Chapter 53

Totally unexpected situations occurred one after another and I was confused, but I was able to get back to the dorm and manage it well. When I threw myself on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling, it was thanks to the fact that my hot head gradually cooled.

Still, it was still tangled up in my head. What Cecily did to me today, and how Marie followed us.

It is a day full of complicated thoughts in many ways. I glanced at the ceiling, blinking my eyes, and let out a deep sigh.

'Isn't it a little rude…'

Unlike the brothers and sisters of the royal family, who formed an atmosphere close to being questioned, Cecily induced me to reveal the secret myself. It's not a threat, it's an attitude that respects my position.

In addition to this, Cecily has revealed herself to the author of Zeno's biography, that she is ready to dedicate everything to me. It was not a joke, it contained determination and sincerity, and it was his sincere will.

However, the act of forcing my hand to touch my chest and furthermore, biting my finger into my mouth is open to interpretation in various ways. You'll have to listen to Cecily in person to find out, but to others (especially Marie), it may seem like you're seducing yourself with your body.

At that time, my reason was completely blown away, so it was difficult to grasp the meaning, but now that I come to think about it, there are parts where I was too easy.

Of course, it is impossible to determine whether Cecily was seduced with such intentions. I'm planning to meet separately the next day to ask for confirmation.

'Certainly, I lived with my head empty a lot.'

I can say that my sense of reality is inferior, and I can say that my social skills are inferior. In my previous life, I was living at university, but my parents died in an accident, so I wasolate myself, and now I have only stayed at home until I entered the academy.

Because of this, they tend to live life like flowing water. This means that the variable cannot be reliably dealt with.

But Leort, Lina, and Cecily became acquainted with it clearly.

My worth is far greater than I thought. I don't know how much, but the princess of Helium said that she would sacrifice herself, so it's definitely beyond the extraordinary level.

'Fortunately, it's a shame because it's the royal family and Cecily, but after that, a really big Satan will come out. Even my father can't stop it.'

He has a strong backing as a father, but even that will collapse helplessly in the face of a huge force called the 'state'. Therefore, it is right to develop the ability to overcome with my own strength, not my father's ability.

My father and my family said they would help me at any time, but I can't rely on everything. If this isn't pampered, what the hell is it?

So, I can deal with the situation appropriately with my own abilities, but if it doesn't work out, it would be better to borrow the strength of my family. My family will also respect my opinion.

Thinking like this, I think I've been so stupid all this time. Rather than living without thinking, I think the future will be more comfortable when there is a computational aspect.

'And Marie…'

As of today, I can be sure. Marie has a romantic feeling that goes beyond 'something' to me.

You can tell even if you are ignorant of the fact that they followed in the footsteps of me and Cecily and knocked on the door.

And my reaction to that…

'…Should I hold your hand first?'

It started with his face quickly turning red. I also have a crush on Marie as a person of the opposite s*x, going beyond person to person.

I couldn't say that the first meeting was very good, but the more we spend together, the more natural it is to have those feelings. She has a beautiful face, but I liked her personality far away from her sense of authority.

Most of all, Marie didn't even expect me to be the author of Xenon's biography. Unlike Cecily, she has to say that she likes people themselves.

But the biggest obstacle is her background. Marie's family is not a baron like me, but the Duke of Rechilis who has the second most power after the imperial family.

The relationship between the emperor and the duke wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. The Minerva Empire is balanced by fierce competition and checks against each other. If there is even a slight twist here, the empire may be in chaos.

'Marie doesn't really care, but…'

Marie would be surprised to find out that I was the author of Zeno's biography, but there would be no further reaction. She's been with her a lot, so this is certain.

But that's what she is, and I wonder if her family will really let me go. So even if she's dating Marie, she's vaguely speaking in person until she notices.

'First, I need to figure out what my worth is.'

Newspapers say that they changed the paradigm of novels, that they were benefactors who fulfilled the wishes of the demons, that they re-established theology, etc.

Various evaluations have been floating around, but this alone is not enough. As a keeper, I need to know my values ​​a little more clearly to prevent a disaster from happening.

'Who would have known that it would turn out like this with just one real post…'

I sighed heavily and got up from the bed. As I said before, I lack a bit of a sense of reality. However, after going through various incidents, I felt the need to change my mindset.

With that thought in mind, I sat down at my desk and opened the second drawer. When I opened the drawer, I saw a pile of thick manuscript papers piled up.

But it is no ordinary manuscript. This is the first edition of the manuscripts I have carefully written so far, that is, Zeno's biography.

Originally, the publishing house had entrusted the first edition, but it was returned to me when the Xenon biography was a hit that far exceeded my expectations. From the publisher's point of view, if you keep holding these things, you'll have no choice but to send them back for safety's sake.

'How much value can this be…'

At first glance, it appears to be just plain paper. However, I was curious how it would be reflected in the eyes of high-ranking people.

My ransom will be a ransom price, but the value of the first edition will not be too high. In particular, it would be a treasure trove for the Kingdom of Teiros, which is called a cultural powerhouse.

But, as I said before, the first thing to do is to know how much value I have. And the right person to ask this question is…

'Leort, Lina, and Marie… about that?'

