Chapter 49

'God' is a spiritual being who is more reliant on believers than anyone else. He firmly believes that even if he does not appear directly, he exists, and spreads the teachings of the gods to benefit the world.

However, this is the story of 'Earth' to the last, and since God really exists in this world, God cannot be denied. The moment they deny God head-on, they will be punished, revealing their existence through a special power called 'divine power'.

In this way, it is impossible to deny God in this world, and it was an opportunity for 'theology' to develop significantly. Theology is a very important science for people of this world, regardless of race, so it is one of the things that a priest must learn.

However, even if theology was developed, it lacked in many ways. I tend to deal with how to properly interpret oracles given by God, and how God has taught believers in history.

It can be said that it is a central heating system, and it can be said that there is no 'frame'. Historically, many scholars and sages have made great efforts to create this 'frame', but almost all of them have been abandoned.

This is because the history of the gods with humans was longer than expected, and there were so many teachings during that history that it was very difficult to establish.

For this reason, theology can also be viewed as a kind of history, but many clergy firmly believe that one day there will be an opportunity to redefine science. It is not simply the history of God with people, but true 'theology'.

And the fruits of that waiting are about to come to fruition.

"Is it really a sin to simply possess these sins? I don't think so. In fact, Luminus-sama was also jealous of Mora-sama once.

"You mean that the sin can only be established if one commits an action with that sin?"

"Yes. But it's okay to be temporary, but if you keep holding on to that sin, it'll be a sin too."

A group of people dressed in all white backgrounds was having a heated discussion with a round table in between. Most of them were gray-haired, wrinkled old men, and their clothes were engraved with the emblems of the church in gold embroidery.

They were members of the Luminus Church, which possesses the greatest power in the world, but they are not just believers. They were also influential archbishops within the denomination and were also professors of theology.

It is not unusual for them to gather and discuss in one place, but unlike before, there was a difference in that they exchanged opinions with enthusiasm. Originally, archbishops gathered in one place at regular intervals to discuss and only formal procedures came and went, and there was virtually no benefit.

But now it was completely different. As if a blocked dam exploded all at once, various opinions came and went, and countless rebuttals came pouring out.

"Especially the sin of pride should be taken into account. As you all know, the proud have always fallen from time immemorial. Even if you don't go far, you can see the elves. ."

"It's pride… You have to study other things to know, but the sin of pride cannot be denied. Luminus-sama also taught us not to be arrogant and always be humble."

"Aside from pride, how do you think other sins should be explained?"

The reason the archbishops gather in one place to discuss is none other than the content of Zeno's biography mentioned this time. In the recently published biography of Zeno, demonic executives appeared, and Isaac put them into the setting of 'The Seven Deadly Sins'.

If it was Earth, it was one of the most common settings, so I would have passed it on without thinking, but this place was quite different. The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins was enough to shock the clergy.

It is surprising to divide the sins into seven categories, but the problem is that these sins are not limited to humans but apply to all races.

The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins seemed to have presented a kind of framework, or paradigm, to the clergy living in this world. Numerous theologians have presented various theories so far, but none has been more convincing than the Seven Deadly Sins.

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Even more so, if Zeno's biography was just such a novel, it would be impossible to know that it had a huge impact on the world.

"By the way, I really don't know if I can borrow a story from a novel… but you don't know how well versed this author is in theology, do you?"

Of course, there were not only positive comments, but also negative ones. Is it right to apply the concepts that appeared in the novel to science as it is? It was the theory that

In fact, they made sense, but…

"Then Archbishop Hans can come up with a concept as clear as the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"…that's no."

"We know what Archbishop Hans is worried about. In fact, this author may not be a priest. But it is clear that he has done an in-depth study. Otherwise, he would not have presented the Seven Deadly Sins."

Almost all were rejected.

Some of Zeno's biography had a strong influence, but the concept itself was so fresh that they misunderstood. The author of Zeno's biography is said to be fluent in theology as much as he has a lot of experience.

In addition to this, people assume that the author of Zeno's biography is an old sage. Not a blue-eyed kid who wasn't even 20 years old like Isaac.

From Isaac's point of view, he borrowed the settings that were useful in his previous life, but it was no different from presenting a paradigm to them. It was a very natural setting, which was an opportunity to shake up theology.

"And the concept of the Seven Deadly Species is not limited to our Luminus Church. It should be applied to the concept of theology itself."

"Then you're saying that we should do joint research with other denominations?"

One of the archbishops frowned and expressed displeasure. The Luminus Church has the widest range of people, so there are many people who hate other denominations like this.

Of course, on the surface, the relationship with other denominations is good. Because the power of the Luminus Church was the largest, and that did not mean that the power of other Churches was weak.

The old man shook his head when an archbishop expressed his displeasure.

"No. For now, it would be better to study only in our denomination. Mora and Hirt do not know how they will react."

"Hmm… I see. So how are you going to find this author?"

The Archbishop asked if he would find Isaac, the author of Zeno's biography. The Archbishop looked down at him and pondered.

Although it was only an illusion, it was Isaac who presented a frame that was so difficult to present. In my mind, I wanted to find out right away and ask what exactly the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins was.

