Chapter 38

What absurd probability is this? As soon as I heard Cecily's last name called, my eyes widened. It really is a huge chance.

What is the probability that those three people and Jackson become a pair? Unless there is a lottery for nothing, even if it is not a very impossible phenomenon, it is equally unbelievable.

After Professor Virus called out Cecily's name, I was stunned for a moment and then looked back. Seeing that Cecily and Lina have similar expressions, they must have been very surprised as well.

'Did he really do any manipulation?'

This raises reasonable doubts. I don't know if there's only one person caught, but since three people are in the same group, I can't help but think that way.

Then, when Professor Berus started calling his next name, he checked Marie's reaction before looking for Jackson. The fact that she is in a group with three people, Jackson, Lina, and Cecily, who are not anyone else, must be news to her like her brilliance.

And, as I expected, Marie was opening her mouth slightly, revealing her disbelief. Right now, even I am amazed at the unbelievable reality, but will she be terrified?

The difference is that I am in a disrespectful position across the river, and she is struggling in the fire.

'For comfort… it would be better not to.'

In a situation like this, it is wise to just keep your mouth shut. It was unfortunate for her that she was in the same group as Jackson, but she had the worst relationship with Lina.

Moreover, after the meeting, the gaze towards Cecily is not good. She wasn't as outspoken as Lina, but she was wary.

'It must be difficult.'

It's not a hard level, it's a hell party level. Marie is from the Requel's family, where she practices noblesse oblige, so she tends to act on her own, but what about others? The question arose spontaneously.

The princess of the Minerva Empire, the princess of Helium, and even the son of a wealthy count.

The above three people would have done more to have someone do it than to do it on their own. In particular, among them, Lina would have the strongest tendency to do so, because she is in a position befitting of a 'leader' rather than a 'leader'.

To put it simply, it is a style in which work is done efficiently by having the right person for the job rather than taking action directly. But in other words, there is a high probability that it will be a free ride in the group assignments.

"…you really don't want to change it?"

Marie muttered with a liberated expression on whether she had compromised with the unbelievable reality as time passed. I could fully sympathize with her feelings but did not console her. I'm just giving you a pitiful glance.

I'm sorry to Marie, but the professor just cut and emphasized it last time. There will never be a change of team, and if such an act is found, severe punishment will be given without mercy.

It's better not to think that if you don't get caught, it's over. The professor is not a good person, and if he gets caught, there is a huge risk. It is natural for rumors to spread within the class, and perhaps even the lowest score.

"I will finish all assignments with this. As I emphasized before, it is impossible to change the team, so please be careful because if you are caught, you will be severely punished."


At the same time, the professor kindly confirmed and killed him. At that, Marie smirked as if she had given up on the lever.

It almost made me laugh when I saw it, but it was covered up by barely coughing in vain. I think it's the first time I've seen Marie with such an expression.

"The presentation period is scheduled to be held exactly two weeks from now, and during that time, the class will be replaced by group discussion. And students who give a good presentation or ask a sharp question will be given extra points for the entire group."

It's understandable that Zeno's biography was chosen as the theme, but looking at it now, he secretly liked to eat it raw. Still, we know that students have a very tight class schedule, so it seems to be replaced by group discussions as a way to relax.

Then, as I listened to Berus's professor, I gently raised my hand. Because I had a question I wanted to ask. As soon as I raised my hand, Professor Berus also reached out to me with a smile.

"Yes. Student Isaac. What do you want to know?"

"I would like to ask if it is okay to use visual material when presenting."

In this world, computers, let alone machines, have not been developed. There is no beam projector, let alone the ppt, which I used usefully in my previous life, so I have no choice but to replace it with a large piece of paper.

When Professor Berus heard my question, he pulled back his mustache and pondered, then answered in a calm voice.

"It doesn't matter. Using visuals also means that you are well prepared. But since this is the topic, visuals may not mean much."


"The theme of this group assignment is predicting developments, not making evaluations. In my personal opinion, using the blackboard is sufficient."

then luckily, I don't think there is any need to bother drawing on a large piece of paper for nothing.

Instead, it seems that the data organization and presentation practice should be a little tight. Because it was unfamiliar to me to give a presentation while writing on the blackboard.

