Chapter 87

As I said before, a festival becomes a true festival only when there are people. As if to prove that, our estate began to be crowded with people as time went on.

It was our manor that was quiet and not so quiet until just a month ago, but now it is crowded with many people, reminiscent of any city. The exhibition hasn't even started yet.

At the same time, there was no choice but to worry. It would be nice for our estate to be crowded with tourists right now, but after that it was a problem.

As I said before, our manor is at a level with few characteristics. Currently, the imperial family is providing various supports to hold the exhibition, but that is only a temporary effect.

Even after the exhibition ended successfully, I was worried about the maintenance cost after that and whether tourists would come again.

'I'm glad that a lot of top managers came… But still'

The exhibition started tomorrow, and more people came than before. Even humans, as well as various races, came into sight from time to time, and many security guards in charge of security were deployed.

Also, the appearance of Yeong-ji has changed dramatically compared to before.

In Lina's words, it was improvised, but there was hardly any sign of haste, whether it was originally designed this way in advance or whether the supervisor had a good sense.

He said that he had originally planned to develop the territory from three years later, so maybe he has moved it forward as it is.

'It won't cause any major problems.'

On the imperial side, however, to avoid accidents, the building was inspected not once or twice, but several times. In particular, I know that the inns where nobles and artists stay were managed more carefully.

In addition, there are many shops including shops. Originally, there were only shops selling basic goods, clothing stores, and blacksmiths in our estate, but after signing a contract with Sangsan, various branches appeared one after another.

Of course, as people came and went, various problems appeared one after another. For example, illegal stalls.

When I heard that an exhibition was being held in our estate, I came to the estate faster than anyone else and set up a stall to make a profit.

Of course, there are more cases where he signed a contract with his father and officially opened a stall, but there are unscrupulous people everywhere.

As a former driver, my father expelled me out of the territory like a knife after an investigation as soon as a report on illegal stalls came in. Thanks to this, he set up a street stall in the middle of the road and did not obstruct traffic.

'But in the Middle Ages, it was a stall…'

As I always feel, this world is a strange and strange place. I glanced at the illegal street vendors being demolished and the voracious street vendors, and then looked away.

Now, more important things than street vendors are piled up like a mountain. If my parents were busy dealing with a tidal wave of paperwork, I was too busy to greet guests.

The first start was Marie's family, so I was able to proceed without burden, but from then on, I faced people I didn't know at all.

Not only the nobles living in the empire, but also the distinguished guests of other countries, the tension was no joke. If I made a mistake here, it would be as bad as painting the faces of my parents as well as myself.

Fortunately, all of them came because they loved Xenon's life story, so it went without any problems.

In addition, most of the guests who came one day earlier came from remote areas, so they rested at the inn all day.

However, not only aristocrats but also artists came a day early for the rehearsal.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Lyrus Hughman, the conductor of the Lyrus Band."

"My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle. It is an honor to welcome the famous Lyrus Band."

Pringles uncle.

This is my first impression of meeting Lilus, the conductor of the Lirus Band.

His hair was neat and without a single hair, reflecting even the sunlight, but his mustache was rather peculiar. I have to say that it looks like fun, but it also has a professional side.

In any case, it was safe to say that one of the first impressions was a perfect score. Most famous artists are strict or arrogant, but Lyrus was different.

As you can see from the letter, Lyrus was quite gentle and humble, but even that had a charisma that could not be hidden.

It was a figure that was perfect for the job of a 'conductor', and the neatly dressed robe exuded politeness.

"I think the red hair is really unique. The same goes for the eyes shining like a beast."

"Mr. Lyrus also has an impressive mustache. It must be difficult to manage."

"You're blunt, just like your expression. But thank you. Few people appreciate this mustache, but you do."

Lyrus gently pulled her unique mustache and smiled proudly. He seems to think of his own mustache as a kind of identity.

He muttered to himself that he had a unique personality just like his appearance, but he didn't open his mouth because he told the truth. In fact, it is very difficult to manage her mustache unless it is a lot of effort and devotion.

I looked at Uncle Pringles who was sitting on the opposite side of the chair… No, I looked down at Lirus and spoke quietly.

"Did you like the stage? As you know, Lirus-san, it was made in a hurry, so there must be many shortcomings."

"Not at all. On the contrary, there was no improvisation. Of course, it was different from the stage in the Kingdom of Teres, but that was possible because there was time. that's it."

As Lyrus said, if the Empire had had enough time, it would have built a much better stage. It's a problem because the exhibition was skipped over as a sign to peek in the Kingdom of Teres.

Still, it's fortunate for me and the Empire to say that I like it. But the anxiety factor still remained.

"Then what do you think of holding an exhibition like a festival?"

