Chapter 74

The three races, demons, humans, and beasts, all grow 'physically' around the early to mid 20s, but the elves don't grow physically until they reach their 30s, which is much longer than that.

The end of physical growth at the age of 30 is the same as saying that adolescence is very long, and regardless of race, it is faster to learn something during adolescence compared to other age groups.

Long-lived species such as elves and demons have in common that they have excellent memory. Combining these two advantages, when an elf becomes an adult, he possesses a wide range of knowledge comparable to a walking library.

However, the age of elves in their 30s is the age at which they are recognized physically as adults, and the age at which they are recognized as 'socially' is, on average, around 50.

In the meantime, you have to find the path you want to go, dig into it intensively, and master a specific ability to be recognized as a full-fledged adult.

As such, although elves are inherently advantageous in acquiring a wide range of knowledge, they have a somewhat faded feeling compared to human learning. Instead, at least they don't forget knowledge like humans do, so the advantage is the same.

"Did I do well? Hehe."

"… …"

Arwen, the elf queen who ascended to the throne at an extremely young age for an elf and ruled Albenheim for 100 years, was unable to open her mouth even though Rain smiled brightly. Because she can't easily accept what's going on.

During the long period of 100 years, she experienced many events and accidents.

He put in a lot of effort to fight against the Senator who looked down on him as a child, and he was able to wisely pass on his talents even when he sometimes had friction with neighboring countries.

Recently, the Senate was harassed because of Zeno's story, but now he has grown to the point where he can easily pass it on. Compared to the days when I started as a fledgling queen, it's a completely different level.

'…It's f**ked up.'

However, Arwen felt the biggest crisis in his more than 100 years of life. If it was simply a national disaster, how could we possibly prepare for it, but it went far beyond that.

The reason is because of one dark elf girl, Lane, in front of her. In fact, she doesn't seem to notice at all what she's done.

'Gosh. Hey…'

She was trying to keep her composure as much as possible, but she couldn't stop her head pounding. Her heart was like a chimney, wanting to hold onto Lane's shoulder and lament.

Currently, Lane is very young, just over 10 years old, and every move of Arwen, who is acting as a nanny, is important. She may inadvertently cause her to inflict her wounds on her that cannot be washed away.

Of course, the biggest reason was that I had a strong feeling that I would explode out of control if I scolded him out loud. It's better to spit it out now and then call it separately later and scold him.

Arwen calmed down, barely shaking his head, which was about to turn white.

For now, I think it would be better to explain the situation to Lane.

"…Rain? Do you know what you've done now?"


"I asked if you knew what you did now."

Arwen asked in a warm tone, but there was a deep anger in it. But the young Lane didn't notice.

He was only blinking to understand what Arwen intended to ask.


In the end, Arwen had no choice but to let out the sigh he had been holding back. When I saw that face that had no ill will, I felt frustrated.

She came with this draft purely to please herself. The intention alone was commendable, but the result was the worst.


Lane also asked in a cautious voice if she felt something was wrong after seeing Arwen's reaction. Her blue eyes filled with worry and concern.

Arwen clenched his teeth and smiled hard.

"Rain. No matter how much you wanted to please me, this is wrong. Stealing other people's things is never right. What if you steal something valuable from someone else?"

"Um… I'm going to do the same. Or just wipe it all out? That's what the teachers taught me."

This is an answer that reveals the dark elf's unique way of thinking.

They take revenge if the other person has done something wrong first, and on the other hand, if they have been favored, they try to pay back twice as much.

The good news is that, at least, they seem to know that stealing is bad. Because he knew he had done something bad to get revenge.

However, knowing that he had done something bad came to Arwen painfully.

As she is taking on the role of a parent, it can only hurt her heart.

"…just in case you ask, do you know how valuable this paper is?"

"No matter what kind of thing, the first thing that comes out is of great value. That's why I brought it. I thought it might be helpful to the Queen."

Far from being helpful, it's a time bomb itself. Arwen barely suppressed his sighing and continued with the next words.

"…Then how important is this paper to humans?"

"Of course I know. So if I use this well, won't it give me an edge? No matter what the humans shout, they won't be able to attack us. We're strong."

I know one and I don't know ten. And above all else, it's an arrogant thought.

Whether it's an elf or a dark elf, that arrogance is definitely a racial characteristic.

This result was derived from the combination of a young age that knew nothing of the world and arrogance peculiar to the tribe.

'…I'm going crazy.'

Arwen, wanting to cry, mumbled inwardly as he washed his face.

It would be best to put it back where it was, if possible, but it's too late now. It will take some time for Lane to return to the publishing house, and even if it does, one may doubt whether the draft is real or fake.

Above all else, the publisher has dispatched an investigation team from the imperial family of the Minerva Empire. No matter how good Lane's stealth skills are, the moment she gets caught, both politically and personally, it's over.

As Arwen who rules Albenheim, the worst is to be avoided unconditionally, so it is better to choose the lesser evil. Therefore, it is beneficial to leave the draft for the time being.

"Okay. I don't have it for now. But for now, I have something to think about, so please take a break."


"And after a while, I prepare to be scolded. I will have to tell the elders about this along with the disciplinary action."


Did I just know that things were going to go well? Lane opened her eyes in a round shape at Arwen's cool words, and gave a surprised expression on her face.

At that, Arwen frowned slightly and glared at Lane. No matter how many people in my family, I have to be scolded.

"Isn't it natural for you to be resentful because you have done something wrong? I am your guardian, but I am acting as a parent. If I have done something wrong, I must resolutely punish myself. And what you are doing now could cause a great crisis in Albenheim. "

"I'm really? Why?"

