Chapter 28

A person's first impressions last a long time.

If you have a good first impression, you tend to have a crush on that person until a specific incident occurs. On the other hand, no matter how good the person is, no matter how good the person is, they give a respectful look or deny that there is no such thing.

Wearing so-called 'sunglasses' has a huge impact on human relationships that cannot be ignored.

And Jackson holds a grudge against me, so no matter what I do, he hates me.

"Anyone you know?"

In a strange atmosphere, Nicole asked me. She's quick-witted, so you'd know Jackson was uncomfortable with me.

From the beginning, the question was not a 'friend' but an 'acquaintance'. First of all, he nodded his head because he said 'someone he knew' was correct.

"Yeah. We're the same literature student."

"Ah, that's right…"

"Don't think of me as the same class as you. It's just disgusting."

Before Nicole could even speak, Jackson's abusive language pierced her ears. At that, Nicole blinked, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

In the meantime, Jackson was making a very displeased expression, as if the rant he had just said was sincere. I knew that he was fed up with the idea of ​​the chosen people, but I didn't know that he would speak out like this.

"I'm just in the mood for nothing. Hey, how much is this and that?"

"Yeah? It's… 27 gold and 59 silver in total…"

One gold is about 100,000 won in Korean money. Also, since 1 gold is 100 silvers, it is roughly 2.76 million won.

Jackson opened his mouth with the tone that he was dissatisfied with the exorbitantly high price and did not care about the price.

"tt. The design is bad, but it's needlessly expensive. Rex, pay the price and follow me."

"All right."

Wanting to get out of the subdued atmosphere as quickly as possible, he roughly took off his clothes and gave an order to a servant named Rex. Rex picked up the robe that Jackson had thrown on the floor.

Then, as Jackson had ordered, he took the sack from his pocket to pay the price, counted them one by one, and handed the gold coins to the waiter.

"This is 28 gold. The balance is gone."

"Oh, go, thank you."

"What are you doing?! Aren't you coming soon?!"

It wasn't slow from start to finish, but Jackson let out an annoyed roar. The employee flinched at the shout, while Rex answered without a blink of an eye, as if it had always been the case.

"I'm sorry. Master."

"Hurry up and go fast. And…"

Jackson looked at me, longing for a servant. I steadfastly faced the bitter eyes.

After staring at me for a while, he glanced at Nicole who was standing next to me. Then he raised the corners of his lips and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Are you sure that you and your sister came to buy robes? Are you sure you don't plan on attending the freshman meeting?"

"That's right."

"… …"

It is best to respond with a blunt answer to slander that is unnecessary and slanderous. Jackson twitched under his eyes as I took it as if nothing had happened.

Jackson's expression was broken for a moment, but he quickly smiled and opened his mouth as if pathetic.

"…Yeah. If you attend, you'll find out. It's not a place that only you guys can get into."

"… …"

"Let's go, Rex."

"I see. Master."

With those words, Jackson started moving away. Before leaving, a servant named Rex turned his head back to face me. The bright green eyes that shone brightly were impressive.

After that, the servant bowed his head and apologized as if he was sorry for everything. Unlike the master, the servant is more perfect in personality.

"…what's that bastard?"

Before long, around the time Jackson and the attendant had completely left, Nicole asked in a voice mixed with anger and absurdity. The mixture of swearing on her can give you a rough idea of ​​how angry she was.

So, I looked at her face. Slightly exaggerated, she is making an expression that looks like she's going to kill anyone right now.

To be honest, even if you are like me, your brothers and sisters will be furious if they openly insult you.

I thought deeply about how to explain Jackson so Nicole would understand, and then I told him what I knew.

"I'm Jackson, the guy who hates me. I heard you said that you came from a famous countess with a lot of money?"

"If you're a rich count… Kerrison?"

"Huh? That's right. How do you know?"