But at least not now. It was because of his health, as seen in the newspaper.

"I can't do it right now. When I heard about it, they said that my health was not good, so if I go to visit for nothing, it may burden me."

"Oh. You mean the blood on the manuscript? You just said nosebleeds."

Although the Seven Deadly Sins presented this time had a huge repercussion, people were more concerned about Isaac's health as reported by the publisher.

The submitted manuscript had blood on it, and although it was a simple nosebleed, there were concerns about the author's health.

In a way, it's just a trivial thing, but since he's a writer of Zeno's biography, I couldn't help but worry about it.

"It is a daily routine for artists to overwork without taking care of their bodies. We are not the only artists who collapsed from overwork while drawing or writing novels for three days and three nights."

"Is that right? I'm not an artist, I don't know."

In fact, many artists immerse themselves in their work and often harm their health. Not only does the day and night change, but the physical strength also decreases due to neglect of exercise.

Since Isaac was writing as a 'hobby' to the last, he had a somewhat free stance, but lately he has tended to overdo it because of the pressure. Fortunately, now with the comfort of my family, I am feeling better.

"Anyway, until more stories about the Seven Deadly Sins come out, it would be better to redefine the study. Unless you meet the author in person, you won't be able to hear a more accurate theory."

"Okay. But do you know how the elves react? Since the sin of pride was an elf, a response is likely."

At the archbishop's question, the old man who was leading the discussion opened his mouth with a gasp.

"I'm going to try to find it right away. Still, at the time of the tribal war, because of their pride, they ate up the war, but they picked it up."


After the 9th book appeared in the world, they started talking about the Seven Deadly Sins and more. The fact that the research progress of theology was further enhanced by suggesting a new paradigm, that it had never been divided in such detail, etc.

It was a completely unexpected reaction for me. I brought the Seven Deadly Sins that were often used in my previous life as it is, but it is absurd.

But what's even more absurd is that a publishing company posted an article about my health. Seeing the nosebleeds on the manuscript, I am very worried about my health or something.

In addition, artists tended to complete their work even by harming themselves, so people began to talk about their own will. Various hypotheses came and went, but the highlight of them all was that I had a limited life.

As I said before, readers are guessing that I am an old sage, and with that, my lifespan is short.

Their illusion of turning a 17-year-old with a bright future into a dead end was admirable, but there was something more important than that now.

"Isaac. Are you really, okay?"

"Why? Because I'm really nimble."

I glanced at Cecily, who was sitting opposite me, passing the food in my mouth over my throat. Cecily's pretty face filled with worry and anxiety caught my eye.

It is said that the frequency of Cecily worrying about me has increased significantly after Chirashi, not Chirashi, came out. When I was with other people, I looked at him with anxious eyes, but now that we are alone, I asked openly.

Right now, the two of us were eating in a restaurant, Lina left first because she was busy, and Marie didn't go to class.

'You seem really suspicious.'

Last time, I was only expecting it, but now I can be sure after seeing Cecily's reaction. She assumes me to be the author of Zeno's biography.

It's nothing else and I can't help but be sure if I ask such a question as soon as an article about my health comes out. I looked at her, unable to hide her worries, and spoke in her characteristic blunt voice.

"Where is it that I look sick? I'm fine like this."

"Just in case. Have you had a nosebleed recently?"


Don't ask openly at all. I barely suppressed the laughter that was about to come out.

Still, it didn't feel bad to have a beautiful woman like Cecily take care of her. Rather, it puts her mind at ease to think that she cares about her health.

However, I didn't think it would be a good idea to continue this topic. So, I put her tableware down for a moment and asked her.

"By the way, Cecily-noona, have you read the 9th book that came out this time? This time, she said it was better because she released it in bulk."

"Of course, I read it. Did I buy the one left in the bookstore? Isaac?"

"I read what my sister bought me."

The original Zeno biography is sold out in less than a day each time a new priesthood is released. In particular, last time, it broke a new record (?) of being sold out in less than half a day.

And the publisher knew that part too well, so this time, they released it in bulk from the beginning. Apparently, they introduced a new technology, but I don't even know what it is.

Anyway, thanks to Xenon's biography, volume 9 was easily available. Even if they were all sold out that day, the books piled up again two days later, so if you had enough patience, you could buy them.

"Then do you know about the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Cecily erased the dark expression on my answer and spoke brightly. Also, her bright expression suits her well.

"Of course I do."

"Do you even know the executive responsible for lust?"

Cecily asked me with her red eyes twinkling. I nodded my head in affirmation.

At that, she raised the corners of her lips slightly and clasped her chin with one hand. With that single act alone, a subtle color flowed, and the atmosphere instantly became strange.

Afterwards, Cecily looked at me with charming eyes and opened her mouth quietly. As if there was a time when she worried about my health, it was her alluring voice.

"Your name was Lilith, a descendant of a succubus and a demon who became a demon."


"Black hair and red eyes that reach down to the waist. There was a description of the voice full of color. The body is also sensual. But…"

Cecily hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a soft voice, as if slurping.

"It may be my mistake, but whenever I see that description, somehow, it reminds me of me?"