Chapter 48

The sky is always clear after a storm. In fact, when a storm that seems to wipe everything away passes, only a peaceful atmosphere remains at the scene, as if something happened.

But the storm is strong enough to wipe out everything in its place. The trunk of a giant tree, rooted deep in the ground, is broken in half without strength, and the civilization built up by people is also helplessly destroyed before the power of nature.

So, people endure storms to see the infinitely clear blue sky. Whether the storm is a literal storm or a storm in some other sense.

I too suffered a storm and almost collapsed like a tree trunk, but with Nicole's heartfelt consolation, I was barely able to survive. After that, only the clear sky without a single cloud illuminated me and gave me a refreshing feeling.

Currently, he is writing 9 volumes of Xenon's biography, and if he writes up to 10 books, it will take a year if it is wide enough. And since I said I would take a break until the 3rd year, my break period is guaranteed for at least one year.

Perhaps because of that thought, I was able to write manuscripts with ease. There is a terrifying concentration that goes to the end once you get it, but there is another reason why it is resilient.

[Isaac. I heard the news from your sister. It is said that the prince and the princess have found you. Fortunately, the two of you misunderstood me as a writer, not you, but I heard that you are depressed. I really want to visit the academy, but I can't afford it either. So… (omitted). My family totally supports you. We don't care if your writing doesn't go well. My family only hopes that you will not forget your smile. Don't be so heartbroken that you use this father. I will gladly be your shield. A father is something that his children are willing to rely on.]

It was a letter that arrived from home a few days later, a letter containing the sincerity of my father.

Usually, I write simple words to make it easier to understand, but this time I got a letter as long as my mother. And when I saw my father's letter, I had no choice but to wipe away my tears.

I was happy to know that I had such reliable people, and I felt apologetic on the contrary. It makes me wonder what the hell this article all about is.

But we have to work even harder because we couldn't disappoint them. Whether it was Zeno's biography, new work, or academic work. Because I am the proud son of my parents.

Thanks to this commitment, I achieved the feat of writing 9 volumes, which was originally expected to be two months, in a whopping one month. I wrote it too quickly, so I carefully checked whether there were any mistakes and sent it home.

It is a bonus to write an explanation of the nosebleed marks on the manuscript. This is to prevent misunderstandings by parents who are overflowing with love for their children.

However, as a month has passed, things have changed. Just as college students face the dreadful challenges of assignments and exams for a month, it was the same for the academy students.

"Is the test, okay?"

"Um… it was a little difficult. I guess there is a limit to memorizing. I never imagined that the theme would be like that."

The day of the history exam that everyone was so frightened of.

Me and Cecily had finished their exams and were chatting outside the classroom.

Cecily had a slightly regretful expression that the exam was more difficult than expected, but as she said, the history exam is not simply memorizing history.

During the history lecture, Professor Elena laid out the basics of historical knowledge, and explained what could be learned from the history and what should be learned. It was a lecture that seemed to focus on the subject of history itself rather than on historical knowledge.

And the subject of this history exam is as follows.

[Describe your own history.]

It looks simply, but in reality, it is a brutally difficult narrative test. Because I have to think about whether I should write it simply so that I can understand it at once, or if I should write a detailed explanation.

After a brief grunt, Cecily turned her head to me and asked in a curious voice.

"Isn't Isaac difficult? As soon as you saw it, you wrote it down and submitted the test paper."

"Did you see that?"

"Because you were the first student to go out, I had no choice but to see it. What did you write?"

There is one saying that is mentioned without exception when it comes to sayings related to history in a previous life. I don't know who said it first, but it's a phrase that is clearly engraved in people's minds.

So, I listened to her question and answered with her characteristic blunt voice.

"History repeats itself forever. I wrote only one of them and came out. How about Cecily noona?"

"of course…"

"You won't tell me? You know everything."

Before Cecily played a prank, I hit him first. Then Cecily was taken aback for a moment, then looked at me with a puzzled expression.

As a result of observing Cecily so far, I have a habit of raising the corners of my lips before playing pranks on me. Even now, as soon as I saw it, I knew that I was going to play a prank, so I hit the player in advance.

"…how did you know?"

