Chapter 105

Meanwhile, the time the show had just begun, the Michelle mansion.

At the Michelle mansion, the knights dispatched from the Imperial Palace are on guard, boasting ironclad security. As the exhibition is held in the Michelle estate, there are bound to be people who have doubts, so just in case.

The layout of the knights is roughly as follows. First of all, two drivers were standing in front of each family member's bedroom door, as was the entrance to the office or basement where important documents and items were kept.

Although a small number of people are guarding the mansion, they are a Knights Templar that Leorth and Lina have personally designated and dispatched.

Even the Hawk, who once had beaten up a dragon, was so good that he even praised it, so he expected it to be no problem.

"Ah. I want to go to the festival, too. I have confidence that I can play better than anyone else."

"I can't help it. I'll just peel it off."

But they were human too, so they had no choice but to want to participate in the festival. In principle, soldiers should wear top and bottom clothes, but sometimes they wanted to refuse orders.

In particular, there was a festival in front of the nose, and they had to protect the mansion, so it was like a cake in a painting.

"When is our shift?"

"It's only been 10 minutes since I went to work."

"Oh shit."

The successor lamented at the senior's reply. It seems like 30 minutes have passed since I kept this door, but time doesn't go by so badly.

"But what's in the mansion that we should be vigilant about?"

"Well. If there's an exhibition in this area, there might be some people who think there's something? It's to prevent that. It's unlikely. I'd rather see Sir Hawk."

"Is Sir Hawk that strong?"

In response to the successor's question, the senior engineer folded his arms and thought deeply before opening his mouth.

"You're young, so you may not know. Have you ever seen a person slay a dragon by yourself? You should have seen it in person. There were a lot of people who wanted to become a knight like me after seeing that."

"And did you regret it?"


People live the same everywhere, and when Isaac saw this scene, he must have felt familiar. In order to somehow make the time pass quickly, the senior and the successor stand up at work, chatting with each other.

Of course, that's not negligence, they're using detection technology while they're having a conversation. If a stranger enters within a certain range, it will be immediately detected by their senses, so there is no big problem.

However, this is only in terms of 'human', and if it is a different race, especially a demon or an elf, it will be different. If you use magic, you can not only deceive their senses, but also move between spaces and through walls.

"Neither this… nor this…"

Inside the office where Hawk, the head of the Michelle family, works.

In a room lit only by moonlight, Han In-young was rummaging through the desk.

Even though two drivers were on guard at the entrance to the office, they didn't even notice that there was an intruder inside.

Naturally, the intruder was not a human, but a different race, even a dark elf that was not well known externally. Although elves are naturally specialized in magic, dark elves are many times better at stealth.

If an ordinary thief hides, at least he will be caught by detection techniques or magic, but the stealth of the dark elves is on a different level.

It is not just about hiding the body, it is assimilated with the space, making it feel as if it does not exist at all. It is one of the powers that Mora, the goddess of darkness and rest, passed down to the Dark Elves, and at the same time it is a blessing.

In order to detect the stealth of a skilled dark elf, at least an intermediate knight-level ability is required by human standards.

However, even this is 'sensing', the dark elves are experienced warriors who go through hard times before giving birth, so most of them are helpless.

"Isn't it here too?"

The dark elf, Lane, who came out as Arwen's escort this time, expressed doubts by returning all the documents he had investigated.

What she is currently looking for is surprisingly a draft of Xenon's biography.

Just before the show started, the words of the red-haired man who approached Arwen echoed in my mind.

'Zenon is the pen name of the writer who wrote Zeno's biography. And the redhead said he was Xenon.'

It was when Isaac and Marie talked to each other. Isaac Tanae spoke as if in a whisper, but it sounded vividly to the Dark Elves, who had basically superior senses.

At first, he was wary that he had approached Arwen with impure intentions, but he got an unexpected income.

'I wasn't an ordinary human either.'

For a human being, he boasted of good looks and excellent knowledge, but it was not something that Arwen was to blame. However, she was most concerned about the demons, who were supposed to be friends with Isaac.

Is there something in that human being that a strong person like that, and a demon who was discriminated against as a demon before the publication of Zeno's biography?

It was hard to understand because he was a seemingly ordinary human being, but everything would be different if he was the author of Zeno's biography. If he really was Xenon, it could also be explained that the demon had a crush on him.

This means that the female demon must also know that Isaac is Xenon. Even this is a guess, but I'm getting closer to certainty because I feel like the puzzle fits perfectly.

'I need proof. Evidence.'

Therefore, Lane broke into the mansion to find evidence that Isaac was Xenon.

If you find a draft in this mansion, it will be proven that Isaac is Xenon, and then you can report to Arwen.

Last time, for stealing the draft without knowing anything, I was severely scolded by Arwen, and further criticized by the elders. She said that she did everything she could to please Arwen, but the result worked in a bad way.

So, as a Lane, you have to find evidence somehow in the sense of reflection. If you find evidence, you can return the stolen draft, and you have a variety of options.

