Chapter 73

"It's just fun."

The queen of Albenheim, Arwen, looked at the ten books of Xenon's biography, which she held dearly with both hands. Her lips stick out like a childish girl, and she is clearly expressing the dissatisfaction she had inside.

If the Senate had seen this, they would have put a harsh check on her to keep her dignity as a queen, but now there is no one there. There is no danger of wiretapping at all because it is an audience room.

"Elves say they should be noble. In the book, they say they don't like elves in charge of arrogance," he said.

Arwen said no one was around, and he scoffed at the Senate who had been oppressing him before.

This time when no one is on duty is like a rain of drought for Arwen. It was suitable to bring out the words that had been stagnant inside.

Externally, Arwen is praised as a benevolent and kind queen, but she has such an extremely girly heart.

Because the senate must protect her dignity as a queen like a nag, she usually does not show that aspect, but she is only 150 years old.

If I were a human, I would tackle it saying that I am too old, but that is the standard of a human being. Even by the standards of an elf, it is enough to become a member of society, but nonetheless, she is on the younger side.

And Arwen ascended to the throne at the young age of 50 and has ruled Albenheim until now. For an elf in her 50s, all education is over and a stepping stone to advance into society is provided, but the position of a queen is not easy for her.

However, the fact that she ruled Albenheim without giving in to the pressure of the Senate for over 100 years shows how outstanding her political skills are.

'I think Xenon went on hiatus because of people like the Senate. It must be very difficult for humans to say that there are places worse than the Senate.'

Arwen looked at Xenon's biography with sympathy and muttered to himself. She is also one of many fans of Zeno's biography.

We are well aware of how powerful Xenon's biography is on the world, and we also recognize that it is prone to political exploitation.

Perhaps she will exert a greater influence than herself, the queen of Albenheim. Even an elf who said she was chosen by the gods, she has no choice but to become powerless in the face of the great power of 'culture'.

So it was even more sad. Even though he hid his identity, he said that he was suffering mentally, so I can see how much pressure the writer has.

'Still, you should write down what happens to the master and the queen, right? You're a bad writer.'

But that's it and this is this. Arwen seemed to go crazy wondering what the relationship between the teacher and the elf queen would be in the work.

Although the elf queen in the work is a fictional character that is completely separate from herself, she somehow became immersed in it. In particular, the elf queen in her work is suffering to a level that she did more than herself, but not less.

In addition to being severely restrained by the senate, demons appear all over the world, and there are occasionally signs of a great crisis coming to Albenheim.

For these reasons, it was safe to say that he had little to no privacy. In such a situation, only her teacher can help the elf queen emotionally, so the relationship becomes even more affectionate.

'The author of Xenon is great too. How do you penetrate the myths of the elves in detail? Myths and history related to elves would not have been well known to humans. Was he a scholar who was educated in Albnheim?'

Xenon's biography didn't get much attention from the elves until the Seven Deadly Servants appeared. This is because the main character is a human who inflicted great disgrace during the tribal war and was only active in human society until the advent of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Scholars also read in-depth for research purposes, but among the elves, it was only a book that only readers could read. But there was hardly any mention of it being uninteresting.

And uniquely, Arwen is a reader who has been reading steadily since the first volume. Since I have loved books since ancient times, I was naturally exposed to the biography of Xenon, who struck the world, and I was fascinated by his excellent writing and suction power and fell in love with it.

However, when the Seven Deadly Sins appeared and the main characters entered Albenheim, the situation was reversed. The fact that one of the demon officers is in charge of the elf, that is, 'pride' was enough to cause a lot of gossip.

Even in the Senate, Xenon's biography was treated like a spark, but when Albenheim appeared, there was no choice but to be afraid. Indeed, if the writer knew about the actual situation and culture of Albenheim, it could have caused great harm to them as well.

In fact, the senate in the work, that is, the 'parliament', is putting pressure on the elf queen for insignificant reasons. If it was an historical testimonial, it was an historical testimonial, so for Arwen, it was refreshing and bitter inside.

'By the way, is 'Dark Elf' coming next?'

Elves have a lifespan several times that of other races, so the recorded history is very vast. The first recorded history by humans is from when they founded their own civilization 5,000 years ago, but the elves are from 10,000 years ago, about twice that.

During those ten thousand years, there have been numerous incidents and accidents. There were times when he tried to rule the world using his innate abilities, and there were times when he fought a civil war between his people.

And about 5000 years ago, a serious civil war broke out. The cause of the civil war was simple.


The elves worship the three gods Luminus, Mora, and Hart together, but that is the story of the present, and in the past, they were busy checking and fighting each other.

Naturally, the gods even gave the oracles to stop them, but the elves did not listen. He was an elf with longer ears than other races to hear God's voice more clearly, but ironically, he didn't listen when he needed it.

Among them, the denomination that suffered the most damage was Morada. Mora wanted compromise rather than conflict, but unfortunately, it was a time when power prevailed over words.

Moreover, from the standpoint of Luminus, who serves the light, Mora must have been seen as a thorn in his eyes. So she combined her forces with Hart to banish them. In the process of deporting her, it was natural for her to suppress it by force.

Most of those exiled here are 'dark elves' with brown skin, which is why there are almost no dark elves living in Albnheim. Most of the dark elves were serving Mora, but they were all thrown out, so there is no way they could remain.

As a result, the Dark Elves became disgusted with themselves as elves, and cut off their symbolic ears in half. This custom has continued to this day, and if you look at the Dark Elves, you can see that all of them have their ears cut in half.

'Still, to the human eye, they will all look the same. But since you know the history well, will you come out someday? How do you come out? It makes real people curious.'

