Chapter 88

While Isaac was serving guests at his estate, the Imperial Palace was also welcoming the distinguished guests with courtesy.

Most of the people who directly visited the Maishall estate without going through the capital are commoners, artists, and nobles below the count.

Most of the ranks above them hold important government posts in countries, so they tend to send official invitations to the countries they will visit.

Of course, it is possible to visit informally, but if there is an accident, it can cause a huge diplomatic damage, so we avoid it.

In particular, the Minerva Empire and the Teres Kingdom go through complicated procedures, even for a small visit, as they are no different from each other.

And now, the Kingdom of Teres originally intended to hold an exhibition in its capital, but ceded its authority as if it was transferred to the Minerva Empire.

The Minerva Empire had no intention of hosting it, but only appealed, but suddenly received it, so they started to spend their busy days.

In order to successfully hold the exhibition within a period of just over a fortnight, nobles in high office worked overtime every day, and this is also the case with the Imperial Palace.

People may think that royal families such as the Crown Prince and Princess do not work, but not at all. Rather the opposite.

It is an empire that has recognized throughout history that the country will fall the moment the king looks elsewhere without taking care of the affairs of the government.

Because of this, even if he does not ascend to the throne, the children under him are in charge of certain fields and take care of affairs.

This is the reason why in the history of 500 years, even if the emperor made various mistakes, there was no female army that could destroy the country. Besides, the Duke of Requilis clings to his side and watches over him, so he has no choice but to work.

Thanks to this, Crown Prince Leorth and Princess Lina could not sleep properly due to the recent influx of work and welcome the distinguished guests.

"You look very tired. Have you not slept lately?"

A handsome man with sky-blue hair, blue eyes, and finally a veil-like nose, opened his mouth with a grin.

Was it annoyed by the beauty of her smile that seemed to play a prank on her for some reason? Leorte, who was facing him, also smiled and said a word.

"Thanks to someone. On the other hand, you look good."

"Because we are the one who enjoys, not the one who hosts. We have come with a lot of expectations."

Leorth's eyes twitched as if he didn't like the answer of the handsome man with blue hair. Dark circles were deeply engraved under his eyes due to the amount of work that came like a tidal wave.

As the Crown Prince, he must have received strict management, but looking at the dark circles engraved on him, we could infer how much he suffered.

He was so tired that even his blue eyes, which had usually been sharp, lost their light even faintly.

On the other hand, Dukard von Kutchers of Laos, a blue-haired peasant and crown prince of the Kingdom of Teres, was fine. On the contrary, it was full of vitality, and even leisure was buried.

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Externally, the reason Laos visited the empire was to see exhibitions. However, it was only for external reasons, and internally, complicated politics were entangled.

For the Kingdom of Teres, even if the exhibition was successfully held, it was enough to raise both hands if it failed.

To be honest, I would like the exhibition to go down in a grand manner, but the chances of that happening are remarkably low. As the Empire knows the intentions of the Kingdom of Teres better than anyone, they have prepared everything despite the tight time.

Laos came to the empire with the mindset of simply enjoying the festival.

"But was there any reason to hold an exhibition so quickly even in a crowd in the Empire? I don't understand."

A cute little girl sitting on the left in Laos opened her mouth with a roaring voice. Like Laos, she had blue hair and eyes, and was characterized by her long straight hair and neatly cut bangs.

In addition, the doll-like appearance and slender body aroused a protective instinct.

The girl's name is Lara Ducard von Kutchers. She is the third princess of the Kingdom of Teres and the youngest of four siblings.

The eldest sister, Princess 1, was already married and went to Michelle's estate without making an official announcement that she would attend, while the younger sister, Princess 2…

"Lara. You said it's rude to ask such a question, so don't ask it if possible."

I was sitting to the right of Laos, who was sitting in the center. It is characterized by a low-midrange voice for a woman.

Her appearance was also consistent with her appearance, but her natural beauty could not be hidden, and her hair tied in a ponytail evoked her mature beauty.

And the most unique thing is her attire. Normally, she had to wear a dress at these formal occasions, but she was the only one wearing a uniform that knights would wear.

Her name is Hyriya Ducard von Kutchers.

Except for the background, he is a knight famous for his outstanding abilities in the Kingdom of Teres.

Exactly, aspiring knights. Although he is still attending the academy, he has been given a uniform to graduate soon.

"Isn't that a question you shouldn't ask?"

"Yeah. How many times have I told you that we're here just to enjoy the exhibition?"

"Then I apologize. I'm sorry."

Hearing Hiriya's call, Lara bowed her head forward.

Leort, as well as Lina, who was sitting next to him, smiled bitterly.

Currently, Lara is only 12 years old, and she is at an age where she has to ask all her questions.

However, as Hiraya said, the act of disrespect has not changed, so Laos also apologized with a sincere voice…

"No. There's no need for Lara to apologize. It's something I was curious about at the time."

…to do the opposite. Hiriya glared at Laos, who was trying to escalate the problem, and then folded her arms and silently closed her eyes.