After all, it's my habit to be unaware of, Cecily asked me with a look of surprise and half bewilderment. The reaction was completely unexpected.

I glanced at Cecily's rare, bewildered expression, and then opened my mouth quietly.

"Aren't you going to teach me?"


"I can't be the only one to win."


As I reacted decisively, Cecily snapped her tongue and shook her head. Her whole body was expressing my feelings that I was pissed off, but I don't need to worry too much about it.

Even if I'm pouting like that, I'm sure he'll play pranks on me again soon. There were a lot of playful things, but Cecily was so serious that she was slowly getting tired.


"Why are you calling me?"

"Does my sister play prank on me only, or does she play pranks on other people as well?"

So, I asked. When she's with Lina, she's a friendly cecily, but when she's with me, she often jokes around with her.

However, a joke is a joke only if the other person accepts it, and from a certain moment, I felt that I was exaggerating, so I was slowly getting tired.

I was a little confused as to whether they were treating me as a toy or person to person.

Cecily answered my question, blinking her red eyes and tilting her head.

"No? I tend to play pranks on Lina and other people, too? I never joke with anyone unless I'm close."

"Um… is it?"

"…why do you ask? Have you ever felt bad?"

When I reacted suspiciously, Cecily said cautiously, whether she noticed the mood had become strange.

I glanced at Cecily, anxious, and remembered her age. She is a demon who has lived for over 100 years.

She must have seen and felt many things during those years, but Cecily tends to be inexperienced in unexpected areas like she is now. It was difficult to determine whether it was her first step into her human society or the environment in which she was brought up.

"It's not a bad feeling, I want you to be a little restrained, because I want to share funny stories rather than pranks like I just did."

"…Okay. I'm sorry. I must have overdone it."

Cecily apologized with a sorry face for my request. As the mood began to darken, I hurried to another topic.

"I have a question, did anyone play pranks on you while you were in the kingdom?"

Cecily is the princess of Hellium. In terms of her position, she is similar to Lina.

So, to build a network, you must have met a variety of people, and in some cases, the relationship continued and developed into friends.

But, contrary to my expectations, Cecily smiled slightly bitterly and shook her head. it means not

"There were very few except for my father. There were no brothers and sisters, and there were only people who came to me only after seeing my strength. Apparently, I was scheduled to be the next Great Demon King, so I couldn't play a joke easily."

"Then what about the maid? Since she is a princess, there must be a maid, right?"

"It was a long time ago. But… something bad happened. At least in Helium, it's safe to say that there is no one to play pranks on except Dad."

It seems that I have very bad memories. Not to mention Cecily's memory is good, so it must have been a vivid memory of that time.

I quickly apologized as I looked at Cecily, who smiled awkwardly. I asked if I wanted to change the atmosphere for nothing, but things turned out to be strange.

"I'm sorry. I must have touched a bad memory."

"No. No. But thanks to you, I've come to realize that this moment is precious. Anyway, I'll refrain from joking around excessively from now on. Okay?"


"By the way, who is Isaac waiting for?"

Like I did before, Cecily turned the topic around to break the awkward situation.

I also responded by answering her questions.

"Marie. I wonder if she did well on the exam."

"That's all?"

Cecily looked at me with subtle eyes. They seem to think that there is something between me and Marie, but unfortunately, there is absolutely no such relationship.

It's not that I'm ignorant, and I know that Marie has a crush on me more than a friend. But I can't afford to receive hearts because I'm very busy.

'I should tell you about the secret step by step…'

If that's the case, it's unlikely, but if I really do have a formal relationship with Marie, then maybe it's after I've revealed that I'm the author of Zeno's biography.

Previously, it was the mindset that no matter how close people are, they hide secrets except for their families, but after receiving the sincere consolation of their families, they changed their minds.

The secret is still hidden, but by secretly leaking clues to those whom I trust. Just knowing that I'm the author of Zeno's biography, would it? People who respond like that.

Marie is one of those who meet the criteria. She doesn't know what her ancestry will look like, but she can at least be sure she's never the one who can take advantage of me. She'd be very surprised if she revealed the secret.

Of course, there are a few clues that have already been spilled, but let's move on to that. That is purely my mistake.