'…for a moment. Why do you think I'm going to give a presentation naturally?'

This is why trauma is scary. Every time I was doing a group assignment, I was hit several times, so naturally I turned in that direction.

Of course, there is also a part where I am the author of Xenon's biography. Maybe there are other assistants who are better at presenting than me, so I'll have to keep an eye on them.

'It would be fun to watch.'

If I'm lucky, there may be people who suggest developments I didn't expect. Because there are students who have caught up with the detailed double-tracking and punctuation just like you see Jackson at a meeting.

Although the result was strange, even taking that into account, Jackson's observation skills are outstanding.

'…but I don't know if he can do it well.'

I glanced back while the professor explained the points to watch out for while doing the group assignments. It seems that Lina and Cecily don't care whether they have even sorted out all their thoughts.

'You'll be fine.'

Who will suffer the most during the big exchange party? I'm predicting one of the two Marina Jacksons.

"Then, today's class will end here. For the rest of the time, you can establish a plan while familiarizing yourself with each member's face."

There was still over an hour left in class, but Professor Berus quickly ended the class. As he said, it seemed to have ended early in the sense that the team members had to get used to their faces during the remaining time.

Finally, the class ended with Professor Berus's polite greeting. Before I got up, I checked the condition of Marie next to me.

I couldn't see his face because he had his face nailed to the desk and his hair was hung like a curtain, but he heard a muffled murmur in his ears.

"It's over… I have to give up the humanities…"

"… …"

"If it's not him, it's Isaac, but why…"

"… …"

"Lumpiness, why are you giving me such trials… I pray every day…"

Do I really need to comfort you? I glanced at Marie's melancholy as if it was going to go down through the floor.

However, as she poured oil into the blazing flames, Lina, who was sitting behind her, encouraged Marie with a calm voice.

"Now that this has happened, why don't we work hard together? Since the professor told us not to change the team, wouldn't it be better to give up?"

"…a b*tch."

It's the first time I've heard Marie swear. That means he's very angry. At least Lina couldn't hear it because she spoke so small.

"By the way, I wish we had Isaac in our group, but it's a pity."

Lina looked directly at me with a subtle smile. I replied with an awkward smile at her gaze.

"Jackson will be fine, too. I felt at the meeting, and I don't know about anything else, but he's a pretty good guy with observation and analysis skills."

"Isn't that the same for you?"

This time, it's the question that Cecily asked me, not Lina. Lina and Cecily tend to overestimate me because of the confidence in her voice.

Many people misunderstand, but I'm not a genius, I just have a lot of miscellaneous knowledge thanks to my past life. In addition, access to information in this world is far behind compared to previous lives.

I opened my mouth while maintaining a bitter smile at Cecily's question. I couldn't bring up the story of my past life, so I made a plausible excuse.

"You're overestimating it. I just read a lot."

"It seems to me that Isaac underestimates himself. The occasional consideration is something only a thoughtful person can do."

The 'consideration' Cecily mentioned was close to a habit. As we all know, it's a habit that came about because I was a little bit of an arrogant temperament. The habit of thinking twice before saying or doing something.

Of course, even if you have such a habit, your nature doesn't change. You can tell by looking at how he sometimes behaves sullenly.

"Um… I think it's a habit. I tend to think twice before doing anything because I have a bit of a shabby corner."

"It's a good habit. It must be difficult to form such a habit."

It was Lina, not Cecily. I glanced at her once and opened her mouth.

"Even so, opportunities are often missed. People with great strengths always have weaknesses that are overshadowed by their strengths.

Even if I don't go far, even I make various mistakes if I don't think through it once. Last time, I almost got caught by Marie when I accidentally took a material notebook that was not for a lecture.

After hearing my words, Lina kept her mouth shut as if something came to mind. Besides, her expression darkened slightly, but it seems like she remembered something bad.

While the atmosphere calmed down for a moment, I gathered my notes and stood up to get out in a hurry. Class is over. As Professor Berus said, I'm going to learn the face of Won-Joon.

"Then I'll go for it. I wish you all the best."

"Isaac, do your best. We… we'll do our best."

Cecily said quietly, looking at Lina and Marie once each. She seems to be well aware that the balance of her current crew is atrocious. You can guess from the way her words are blurred.

