Chapter 106

Even though it was in the bedroom lit by only the moonlight, Gartz quickly glanced over the appearance of the dark elf that had appeared without warning.

As demons basically have the ability to destroy darkness, such darkness is not a problem.

Unlike Lane, who was young and young, her mature body was exposed without any filtration, and white hair and golden eyes that contrasted with her copper-colored skin stood out.

Finally, an earring hung from her ear, which seemed to have been cut in half.

Rumor has it that it is customary for Dark Elves to wear earrings whenever they reach a certain age. The woman in front of her eyes is wearing exactly three earrings, while her Lane's ears are blank.

At least, unlike Lane, it means that there is a high probability of being a trained warrior. It was by no means an easy opponent to see that he approached secretly by deceiving both his magic and his senses.

"…you'd better let go of that hand."

As the bloody confrontation continued for a while, the woman drew her dagger closer and spoke coldly. Her husky yet low tone voice indirectly revealed her maturity as an adult.

In addition to this, there is a deep hostility in the shining golden eyes. If Isaac had twinkling eyes, Siris's eyes glowed menacingly like a wild beast.

However, Gartz didn't waver even when the dagger came closer to his neck. Rather, he gasped and opened his mouth with a rather absurd tone.

"You dark elves all have strange hobbies. One steals and the other just watches."

"… …"

"Hey, this voice… Siris? Siris sister?"

Lane, whose neck was still being squeezed by Gartz, squirmed and asked urgently. Apparently, the new dark elf's name is Siris.

Also, seeing Lane pretending to be acquainted, it must have been an acquaintance. Gartz was predicting the relationship between the two of them, but now it's not important.

What is important now is to treat Lane, and to be prepared for emergencies. First of all, since a dark elf called Siris appeared, I plan to avoid battles as much as possible.

'The draft must not be damaged.'

As long as you are certain that it is already the first draft of Xenon's biography, even the slightest damage should not be done. For the demons, it was not designated as a national treasure, so it was something that had to be protected from generation to generation.

To do this, you need to understand Siris's purpose and decide how to treat Lane. Gartz squeezed Lane's neck even more strongly.


"…If you don't let go of that hand right now, you won't see anything good."

From the looks of it, a dark elf named Siris is presumed to be closely related to Lane. As soon as Gartz presses harder, Siris' life blew out.

Gartz maintained his leisurely pace despite his terrifying life beyond hostility. Although he looks at his disadvantage on the surface, his initiative lies with himself.

Above all else, the moment the neck is cut, Lane's slender neck will be broken helplessly. Exchanging his life or Cecily is already aware of all the circumstances, so it's enough to leave it to the rest.

Although there will be a great war between the Dark Elves and the Demons, he is the Reaper who protects Helium. He is willing to give up his life.

"I don't seem to know who's holding the hilt now. I'm thinking of letting go if you take the sword from my neck first."

"… …"

"And you don't understand the situation? This is purely the fault of this kid, and I suppressed it to prevent it. You think it's self-defense?"

As Gartz picked up facts piece by piece, Siris narrowed her brow. All of her words are true, so I can't refute it.

Obviously, this happened because Lane invaded someone else's mansion without permission. It is said that her arms are bent inward, but this is a fact that even Siris cannot deny.

"Above all, do you know what this bastard was trying to steal? I'm not going to say I don't know."

"… …"

"I will accept silence as a positive thing. As you know, this is a gift that is as good as a blessing from God to our demons. The crime of trying to steal it deserves to be paid with life."

"Huh, I didn't mean to steal! I was really just checking…! Evil!"

Lane appealed with resentment, but Gartz responded by pressing her on the neck.

Then, looking down at Lane with his cool eyes, he opened his mouth with a cold voice.

"Even nonsense must be accepted as nonsense. Even if that happens, what you did will never be tolerated. What you did was like declaring war on our Helium. Besides, you stole a first draft before. There are good reasons."

"Well, that's… to please the Queen…"

"I know only one thing and don't know each other because I'm not a kid. It's obvious if you don't look at the education of the Dark Elves."

"… …"

Despite the bombardment of facts, Siris did not even respond. No, he didn't exactly.

Lane stole the draft with purely good intentions, and then, when things got messed up, he went to work to get it back.

