Chapter 107

The stage where the tense battle takes place is gradually approaching the climax. Sakran is getting exhausted, but he is pressing Zenon by squeezing out all his powerless strength, and Xenon is also trying to give Sakran some rest.

As Xenon seemed to be pushed in the middle, one demon, presumed to be Jin, broke in late and formed a union. From Volume 5, the duo Xenon and Jin started fighting as one, so this is the right time.


Eventually, Sakran began to unleash all the power of the demon that he suppressed and suppressed. How much power he was restraining himself, a black energy began to flow from him.

In addition, Xenon and Jin also prepared for a blood battle by opening up all their powers. After all of the demonization was finished, Sakran ran to the two of them, and the Lirus Band performed another performance.

The ending was the same with the high-pitched tone of the violin, but then a new song followed.

-Ahh. you devil Those born in the dark and longing for the light.

The majestic and sad chorus of the vocal band that had been waiting until now. At the same time, as the final battle continued, he directly expressed what 'life' was.

I truly admired life, the choir of the vocal band, and the readiness of the Lilus Band. Now I think I understand why Lyrus said it was just a taste.

How much effort did they put in to show this collaboration? As a writer, I can't even imagine.

– Let's go through the waves of tragedy and join forces.

– I will resist the darkness and go towards the light.

-Oh God. give us hope

-Oh God. grant us rest

– I wish I could die as a human.

-Ah ah ah ah ah.

The chorus continued slowly, not fast, and ended with a chorus that was close to a scream. However, the battle on the stage was not over yet, and the Lilus Band responded by repeating the chorus once more.

Usually battles are impossible to take your eyes off of due to the sense of urgency and tension, but this stage seemed to contain a person's 'life', so I couldn't take my eyes off it for even a moment. The sense of immersion goes beyond frightening and proves why they are the best in the world.

It was questionable whether the two groups that made this huge stage really fit the Middle Ages. With this level of skill, he did not bow down at all in the cultural world of his previous life.


"Shut up! Shut up…"

A tragic battle that makes your hands sweaty is finally running towards the end point. Zeno, who found a gap thanks to Jin's efforts, cut Sakran's upper body deeply diagonally.

Perhaps it was because of the accumulated damage, even the devil's recovery power did not restore the long cut in Sakran's upper body. And Xenon never missed this opportunity.

After clasping the sword tightly with both hands, he thrust the sword precisely into the staggering heart of Sakran.



Sakran spews black blood when the sword is thrust into his heart. He looked up at the sword in his heart, trembling trembling, and then raised his head calmly.

When Sakran raised his head to meet his gaze, Zenon vigorously pulled out the sword that had stabbed him in the heart while maintaining his stiff expression. Let's take the sword out! Black blood splattered with a sound.




Even if he became a demon, Sakran was a teacher and a hero who protected the demons. The demons who were watching the battle rushed to him when Sakran fell to his knees.

But they will know. As long as the sword was pierced through his heart, there was no hope for Sakran any more. eventually dying as a demon.

And it is Sakran himself who knows this more than anyone else. He barely lifted his head as he vomited black blood as he coughed constantly.

People who devoted their lives to protecting them until they became demons. Sakran looked at the facial expressions of people mixed with complicated emotions and opened his mouth as if chanting.

"Hunters… keep this in mind…"

"… …"

"For those you love… don't be afraid to become a demon yourself."

There are people who sacrificed themselves to protect their loved ones. Sakran cared for his people until the last minute.

What a noble and holy destiny. It's a character I've created, but few people are as dedicated as Sakran.

As tears flowed out of nowhere and rubbed the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, Sakran continued to speak in a gasping voice.

"That is true human courage and sacrifice… I will die as a human, not a demon."

Sakran's sacrifice part will have a tremendous impact on the main character's party, especially Jin. In the final half, it must absorb the spirit of the Great Evil to be completely destroyed, but Jin willingly sacrificed himself.

In fact, it is an indirect expression of Jin's fate through Sakran's tragedy, and it can be said to be a kind of double line. In fact, the more the story progresses, the more Jin thinks of Sakran.

Anyway, Sakran's sacrifice part ends here. Sakran then turns into a bright particle and disappears, approaching the end of his life…

"Young man… I have one question for you."

Whether it was an adaptation or not, Sakran asked Xenon as his body became a bright particle.

In the original, it just disappeared without such a dialogue, so I, as the original author, had no choice but to be a little embarrassed. I do, but what about other people?