So, what do you mean? I'm sorry Cecily, but I don't care. If any of them ask me to help, I will firmly decline.

You might think it's crude, but they don't need this kind of experience either. It was around the time I got up from my seat and headed towards Leona.

"Hello. Beautiful ladies. It's an honor to be part of the same team."

"…Hello. Nice to meet you too."

As soon as I left, Jackson, who suddenly appeared before me, smirked and greeted me. Even though it was different from how he treated me, he had a very different voice, and it was a gentlemanly tone.

And Cecily greeted on behalf of Marie, who had her head on her desk, and Lina, who was lost in thought. Her characteristic playful expression disappeared from place to place, and there was only rigidity.

Maybe Jackson would use this as an opportunity. I looked at Jackson as he continued his conversation with Cecily with a friendly smile, then immediately turned my back. For now, meeting Jo Won is the priority.

'Can I get along well with Leona?'

Leona, who does not reveal her true self, is much blunter than me and has the image of a schoolboy. Unless she's alone, she won't at least look chic.

Best of all, it's better than being at a revenge party. As I was walking towards Leona where she was sitting, I suddenly ran into a boy.


"Ah! Hello! My name is Benjamin Blank!"

Dark blonde and curly hair. And even the innocent face like a young man in the countryside.

One of the crew members is Benjamin Blank. I nodded my head in response to his strong greeting and bluntly accepted it.

"My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle. You can just talk nonsense."

"Ah… that, yes… you? But the noble… is it…"

Benjamin flinched at my words, then started to notice. Seeing that he couldn't even make eye contact properly, he seemed to know what he usually thought of nobles.

'What is this guy's class society.'

Unfortunately, in this world, a Benjamin-like reaction is normal. There is a clear gap between commoners and nobles, whether they are children of the same noble family.

It's not strange that Benjamin is having a hard time with me because of this. I sighed inwardly and said to him.

"I don't care about such things, so talk nonsense. Because I'm uncomfortable."

"Ah… okay? Okay. I'll take it easy."

"Are you going to tell me right away?"

"Mi, I'm sorry!"

"It's a joke."

For some reason, the army of a previous life comes to mind. Benjamin put a bewildered expression on his face when he added that I was joking.

Seeing that expression, I giggled and moved on. As I walked, Benjamin hurried to follow.

"Gee, is it really okay to talk nonsense?"

"That's right, so it is."

"Okay. Are you really talking?"

"I'm still talking, but what?"

While chatting with Benjamin, I was able to arrive at the desk where Leona was sitting. Leona was writing something in her notebook, and she closed it quietly as we approached. She then lifted her head up and met her gaze.

Again, it wasn't a cynical expression like it was back then, but a hard expression as if a drop of blood wouldn't come out even if it was stabbed with a needle. One concept seems to be well captured.

"My name is Leona Lions. Please take care of me."

She took turns looking at us and introduced in a dry voice. There was a sense of disparity in her attitude, which was so different from her true appearance, but she held it down.

"My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle."

"My name is Benjamin Blank. Please take care of me."

This was when the three of them greeted each other.

"Oh my. Have you already met?"

A girl's sweet voice came into my ears. Not only me, but the other two also looked towards the direction of the sound.

A girl with brown hair and brown eyes, who looked as cute as a doll, was approaching to the side where she looked. She didn't know it from afar, but when she looked up close, she was quite small.

Then she took turns looking at the three of us, and placed her hand on the center of her chest to greet us politely.

"My name is Ira Ben Matius of the Marquis Marquis family. And…"

The woman, who introduced herself as Aira, looked at Benjamin and Leona instead of me. After a while, I caught her eyebrows slightly curling up as if everything had been grasped.

I frowned slightly as I looked at it. Please don't say it out loud…

"Are you all commoners except for Isaac? I'll talk to you comfortably."

"… …"

"Oh, by the way, you're from Baron Michelle, aren't you?"

I was able to predict it to some extent by seeing the 'baron' added after the surname. It is a conclusion that can be reached through the experience of being hit by a group task.

"Please take good care of me in the future. I've been keeping an eye on you."

There's one b*tch trying to get a free ride by using her rank.