.

"Are you doing this because you're afraid I'll do something stupid to your brother? Don't worry. Your little brother is cute, but it's not my style."

"Noisy. In my eyes, you're just a dangerous person. Maybe you haven't erased the memory of throwing a ball at Isaac?"

"…that was a real mistake. I'm really sorry."

When Nicole brought up the incident that had occurred two weeks ago, Adelia immediately apologized for not having anything to say.

And after that, Adelia hurriedly changed the topic, feeling a little embarrassed when Nicole shot her with a venomous gaze.

"By the way, what were you talking about? I came here because I was curious."

"…It's okay. Isaac is going to the freshman meeting."

"A freshman meeting?"

Adelia's eyes widened and she turned to me. There was a deep interest in her sky blue eyes.

"It's a freshman meeting… It reminds me of the old days. It was really fun back then."

"You don't know, but I was the worst."

It seems that Nicole and Adelia also attended the freshman meeting.

Also, Adelia was smiling as if it was quite fun, while Nicole looked fed up. It's really an extreme reaction.

"Anyway, freshman gatherings are similar to social churches, but they aren't exactly the same. Freshmen and seniors can get together and laugh, talk and play. It's going to be a lot more fun than Isaac thinks, right?"

"Is there nothing else? Aren't political stories going back and forth like a social church or a ball?"

"What kind of politics do kids like you know? It's literally a gathering to make friends."


Does Nicole really know? I knew that Lina, the imperial princess who was closely related to politics and nobody else, seduced me. But I wouldn't let it come out of her mouth, as she's going to give me some worry.

I quietly listened to Nicole's explanation and started asking questions about this and that.

"Are there only freshmen in attendance?"

"Except for a few seniors and teaching assistants, there will be only freshmen."

"What should I wear to go? It's not even on the notice."

"It doesn't matter if you go in school uniform, but it's better to dress neatly. You know there's a saying that clothes are wings, right?"

"Even if our nobles are like that, what about commoners?"

"The clothes here are pretty cheap. And the Halo Academy also gives scholarships to commoners."

Nicole answered all my questions, then clapped her hands and said it was all right.

"Yeah! I think I'll take this opportunity to buy Isaac's clothes. It's a good timing because the match is over just in time."

"I've got something from home."

"Would you like to wear it? Absolutely not. This older sister will decorate it with so much effort, so come along quietly."

It feels like the story suddenly changes to shopping. Still, it's not too bad, I've been locked up in the house all this time, so Nicole should know better about fashion.

Nicole told me with a look of anticipation that she had decided to go shopping.

"I'm waiting here until my sister washes up and comes back. I'll go and come back soon."


"Adel. Would you like to go with me?"

"I pass. I want to sleep now."

So, Nicole and Adelia went to wash up. I watched the two of them walk down the dark aisle, and put my buttocks to the ground. The sensation of the cool stone floor was transmitted through his hips.

As I waited, I pondered in my mind how the meeting would proceed.

'Is it liking a welcome party for new students?'

Even at the welcome party for new students, they will not brag about their talents or show off their talents like in the previous university. The play culture here isn't very developed, and you might think it's vulgar.

Perhaps the first time the host will be the host, and after that, you will be given free time. You can also invite musicians to play instruments to enhance the atmosphere.

It is a meeting that I was semi-forced to attend because of Lina, but I am looking forward to it. Maybe it will ease my narrow interpersonal relationship a little bit?

'Come to think of it, are all the people you can call acquaintances women?'

Cecily, Marie, Lina, Cindy, Adelia.

These five people have been friends since I entered the academy and have maintained a smooth relationship to this day. Even I didn't come first, they came first.

In the previous life, after my parents died, I was almost cut off from the people around me, and even after reincarnation, that didn't change. Even my current parents were worried about my personality, but I am living well.

'Looking like this, it seems like there is something wrong with my personality…'

Rather than making many friends, I tend to build deep relationships with a few friends. Also, I want the other side to approach me first rather than approach me first.

He doesn't have the courage to approach strangers first, and he doesn't have such a great affinity that he becomes friends in a matter of seconds. To be honest, I was grateful to those who willingly approached me.

Even if it bothers me sometimes, I can pass on it insignificantly. Unless it has something to do with Xenon's biography.



"Why are you so bruised? Let's go now."

While immersed in thoughts, Nicole came back after completing her revenge. I listened to her and got up from her seat.

"Did Adele go first?"

"Yeah. I wanted to follow you, but today I was tired, so I went in first. But when did you start calling Adele's sister?"

"My sister Adele told me to call her that. I had a conversation with her when she went out to fight for a while."

"Hmm… Yeah? Didn't you say something useless?"

"Anyway? Except pinching my cheeks or asking what my ideal type is?"

"These twins…"

did I just say I had no choice but to pay attention to Nicole's expression, which had begun to contort like a demon.

"Whoa… no. I'll think about this later, do you have any clothes that Isaac has in mind?"

"About a robe?"

"It's a robe…"

Nicole looked me up and down in response to the reply. Then he nodded his head and said, as if he had caught on.

"Surely, Isaac is skinny, so a robe would be perfect. The overall style is not flashy and simple?"


"Hmm… Still, it would be nice if the scarf had a pattern on it. Choose a suit that is similar to your hair color."

"Red? So, isn't it too conspicuous?"