"This is because humans are much stronger than you think. There are many things that we lack, but we must never ignore them. And not only humans, but also demons will riot."

"Em, even demons? He, but we…"

As Lane hesitated and tried to refute, Arwen couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Perhaps Lane is thinking about this by now.

As a race chosen by God, why do we have to bow our heads? They shoveled at the time of the Tribal War, but now it will be different.

But whatever it is, it's good to be in moderation. Lane currently harbors 'pride' rather than pride. However, since you have entered an emotionally unstable adolescence, your pride will grow even more.

[Humans are inferior to themselves, but there is no need to treat them as equals. Therefore, there will be no big problem if you do wrong to them.]

Perhaps this is the reason why they stole the draft even though they knew it was wrong.

Arwen himself once did, but over the course of over 100 years, he has realized several things.

No matter how God's chosen race, in the end, they are just mortals with joy and sorrow, and the moment they have pride, they cover their eyes.

In the past, there has been a time when, without knowing anything, he went out with curiosity and suffered great diplomatic damage from a human state. Since then, humans have been able to change their minds as they are a race that should never be taken lightly.

So, how do I get rid of that arrogance? Arwen quietly opened her mouth, promising to properly educate her Lane in the future.

"Yeah. We were chosen by God the way you thought we were. But that doesn't change our mistakes. We can't forgive the unforgivable."

"Still, I…"

"But what's the matter? I feel like I'm holding on to what I want to shout. I'm having a headache right now, so would you mind taking a break?"

Rayne's expression darkened in an instant, feeling that Arwen's words were sincere.

Arwen never scolded Arwen for her usual bad deeds, but not today.

"…I see. May Mora give you rest."

In a gloomy voice, Lane left the dark elf's signature greeting and disappeared. It is a perfect stealth technique that assimilates into one with the surrounding environment.

Arwen immediately performed detection magic as Lane disappeared. There is nothing caught in her audience, let alone Lane's presence.



After that, she took a deep breath and, just in case, flicked her finger to unleash another magic. As soon as she manifested her magic, a circular membrane appeared around her.

The essence of this magic is none other than…


It was soundproofing magic. She let out a wyvern-like scream as she ran through her silver-gray hair wildly.

Originally, it was a loud scream that could be heard even outside the audience, but there was no sound leaking because soundproofing magic was installed.

"Luminus! Why are you giving me such an ordeal! aah!"

The accumulated stress reached its limit and burst out. Arwen strongly suppressed the desire to run away immediately.

It can be said that the current situation is the worst. It is the worst of the worst if caught, and the worst even if not caught.

What's more, she must be heartbroken when she receives such an outrage from someone she trusted, not even a senator. She felt like she wanted to sit down on the floor and cry.

"Whoa… Whoa… Whoa…"

After a while of hysteria, she managed to calm down. As she vomited out all her anger inside her, she got better.

However, the sparse hair and poisonous silver-gray eyes show that the stress has reached its peak.

Still, it was a situation in which the stress was accumulated one by one, but I had no choice but to explode when I faced the worst crisis in an unexpected place.

'But I can't stay still. I have to find a writer somehow.'

We have to meet 'personally' without coming forward at the national level. How do you meet?

'Let's start with the head first. I have no choice but to live.'

She is the queen's authority and Nabal, and she intends to pierce her head first. It's also his fault for not stopping her lane, but he has to somehow satisfy the writer's heart so that Albnheim doesn't get crushed.

Considering the influence of Xenon's biography rather than empty words, this draft was more, not less than, magic of mass destruction. It is an item that should be designated as a national treasure, but there is nothing to say even if war is declared.

In addition, Albenheim has now issued a statement about the ultra-high theft. There is a very high possibility that he will receive a baptism of accusations for blatantly working behind the scenes.

'But what if I take a break while looking for it again? If this is the case, the book may come out later. What if there was even a protest?'

Arwen habitually bit his thumb in anxiety.

In order to return the draft without any problems, you must personally meet with the author. But now, for some reason, the artist is hiding his identity and is extremely reluctant to reveal himself.

Until then, there was a problem with the Senate, and for various reasons, the author had not been found, but today the situation has changed. You and Albenheim must survive the aftermath only by finding the author, making an apology, and passing the draft.


There is no other dilemma like this dilemma. In order to avoid the worst, you have to meet the writer, but the moment you find the writer, there is a danger of being desperate.

Arwen pondered and pondered how to overcome this situation wisely.

Shall we instantaneously overthrow the Senate? However, if the Senate counterattacks, he is over. They are clever snakes, so they have enough power to use them in reverse.

'I need to meet you from the dark elf chief first. Even if there is a risk, I have no choice but to find a writer.'

Certainly the lesser evil is far better than the worst. Arwen glanced at the draft while making a firm determination.

In the cultural world, a draft with more influence than the magic of mass destruction is in his hands.

'Wait a minute. What if I use this in reverse…?'

Would you believe it if I told you that the first draft came into your hands 'accidentally' after a while? It will make many people suspicious, but since the item has already been stolen, there is no problem if you are brazen.

There is no solid evidence, and Albenheim is one of the strongest countries. In the original diplomacy, national power speaks louder than words, so even the Minerva Empire would not be able to say anything.

However, this idea was soon to be abandoned.

'no. The Senate will be pissed off again.'

Everywhere you go, the senators are a problem. Arwen smirked and lamented his plight and touched the silver circlet on her forehead. A blue jewel was dazzlingly embedded in the center, and it was a symbol of the king.

After that, Arwen took off the circlet from his forehead and looked down at the circlet with a bitter smile.

I've been wearing this circlet for 100 years, and it's never felt as heavy as today.

"Really, that's unbearable."

The storm had completely receded, but its aftermath was devastating.