Of course, the draft will only be checked and not stolen. As much as he was severely scolded, he realized what kind of ripple effect the first draft of Zeno's biography had, so he would not make a foolish choice again.

'I'm glad that the defense was also poorly thought out.'

Fortunately, the boundaries of the mansion were on the weak side by Lane's standards. It was covered with crime prevention magic, but using the power of the dark elves, it was nothing more than a scarecrow.

Instead, he was careful when using magic to pass through walls. Maybe a human with great senses could detect it.

'I've looked all over here… I'm confused because there are so many rooms.'

Lane scratched her head in embarrassment.

Thanks to Arwen's support, he is gradually gaining more experience, but it was the first time he had broken into a human mansion, so he was unaware of the structure.

Even after examining each room in detail, I was getting more and more frustrated as I continued to play in vain.

'Next is…'

She looked towards the wall, not the door. There is no need to go outside as it is enough to pass through a wall or something.

Eventually, Lane went through the documents again, and was convinced that there was nothing related to Xenon's life. He walked slowly towards the wall.

An ordinary person would be blocked by a wall and would not be able to pass, but she is a dark elf. You can pass through walls without any problems with simple magic.


A magic Blink that moves in a short space, not a long-distance movement like teleport or warp.

With a single blink, Lane moved over the wall and looked around the room. If it used to be an office, now it seems to be a resting room for guests to stay.

'I don't think it's here.'

She glanced over and moved to the next room. She kept moving from room to room, so she could finally reach someone's bedroom where she was.

It was presumed to be a single person, not a couple, and was characterized by a simple appearance. In addition, the faint smell of musty books and the characteristic scent of a man stung his nose.

'That's the red-haired room!'

A woman's room is characterized by a pleasant scent. But there was no such smell at all.

Lane had only met Isaac, not his brother Dave, but he could feel and be certain the smell of the book vibrated. In particular, it was obvious that this was Arwen's personal scent.

Then she looked around the room with excitement. The bed, dressing table, and desk were small, but there were countless bookshelves.

Naturally, there were innumerable books compared to the other rooms. Recognizing that Isaac liked books as much as Arwen did, Lane approached the desk.

'The room with the red hair is correct.'

Lane found the book lying on the desk and was convinced again. This book was recommended by Arwen at the bookstore.

Now all that's left is to search the desk and find the draft. She began to rummage through the drawers of her desk, without even realizing what kind of magic she had been possessed.

First, I looked at the unprotected and exposed drawer, but of course nothing came out. Most of the time, it's empty because you haven't even put anything in it.

'Then all that's left is…'

Only the drawers locked tightly with a padlock. Lane stared intently at the drawer with hopeless eyes.

It was unbelievable that a draft, which was not designated as a national treasure to people, especially the demons, and would be treated as a holy thing, was hidden inside. Even if it's fake, it's too fake

So, I doubted whether it was really here, but I can't afford to ignore it. It's sealed with a padlock anyway, so it's easy to unlock.

Lane squatted down and grabbed the lock in her hand. No keys or magic needed. When unlocking through mana, it is a thin lock that is the end of the level.


In less than 10 seconds, the lock that sealed the drawer was unlocked. Lane carefully removed the lock after checking several times to see if there were any other devices.

A chest of drawers that are now completely defenseless. She looked around and slowly opened the drawer.

And when he found a pile of manuscript papers, a smile was engraved on Lane's face. I didn't know what to do, but I caught a person.

'Really? It's a real draft right?'

Lane pulled out the first draft at the top with excitement. It coincided perfectly with the introduction to the recently published Gaiden of Kair.

This proved that Isaac was the author of Zeno's biography. The handwriting is the same as in the first draft, so there is no need to check it separately.

'thank god. This may give the Queen peace of mind.'

If you know that you are not a thief and that you broke into someone else's mansion at will, you will be scolded again, but you will be able to lighten the burden you have left behind.

At this, Lane sighed in relief and was about to return the draft to its original state.

:'( :'( :'(


Without realizing it, someone grabbed the back of her back like a sickle and threw it on the floor. Lane, without realizing it, was forced to kiss her on the ground as she gave her a flurry.

Lane, startled, frantically tried to get out, but strangely, there was no force in her body. From the moment he grabbed his neck, his entire body had already been suppressed.

The neck is the link between the brain and the body. I don't know who it is, but he must have paralyzed his neck through mana.

'No, that's absurd. Who the hell…'

With this kind of ability, even within the Dark Elves, only skilled warriors can do it. As Lane, who had little experience in the world, I couldn't help but be surprised.

As she was about to turn her head to confirm the identity of the person who somehow suppressed her, the person who suppressed Lane whispered softly.

"It was the guy next to the elf."


"Do you guys have any hobby of looting other people's houses?"

It was Gartz, Cecily's escort knight. He was wearing a mask, but he was in a very bad mood right now.

First of all, I was angry firstly because an intruder entered the place Cecily had designated, and secondarily, because I missed the highlight in front of my eyes because of one lane.

