Chapter 54

The next day dawned upon me. There are no majors that take the exam today, and all you have to do is submit assignments, so there is plenty of time to talk with your acquaintances.

Originally, I prayed that nothing would happen, but after going through various accidents, I changed my mind. He doesn't wish that nothing will happen, but rather that he develops the ability to cope with what happens.

Rather than relying on my family, I want to develop my own abilities. With this mindset, I couldn't help but be nervous.

Anyway, the first thing to do is to ask Cecily about what happened yesterday. With what intention did she seduce me? Although she did not present any proper evidence, she exhibited such behavior, which was beyond bewilderment and embarrassment.


He was able to change his decision on how to treat Marie after thinking about it for a long time. If she's really for her, don't let her harm her to Marie when her secrets are revealed later.

At least, I think I should prevent the woman who likes me from getting hurt because of my indecisiveness. Although, unlike others, Marie cannot even guess that I am the author of Zeno's biography, she can even feel betrayed if done wrong.

Do you think someone else is more trustworthy than you? Why couldn't he tell him the secret?

It's a relationship that I built up hard by chance, but I'm worried that it will collapse all at once due to my negligent judgment. Besides, Marie is pretty quick to notice her, so maybe she's got a clue.

Above all, I hurt her once with yesterday. It hurts my heart to see a woman I like alone with another man.

'Let's listen to the class first.'

I made a firm resolve once more and headed to the classroom. The first class is Philosophy, and Marie, Cecily, and Lina take a class together.

I don't know about Lina, but since Marie and Cecily only talked yesterday, there will definitely be a big change. I wondered if I would be able to deal with it wisely, but now I have no choice but to believe in myself.

Otherwise, it is highly likely that this situation will be repeated for a while. Things go awry, and I and others are embarrassed.

It was the moment when I almost reached the lecture hall with a promise to myself again.



Coincidentally, I met Cecily in front of the classroom door. As if in embarrassment, Cecily's eyes were wide open as if she didn't even know she was going to meet me.

About the time when I couldn't open my mouth easily in unexpected circumstances, Cecily smiled softly and greeted me in a soft tone.

"Hello. Good morning."

"Ah… yes. Good morning."


As I greeted with a bewildered feeling, Cecily let out a light laugh. When she saw her smile, she suddenly remembered what happened yesterday and felt embarrassed for nothing.

As I was stroking the back of my neck with a bit of shyness at him, Cecily stared at me and opened her mouth quietly.

"I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday."


"I shouldn't have done that to you… It's my fault. I apologize again."

I couldn't hide my embarrassment at the sudden apology and respectful words. What the hell kind of change of heart could have caused Cecily's attitude to change so much?

The problem did not end here. Cecily nodded her head with her characteristic playful smile and expressed her feelings.

It's a respectful attitude no matter who sees it, it's a greeting.

I couldn't help but question her behavior, which I couldn't understand.

"…why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

"From now on, when there are only the two of us, I will treat you like this. You are the benefactor of our demons, so you should treat them worthy of your benefactor."

"… …"

"Then shall we go inside?"

I have no idea what the situation is right now. I glanced at Cecily's back as she entered the classroom with a grin.

As she said, it's only the two of us at the door of the classroom right now… But it was a little bit of respect.

Feeling that the distance between Cecily and I, who were close, has subtly widened? I felt a sense of detachment because it was Cecily, who had always been good at pranks with me.


It's not that I don't understand it at all. Because Cecily said yesterday that the author of Zeno's biography was the benefactor who made the dream of the demons come true.

Moreover, he even expressed his will to sacrifice his body if he met a benefactor. Her attitude toward me is likely to change.

If it had been the way it was, I would have been embarrassed that I shouldn't have done that, and that I could just joke around and joke around as usual…


My chest throbbed strangely. A princess of the demon tribe who treats me with respect after knowing my true identity. How am I supposed to explain this?

If you hadn't apologized for what happened yesterday, you might think it's shameful, but she apologized for that. Also, by bowing your head.

I stood nailed in front of the classroom door for a while, then hurriedly woke up. Because there was something more important than Cecily right now.

'Still, something…'

It may feel good, it may not, and it is subtle.

With that in mind, I stepped into the classroom. And as soon as I entered the classroom, a familiar face sitting in the front seat was caught in my sight.

As if something was unsatisfying, Marie had a pouty expression on her chin with one hand. A glance at her tells her that her mood is low.

Is that why? The tickled heart flew away and began to fill with tension instead. Marie is probably doing that because of yesterday.

'Naturally… naturally…'

Without noticing, suppressing my pounding chest, I approached Marie. I may be late today, but the seat next to me is vacant since Marie came quite early.

Then, as I slowly approached Marie, her gaze, which had been fixed on the desk, seemed to have sensed a presence, shifted to me. But I thought she would react to her bluntly because of yesterday's work.


Until he welcomed you with his blue eyes wide open. She even gave her a warm welcome by waving her arm.

When Marie, who was supposed to have been heartbroken, treated me actively, I couldn't help but devour my bewilderment for a moment. Because I really thought it was her.