"It's not a big deal either. Not only me, but also people who love Zeno's life get together and enjoy it, but what if this isn't a festival? And looking at the schedule, they show us paintings and sculptures during the day and we go out in the evening. I'm sure the plan is well coordinated. I think I did."

The unfamiliar Pringles uncle… No, it's Lilus. Thanks to you, I was able to let it go for an hour.

However, this is only the Lyrus Band, and other artists may have a different opinion.

In particular, I heard that the Matrix troupe has a high level of pride as it boasts a splendid directing ability. Not only the Matrix troupe, but also other artists generally have high self-esteem.

"It is reassuring to us that you liked it. If there is any inconvenience, we will take care of it immediately."

"Um… It's more of an inconvenience than an inconvenience."

"what is that?"

When I asked the question with a bit of tension, Lirus opened her mouth with a hint of regret.

"I don't know if writer Xenon is really coming to see us."

"… …"

"Even though the publisher said they would attend, aren't you sure? Maybe something unavoidable will happen."

It's right in front of Uncle Pringles. I couldn't help but laugh bitterly when I heard his story.

However, the bitter laughter turned into doubt at the words of Lirus that followed.

"More than anything else, there is a stage that I want to show Xenon. It's even more unfortunate that the Matrix troupe was also willing to allow it."

"A stage you want to show?"

"Yes. I swear, it will be the perfect stage for fans of Xenon's biography."

These perverts… No, what kind of stage did these people make to make them so confident?

Regardless of the age of the original artists, they had a perverted disposition, so I couldn't help but wonder.

I looked at Lyrus with my eyes bright, and poked at him.

"Could you just say something to me?"

"That's not possible. Isn't it fun to know in advance? Instead, I'll just tell you that we rehearsed with The Matrix many times before we left for the perfect stage."

It seems like some kind of collaboration.

I was looking forward to it as it was a stage created by two world-famous masters as one.

"Okay. It must be difficult because you have come a long way, but I hope you can rest in peace."

"Thank you for your hospitality. If there is an opportunity, I would like to turn this estate into a cultural city. I don't have to bother wandering around for nothing."

"Let's think about it. In fact, it's not that I'm not greedy at all."

"Heh heh heh. It's a street for Xenon… As an artist, I'm jealous, but as a fan, I'm looking forward to it."

After that, Lyrus left the place saying that he hoped that he would enjoy watching his stage. It was only natural that he had a crush on him, who showed a humble attitude right up to his departure.

'By the way, collabora…'

What kind of stage will the artists show? A collaboration with the Matrix troupe, which is said to be the king of directing skills, not anywhere else.

Although it would be a bit unreasonable to compare it with the movies of my previous life, I am a little excited because I am so confident.

I saw Lyrus on the way back to the inn for nobles and artists, and then headed back to the mansion.

Besides Lirus, there are still people left to meet. The Matrix troupe will arrive soon, so I plan to prepare in advance.

'The real VIP will visit tomorrow…'

The duke and above have already arrived at the capital's imperial palace. We will stay at the imperial court, and when the time comes, we will arrive at our estate to use the wagon.

By now, Leort and Lina might be facing each other. Maybe Cecily will be there too.

It was just before entering the mansion.



A familiar man's voice reached his ears. It is also a very welcome voice for me.

As I turned my head, I saw a man slowly walking towards me from the gate I had passed through.

Like his father, he was impressive with red hair and golden eyes, and a handsome man with a pleasant overall appearance.

This is my older brother, Dave, who joined the Navy Knights a few months ago and heard that he was training.

"Dave hyung? Are you the real hyung?"

"Hey. How much is this? It seems like you're tall without seeing it?"

To my surprise, Dave smiled cheerfully and stroked my hair. I looked into his face as I floundered in an unbelievable situation.

In terms of appearance, nothing has changed, but since he is a soldier, his skin was very burnt due to training in the sun.

Also, there were minor scars on the arm exposed by wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, and it feels like his physique is slightly larger than before.

"Did you even go on vacation? Didn't you say you were training?"

"Originally, I don't know why, but the deputy director sent me. I think they sent me because they said that an exhibition was being held in our estate. As I heard, there was an order from the imperial family, but I don't know."

"… …"

It seems like you know roughly whose breath came in. It's nice to see Dave though.

It was a pity that Dave couldn't see the exhibition, but it was a timely gift. I think it would be good to say thank you sooner rather than later.

"Is training worthwhile?"

"Don't be fooled. Thanks to him, I really felt just how wonderful my father was. Have you ever been unable to sleep or eat for a month and fought all the time?"

"How do humans do that? Elves must have a hard time too."

"I mean. But because I endured with evil, it worked out. Is your father inside now?"

"You're buried in a pile of papers."