"That's really all it is. Nothing but that."

"Huh. Is it?"

Cecily looked at me with a questioning look. Seeing her lips tingle, she seemed to be itching to play with her.

I smiled at that and looked towards the classroom door. As time passed, some students came out, but the familiar white hair was nowhere to be seen.

It was history I hated so much, so maybe it would take a little while? Or maybe I and Cecily came out too early.

"Now that I think about it, I think the time has come for the 9th volume of Zeno's biography to come out soon…"

Did I get bored of waiting incessantly? Cecily smirked at me when she suddenly brought up the topic of Zeno's biography, volume 9.

For me, it's something that comes as a surprise, but it was okay because it was Cecily and nobody else. If Lina had brought up those words, she would have been so embarrassed that her face color changed.

So, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth as quietly as possible. I sent the manuscript home a few days ago, so the 9th volume will be out soon.

"It should come out. Only the writer will know when it will come out."

"Isn't that, right? Since I've published one book a month, won't it be completed by the end of the first year?"

Why are you looking at me and asking? I couldn't help but shiver when I looked at Cecily with a look of anticipation.

Since the meeting, Cecily looks at me whenever she mentions Zeno's biography, which is truly embarrassing for me.

'…Did I do anything wrong then?'

That's why I've had questions like that. Otherwise, there would be no reason for Cecily to act like that. She is suspecting me as the author of Xenon's biography.

I stared blankly at Cecily, who was smiling brightly, and then I slowly turned my head toward the classroom door. If she really doubts me, she needs to be careful with every word she says.

There is a lot of water that has already been spilled, but if you are careful from now on, you will be able to prevent it.

"…well. That must be the writer's mind."

"I wish I could come out as soon as possible. I thought a month would be short, but it turned out to be surprisingly long."

It's a nuance that seems to be subtly encouraging. I endured as much as I could for wanting to smile bitterly.

'I'm sorry, but I plan to put out 10 books and take a break for over a year.'

In fact, even submitting 9 books in one month is a great level for me, who currently do not have time.

However, thanks to the support of his family, he was able to publish 9 books in a month, but 10 books take at least two months, and after that, he plans to take a break for over a year.

If Cecily really doubts me as the author, I expect there will be some changes after the notice of hiatus. Maybe you'll ask me directly if I'm the author of Zeno's biography.

I am ready for that time. first…

'I have to rest until the exam is over…'

He intends to relieve his tired body with successive assignments and test bombs. I squeezed the back of my nose in the rush of fatigue.

It felt like the engine was overheating because it was running too hard. I exercise regularly every weekend, but it was physically difficult to write and study at the same time.

I even spilled my nosebleeds last time, so I didn't ask the manuscript. If you're tired, you're prone to nosebleeds, so it's better to be careful in many ways.

"You look very tired. Are you okay?"

Cecily asked me in a worried voice if she noticed I was tired. I nodded my head to answer him.

"Yeah. I'm just a little tired. There's no need to worry."

"…But don't overdo it. No matter how important your grades are, the most important thing is your health."

"Of course, I know. But shouldn't we do what we have to do?"

Read At

Even though I tried to smile, Cecily didn't hide her worried expression. For Cecily, I am one of the few friends, so it's a natural reaction.

Still, it was just that my body was a little tired, other than that it was nothing. So I waved my hand as if not to worry.

"Are you really okay? If you get a good night's sleep, you'll be fine."

"…I get it. Should I rest without doing anything else?"


Up until this point, as always, I thought that my normal life would continue.

[Zeno's biography of man's sins divided into 7 parts. What is the church's response?]

[The Luminous Church. The Seven Deadly Sins are sufficient to redefine the roots of theology. Numerous scholars are already studying each study by comparing it, and they match surprisingly well.]

[The races responsible for each sin are different… In particular, the elves who are in charge of 'pride' are truly shocking…]

[What is the strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins? As the story progresses, you will know, but most readers expect 'pride'…]

Until the Seven Deadly Sins, which were used in a previous life, had an unexpected ripple effect.

I patted the back of the neck at the reaction that was different from the 8th book.

"…aren't you going to be arrested for blasphemy like this?"