Chapter 103

The 'theatre' in the Middle Ages that I thought of in my past life and my present life is an opera or a musical opera. Actors appear on stage to show off their acting skills and mix songs in between.

However, the stage shown in the form of a trailer just before was by no means an opera. It was a directing ability that no one could match, even me, who has memories of my previous life, could give it a 10 out of 10.

A man who broke into the middle of the plain screamed and gradually changed into a demonic form, and before long, when his wings were fully sprouted, a huge scythe popped out of the darkness and snatched his neck.

Finally, even a prayer implying the appearance of a specific person. Even though it was a fantasy, the directing did not bow down even when compared to the previous life.

no. Rather, it should be considered better.

Because this was not a 'movie' using CG, but a 'theater' performed on stage in real time.

Thanks to this, not only has the anticipation been inflated, but I have been waiting for when the full-fledged performance will start.

[ah. Ahh. I will tell the people who are waiting in the audience. Our Matrix troupe performance will start in 20 minutes, so please take a break until then. Let me tell you again. we…]

As I was rolling with my feet because I didn't know when the performance would start, the announcement sounded loudly. It seems that the matrix troupe also wrote a number of prayers sung by the actor a while ago.

Maybe the troupe has equipment like a microphone. There was a microphone on the podium at the Academy entrance ceremony, so it's not unusual.

'What equipment are you using? Are you sure you're using magic?'

The excellent directing power of the Matrix Theater is kept secret. In addition, the identity of the director of the theater company is not well known, and he tends to appoint an agent.

In fact, the person who visited our mansion was also an agent, not a person in charge like Lyrus. When I asked where the person in charge was, the only answer that came back was that the director was reluctant to meet people.

Because of this mysticism, many people were wondering who the director of the Matrix troupe was. Even me right now, I wonder who the owner of the directing ability is far ahead of the times, and other people will be shocked.

It must have been time for me to take a break, so I got up to go to the bathroom for a while. When I got up from my seat, the two women sitting next to me asked one after another.


"Where are you going?"

In this case, who should you look to and answer? She was perplexed for a moment, but pretended to adjust her outfit and answered, looking at the stage.

"Wait for the bathroom. I'm going to buy something to drink as well."

"Ah. Let's go together."

"What about Cecily's sister?"

"I'll be here. I haven't calmed down yet…"

When I saw it, there were a few tears in the corners of my eyes. It seems that the song 'Her Life' by her Lee Ruth Band came to her with her deep emotion.

I looked at Cecily and then the handkerchief still in her hand. I shed more tears than I thought, and the handkerchief is damp.

"Okay. I'll be back soon as there are toilets and stalls nearby anyway."

"Go slowly. I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes. Marie?"


When I handed my hand, Marie naturally grabbed my hand and got up from her seat. I looked around her as she got up from her seat.

There were a lot of people who were absent for a while, probably because the performance started 20 minutes later instead of 10 minutes. Not only the VIP seats, but also the spectator seats where commoners were seated were vacant.

I might lose my seat, so I decided to come back soon, and then headed out with Marie. It is standard to say that you are rude when you pass people sitting at your desk.

After I got out of the audience, I looked at Marie and asked.

"But Marie, are you going to the bathroom too?"

"Did I just follow you?"

How can I choose only such pretty words? I almost would have hugged him in front of people, but he managed to hold it in.

Objectively, it would be difficult for anyone to bear seeing my beautiful girlfriend smiling and showing her aegyo, but I did the difficult thing.

After that, I went to the bathroom quickly and got things done, and then started choosing drinks to drink during the performance with Marie. While she was choosing a drink she didn't forget to ask about the Matrix troupe.

"Marie, have you ever seen a Matrix troupe perform? Are you the type of director you normally do?"

"I've only seen it once. And the way it was directed was the same as back then. Should I call it a trailer? Anyway, that's the way it starts. People who expect what kind of trailer the Matrix troupe will show because of this. too many."