Still, the hair is red, and if you are to distinguish it in detail, it is bright red, so it stands out from a distance. Their eyes are shining like a wild beast, so once you meet them, you can never forget them.

But even to my question of denial, Nicole opened her mouth by waving her index finger.

"There's something Isaac misunderstood. Even if it's not clothes, you stand out everywhere with just your red hair."

"… …"

"Right now, Dave was known for his red hair before he became famous for his skills?

If that's the case, then there's nothing left to say. I've thought about it before, but in this world, it seems that red hair is rare, so it's almost non-existent.

"By the way, do you know what he is doing now?"

"Well? I sent you a letter, but you're still training. I don't know the details."

"Are you thinking of joining the Navy Knights too?"

"I would like to do that if possible, but the Navy Knights are not the name of a dog, so it is not easy to join. The competition ratio is a whopping 1 to 100, and there are many people who move to other places because it is so difficult."

Hearing this, I think I know just a little bit how strong my father is. He was not an ordinary knight, but even a knight leader, so he would have been treated as a tactical weapon in the Minerva Empire.

The Navy Knights fight more often with this race than with humans. It has been quiet lately, but in the past, it had clashes with beasts who crossed the border without any attempts, and even fought with elves.

I thought about whether my father would be a hermit master in fantasy, and then moved on to another question.

"Did your sister also attend the freshman meeting?"


"Are you wearing a dress?"

"It was the first time in my life that I wore a dress."

"What happened then?"

It's a little harsh for me, my younger brother, to say this, but my older sister, Nicole, has a very beautiful appearance just like her mother. Moreover, she has a healthy body thanks to the constant training under her father from the old days.

Did this beauty wear a dress and attend the meeting? It's normal for her to get all kinds of attention, and it's very likely that she's received countless dashes, especially from men.

And my predictions came true.

"…I don't have such a good memory. The men were so close to each other that I couldn't even enjoy it properly. From then on, I didn't even go to the meeting."

Nicole's expression darkened slightly. His voice is full of annoyance and regret.

"Um. Of course. Is there anything else other than that?"

"I have no intention of telling you, so please take care of yourself."


After digging deeper, it would be difficult to touch Nicole's heart, so I quit immediately. Besides, the pain of a beautiful woman like Nicole is something that I, as a man, cannot understand.

Nicole smiled playfully when I stopped asking questions and asked subtly.

"Why? Do you want to see your little sister in a dress?"

"No. Not at all. I think I'll just throw my eyes away."

"Hahaha. My little one is good at jokes, right?"


Eventually the ball was pinched. She might have pinched her softly on her chin, but her basic grip was terrifying, and she felt very ill.

Anyway, leaving behind the sweet story of the siblings, the two of us were able to arrive at the clothing store sooner or later. It was a clothing store located in the downtown area of ​​Halo Academy, so it was quite large.

"Welcome. How can I help you?"

As we entered the clothing store, the receptionist greeted us with a business smile. I was a little hesitant because it was my first time coming to the clothing store, but Nicole responded skillfully.

"I'm trying to fit a men's robe, where can I go?"

"Yes. You can go over there for the men's robes corner."

"Thank you. Let's go."


After walking around like that, I arrived at the men's dress section. As if fitting the word for men's robes corner, various robes were lined up.

It felt a bit like a department store, but I moved on saying it was a fantasy. There is nothing more foolish than substituting common sense from a previous life.

"Ha… this isn't too bad. Is there anything else besides this?"

"I… customer. I'm sorry, but this is the last dress."

"What? Are you kidding me? There's only this one?"

When we entered the corner, it seems that there were already passengers. But things were a little strange.

"There are more clothes in our mansion than this! But does it make sense that there are only these?"

"I'm sorry, but these clothes are everything in our store."

"Excuse me, all? Do you have to bring more somehow?!"

A man presumed to be a customer was telling the truth, and there was a sign of the woman not knowing what to do.

Me and Nicole headed in the direction of the sound to see what was going on. After all, you need the help of an employee to match the suit.

Eventually, when he arrived at the source of the commotion, he had no choice but to open his eyes wide.

'That guy…'

A total of three men and women stood in front of the full-length mirror. The man who shouted, the helpless female waitress next to him, and the last man far away stand with his clothes on his arms.

Also, the man who shouted wore an extraordinarily flashy robe. Even me, who is not familiar with fashion in this world, seemed to boast a great price.

But more than that, the man's appearance attracted attention. He belongs to the handsome axis, but his expression was so bad that he ate it all down, so he couldn't be seen as good.

"Damn… Did you mean to bring something from the mansion? I thought it was okay because it was called Halo Academy, but it wasn't at all."

"… …"


The man who had been muttering in embarrassment looked over to see if he felt Nicole's gaze on me.

And when he met my gaze, he opened his eyes and gave a slightly surprised expression.

"Your guy…"

"… …"

The name of the man in the colorful robe was Jackson. He is Yeong-sik, a countess who worked hard on Cecily and Lina from the first day and then broke up.

He's also the one who held a grudge against me for getting attention from Cecily and Lina. Every time I listen to the same class, I can see that much by looking at her with fierce eyes.

Actually, I wasn't interested at all. I'm too busy to pay attention to that one person.

Anyways – I quietly opened my mouth as I pondered what to say in the moment of silence.


"… …"

Jackson's face contorted at my humble greeting.