"It's strange that no one doesn't know. Kerrison ranks in the top 10 in the Empire in terms of wealth."

Count Kerrison seems to be famous.

"But why is he talking weird to you? What happened?"


I first explained it in a way that Nicole could understand. From the first class to the events that followed, starting with Jackson, who was obsessed with Cecily and Lina.

Instead, they did not mention the names of Cecily and Lina directly, but rather referred to them as 'pretty girls'. Nicole knows what kind of people they are, so if I mention it for nothing, I'm very likely to think that I've been involved in a troublesome thing.

Anyway, the explanation was a bit long because of that, but Nicole briefly summarized it to make sure I understood everything.

"…are you just blaming him alone?"

"It's like that."

As Nicole said, Jackson is going crazy on his own. The women I had a crush on are close to me, so I can't help but feel nauseous. What's more, those women have no interest in Jackson at all.

Of course, he doesn't give up and talks to him whenever he gets a chance, but he treats Cecily and Lina in a businesslike manner. In particular, the last time I was assigned a seat, the affinity towards Jackson might have dropped even more.

If you stay still, you can go halfway, but that's just what I want to say to Jackson.

"Isaac. If he starts harassing you directly, tell your sister. She'll do something about it. Okay?"

In the meantime, Nicole seemed to think for a moment before putting her hand on my shoulder and pleading. I turned her head to meet her face.

It is a face full of concern.


If Jackson starts to harass me, Wouldn't Lina take the first step? Or, Marie, my friend, can take care of it. Unlike her, Marie Jackson has no sense of authority, but she is the daughter of a duke who will turn the Count into a 'something'. But until I teach you, Nicole will never know this.

Nicole then gently patted my head as I rolled my eyes, as if I had taken it to mean something else. His angry face was gone, and there was only a gentle smile on his face.

"Isn't it possible that I can't answer because I'm afraid my sister might have a problem?


"Now, shall we buy some clothes? Over there?"

"Oh, yes! How can I help you?"

At Nicole's call, the waitress, who had been waiting from afar, ran up and down. It is an immature impression with clean skin.

"I need clothes for him, but do you have a red suit? Make it as close as possible to his hair color."

"Um… It's a bright red suit… Wait a minute. First, I'll measure it."

There were minor incidents, but the schedule for fitting my robes did not change. I stood in front of the full-length mirror as the waitress brought a tape measure and spread his arms wide.

The employee was startled, looked at me and asked in a timid voice.

"I… may I touch your body?"

"Yeah? What do you mean?"

"Before, the customer told me not to touch my body…"

"… …"

This guy was telling the truth before he came. I sighed and answered quietly.

"…I'm fine, so I can just do it."

It's like a stupid class society.


Weekend time is precious to everyone. For some people, it is possible to have a honey-like rest, and for others, it is to relieve mental and physical fatigue while enjoying hobbies.

And the princess of Hellium, Cecily, spends her weekends talking to Lina. She was her first human friend after attending Halo Academy, and her hobbies were so good that no one was more comfortable with her than her Lina.

Although Lina quarreled by revealing the contents of Zeno's biography volume 8, it was settled by Lina's first apology. Cecily also refused to keep her distance from Rina, so she accepted Lina's apology.

"Come on. Here you are."

Inside a cafe with an old-fashioned image.

Lina placed a book on the round table and spoke to Cecily across from her. The book she put on her table was none other than the recently published eight volumes of Xenon's biography.

Cecily looked carefully at the eight books of Zeno's biography on the table, and carefully held it in her hand. He then turned the pages of the book and checked the contents briefly.

After a while, Cecily, who even confirmed that the book Lina delivered was genuine, closed the book with a satisfied expression on her face. Lina asked in a slightly absurd voice at her behavior.

"Is it possible that you didn't trust me and tested it?"

"Yeah. You could have just changed the cover of the book. I heard that scams like that are prevalent these days."

