Chapter 104

As shown in the trailer, the Matrix troupe's performance was a delight to the eyes and ears, boasting a splendid yet excellent direction.

First of all, the acting skills of the actors were outstanding. The acting is more important than anything else because the sense of realism is as vivid as the audience sees it in person, and the acting skills of the actors were flawless.

The second is readiness. As I've said before, I've added some illustrations to make Xenon's biography easier to understand. As for the illustrations, there were only appearances of the characters, maps, and steam locomotives, but the Matrix troupe used them very well.

An actor playing Xenon, an actor playing Mary, and Jin and Lily.

I don't know how the makeup was done, but it perfectly matched the look I added as an illustration. In particular, Jin's eyes were bright red, perhaps even a real demon. It makes me wonder if there is such a thing as a lens.

Lastly, the directing power that is the foundation and identity of the Matrix Theater Company itself. Acting and makeup are things that other theater troupes can do, but they can't do anything about their directing skills.

Chaeeng! visor!


Like the Dalian seen in the dance hall, the actor who plays Xenon and the actor who plays Sakran over the shield are fighting fiercely with each other.

If Xenon's sword moved splendidly and was pressing Sakran, on the other hand, Sakran's huge scythe was concise, but each shot was threatening.

When the scene reminiscent of an actual battle situation unfolded, I could realize how hard they had prepared. Obviously, I must have practiced something I couldn't even imagine in order to match that sum one by one.

If it's really a fight, it's perverted as it is.

"It's amazing to be human and have this level of skill. Who taught you?"

"There is such a person. The master who left without telling me his name."

After the battle that felt short and long, scenes that appeared in Xenon's biography continued. Xenon has a bright and light voice that is pleasant to listen to, while Sakran has an old-fashioned voice that looks like it has phlegm from old age.

Even in the original work, there is a setting that Sakran has a somewhat reluctant voice. This is the part where the sincerity of the troupe that reflects that is the highlight.

woo woo-

But it's not the only one. As proof that this stage is a collaboration between the Lyrus and The Matrix Theater, the Lyrus Band performed music for each major scene.

At the time of the previous battle, the Lyrus Band played tense music, and I was surprised that it matched so well. Besides, adding music to a scene that would have been almost flat was no joke.

What it would be like if two world-class masters perform a performance for one work, they are now vividly showing.

From my point of view as such an original writer… I can't help but be happy. Was it like this when the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter were made into movies?

There will be various scenes in the future, and I wondered if it would be possible to reproduce it.

"Where did you say Mr. Sakran went?"

"You've gone that way! You say you can feel the dark energy of the devil…!"

"Damn! Come on!"

Now the performance was running towards the highlight. It was on the brink of an incident in which the entire country of demons, the Devils, was almost consumed by darkness due to the scheming of the demonic forces.

There, Sakran first arrives at the area where darkness occurs through the experience and insight he has accumulated so far, and fights with demons pouring out like a flock of dogs there.

Xenon and the others also help Sakran and the Demon Hunter, but the darkness grows out of control, and in the end, Sakran makes a big decision…

"…Isn't that real magic?"

"I guess so?"

I was looking forward to how the demons coming like a flock of dogs would be portrayed, but it really came true. As if the entire back of the plain had a hole in it, a huge black vortex appeared, and from there, demons that were only seen in the literature poured out.

However, perhaps due to limitations, there were not as many as described in the novel 'Filled the sky', and there was only one. However, that vortex alone was huge enough to swallow the entire stage.

"Is that real magic?"

As Marie and I were astonished, Cecily, sitting next to me, seemed surprised in a different way. I listened to her and opened her eyes wide, revealing her doubts.

"Is that real magic?"

"Yeah. It's a kind of illusion magic. It creates an illusion that the target wants and moves like a real thing. But since it's an illusion, it gets destroyed when it receives a certain amount of shock. Like now."

I listened to her explanation and turned my head towards the stage. Every time the actors on the stage put their weapons into the demons that came like locusts, they became black smoke and scattered into the air.

