Chapter 47

It was after all the stories with the Michelle brothers and sisters had ended. Even if Isaac and Nicole left first, the royal brothers and sisters were still there.

Instead, the seating arrangement was slightly different. Originally, Lina was sitting next to Leort, but now she is sitting in the opposite seat. That's where Nicole was sitting.

Lina looked at Leort leisurely drinking tea in the opposite seat. There was a soft smile on her lips, making her look like a model.



Leort put down the teacup at Lina's call and looked at her. She raises one eyebrow and asks why she called her.

Lina said that there was no one in this room, threw her poker face away and made a disapproving expression and grumbled a lot. It was close to whining like a child.

"Why did you tell me the truth? To be honest, I could have just hidden it."

As she said, there was no need to share this information with the siblings. On the contrary, it could have been a win-win for each other to keep it secret.

But Leort didn't. He had reserved a place for confirmation, but he only made him full of doubts. Even Lina, who was watching from her side, could not understand Leort's plans.

"How will they see us? We'll look like people who use authority to intimidate us. What if Sir Michelle gets angry and stops the series?"

"Oh. That? Don't worry about that. I don't know Nicole and Isaac, but Sir Michelle knows our imperial family very well."

Contrary to Lina's concerns, Leort answered as if it was insignificant. Lina had no choice but to question her.

I've heard too many stories about Hawk, who was famous for being the red lion. So, I knew roughly what kind of person he was, but I didn't know the details.

But Leort spoke with the nuance that he knew Hawk better than himself. I wonder if he knows more facts because he is a lumberjack who will be the next emperor.

When Lina had such a question, Leort opened her mouth while maintaining her characteristic relaxed smile.

"Do you know why Sir Michelle retired so early?"

"Roughly. I heard he retired early due to aftereffects. At least that's how I know it."

PTSD is a common sequela experienced by soldiers who often go to the front line that crosses death. Hawk is also known to have retired early 'externally' due to the severe aftereffects.

No matter how hard you try to beat the dragon or drive out all the beasts that invaded the border, in the end they are just humans. During his knighthood, he witnessed the deaths of so many colleagues with his own eyes, and it is normal to suffer, as he also had blood on his hands.

Because he became so famous, he suffered a lot of political pressure. At the same time, I must have come from commoners, some of the rude nobles pressured and humiliated Hawk.

The imperial family and the military desperately discouraged his retirement, but Hawke refused. In fact, he visited the shrine once a day until his symptoms subsided, so you can imagine how serious his condition was.

"You know that. But the reality is different. There was one big incident."

"A case?"

"Yeah. I thought Sir Michelle had driven all the prisoners out of the borderlands, but he was half right and half wrong. Some of the prisoners who escaped have infiltrated the Empire."

"Maybe… that means…"

Recognizing what Leorth was trying to say, Lina's expression hardened. She prayed that she wasn't the worst she could think of.

Leort then gently waved his hand to calm Lina's anxiety.

"Fortunately, the incident you feared did not happen. It was only an attempt. A certain prisoner attacked Sir Michelle's wife and was reversed. Sir Michelle requested that our imperial family put an escort next to her. Because."

"So, you're retiring? Are you afraid your family will be in danger like that time?"

"That's right. Sir Michelle said this when he retired. Even if his own strength is stronger than others, what does it mean if he can't protect his loved ones? It's my guess, but I think I've been skeptical since I lost my close friend at the time of Ascanal."

Leort nodded at Lina's question. At that, Lina put on an expression that she had heard of it for the first time.

I thought he was refraining from revealing his achievements simply because of the after-effects, but that such a secret is hidden. There was a reason the two siblings did not know much about Hawk's achievements.

Because if you become too famous, people will appear one after another after your loved ones in return. In fact, he'd been through it once, so he would have been reluctant to publicize his achievements as a preventative measure.

The fact that Hawk's name is not mentioned in the Ascanal case is probably a measure taken by the imperial family. Within the aristocracy and the military, Hawk was truly the name of a 'hero', so it is highly probable that his superiors were also willing to do so.

Moreover, it must have been a win-win for each other, as it was possible to slightly reduce Hawk's position, which had grown beyond being able to handle it at the top.


Lina had no choice but to narrow her eyebrows for a while, even though she had a strange expression on her interesting story.

If Hawke had abandoned all honor and fame and retired for that reason, shouldn't he have done more?

It may provoke his trauma, but what Leorth did to the siblings was only to annoy Hawke.

"If that's the case, you shouldn't have done it anymore. To someone who still has aftereffects."

"As I said before, Sir Michelle is one of the people who knows our imperial family very well. Would you be annoyed if I was just flirting? Maybe I could invite you to the mansion to talk."

It may not be absurd to say that neither the duke nor the Marquis, nor a single baron invites the royal family. But with Hawk, it's a different story.

It's rare for commoners to receive the status of a nobleman once every 100 years, but Hawk almost even received the title of count. It can be asserted that only the rank is low, and the status is never inferior to that of a high-ranking aristocrat.

While Lina was thinking about it, Leort said while stroking her chin, as if something was bothering her.

"Still, there are some things that are a little questionable."

"What is that?"

"It's enough to take it off, but did Nicole just admit it? It felt like I had Sir Michelle as my shield. A woman I knew would never have said that."

"You must have wanted to leave as soon as possible. Will the two of you doubt anything we say?"

"It hurts that I can't deny it."