Until then, Siris didn't stop and watched. She was the wrong way, but the way she tried to "take responsibility" anyway was fine in her own way.

And if Lane tried to steal the draft, I would immediately stop him. Last time it ended with a light punishment, but if I made a mistake again this time, I would have been punished with 'severe punishment'.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to have any intention of stealing the draft, but the situation was twisted and he came to this division. I was suspicious from the very beginning that a highly set crime prevention magic was installed only in this room, but it was too late.

Then there's only one thing Siris can do right now. She looked at Lane with a complicated gaze on her floor, then slowly bit her dagger.

"…what do you want?"

"Now it makes sense."

Now the dominance has completely passed. Gartz raised the corners of his lips hidden under his mask.

Then he slowly relaxed the hand that was pressing on Lane's neck and said to Siris.

"In my heart, I want to take the life of this less distant child, but…"

"That's just not going to happen."

"Yeah. It will come out like that."

As if he had expected enough of this, Gartz passed it on casually. It was Siris who became more and more anxious.

Lane is the link with the elf queen, Arwen. Arwen is struggling to embrace the dark elves she had been ostracized from, and the first step in that is becoming Lane's guardian.

But looking at the situation now, that stage is already creaking. It was also because of Lane's fault, not Arwen.

Although their homeland abandoned them, the dark elves still have a heart for their homeland. If he fails to return to Albnheim during Arwen's reign, he may have to wait until the next generation.

[How can I do this? Princess.]


While Siris was internally anxious, Gartz telepathically communicated the current situation to Cecily. While he was talking to Siris, he was reporting one after another to Cecily.

Cecily also concentrated on the performance for a while, but when the situation seemed to be getting complicated, she took it seriously. It will be the highlight of the highlights soon, but the treatment of the Dark Elves is more important.

[No matter how young a child, it is wrong. If you don't want to hold the child responsible, can you return it to an adult?]

[But these b*tches are dark elves. You may end up sharpening the knife in your mind.]

[Our reaction will change depending on who the sword is aimed at. If it's aimed at a benefactor, I'll hide it or spread it all around. Then what… you know?]

Cecily didn't say a word, but Gartz knew what she was trying to say.

Currently, Xenon's biography is not even complete, but it is causing a huge wave of waves around the world. Even just taking a hiatus is enough to cause nationwide protests.

There is a high possibility that, as soon as the diplomatic pressure is put on Albenheim, as well as the moment what happened today is revealed, there is a high possibility that war will break out. Of course, if Isaac asks the war to stop, he will stop right away, but that means the matter is serious.

Gartz realized Cecily's intentions and looked at Siris. Siris still had a cold expression on her face, but there was a hint of anxiety in her golden eyes.

"What we want is simple. If you don't want to give this b*tch's life, just show it the price it deserves.

"… …"

"Deliver it to the Queen. When all the performances are over and we return to Helium, come to Helium with this little boy. I will not accept the Queen's apology. The apology should be to the benefactor, not us. You are responsible. If you lose, that's it."

In fact, even if Arwen gets down on his knees and apologizes to Cecily, it doesn't mean much. These are only to protect the draft, and it is Isaac who almost suffered damage.

So it's kind of like a blackmail deal. If Arwen and the dark elves punish Lane severely, it will pass without a hitch, but if not, I will tell Isaac everything.

If that happens… it's obvious what the outcome will be. As they went to the brink of war, Albenheim suffered great diplomatic damage, and furthermore, the relationship with the Dark Elves would be ruined.

As Siris, I wanted to stop it as much as that. But here another problem arises.

'In this case, Lane…'

Just as laws exist in Albenheim, 'rules' exist within the Dark Elves. If it's a minor problem, you'll be asked to fast for a few days or be punished, but this is a situation where the fate of the race is at stake.

And it will cause great damage not only to Lane but also to Arwen. Usually, Arwen had a sense of weakness for Lane with a sense of duty to unite with the Dark Elves, but the worst happened.

Within the Dark Elves, they must rot in prison for at least several hundred years, and for Arwen, they must banish Lane before their sins can be washed away.

[Accept the offer.]


As Siris was biting her lip hidden under her mask in agony, Arwen, who had been watching the situation with magic, telepathically sent her a telepathic message.

Siris was startled by Arwen's sudden voice for a moment, but was also surprised twice by her permission, seemingly exhausted.