It seems that today is not unusual, it has always been special. Once again, I became more curious about the identity of the director of the Matrix troupe.

"You don't even know who the director of the Matrix is?"

"Of course I don't know. Maybe he's similar to you? Just like you hide your identity to write what you want to write, the Matrix director hides his identity to show the stage he wants."

"Um… it makes sense."

It has been over 10 years since the Matrix Theater became famous. However, the director has not revealed his identity even once during those 10 years and has been hiding it until now.

Of course, very few people know who the director is, but since he is one of the masters of the masters, I think it may be that they are not able to touch it.

"Why? Do you want to see me?"

"Yeah. When the devil's wings sprouted from his back, I only knew that the devil really appeared. Weren't you surprised?"

"At first I was surprised, but when I saw the band's quiet reaction, I knew it was a play. Oh, and I heard you swear vividly. I guess you were quite surprised?"

"Large. Big."

I coughed to hide my embarrassment when Marie asked with a smirk. At that time, I was so startled that I automatically reflexively cursed.

But honestly, if it was a directing like that, no one would be surprised. Moreover, since the demons were turning into demons, they had no choice but to react violently.

"…Anyway, let's go back quickly. Marie, what do you want to eat?"

"Turn around. I'm lemon juice."

"Then I'm grape juice."

It was about time to go back to the stage after purchasing the drinks that each of us wanted to drink. As I took turns taking sips of grape juice, a man suddenly caught my eye.

He was wearing a robe, so he couldn't see his face closely, but he was characterized by his small stature and the silver-gray hair that fell under the robe. From her height and the color of her hair, she noticed that she was Arwen.

Now, she was sitting on a bench, and she was thinking with her head down if she was worried about something. She appears to be sleeping if she looks from afar.


"Wait a minute."

I left Marie's call behind and walked towards Arwen. Although it would only be a passing relationship, Arwen helped me choose a book, so it was difficult to ignore it.

It could be said that he was an arrogant person, but at least he wasn't rude to the point of ignoring the person who showed him a favor.



When I called her name just in case, the girl with her head lowered slowly raised her head. Looking at her silver-gray eyes and young girl-like face, Arwen is certain.

Arwen blinked his silver-gray eyes a couple of times as soon as he saw me, then opened them wide in surprise.

"Isaac? Why are you here?"

"I happened to pass by and came here because you were here. I think you have a problem."


As if Arwen was saying something to my question, he blinked his eyes once again. When I saw the reaction, I could feel it inside.

Said I was mistaken. I was embarrassed and scratched my head.

"No. I kept my head down, so I knew there was something to worry about."

"Ah… that's not it. It was something to think about for a moment. It's not something you're worried about."

"Then I'm glad. By the way, did you enjoy the performance?"

"It was a really cool performance. And although it is a performance, I liked the structure of the audience the most for short people like me. I heard that it was made temporarily, but I was able to watch the performance with my own two eyes."

In fact, Arwen's height is rather short. Is she barely over 150cm?

Even so, short people like Arwen can watch the performance without difficulty because the structure of the audience is not flat but rises upwards. At first, it was almost flat, but thanks to the designer's sense, a disaster was prevented.

"Then there's no problem?"

"As I said before, there is no need to treat me like a child.

As Arwen grunted back, I let out a small laugh. Anyway, there seems to be no problem apart from what I was worried about.

"Okay. Then I'll go. Enjoy the show and go."

"I hope you enjoy it enough, because even I can't easily see the Matrix's performances."

If you hear the words 'even me', you can guess her unusual status. Still, I returned to her Marie, waving her hand to her without showing her.

Eventually, when I returned to Marie, I was able to meet her somewhere full of dissatisfaction. Apparently, I was dissatisfied with the conversation I had with Arwen.

She, who had only drank lemon juice without saying a word with a blunt expression, looked at me sternly and asked with a dissatisfied tone.

"Who's that girl again?"

"The elf I just happened to meet at the bookstore."

"Is that really all?"

