Chapter 37

Even though the meeting created a black history for the first time in my life, my life did not change. He said that although he suffered from a hangover all weekend, it didn't affect his writing.

I just went in and out of the bathroom quite a bit. I've heard that wine causes a more severe hangover than other alcoholic beverages, and I felt that fact.

In any case, although there were some problems, the writing could be written without any setbacks, like a sailing boat in the wind. The historical knowledge I learned while teaching Cindy how to write and the ecology of the demons that Cecily taught me was very helpful.

However, it is inevitable that the progress is slow as the free time is reduced by more than half compared to when I was at home. When I was at home, I focused my day on writing, so it was a natural phenomenon.

'Certainly… the next book will take two months at the earliest.'

At home, I could submit a manuscript at the earliest for a fortnight or a month at the latest, but the current situation made it very difficult to do so. In fact, even two months is a very fast level.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a machine like a typewriter sometimes? often think In a world where paper technology and printing technology have developed enough to make newspapers, why is it so weak against machines?

'What can I do? The era is still the Middle Ages.'

In this world, there is no concept of 'engineering' because even things that can be called 'machines' do not appear in this world, let alone industrial scientific names. The refrigerator in the dorm, the temperature control function, and finally the magic pen I use are all 'magic', not engineering.

Perhaps even when the Industrial Revolution is reached, it is not a complete machine like in the previous life, but it contains a little magic. I remembered the steam locomotive I wrote in Volume 8 and shook my head left and right.

'Up to that point, I don't care.'

I'm done with what I have to do. I paused while writing with the magic pen that my father gave me.

'By the way, did you have group assignments starting tomorrow?'

As it is a group assignment, the forehead narrows. I don't have any good memories of doing group assignments in my previous life.

It's not a miracle at the end of the day, like that your parents are sick during the group assignment, you have to go to a funeral, your phone is broken, so you can't contact them, etc.

It is not uncommon to be absent for various reasons, and some cubs even ran into the military.

The most annoying thing was when I did it all by myself and the professor gave me a C. I still remember the memories of scolding me for why I had to lead the team by showing leadership.

It's all good, so I hope it doesn't happen like that. If you say you can't do it, I'll do it for you. As long as you attend well, you don't have time to spare.

'I'm a f**king writer, can't I even do that?'

Because I remembered the trauma of the group assignment, the cursing came out. There were only bad feelings for the group assignment.

Some may ask if this is a whole world, so it's no different. Unfortunately, however, the essence of 'human' does not change anywhere. Furthermore, the existence of a class can makes it even worse.

'But there is no ppt here, so what should I do? Should I even draw a picture?'

The difference between having and not having visual effects is huge. It is a law that says a hundred words is unheard of and saying it a hundred times is worse than seeing it once.

It seemed wise to ask the professor about this later. If possible, I would like to present even a rough drawing. The higher the grade, the better.

'I have to choose a topic… It must be harder than I thought.'

Of course, not for me. I put off the group assignments and focused on writing for now. For now, my priority is to write a setting about the Seven Deadly Sins.

'Let's lust with demons. And the looks…'

I stopped the hand that was making fun of the magic pen. As the demon that controls lust, Cecily comes to mind in her mind. Even in the dress she wore at the meeting.

According to the rumors we heard at the entrance ceremony, he said he was a descendant of a succubus. The credibility is very high if you only look at the behavior or the alluring atmosphere.

'…If you write something like this, you will get suspicious, so let's describe it differently. You can add the setting that you were betrayed by a human man who treated you as a demon without discrimination. Lastly, the name is…'

Of course, it's a release. In the first place, the name of the beast in charge of anger is Satan, so what's the problem?

'The beast's name is Satan. That's…'

I groaned inwardly and continued to write the story without interruption.


There is a myth like this in group assignments.

If we unite, we die; if we disperse, we live.

It is a proverb that should be exactly the opposite, but it is not a group task. Paradoxically, the moment two or three people work together to do a task that one person would suffice, ironically, the efficiency of work drops sharply.

Of course, that's the way it is, and it's not always that bad things happen while doing group assignments. It can be an opportunity to become close by chance and build a network, or it can develop into a good relationship.

The problem is that whenever I do a group assignment, I meet a team member who is like shit. Thanks to this, I was able to vividly feel the process of hating humans.

Anyway, the talk is getting long, but in order to do the group task 'slightly' efficiently, we need to assign a small number of people first. This is unconditional.

As the saying goes that if there are many crews, the boat lives in the mountains, up to 4 people is fine, but problems start to arise from the moment there are 5 people. There are many cases of running away saying that I will be fine alone.

Those bastards plan to braid everything to the professor.

"As I said last time, I will randomly form groups and give out assignments today. The topic is to predict the development of Zeno's biography. You just need to explain how the hypothesis came out and whether there is any evidence to support the hypothesis."

Monday approached, and as soon as the humanities class started, the professor started talking about the group assignments. As usual, I sat in the front seat, and after hearing his words, I was fed up inside.

'It's finally here.'

Even in a previous life where no class existed, the group assignment was perfect for distrust of humans, but I was really curious about what it would be like here.

In the meantime, the professor counted the number of students in the classroom one by one and opened his mouth with his characteristic soft voice.

"Currently, the number of students attending my lecture is exactly 46. I will divide into groups of 4 and put the remaining 2 students randomly.