"Your father is also suffering. Oh, yes. Isaac. Are you familiar with the Princess of Helium?"


I widened my eyes as I heard Dave's question. Had he ever met Cecily before coming to the mansion? If not, there's no reason for Dave to ask such a question.

Dave explained what had just happened when I opened my eyes wide and questioned.

"Before coming to the mansion, someone looked at me and called your name. But no matter how you think about it, red hair like ours isn't common, right? So I looked at her face and she's the princess of Hellium."

"Where did you meet?"

"I saw you at the entrance of the estate. But it seems that you didn't ride a wagon and came on two legs. With your bodyguard."

"Huh? How?"

"I must have used some magic. The direction I heard the voice at first was in the direction of the sky."

In fact, it is a demon who can use magic as if it were breathing, so there would be no need to use a carriage. Still, it was surprising that he came to our estate right away, not from the capital.

'I'll have to visit you in a little while.'

He was probably staying at an inn exclusively for nobles by now. I was about to have that thought in my mind.

"Anyway, what's the deal with the Princess of Hellium? The voice calling you was unusual."

"We're just close friends."

"Hmm… just to be a friend, it seemed like it was really nice…"

Dave muttered a little and looked at me. There was a deep suspicion in the golden eyes shining as brightly as mine.

I don't know how Cecily reacted, but seeing Dave reacting like that would have been a warm welcome. It is doubtful from the standpoint of a third party who knows nothing.

'Isn't this going to be branded as a playboy?'

I tried to avoid his gaze and diverted the subject. Dave must know I have a girlfriend the moment I walk into the mansion.

"By the way, do you like all the seniors? I heard that there are a lot of mean people in places like the Navy Knights."

"Don't be fooled. I'm an apprentice, so they make fun of me whenever I have time. Even the last time I got a sword and left it behind, or went to the smithy to buy one…"

"… …"

It's a repertoire I've heard a lot somewhere.

When I enlisted in my previous life, such absurdity almost disappeared, but I do remember seeing it on the Internet.

It must be the military that doesn't have a TV, let alone a computer, so absurdities that are far worse than in their previous lives must be prevalent.

Well, in the case of the Navy Knights, there would be no time for absurdity because it is a place where they fight every day.

I'll grow my body so that I don't die in time to commit the absurd

"And recently, there have been rumors that a young lady from her family has spoken in vain. Because of this, the atmosphere is a bit bad."


"Yeah. I heard that soldiers are guards of the house? Fortunately, the family didn't even let them banish them, but they must be in a lot of trouble by now.

Even without a separate investigation, the probability of 100% is also Aira. It's self-sufficient, I groaned inwardly at the accusation that spread to the inside of my mouth.

It's not a place to train ordinary soldiers, it's a training center for knights. The training period is much longer and the intensity of the training is also known for being terrifying.

Originally, talented people were recruited from the general training camp and sent to the knight training center, but it seems that Aira's family stabbed him in.

What's more, she even instructed her to fix her mental hair, so you can't even watch her gloomy future in a video.

"That's very pitiful. Wasn't there any damage?"

"We are nabal and we are busy defending the border. Fortunately, there are almost no elf scouts or monsters, so it's easy to relax."

"When does the vacation end?"

"Four days and three nights. The seniors say it's a 3.4-second vacation, so is that enough? Tomorrow is an exhibition, so time will pass quickly, but you'll be able to enjoy it as much as you want."

"Um… Do you have a biography of Xenon in the Knights Templar?"

"Of course it is. All the places where people live are the same."

I went back to the mansion with Dave, reluctantly unpacking the story that I had not been able to solve.

Thanks to this, I had a feeling that the exhibition would be more enjoyable.


"This is his mansion."

It was right after Isaac and Dave entered the mansion. There was a man looking down on them from the sky filled with blue: Cecily, Princess of Hellium.

If she were a human, she would be shocked to see Cecily standing proudly in the sky, but she is a demon. It is a race that is said to have been blessed with magic along with elves.

Moving around the sky using magic is basic, and you can even use teleport to move between space and space, so that's a breeze.

'The brothers look alike, but they are subtly different.'

Even if he looked down on the mansion from the high sky, it seemed to Cecily that everything was right in front of his eyes. As a demon, he is born with superior eyesight, and this is also easy if he uses magic.

'Then we'll just go to the mansion together…'

Cecily was sad to see her brother entering the mansion. He saw only the red hair at the entrance of the estate and thought it was Isaac, but later realized that it was Dabra and ran away to the sky again in the embarrassment of the crowd.

But now that I think about it, the opportunity to come into the mansion with Dave was kicked out. She was looking for her chance, but she had no choice but to feel sorry for her.