Since Cecily represented the position of the demons, he passed, and the most complicated relationship is with humans. Since the main character of Xenon's biography is a human being, the race that I am passionate about the most is also the human race that tries to find me.

So, people of high level on the human side must know the value of the first edition better than anyone. I wrinkled my eyebrows slightly while thinking of the three of them in my head.

'Of course, Marie has the most trust.'

Even if no one else knows, Marie is a bit reluctant to approach her with a specific purpose. She wants to laugh and talk and enjoy a normal life with her, as always.

Is it supposed to be some kind of sanctuary? Her situation had come this way through my complacency, so it would have been better to at least explain her situation to her.

Of course, Marie will gladly accept me no matter who I am, but that's why I have to be even more careful. Now that I know how she feels for me, she doesn't want to harm me.


You'd better write a letter to your father. I think it would be better to start acting after telling my father about my mindset.

So, I put the first edition back in the drawer and started writing to my father. If you suddenly decide to act on your own, you'll be a little embarrassed, so I'll have to explain the situation.

'You can't think that nothing is going on anymore.'

Various events have already occurred, and time is irreversible. A secret is a secret that only you alone know.

'Don't just try to avoid it, let's prepare for it.'

With a sincere heart, I began to write a letter to my father, step by step.


A room where not even a single light enters.

The red-eyed demon, Cecily, was lying on a soft bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

The red eyes shining in the dark and the black hair scattered on the bed look like a painting.

She reached slowly towards the ceiling. After decades of training, her own hands, covered in her calluses, caught her eye.

"… …"

Cecily looked at her hand and blinked a couple of times. At the same time he thought deeply about what had happened today.

It was a daily life like any other, but today was a little special. Because I met the author of Zeno's biography and the benefactor of the demons, whom I had longed to meet.

Of course, evidence will have to come to prove that he really was the author of Zeno's biography, but Cecily was able to figure it out intuitively. Isaac, the red-haired boy, is sure to be the author of the biography of Zeno, whom he longed to meet.

He gently induced him to reveal the secret himself, but when he found out that Isaac was indeed the author of Zeno's biography, he couldn't help but be surprised. Probably because most people were guessing that the author of Zeno's biography was an old sage.

Like Isaac, a green young world who is not even 20 years old… No, I would never think of him as a kid.


Cecily remembered the persecution the demons had been subjected to. 100 years is a very long time even for demons.

During that time, demons did not receive good reviews from other races. No, beyond that, he was looked at with hatred and contempt.

Fortunately, he did not receive such a gaze directly because he was a princess of Hellium, but other demons were not. The demons who went to the outside world all met a bad tragedy.

As a result, Helium was not able to take a step forward diplomatically and had no choice but to be placed in a semi-forcibly closed position. The fact that Helium recently started diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Teiros is an absurd achievement.

'All of this…'

Thanks to Isaac, the red-haired boy. Cecily placed his hand, which had reached his ceiling, to his chest as his face rose.

Thump- Thump- Thump-

My heart was pounding wildly like it was broken. He seemed to be very excited about himself.

She tried to calm her beating heart somehow, but it wasn't easy. On the contrary, the moment I recognized it, my heart raced even louder.

Is this feeling really love or respect? This feeling was unfamiliar to me at birth, so it was not easy for Cecily to grasp it.

But this is for sure.


This feeling is heading towards Isaac, the author of Zeno's biography.


Cecily sighed and closed her eyes slowly. And she remembered what Marie had told her today.

Marie has said that the reason she likes Isaac is not because of the secret. She just likes the existence of Isaac, and unlike Cecily, she doesn't care about secrets.

Those words were enough to shock Cecily. Because thanks to her, she realized her mistake earlier.

'It must have been a big day.'

At the end of the day, he almost committed a huge disrespect to the 'benefactor'. She did it in the sense that she was willing to give it all away, but now that she thinks about it, there's plenty of room for different interpretations.

Is it right to do something like that to a 'benein'? I can definitively say absolutely no.

After going through these thoughts, I had no choice but to look at Isaac differently.

At first, he only looked like a cute little brother, but now he is starting to be seen as a benefactor who has fulfilled the wishes of the demons.

A cute little brother and a benefactor of the demons. At that time, I made a mistake because the two were combined. But not now.


I'm really grateful and what can I say about this feeling of being really lovely?

aunt? yes. Maybe you could call it a mother-in-law.

Upon hearing that thought, Cecily clasped her hands tightly and twisted her body. I want to run to him right away and say thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I want to tell him to just say it because he is ready at any time.

But since you've already made a mistake once, you need to approach it cautiously now. A girl with white hair was sitting next to him.

On the surface, they will act as usual… But when they are alone, they will reveal their true feelings.

"Wait a minute… Wait a minute. Benefactor… Ah! This is not the time."

As she twisted and muttered, she jumped out of bed as if she remembered something. She then sat down in her chair towards the desk and pulled out a piece of her paper.

'First of all, the letter… But how do I send it to the dormitory for boys? Wouldn't it look strange?'

Cecily began to write with happy thoughts.