She hated this complicated and dirty political world, but she was forced to attend because her position was her position. In her heart, she wanted to stay in the kingdom and focus on the rest of her training.

In the meantime, Laos asked the siblings with a smile on their faces if they were planning to put pressure on this opportunity.

"Holding an exhibition doesn't matter if it takes a long time. But I wonder if there is a need to prepare as urgently as it is now."

"Everything has its own circumstances. You don't need to know. Why not just enjoy it anyway?"

"Hmm. Maybe it has something to do with the writer of Zeno's biography?"

The sharp Laos pointed out that Leort and even Lina, who pretended to be okay, drank coffee, couldn't help but wonder.

Fortunately, the reaction was so minimal that Laos did not notice.

After that, Leort made an answer without changing his expression.

"You're quick-witted, too. You're right. I want to show Xenon as soon as possible, so I've moved up the schedule."

"You're good at lying."

It's called bluffing, and there are quite a few cases where the truth sometimes sounds like a lie. The truth that Leort had now brought out came to Laos as a lie.

Because I thought it was impossible to find the person I was looking for like this in the Kingdom of Tersu first in the Empire. It even stepped on its tail last time, and soon you'll know who it is.

Thanks to such confidence, Laos decided that Leort was lying. It was fortunate indeed for Leorth, but he couldn't stop his heart from pounding.

In fact, it was almost like a gamble. Everything that has been said so far has not been a lie, but has been true.

He somehow advances the schedule and shows it to Isaac. In the meantime, Leort and Lina had ventured out to be forgiven for the mistake they had committed against him.

'I was impatient…'

It is okay to hold the exhibition after a year, but if that happens, there is a high possibility that the Kingdom of Teres will lose the opportunity.

If that happens, of course, Isaac is likely to visit the Kingdom of Teres, but he can also immerse himself in the culture there.

In particular, according to Lina, Isaac was a person who loved history, so he might visit the Kingdom of Tersu and study the culture.

There is a high probability that talents who will be responsible for the future of the empire will be robbed by opening their eyes and being nose-baked.

Strictly speaking, as a historian, he is subordinate to the Empire, but for Leort, that is that.

Laos, unaware of Leort's heart, shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care.

"Anyway, I understand. Your empire is preparing, so you can take a look around. If you're lucky, you can find Xenon as well."

"What if we find Xenon?"

Lina, not Leort, asked with a voice that contained caution. Unlike Leort, she is clearly aware that Isaac is Xenon.

Because of this, I had no choice but to react more sensitively.

Laos raised an eye to her question and opened his mouth with the tone that it was not a big deal for a moment to reveal the question.

"Of course, I will take you to our kingdom with respect. By the way, I will take you really respectfully, not figuratively. Before you take it from your empire."

"Xenon has expressed his desire to live a normal life. What will he do if he stops the serialization again?"

"When has our kingdom ever put pressure on artists? Did you ask the Lyrus Band to write the national anthem, or the Matrix to make a propaganda play? We even stood by to recreate the J-Roth Revolution as a play."

That said, it wasn't until the protests that there were no plans to use Isaac's fame. No matter how powerful an empire is, it loses meaning the moment it collapses from within.

It was an empire that stole talent countless times, so the Kingdom of Teres had to use its numbers somehow. One of them was propaganda that took advantage of Zeno's fame.

But after the so-called hiatus, I had no choice but to put my mind at ease. It was necessary to prevent an event like the Zeroth Revolution from happening again.

Instead, the route turned in a different direction. Let's leave writing books free, but let's make Zeno somehow belong to the kingdom.

With that alone, the Minerva Empire could only suck its fingers. The Teres Kingdom was able to provide a more robust internal stability that had been shaken by the Zeiros Revolution, so it was a one stone two pair.

'And the surest way to tie up such a giant artist is…'

Laos looked at Hiriya, who was sitting silently with her arms crossed, and Lara, who was munching on sweets like a hamster. Both women boast beauty that matches their individuality, and the title is also a princess of a country.

They are the most suitable women for Zeno, who can rule the world. If she was an ordinary artist, it would be impossible to say that she was over-deserved, but it was possible because she was Xenon.

However, Hiriya had already chosen the path of a soldier and was ambiguous, and Lara was too young. Even if it is an arranged marriage, it is possible to at least become an adult.

Above all, Xenon is currently presumed to be an old wise man, so it is questionable whether he is greedy for women. Still, if you show this kind of sincerity, even Xenon will reluctantly agree to it.

Besides, it doesn't have to be Hiriya and Lara. Even though he was an abandoned child, there was one person with a 'blood' connected.

Laos opened his mouth, recalling the bloodline he entered as if kicked out of the Halo Academy.

"So, is the academy life worth it?"

"It's really comforting to see talented people from a certain country dedicated themselves to our empire. Both culture and welfare are incomparable."

"Hahaha. That's right."

"But why are you asking… ah. Maybe it's because of Adelia?"

Leorth also asked Laos if there was something he had been vaguely guessing. Lina also had a dull expression on her face as if she had heard from him.