Leort smiled bitterly. The reason I invited Isaac and Nicole to have a seat was for the sake of confirmation.

However, since the location is the location, the two siblings will only see it as a threat. To be honest, what are these guys up to when called by people of the royal family? He had no choice but to doubt.

In response, Leort spoke out his feelings with the nuance of being somewhat regretful.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have approached it step by step, but I think it was a bit hasty. It hurts that I could hardly contain my excitement.

"It is, but… do you really think Sir Michelle is the author of Zeno's biography?"

Leort made a disappointing voice, and Lina asked him for his opinion in a cautious voice. Leorth heard her questioning and raised one of her eyes to reveal her doubts.

"Of course. If not him, who else is it?"


At Leort's confident words, Lina shook her head. But she couldn't stop the corners of her lips rising.


Leort looked at her meaningful smile with a puzzled expression on his face.


It was after talking with the royal siblings and going out with Nicole. My brother and I entered a suitable cafe to eat dessert, got a room, and sat facing each other.

It was natural to get a room with good soundproofing, just in case. Although it was a bit expensive, it was perfect for a friendly conversation between the two of us.

"All year round?"

"… …"

Nicole looked at me in amazement at the words I spoke out. It seems quite surprising that the golden eyes opened wide.

However, her expression quickly changed to complicated, and it seems that she felt sorry for me. In the meantime, I said in a frustrated voice, whipping the coffee I ordered with a teaspoon.

"I wonder if there is any need to use my father as a shield. Can't I just say it comfortably? There's no need to hide it in the open yard anyway."

"Isaac. You don't have to blame yourself too much. It's because Leorth-sama isn't honest, so even the imperial family won't touch it."

He raised his head slightly as if he was defending Leort for some reason. Nicole was still looking at me with sad eyes.

So, I asked her why?

"Does your sister know Leort-sama well?"

"To some extent. He rarely reveals his true feelings. I've only seen him once."


"Uh… that's not what's important right now, is it?"

Nicole declined to answer my surprise question. She was a little skeptical of the reaction, but as she said it wasn't important now, she shrugged it off.

"Anyway, there is a high possibility that Leort really set up a place for confirmation. He tends to show his actions as much as he is not honest. Above all, Leort-nim said this? They eat it. In fact, they each have weapons."

"If Xenon's biography loses popularity, wouldn't it be worse for us?"

"It's never going to happen, but it's not. If the popularity goes down, interest in us will decrease. If you don't believe it, write a letter to your father. Will he be happy to help you?"

I was so embarrassed that I felt gibberish, but this one thing was clear. Nicole is trying to comfort me in case I get depressed.

Thanks to this, I was able to regain some of my energy, but my heart was still shaky. Is it really right for my family to struggle to live alone? It's a situation where I can't help but think.

"And nobles really hate to lose their money. Especially if you're a high-ranking noble, where each loss is fatal. So, the imperial family won't touch you directly. It's true."


"Yeah. Maybe the imperial family can help make it hard to track down. You'll have a strong backseat."

Hearing Nicole's words, it seems to be the case. However, it is imperative that he write a letter to his father and explain the situation.

I sighed once more the ground shut down. Like this or that, my energy was getting weaker and faster today, so I didn't have the strength. It seems that today's writing should be omitted.



"If it's too hard, there's no need to compulsorily write a series. I write because I like you. I don't know about you, but the moment my hobby turns into a duty, my passion cools down.

When Nicole brought out a sincere story, I gently lifted my head. He met his golden eyes, a mixture of worry and concern.

Then she reached out slowly and gently grabbed my right hand. I can vividly feel the skin that has hardened while holding her sword for many years.

"I remember when you first showed me this article. She told me to take a look at this and gave her the manuscript with a look of anticipation that it was written by her. Do you know what your expression was like when I said it was really interesting? The whole world You looked like you had it all. That was the first time I saw your brightly smiling face."

"… …"

"But now I can see that that smile is slowly disappearing. The more the world loves your writing, the more the burden on your shoulders will weigh on you. I want to give."

Before heading to the academy, my dad used to caress the pen hoc on my middle finger.

Dad says he's proud of you. This is an honor that I have earned for myself and not anyone else, so be proud of yourself.

Nicole's sincere consolation was enough to make her feel similar to that time.

"So you don't have to blame yourself. If you really want to do it, you can rest for a while as you said. Fiction is a happy hobby for you, not a painful obligation. You understand?"


I felt my stomach churn a little. Maybe it's because it's a family, and he perfectly understands how I feel right now.

Thanks to you, I was able to figure it out again. The existence of family is the most reliable support for me.

As Nicole said, there is no need to write a novel. But ironically, that's why I wanted to write more.

I didn't write for fame or fame, I just wrote it as a hobby. At some point, the popularity soared like crazy, and I just felt a sense of pressure to publish it.

I looked at Nicole with a gentle smile. Nicole also seemed relieved when she saw my expression, so her expression was more relaxed than before.

"Then I'll quickly write up to volume 10…"

I felt like I was being chased by something because I had lost my free time. She also listened to Nicole's consolation and was able to make up her mind.

"I'll have to take a break until the third year."

I guess I'll have to take some time off now. This is the right time to relieve the burden and control the mind.

As soon as Nicole heard my decision, she frowned and then smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, yes. If you are, then what…"

Contrary to the answer, it was a voice full of regret.