After saying these words, Professor Berus handed out a small roll of paper to the student in the front. I sorted one sheet out of the roll and passed the rest back.

"As much as possible, I would like to be in the same group as you. Because you are the most comfortable."

Marie sitting next to her opened her mouth as she was folding the paper with her name written on it. She nodded her head because I completely agreed with her.

Rather than not having an acquaintance, I want to be in the same group with someone I know comfortably, even if I am alone.

"I wish I could be in the same group as Isaac. If it was Isaac, he would have been anticipating the full story of Zeno's life."

Cecily, who was sitting behind her, apparently listening to Marie, opened her mouth with her characteristic playful tone. As soon as I heard Cecily's words, I couldn't help but shudder a little.

I don't know why he said that, but it's not a good thing for me. There are also words that somehow have bones in them.

"Cecile. Does that mean you're only going to get help from Isaac, and you won't do anything?"

Lina, who was sitting next to Cecily, asked with her characteristic soft voice. To that, Cecily answered Taeyeon, shrugging her shoulders weakly.

"Well? Rina, you? Lina is a princess of this country, so I think someone else will take care of everything for you?"

"I'd appreciate it then, but I also have a conscience. I have to help."

As Lina spoke with a slight smile, Marie's complexion quickly hardened. Her Marie turned her back and glanced at her, then turned her head back in front of her.

Afterwards, he mumbled as if chewing, revealing his uncomfortable feelings.

"…what a conscience. You say things that you don't even care about."

"… …"

I deliberately pretended not to hear. Not once or twice Marie has expressed her displeasure to Lina, but now she can hear with one ear and bleed through the other.

After a while, Professor Berus took the papers with their names on them one by one and put them in the box. Then, to make sure the paper was evenly mixed, the box was shaken violently or put a hand inside the box to stir it. I don't make any kind of bibimbap but mix it evenly.

"Come on, let's pick it up. The first person to be chosen…"

As soon as the professor unfolded the finely folded paper, his eyes widened, and he looked directly at me. As soon as I saw the square-folded paper, I was expecting it to some extent, but it seems to be true.

While I was thinking about it, Professor Berus tugged his mustache with a hint of interest and called out his name.

"Student Isaac Ducker Michelle. And next…"

Please someone you know Oh, except for Jackson, of course.

While waiting impatiently, the professor pulled the paper out of the box. And just like before, I called my name with a powerful voice.

"Ira ben Matius."


As soon as my name was called, I heard a loud shout from behind. Judging by the voice that heard her name like that, she seemed to be a woman.

So, I turned my head back to check who my assistant was. A schoolgirl with her brown hair and a cute look raised her hand.

Of course, he is a person who is not familiar with the face. Judging by the middle name, it was presumed that she was a young girl from a noble family.

"Next, Benjamin Blank."


The answer came from not too far away. I leaned my head back and looked to the side where the sound was heard.

A boy with dull blonde hair and curly hair caught my eye. I don't know why, but he looked very nervous.

Unlike the female students named Aira and I, they don't have middle names, so they seem to be commoners. I know that commoners have to go through a very difficult process to get into Halo Academy, even for literature that isn't uneducated.

Compared to the previous life, students who only walked through middle school had to pass Seoul National University on time. It is almost impossible to enter the school unless the brain is outstanding at the level of a genius.

That said, at least it's not incompetent. I considered it fortunate.

"Finally… Leona Lyons."

Wait a minute. what?

I blinked as soon as I heard the name called by the professor. It's the first time I've heard of the surname, but the name is really familiar.

Then, while looking around for a face I knew, I came across a woman. The expression of embarrassment was evident in the expression that was close to the usual expressionless expression.

Leona, a beast woman who found out that she was a beast.

'…I don't know if I should like it or not.'

If this is a relationship, then maybe it's a relationship. When Leona and I met her face, I thought about how to react, and then gently waved her hand.

Leona also quickly erased her bewildered expression and quickly turned her head. She felt like she had been ripped off, but she understood her position as she was in her position.

"This is a group of four. Next… Jackson Marrell Kerrison."

As soon as the team was decided, the next person I was watching closely, Jackson, was called. He wasn't a member of the same team as Jackson anyway, so he was just trying to get attention.

"Marie Hausen Requel's."

Surprisingly, Jackson and Marie became a pair. If this is a coincidence, is it a coincidence?

I checked Marie's reaction as soon as the professor called her by her full name.

"In all likelihood, with that guy…"

Marie had a frown on her face and looked like she was chewing shit. She deserves a reaction like this, as she's been eyeing Jackson flirting with Lina and Cecily.

For reference, Jackson flirted with Marie once and didn't do it after that. It's plausible that Marie of her was openly cursing her to quit.

But the problem did not end there.

"Lina Urmi Christine."


Even Lina, whom Marie hated so much, became a pair. She glanced behind her and saw that Lina had one of her eyes raised, which she didn't expect either.

Up to this point, there are enough problems, but the climax of the fire appeared right after this.

"… …"

Professor Berus, who was timid until he pulled out Lina, stopped as soon as he checked the next paper he had picked. After that, he made a bewildered expression and then immediately turned his head toward me.

I looked at it and waited for his mouth to open. And…

"…Cecile Dartt Ercilia Bean."

Through the extreme odds of the play, a great exchange party was formed.