The area around his mouth was covered with a mask, but the frown on his forehead was enough to tell how displeased he was.

[Princess. There is an intruder in the mansion, a dark elf. How can I handle it?]

Gartz, who easily subdued Lane by surprise, sent a message to Cecily via telepathy. Cecily ordered the intruders to do whatever they wanted, but the dark elves were a different story.

The relationship between the Demons and the Dark Elves couldn't be said to be good or bad. However, the moment he touches the Dark Elf, he becomes annoyed.

The warriors of the Dark Elves are as strong as the Reapers, one by one, and from the standpoint of Helium, who had to strengthen their internal affairs along with diplomacy, they were in a very difficult position.

Although the Dark Elves were exiles from Albenheim, it was unusual to see an elf named Arwen next to them.

[…the kid next to the elf queen, right?]

Cecily, who was concentrating on the performance, responded to Gartz's report. She, too, knew that Arwen was the queen of Albnheim.

To this, Gartz responded by squeezing Lane's neck, who was struggling to get out somehow.

[Yes. That's right.]

[Just find out why they broke into the mansion and for what purpose, Lord Balak will take care of it. I can't say anything about this because it's definitely their fault.]

[all right.]

[ah. Instead of doing it at the mansion, please do it outside. If blood splattered for nothing, he might be suspicious.]

Cecily trusted Gartz completely, so she gave her simple instructions and returned to her performance. There was no need to go to the mansion unless it was really urgent because the highlight would unfold soon.

Gartz looked down at Lane as soon as he lost contact with Cecily. Now, she has lost all her strength and has stopped her resistance, and her body is trembling with her fear.

The pitiful trembling of a young child was enough to provoke sympathy, but it meant nothing to Gartz. In addition to demons, beings rejected by those around them like dark elves are most likely to commit murder from an early age.

So, Lane should not be viewed as a child, but as a warrior. Unfortunately, this was due to his terribly inexperienced lack of experience.

"I ask. Why did you break into this place?"

"… …"

At Gartz's dry question, Lane only trembled and didn't say anything. Because the fear of her death, which she experienced for the first time in her life, took control of her body.

But Gartz didn't care and threatened with a lively voice, pressing even harder.

"If you don't answer me, I'll cut off your fingers one by one."

"Tea, I'm looking for something…"

"What are you looking for?"

"rough copy…"

The first draft… Gartz shifted his gaze to the manuscript paper in her hand.

It looked like an ordinary manuscript from the outside, but if you enter the mansion while taking an adventure, there must be something there. Garz then grabbed his draft while pressing his neck hard with one hand.

After reading the draft line by line, Gartz had no choice but to widen his eyes. He also read the recently published Kayr Abode, so he noticed what kind of draft this was.

'…I can see why the princess has a crush on that person.'

But what do you mean? I'm a fan of Xenon's biography, but I'm currently on a mission.

Still, the precious treasures of the demons did not change, and the drafts were neatly laid out on the floor. I plan to return and respectfully return this black idiot after we've dealt with it.

"What were you planning to do with this draft?"


Lane hesitates because he doesn't want to answer this. At the same time, Garz's eyes grew fierce and he pulled out the dagger hanging from her waist.

When the dagger reflected in the moonlight and pierced his eyes, Lane was startled and began to confess. She had been subjected to harsh training from the old days, but all was useless in the face of her fear of death.

"Hey, I was going to give you back the first draft I stole! Me, really!"

"…After all, you guys stole it."

Only the opposite effect occurred. That the dark elves stole the draft was only heartbreaking, no proof.

However, it was confirmed through Lane's testimony. Although I do not know whether it was done arbitrarily or in Albenheim, it is important that the first draft was stolen.

'This little fella is an escort… From the looks of it, it seems like she's close with the queen…'

Even if they said that they came secretly without making an official statement, they lacked qualifications in many ways. The monarch who had to be protected was thrown out and worked arbitrarily, so they were all eliminated as escort knights.

Gartz looked at Lane, trembling in fear with pitiful eyes, and put the dagger around his waist. I plan to get out of the mansion and move to a gloomy place to deal with it.

It was at that moment when he was 'a moment' when he was vigilant to use magic.


Without any warning, a silver dagger was aimed at Gartz's neck. The sword's face was reflected in the moonlight and gave off a brilliant light.

Who was it that allowed him to escape from Gartz's crime prevention magic and senses? Gartz looked at the dagger that came close to the nape of his neck and muttered silently.


He turned his head slowly. Even when he turned his head, the dagger aimed at Gartz's neck did not move at all.

Before long, Gartz met his golden eyes that glowed in the dark. She covered her mouth with a mask like herself, but she can be sure that she is a gorgeous off-white beauty.

Not only this. With copper-colored skin that stands out in the dark, with white hair and half-cut ears. Lastly, unlike Lane, her body shows a mature figure as if to show that she is an adult.

The reason why Arwen was relieved to bring Lane and insurance.

"The queen wouldn't have brought her as an escort just because she was crazy."

Gartz grinned at the appearance of another dark elf.