Fortunately, when I met Dave, I was dressed for going out. If it was a dress to be worn in an exhibition, this sadness would have deepened.

The dress to be worn in the exhibition is what Isaac wants to see first. Just imagining her blushing and embarrassed like at the freshman event makes my heart flutter.


As Cecily was thinking of Isaac in her head, a man next to her quietly called out to Cecily. Naturally, he was also a demon, and if Cecily had horns protruding above her, he would have the shape of a sheep's horn.

He also had jet-black hair and red eyes like a demon, but he was wearing a black mask, so it was difficult to recognize the details of his face. Still, considering her outward appearance, she is handsome enough.

His name is Gartz Ballak. He is a member of the 'Reaper' who was selected as Cecily's bodyguard.

As Gartz was a demon, he had mastered magic and was able to stand in the sky like Cecily.

"Wait a minute. Sir Ballak. I have something to check."

"… …"

Gartz waited quietly for Cecily's instructions, not saying anything. But he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

Even though I misunderstood, seeing the red-haired man and running happily, and now watching from the sky.

As a member of the Reaper, it is a basic principle to exclude the personal history of the royal family, but Cecily's actions today were enough to raise doubts.

Normally, Cecily had little interest in men, but she is showing deep curiosity and interest in that red-haired man. Even a member of the Reaper can't help but wonder.

'It's a mansion that doesn't look like much from the outside, but…'

It is a mansion with basic security magic, but it is meaningless to Gartz. In the end, it's just a human setting, so I'm confident I'll break through that level lightly.

However, the energy felt inside the mansion is quite different. A strong energy that I felt even though I was protecting the mansion was proudly defending it.

As Gartz stared at the mansion with dry, curious eyes, Cecily peered into the mansion with clairvoyance magic.

Naturally, her gaze was fixed on Isaac, but she had no choice but to wriggle under her eyes.

'…there is also Marie.'

I don't know when he came, but Marie had already arrived at the mansion. The exhibition starts tomorrow, and seeing that she is not an aristocratic inn and she stays in a mansion, it seems that she is trying to make it a fact.

Upon hearing that thought, Cecily clasped her hands tightly. He was the first to be interested in him, and he was the first to notice his identity.

But I made a mistake without realizing my heart. If I had approached it slowly and not excitedly… the future might have been different.

It doesn't matter if Isaac is embarrassed about himself. It doesn't matter if I say that I want to see myself, not the writer of Zeno's biography.

The author of Xenon's biography is Isaac, and Isaac is the author of Xenon's biography. Is there any problem? They are all meaningless words.

'If I could turn back time…'

Cecily bit her lip as she watched Isaac and Marie secretly embrace.

Perhaps the 'musical cycle' is slowly coming, and I can feel an insidious desire creeping up in my heart.

'Wait a minute… wait a minute. And now…'

After barely suppressing her desires, she scoured the interior of the mansion with clairvoyance magic. It is impossible to see it as a cross-sectional view, but the degree of structure of the room can be confirmed.

Eventually, they found a place believed to be Isaac's room. Why can't I be sure, because there were far more bookshelves than the other rooms.

He already knew that Isaac was a bookworm. And even those who don't like history and love it.

'And there…'

Drafts of Xenon's biography are dormant except for Volume 1. For the demons, they were like relics that went far beyond treasure.

However, the level of crime prevention magic in the mansion is too low. Even if humans can stop it, a heterogeneous race such as an elf or a demon will easily invade.

Moreover, since the exhibition starts in the Michelle estate, there must be some rogues who are suspicious and do their job. Of course, the Empire will prevent it in advance, but I am still anxious.

If all the drafts are stolen here… Isaac may be more than discouraged, he may fall into despair. And you might want to write a biography of Xenon.

That much should be blocked. Cecily made a firm determination and called for Gartz, who was waiting by his side.

"Sir Balak."

"Yes. Princess. Just give me orders."

"Look at the room on the right on the second floor with clairvoyance. There are more bookshelves than the other rooms, so it will be easy to tell them apart. Nod your head when you confirm."

"Has confirmed."

"I'm going to enter the mansion in a little while. And as soon as you enter that room, install the detection magic. So you'll know right away if someone breaks in."

"all right."

Gartz wanted to ask why in his heart, but he held back. He was nothing more than a sword to obey the orders of royalty.

Cecily smiled contentedly upon hearing the loyal Gartz's answer. Again, the patience is many times stronger than that of a normal demon, like a Reaper.

"Oh, and did you bring it?"

"If it's a book about the history of our demons, I've brought it with me."

"Okay. Then…"

Cecily smiled and opened her mouth, pointing towards the front door of the mansion.

"Now, we are slowly preparing for an official visit."

"Yes, Princess."

More and more guests began to arrive.