2000 years have passed since then, during the Demon War, when the elves fell into crisis, they sought help from the dark elves they had expelled. However, the sediment accumulated for 2000 years cannot be easily resolved.

Fortunately, they helped their people to fight the demons, but they did not set foot in Albenheim. It was because of the mutual distrust that had accumulated over 2000 years.

In particular, the Senate dislike dark elves, but for those who are immersed in racial supremacy, the dark elves who abandoned their race's name would be really disrespectful. Even dark elves hate stubborn senators.

'Anyway, the old man is the problem. I don't know how strong their power is.'

Arwen looked down again at the Senate, where there was nowhere to go. She has been trying to re-accept the Dark Elves since her accession.

After all, they are the same people who came from the same root, and they thought that the race called 'Elf' would be complete without them. Moreover, only the senators, who put tradition and law first, hate the dark elves, but those who are awake feel sorry for them.

They haven't been able to set foot in their hometown until now because of the atrocities committed by their ancestors. It was the same for Arwen.

"Ah, what do you do when you're thinking like this. The next volume is coming out in two years!"

Arwen held the book tightly in her arms and whined like a child. Her period of two years was a short time for an elf, but somehow felt very long.

Perhaps the two years waiting for Xenon's biography are the longest two years in the world. She prayed that the two years would pass quickly.



As she was reclining on the prince, Arwen suddenly sensed that the flow of mana had changed. She is naturally sensitive to mana, so she knows what this means.

Someone used magic. However, the use of magic in the audience is prohibited except for the king.

Arwen corrected his posture and hurriedly checked who had invaded. The Senate wouldn't use magic in the audience just because they were crazy, but there is such a thing as if.

Subsequently, as soon as she activated the detection magic, she was relieved. She is a very familiar presence to her.

"…Now stop playing around."

As Arwen opened his mouth weakly, someone slowly appeared in front of the empty throne. No matter what magic was used, it was completely assimilated into the surrounding environment and was completely invisible.

Eventually, the figure of the opponent who had dispelled the magic was fully revealed, but it was difficult to see the face properly with the robe turned inside out. However, Arwen knows who this unidentified intruder is.


"Hello. Queen!"

Arwen called his name and the intruder called Lane greeted him brightly. Contrary to his lively voice, his low-pitched voice was attractive.


The unidentified woman waved her robe back after saying hello. She possessed copper-colored skin that contrasted with her wheat-coloured hair with a subtle red tint.

But the thing that stands out the most is her ears. She seemed to have long ears like any other elf, but the middle was cut off. You can predict this by looking at it.

The woman who appeared before Arwen's eyes was a 'dark elf'.

"Does it seem like the old people were bothering you today? Seeing you lying on the throne."

Lane smiled and asked Arwen. Arwen coughed at her questioning openly about her senate.

It was okay to curse the senate, but the fact that she did not respect the dignity of the queen was even more worrisome for Arwen. No matter how close we are personally, I want to protect what we have to protect.

"Hmm. Hmm. It was just a bit of a problem. But what happened to you today?"

"I'm here because I have a present I want to give to the Queen!"



Usually, Lane is always good at giving gifts to Arwen. Arwen had a policy of reintroducing the dark elves, and Lane was the dark elf.

Not only Lane, but all of the Dark Elves are friendly to Arwen. That's why the dark elves also send Lane to build intimacy.

Lane was sent for political purposes, but Arwen likes him. There's no reason to dislike Lane, the innocent girl, but because he always brings the new priesthood from Zeno's biography to life.

You might think of it as an errand, but there's no problem with lanes moving spontaneously. Rather, it was her Arwen that made her like her more.

"It's a gift from you, I'm curious about that. What kind of gift is it?"

"I think the Queen will really like it, because it has a lot to do with Xenon's biography."

"With Xenon's biography? Is that true?"


When Lane said that it was a gift related to Xenon's life, Arwen's silver-gray eyes filled with doubt. Xenon's biography volume 10 has already been given to me by Lane.

In addition, Xenon's biography announced that he would be on hiatus for two years. It was difficult to get a sense of what kind of gift it was.


While Arwen was curious, Lane pulled out something he had kept in his arms and showed it to him. Arwen focused his attention on the gift that came out of Lane's arms.

From the outside, it looked nothing but a worn-out wad of paper. So, the question was bound to aggravate even more.

"Here you go!"

"Thank you."

When Lane handed the wad of paper, Arwen thanked him and confirmed the identity of the gift. It wasn't just a bunch of paper, it was a manuscript paper, and it had a pretty elegant handwriting.

'Who wrote it? And…

Arwen couldn't help but blink as soon as he read the first sentence. For a woman with a good memory, she was very familiar from her first sentence.

As I said before, Arwen is one of the readers who read Zeno's biography from the first volume. He also said that if he is an avid reader, he often goes from the first volume to the latest volume.

She began to peruse the manuscript quickly, hopefully. Familiar sentences hit Arwen's brain one by one.


Why is this here? Didn't she say it was stolen? Are you begging the author to find you because of this one?

For a moment, Arwen's accident was about to stop. Lane, who delivered her present as if she didn't know her heart, put her hand on her waist and explained proudly.

"What a first draft of Xenon's biography! I happened to visit a publishing house by chance and the draft was released? So I secretly brought it with me that night."

"… …"

A thought popped into Arwen's head upon hearing that explanation.

"The Queen likes Zeno's biography, so I thought she would definitely like it. This could be of great help to the Queen, right?"


The unbelievable reality, she thought once more.

"I think you can meet the writer of Xenon's biography through this. If you use the first draft as an excuse to tell the writer, that person will surely come to you."

"… …"

"Did I do well? Hehe."

All I could think was that it was really f**ked up.