It seemed that the illusion magic was implemented like a kind of CG. But, is it not any other place that creates a magician in a play, and an illusion with such high quality?

The world is wide and there are many strange people, but it is clear that the wizard who expressed that magic is definitely a unique person in many ways.

"But when the illusion disappears, it turns into black smoke…"

Next to him, Cecily muttered a little, expressing that it was not serious. As she glances at her expression, as if she senses something, she taps her cheek with her finger.

It was at the moment I was about to ask if there was anything that I was feeling.

"Ouch… huh ah ah ah ah ah!"

The agonizing screams of the rough, rough old man pierced my ears. When he turned his head to see what was going on, Sakran stood proudly in front of a huge vortex as if a hole had been opened.

That scene is definitely… Yeah. This is the scene where Sakran absorbs the vortex as it grows out of control. In the original story, it flew into the sky through magic and absorbed all darkness.

ridge! ridge! ridge!

As Sakran began to absorb the vortex, a loud drumming sounded, adding to the tension. It's a tense moment even for me, the original author, but I wonder if others will be thrilled.

Sakran devoted his life to serving the demons, but in the end he cannot overcome the darkness and turns into a demon.


"Mr Sakran!"

"Sakran! Are you okay?"

Sakran, who absorbed all the energy of the vortex, fell to his knees. The other party, who had been fighting the demons, rushed to him when Sakran fell, but…

"Don't come!"

Sakran cried out to them so loud that the world rumbled. It was not the usual old wagon and phlegm-like voice, but noise as if it had been altered.

It seems that the members of the Matrix troupe have the ability to change even their voices in real time. Naturally, I thought it was great and perverted.

Still, I didn't show it because the feeling of immersion was amazing. honestly it's fun

"Hunters… I always said to you. Accept the darkness, never be ruled. If you do, always point your sword at the darkness."

Sakran, who had been kneeling, slowly stood up and spoke to the people behind him as if muttering. A dark energy that began to flow from his body along with a voice that seemed to have been altered.

Above all… Demon's wings that slowly began to take shape from his back.

Eventually, unable to overcome the darkness, Sakran began to turn into a demon. As the first demon hunter leader, Sakran is very powerful.

As everyone held their breath and watched Sakran slowly turn into a demon, Sakran, who was staring blankly at the sky, slowly turned her back.

The horns protruding from the head grew to the point of boasting overwhelming majesty, and the reddish-red eyes gleamed like blood, giving a sense of intimidation. Truly the face of a true devil.

"What are you hesitating? Hunters. There is darkness before you."

"… …"

"Hurry up and aim your weapon! This is my last order!"

Xenon and the hunters clasped their weapons tightly, as if they had firmly grasped the words of the last command. Their expressions are a mixture of tension and determination, as well as sadness and bitterness.

Those who were once teachers, those who were colleagues, and those who devoted their lives to the sake of the demons.

They must be killed with my own hands.


Finally, with Sakran's prayer.

"Save us."

Another tragedy was born.

After the prayer, Sakran slowly approached the party. I don't know if it's to delay the fight even a little, or if he's still struggling with the darkness inside him, but one thing is certain.

There was nothing but anger and hatred on his face that was filled with wrath.

If he hesitates like this, he says, all people will be annihilated, far from being saved.


"No! Crott!"

Did he want to deny that Sakran became a demon? A hesitant hunter bursts out and charges Sakran blindly.

A colleague called out his name from behind, but the hunter had already stabbed his sword into Sakhran's heart.

no. He was about to stab him.


Until, in the blink of an eye, one of Sakran's arms pierced the hunter's body.

Bright red blood splattered in all directions, and the hunter struggled as if it had been pierced by a skewer, and then drooped.

It was an instant death without any confirmation.

Whik- Kudang!

Sakran swung his arms as if dumping garbage and threw the hunter away. The corpse of the hunter that had been pierced by Sakran's arm fell to the floor.