However, since I made a mistake without breaking her heart, my apology remains the same. Still, her heart, which seemed to be crushed by her lead, was slightly lighter.


"Yes, bye."

When I greeted with my characteristic bluntness, Marie greeted me with a bright smile. She thought her smile was so cute.

It was the moment I sat down and took out my notebook.

"Did you go in well yesterday?"

I couldn't help but pause after hearing Marie's question. His voice was bright, but it would not be a mistake to feel as if there were bones in it.

When I moved my gaze to him, I saw her smiling face, as if something was wrong. If someone you don't know sees it, they'll think that it's a pretty smile, but it's not for me.

Marie may not be aware of it, but the corners of her lips are trembling slightly. It means that it is a forced smile to hide an anxious mind.

He pretends to be okay on the outside, but it is clear that he has it in his heart. After thinking twice about how to respond, I opened my mouth.

"It went well. How about you?"

"What am I…"

She mumbled and glanced behind her. Marie's gaze turned to Cecily, who was currently chatting with Lina.

"…I went in well. Nothing happened."


That's a lie. When she saw Cecily, her eyes sank low for a moment.

He seemed to be acting like this because he didn't want our relationship to become awkward. The more he did, the more he felt guilty about Marie.

Thanks to you, I thought I was very fortunate to have made the decision. Because she won't be hurt anymore.

"Oh, Isaac, have you ever seen the 9th volume of Xenon's biography that came out this time?"

Marie asked if I wanted to change the mood when I was holding my bitterness. Since it was a question, she had expected in advance, she nodded her head without panic at all.

"Of course, I read it. From this new book, publishers introduce new technology, so the volume continues to come out, right? Have you read it?"

"I read it yesterday. You don't know how surprised I was when I saw the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins. The more I read Zeno's biography, the more I wondered what was inside this person's head. And…"

That person is right in front of you. I swallowed my heart and looked at Marie who was babbling with a happy smile.

When I look at it from the side like this, it feels like a small and cute bird is chirping, so my mind and body are at peace. There were many problems with hurting such a girl.

I stared at Marie talking happily to herself, then opened my mouth quietly.

"…number of animals."

"Yes why?"

"How much do you think the author of Zeno's biography was worth?"

After hearing my question, Marie blinked her big eyes a couple of times before looking down. It looks like she's trying to organize her thoughts.

Meanwhile, I clenched my chin and waited patiently for her mouth to open. If I get a chance, I will ask this question to Lina and Leort as well, but first of all, I will start with Marie, the person I am most comfortable with.

From her point of view, it may feel out of the blue, but it doesn't matter. After lunch or all classes, she was planning to meet Marie privately.

Before long, Marie tapped her cheek with her index finger and pulled her thoughts out.

"For now, speaking as a member of the 'Requilis family' rather than 'me', neither our family nor the Empire will be able to tamper with it. The author's influence on the world is terrifying."

"Is that really that much?"

"Of course. In particular, our Empire and the Kingdom of Teiros must be eager to recruit the author? If it is culture, they are fighting each other for possession. There is nothing more effective in governing the internal affairs of a country than culture."


Culture is easy to understand. An example of a past life is China.

China was praised as a cultural power in the past, but historically, it made a huge mistake and ended up eating up its culture. Because of that, even if it grew enough to compete with the United States in the future, the culture was hindered.

Of course, the biggest problem was the Chinese government's censorship and coercion, which hindered the development of culture, but if it hadn't been for the incident that devoured the culture in the first place, China would really have become a powerful power that no one could stop.

'…It's a little scary.'

What a terrifying force that a nation's culture can be greatly developed through the existence of a nation alone. Much less, this world stands for the Middle Ages, so culture will be more important.

That was when I was thinking about it. Marie stared at me in the face and made a different opinion.

"And the book written by the author can be a weapon. Just as it changed the perception of demons, it will not change the perception of other races either. Of course, the author will not include that intention, but it will be very dangerous."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Yeah. Because bad ideas can spread far and wide. Because of this, the country has no choice but to pay close attention."

There is no internet here, let alone a smartphone. In the end, the means for disseminating information are limited, and one of them is the newspaper.

With my limited personal network, the only way to find out about the outside world is through newspapers. I don't know if that's fake or if it's true.

So, if you listen to Marie's story, it means that the book I've written can be used to spread ideas. Naturally, I can only frown.

'I just want to write an interesting book…'

Even though I am far from politics, I am a person who is far from it. In his previous life, he was only a college freshman, and the deadline for that was extremely short. Entering the complex political world made me feel uncomfortable.

But, as I said before, avoiding things like this every time is not the right answer. At the very least, I need to prepare a countermeasure so that I can write the book I want.

To do that, I need to develop my own abilities.

"But why are you asking that?"

As I was making up my mind, Marie tilted her head and revealed her curiosity. I stared intently at her face, then cautiously opened her mouth.

"number of animals."


"Are you… Do you have time today?"

Then, after a little hesitation, I encouraged her with courage.

"I have a story I want to tell you."

Maybe it's because the words are enough to cause some misunderstanding.


Marie's white face quickly turned red.