"You know that words hurt me? Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Of course, it's a joke, a joke. There's no way Lina can do weird things to me, right?"

It was a bit off-putting, but Lina held it in. Because she had done so great of her crimes against Cecily.

It's different for each person, but usually, when someone divulges the ending in the middle of an exciting storyline, you're bound to get angry. Even if you say it by mistake, it doesn't change the other person's feelings.

Still, Lina revealed to Cecily who the person who had trapped Zeno was. It was a disaster because he thought Cecily would have read the 8th book of course.

Since then, Cecily has rarely been angry, and Lina has been upset and even quarreled. Fortunately, she calmed her heart and made peace, but after that, Cecily did not sit next to Lina.

"Whoa… I see. And I beg you, don't ever say that I bought 8 books for you. Okay?"

"Of course. I will carry this secret to the grave."

Lina smirked at the sight of Cecily smiling happily while hugging Book 8. By the time she enters her grave, she will probably enter her own descendants as well.

For a moment, I had a nonsensical thought, but Lina shook it off. The important thing right now is not to ask about the 8th volume, but to ask about her recent situation.

"How's the academy life? Is it worth it?"

"No problem yet. Is Lina helping you?"

"No matter how many countries there are, there are limits. Do you have any concerns or questions?"

Cecily has lived for more than 100 years, but this is the first time she has lived in a human society. Fortunately, the culture of the demons has many similarities to that of humans, and so far they have been living without any problems.

But there are times when I go there and surprise people. The biggest example is flying through the sky using magic. In Halo Academy, magic is prohibited except in certain areas, so Lina is bound to be surprised.

"If you don't have any questions and are concerned about… a meeting?"

To Lina's question, Cecily responded by tapping her cheek with her index finger.

In response, Lina raised one eye slightly. Cecily has also decided to follow Lina to her freshman reunion.

"Meeting? Why a meeting?"

"I'm curious to see what kind of stories will come and go at the meeting. New students come to the meeting not only for literature but also for non-fiction students."

"That's right. Still, Xenon's biography must be included? I can be sure of this."

"I'm definitely sorry if Zeno's biography is missing as you said."

Zeno's biography is at the center of the topic, so it is an indispensable topic for meetings. Not to mention, a new ticket has been released recently, so there will be a lot of talk about it.

"By the way, what is Cecily going to wear to the meeting?"

"I have a dress I brought from Helium, so I'm going to wear it."

"Can you tell me what it looks like?"

"As for what it looks like…"

Cecily put the book down for a moment at Lina's question. It's enough to describe clothes, just draw a picture on the table with your finger.

Lina also began to imagine in her head when Cecily drew a picture with her fingers on the table. After a while, the more Cecily drew her, the more her Lina's face became more and more dazed than surprised.

Furthermore, in the past, there was a sign of embarrassment, and Lina slowly raised her head and stopped in the middle.

Her gaze stopped precisely at Cecily's chest. Even now in her plain clothes, she is showing off her overwhelming presence.

Lina raised her gaze a little further away from him and met Cecily's face. After finishing the explanation, Cecily had a calm expression on her face.

"…Are you really going to wear something like that to a meeting?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem?"

"No. No problem…"

Lina couldn't figure out how to explain this. The appearance of the dress Cecily explained was obviously monotonous. this is for sure

But should it be called a problem because it is too monotonous? Lina asked her in her concerned voice.

"…wouldn't it be too naughty?"

Cecily's answer to that was even more speculative.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

"… …"

Lina was left speechless at the straightforward answer.

As she said, with that body type, no matter what dress you wear, you will feel sultry. However, the dress that Cecily will be wearing is so severe that it is said to be unconventional.

"Anyway, it's a little… isn't it? It's too revealing…"

"I know what Lina is worried about. But you don't have to worry about it. I can tolerate this much. Most of all…"

Cecily paused for a moment, then gave her a characteristic playful smile.

"There are people who are looking forward to how they will react."