As one of the members quickly turned into a cold corpse, the hunters faltered. Hesitation was also hesitation, but it was definitely fear that overwhelmed them.

As those who have been watching Sakran's force from their side, they know better than anyone that they will never be able to defeat Sakran. It was Sakran who taught me how to use the powers of the devil, and it was Sakran who gave me a sense of duty.

These complex emotions were entangled and entangled, and despite Sakran's instructions, he was unable to step out.

But our protagonist, Xenon, is not. He looked at Sak Ran with a hardened expression on his face, then lifted his feet.


"… …"

Mary, the purple-haired woman, quietly called his name, but Zeno didn't care and walked away.

In order to bring rest to Sakran, who was more human than anyone else, and to stop the powerful demon in front of him.

Our hero will step out.


After a while, Xenon, who drew his sword, began to mutter a little.

"Give this man rest."

The highlight of Volume 5 and the best scene in Zeno's life unfolded before our eyes.

woo woo-

At the same time, the music of the Lyrus Band is played. Surprisingly, it is the introductory and final part of 'Life' presented by the Lilus Band.

The sad tone of the stringed instrument, along with the sakran, is substituted for the entire tribe of demons, giving off a solemn and sad atmosphere. It further emphasized the tragic tragic nature of the demons and caused an exhilarating thrill.

The best troupe and the best orchestra come together in harmony to create an indescribable impression.

Usually battles are urgent or frantic, but the battle between Sakran and Xenon looked sad for some reason. In fact, it was vague to even call it a battle, because Zeno only wanted to give Sakran some rest, but had no intention of killing him.

The reason Sakran's weapon was nothing other than a giant 'scythe' was similar to Zeno's. Sakran considered the demons who had turned into demons not as demons but as humans.

So killing them is like murder, and it's a kind of funeral.

'… Mr. Ha. It's a bit embarrassing to cry.'

As the scenes reminiscent of a movie continued one after another, I wondered if I had fallen for it without knowing it. As the life of the Lirus Band and the battle between Sakran and Zenon unfolded before my eyes, I was moved to tears.

It was actually buried in the performance, but sobbing is heard everywhere. I pressed down on the back of my nose and checked Cecily's reaction. Even though she only listened to music, she was the one who shed tears.



"… …"

"It's so… so sad… Nope…"

You are weeping at the level of weeping.

He is even biting the handkerchief I gave him earlier with his mouth.

'…let's leave it alone.'

I focused on the show again.


It was when everyone was weeping or weeping at Sakran's sorrow.

There were people watching the play on stage instead of from the audience seats on the stage. His name is Gartz, Cecily's escort and one of the Reapers' members.

In my mind, I wanted to sit next to Cecily and watch, but the Reaper always has to keep it in a place no one knows about. So he was watching the performance by floating in the sky through magic, not in the audience.

"…that's sad."

Even a person who seems to be emotionally dry, he is also a demon in the end. Gartz wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes as the battle between Sakran and Zeno followed, and the mournful performance continued.

As a member of the Reaper, which can be said to be the motif of a demon hunter, he had no choice but to be much more immersed than others. It's a shame because there's no one around, and if he was someone who knew his bluntness, he would have been surprised to see him weep.

However, not only the demons, but most of the people watching the performance are weeping or mourning. It proves that the performance's directing and delivery power is terrifying.

It would be nice if the show ended like this, but…


Gartz's expression hardened when someone was caught by the crime prevention magic installed in the mansion. There is no problem in itself being detected, but the fact that someone intrudes is a problem in itself.

If it was Isaac's family, it would have been easy to pass it on, but now his whole family is watching the show. So it must mean that a stranger has trespassed.

Even the knights dispatched from the imperial palace were strictly forbidden to enter the private bedroom, so only intruders could not be detected by crime prevention magic.

"…a dog-like bastard."

Gartz let out a sincere swear word and flew towards the mansion.

It's a highlight soon, but I'm really curious as to who interrupted this moment.