[W, Queen? Since when…]

[You and Lane didn't come back for a long time, so I figured it out by magic… I never really imagined that there would be a draft in this estate. It's my negligence.]

It was a series of shocks for Arwen. I was shocked by the fact that the author of Xenon's biography was Isaac, and the second time I had to catch up with the fact that Lane had infiltrated to check the draft.

At first he intervened to calm the situation, but the storm that followed would be terrifying. It was advantageous to settle the situation quickly and leave.

[Ha, but…]

[no. This is my and Lane's fault. I will prepare to return to Albenheim immediately, so bring Lane with me as soon as possible.]

[…all right.]

It seemed that Arwen had made a decision. Siris fully retracted her dagger and looked at Gartz.

"…accept the offer."

"It's a wise decision."

hold on-

As Siris made the decision, Gartz completely relaxed the hand that had been pressing on Lane's neck. He, of course, didn't forget to press the back of her neck with her thumb as he loosened it.

It wasn't the wiretapping magic, it was the coordinates of the helium for the future tangent. Therefore, Arwen must accompany Lane in order for Helium to come.

"Uh, sister…"

As Lane was freed, crying and running to Siris, he clung to her arm. Siris looked at her with a puzzled expression in her eyes, which were shimmering, devoured by her fear.

Does she really know the pain she will suffer in the future? Even as a child, it was as good as activating an item that activates mass destruction magic, so the rules to atone for that sin are waiting for Lane.

Siris gently stroked Lane's wheat-colored hair, then looked at Gartz and opened her mouth with her characteristic low, husky voice.

"…I will keep my promise. When?"

"The princess said it will be exactly one week from now. Until then, I want you to punish that bastard and let us know."

"…I know."

"Then get out of here. And you'd better never set foot here again. I'll kill myself right away."

bum- bum- bum- bum-

At Gartz's shout, Siris took Lane and slowly retreated back. Before long she was completely absorbed in the darkness where she had not even seen the moonlight, and she disappeared completely.

Unlike Rain, a perfect stealth technique that was not detected even by detection magic. Gartz swung his tongue inwardly at the power of a truly terrifying dark elf.

[Whoa… it's all over.]

[Good work. Now clean up and come back.]

Gartz, who finally reported to Cecily. He listened to Cecily's encouragement, pondered something about her, and suddenly a question came to mind and asked her.

[That… It's a shameful thing to say, but how is the current performance?]

[yes? Is it all over already?]

[… …]

[You should have seen it, but it was so sad. At the end, the vocal band sang the chorus, and you felt a shiver in your body? It makes me want to see you again.]

Did you mean to kill those black idiots? Gartz bit his teeth and swallowed his anger.

However, he managed his anger through disciplined self-control. Then he bent down to clean up the messy drafts on the floor.

'Fortunately, it wasn't crumpled. But in case you don't know, I'll have to use restoration magic…'

Gartz stopped trying to organize the draft. If this is really the place where Zeno's biography is written, wouldn't there be manuscripts that have not yet been published?

Although Isaac decided to take a break, it is highly likely that he wrote another book as if the side story was released separately.

'…no. You have to be patient.'

If it were an ordinary person, I would not be able to endure it and find the manuscript, but Gartz is a member of the Reaper, a member of the Demon tribe, whose patience is unmatched. He shook his head sharply, strongly suppressing the desire to find the manuscript.

For now, the priority is to carefully put the draft, which was almost a mess, in a desk drawer. The new book will come out in a few years anyway, so wait patiently until then, and it's over.

'Even so, it's not a good idea to keep it only with a lock… I'll suggest it to the princess.'

There is no guarantee that something like today will not happen again. Above all, people who are starting to understand Isaac's identity are starting to appear one after another.

Gartz, who had faced the incident head-on, had no choice but to be slightly anxious. He rose from his seat after reverting his draft to its original position and sealing it up to his lock.



Was it because I was about to get up in a hurry? Gartz groaned as his head was stamped on the edge of his desk.

Even the demons with excellent physical abilities can't do anything about it as much as they are stamped on the edge of the desk.

Fortunately, he was practicing soundproofing magic earlier, so the knights outside didn't detect him, but he shed a voice in the tingling pain for a while.

"Ouch… that's annoying…"

It was Gartz who had no luck today.