Laos nodded his head to let him know that Leort was right. However, there was a slight displeasure on his face.

"It's the one you think you're right. I hope you don't say that name instead."

"Hmm… Should I have left it? It wouldn't matter if I became a knight like Hiriya. I'm currently teaching at the Academy."

"… …"

Even if Leort mentioned him, Hiriya just kept quiet with her eyes closed, but she didn't even open her mouth. It looks like she didn't feel the need to answer.

Leorth didn't care about Hiriya's rude reaction. Hiriya's character, whose front and back is completely blocked off, can hardly be overlooked since I've seen it so far.

"If I had given up my last name and lived a normal life, it would have been. But it doesn't look good that you're trying to be recognized as an illegitimate child."

"In the academy, we have the last name of Cross."

"Before I sent him to the academy, he threatened not to use the royal surname. Perhaps the surname Cross is his mother's surname. It's the surname of a lowly prostitute."

"… …"

It is an answer that retains the spiciness of before the Zeroth Revolution. Leorth recalled the personal history of Frederick, the king of Teres Kingdom.

To the people of Terse, Friedrich is popularly known as a romantic who loved only one woman who was gentle but not royal. In fact, Friedrich himself did not have a concubine, but poured his love on only one queen.

But here comes the trouble: Friedrich's relationship with a prostitute he met before he met the queen to quench his lust. Apparently, she failed the contraceptive then and had a baby.

I don't know if the prostitute had been quiet. As she went back and forth through her life, she became greedy and went to see Friedrich at first.

It was only natural for the royal palace to riot because of that one incident. Friedrich vehemently denied it, but the blue eyes of a child resembling the sky represented his child.

Fortunately, thanks to the thorough cover-up of the incident, there was no leak, and the child accepted it, but the mother disappeared without a mouse or bird.

'I wonder if it's because it's the first time I made friends with Nicole, who often jokes with me.'

There is a bitter loneliness in his always lively smiling face. Of course, it wasn't a matter of interest to Leort, so I skipped it.

"By the way, why are you asking? Do you want to ask if Adelia is attending the exhibition?"

"After all, you know my heart well."

"Stop playing around before you swear."

It is certain that such a playfulness is hereditary. Adelia and Laos also joked around whenever they had time.

Laos, who had been joking around with his fingers, shrugged his shoulders at Leort's words and returned to the point.

"For now, you're right. I wonder if I'm living well, and I want to ask if I still want to be recognized."

"What would you do if you abandoned your castle?"

"You guys take care of it. Whether it's used for propaganda or not, there's no problem with our kingdom. That low-key year is nothing but Abama's 'mistake'."

The attitude that one's birth and life are simply 'mistakes'. It was an attitude that would frown upon Isaac if he listened to it, but it is common sense to them that they take it for granted.

If the prince makes a political mistake, the people will complain, but he doesn't care much about privacy. It's just like that~, but personal personality doesn't matter.

At this, Leort shook his head as if knowingly and opened his mouth.

"Okay. It's just my expectation, but I'm going to attend the exhibition."

"Thank you. So, shall we prepare soon? I think it would be better to take a break from now to enjoy tomorrow."

Thus, the night before the exhibition drew closer.

"I would like to greet you formally. My name is Cecily Drat Aicilia Bean, Princess of Helium. Thank you so much for welcoming me to your sudden visit."

"No. Rather, it's an honor for us to have a princess. By the way, you're really beautiful."

"Thanks. I wondered where Isaac's face came from, but I think he inherited it from the baroness."

"Oh, you mean our Isaac is pretty?"

Isaac was troubled by Cecily's sudden visit.

At first, everyone was bewildered by her visit, but through Cecily's splendid wit, it naturally melted away. Even with Isaac's mother, she is already having a conversation about whether her words worked well.

"And Isaac. Here's the book you wanted."

"Huh? What book is it?"

"This book contains the history of the demons. It will be of great help to you as the scholars of Hellium have selected them."

"Oh…! Thank you so much. Sister."

"What thanks. I'm more grateful."

Above all, even Isaac was simply captured (?) after receiving a history book from Cecily.

However, there was one person who had the biggest complaint here: Marie.

She was full of thoughts about spending time with Isaac, but it was all but thwarted by Cecily's visit. But she can't express it directly, so she's frustrated.

In the end, she summoned Isaac to a gloomy place without anyone knowing, and then sternly pushed him.



"As your girlfriend, I'll tell you in advance. During the exhibition, stay with me all the time. If you fall or look at another woman, I'll make you unable to hold hands."

"Then can I kiss you?"

"…you are a real pervert."

Feeling his face reddened by the counterattack of Isaac from Marie, he bowed his head. At this, Isaac continued to ask with a smirk.

"So the answer? May I kiss you?"

"…not now, but later. Cecily might be able to see you secretly. Seeing him come, it seems like that…"

"I'm embarrassed?"

"Okay! You red pervert! You can do it tomorrow without any worries!"

"What else is the red pervert?"

I had a feeling that it would be an eventful exhibition in many ways.