"Then what else do you have?"


Marie stared intently at Arwen, who was still sitting on the bench at my question. Then he tilted her head and muttered in an ambiguous tone.

"If you see him wearing a robe, he's obviously not an ordinary person… Even if that's the case, it's strange to come out alone without an escort knight…"

"Does the escort knight have to accompany him?"

"Of course. Look at Cecily right now. You have the power to destroy a mountain alone, but you came with Mr. Gartz, didn't you?"

Hagaya Cecily also visited our estate with Gartz without revealing her intention to participate. Arwen might be in a similar situation to her.

As I listened to Marie's explanation and pondered it, I remembered what Cecily had said before as soon as she met Arwen.

'Who were these people?'

Cecily must have clearly seen what I didn't see. I remembered what had happened in the morning and flipped it over.

There is no way Arwen came here for an impure purpose, and even so, our mansion is being strictly guarded by the Knights Templar.

You can trust it as much as it is a Knights Templar dispatched from the Imperial Palace.

"You may be right. But, everyone has their own circumstances, right? You'll never know that I'm Xenon anyway."

"That's right. But never look at him. Got it?"

Marie gave a stern warning as she pressed her finger on my cheek. I gently grabbed her finger and spoke smirk.

"Are you jealous?"

"What if that's the case?"

"Would you like to kiss me?"

"…let's go over there for a minute."

to be honest. I grinned and, led by Marie's hand, headed to a less crowded place.

What you're going to do there… you'll know without saying anything else. She was just showing off her love affair.

After that, they returned to the VIP seats and waited quietly for the performance to start. As if to prove the word collaboration, the Lilus Band was still on stage.

The difference is that the location has been slightly lowered and is closer to the grandstand. In addition to that, a translucent membrane separated the stage from the audience, whether the stage was maintained during a brief break.

I wondered what the purpose of the curtain was to set it up, but for a moment, I felt something familiar and muttered to myself.

'Is it the same as the one in the gymnasium?'

The identity of that film is a protective film that has been specially treated to mitigate impact.

And the directing power of the Matrix troupe pursues extreme reality.

'a. Even though…'

But my expectations were shattered nicely.


"… …"

Because as soon as the performance started, the actors' brilliant battle unfolded before their eyes.

Even if it used magical power, every time the sword was swung once, the ground broke, and when the weapon and the weapon collided, a big blue explosion occurred with a loud explosion.

Fortunately, thanks to the shield, it didn't affect the grandstands, but we're really pursuing extreme reality.

'Wow… that's cool…'

Had I known this would happen, I would have brought some popcorn.


On the other hand, it was not a VIP seat at that time, but an ordinary spectator seat.

The Queen of Albenheim, Arwen, sat down in her seat a while ago and waited quietly for the performance to begin.

The performance is also a performance, but I was looking forward to it even more because it was based on the biography of Xenon, which she had always liked.

For this day, she gave up all her duties as a queen and set foot in this faraway estate. Arwen felt her heart pound as she gripped her food with her hands full.

Of course, one hand is for the dark elf who followed him, Lane. Even though she's a fan of sweets, she doesn't eat this much.

By the way…

[Queen. I have something to check for a moment. Where can I go?]

Lane's voice echoes in her head. It was telepathy that could only be used after mastering magic.

Since Lane has to hide because of the specific race, he tends to talk only telepathically. Both of them are elves, so they don't follow a large crowd.

[Anything to check?]

Arwen asked in a puzzled voice at Lane's request. What on earth did you discover, that there is something to be confirmed in this estate where there is nothing to see except for the exhibition?

For a moment she had her doubts, and Lane telepathically sent Arwen with an intonation that seemed to be excited.

[Maybe the Queen likes it. I'll just check it out.]

[…I know. Instead, don't do anything dangerous.]

[The Queen is also true. You don't believe me?]

I do it because I can't believe it. Arwen was skeptical inside, but he granted Lane's request.

'Because I have insurance…'