Meanwhile, half of Sakran's body turned into light and disappeared into the air. But he used his wits to bring out the question he wanted to ask Zeno.

"Do I… look like a demon?"


Xenon was surprised by Sakran's question for a moment, but without hesitation, he shook his head and answered.

Then, as he stared straight at the fading Sakran, he spoke beautiful words to him in a resolute voice.

"You are more human than anyone else. Sakran-san."


The sound of Sakran's laughter that seemed to be somewhat reassuring. In the original, Sakran never laughed.

But what is it because such a person is smiling? It felt as if everything had been put down. Even me, the original author, is an amazing character interpretation.

"That's good…"

Finally, Sakran raised his head slowly to the sky and muttered in a low voice…

"Really… I'm glad…"

With a smile that was happier than anyone else, it became particles of light and disappeared completely.



Even if it transcends the original, something fell from the sky while I was staring at the stage with a blank face at the ending that transcends a long time. Then I woke up and lifted my head up.

The light is coming down like snow. It wasn't like a metaphor, but really, light was falling like snow from the sky.

It was truly spectacular to see the light scattering like petals from the grandstand, as if the particles of light generated when the sakran disappeared.



Not only me, but also the women sitting next to me showed a different reaction with a bewildered expression on the beautiful directing.

Marie blinked and reached out slightly towards the light, while Cecily clasped her hands so that the light rests on them.

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I also made the light fall on the palm of my hand, which soon turned to dust and scattered into the air. As the light disappeared, he raised his head to face the beautiful sight once more.


What kind of an alternative director is he to show the beauty that will leave your heart pounding until the very end? How much preparation did you have to prepare for such a nonsensical production in the Middle Ages, when science was scarce?

Even if he was a genius ahead of his time, there was no lack of admiration.

pair- pair- pair-

When everyone was so lost and unresponsive, someone applauded. Then, as if possessed by the sound of applause, the others started to applaud one by one.

clap clap clap-

The sound of applause, which was small at first, grew louder and louder.

Clap clap clap!



"It's the best! The best!"

After a while, it changed to a size large enough to make the sound of thunder go away. It was not a simple applause, but a standing applause from all the audience, and cheers were added, creating an enthusiastic atmosphere.

I also got up from my seat and clapped slowly, though it was a bit out of my mind.

It was such a great show that I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or if this world was Earth. It was an indescribable feeling to perform such a performance as a play rather than a movie.

"It's really amazing. How can we make a stage like this?"

"Ugh… that's really cool…"

Marie and Cecily also applauded and gave their evaluations. Marie ended in admiration, while Cecily sobbed to the point of crying as she continued to wipe her tears with my handkerchief.

'Are you really a reincarnation like me?'

Of course, even if Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg were reincarnated, it is questionable whether they would be able to direct such a performance. As Cecily mentioned, the scene where the demons are pouring out uses magic.

Therefore, it means that there are members who are proficient in magic, and I wondered what such a wizard would do to participate in theatrical work. I don't know if it was grilled and boiled with a horse's tooth or if the wizard was the director, but the fact that his abilities are outstanding remains the same.

Clap clap clap…

The sound of applause, which seemed like it would never stop, gradually subsided as time went on. The snow of light that fell from the sky has almost ceased.

After a while, when the applause almost stopped, Lirus, who had been leading his life to the end, turned his back and spoke to the audience.

"Did you all enjoy the performance? Although I have to say this, I can assure you that it must have been a very moving stage. I was also impressed by seeing the play by The Matrix during the collaboration."

Lyrus humbly conveyed all these emotions to the Matrix troupe, but in fact, the performance of the lyrus troupe was great, if not less.

In terms of cooking, the performance of the Matrix Theater is the main dish, and the performance of the Lyrus Band is sugar, salt, and various spices for flavor. If life had been played without being played, there would have been some ambiguity.

"It was a real honor to be able to show you this performance. I was the conductor of the Lyrus Band, and I will continue to show you wonderful performances in the future."

After finishing what he wanted to say to the audience, Lirus bowed slightly like a gentleman and greeted him. Naturally, as he greeted, thunderous applause erupted.

Now that Lyrus has said hello, the Matrix should also come out. As soon as I thought of that, the actors appeared one after another behind the band…

Touk- Took- Took-

Without …, one person slowly walked towards the center of the stage. I glanced at the person's appearance with a puzzled look.

He was wearing a robe, so his face could not be recognized, but judging from his reliable build, he was presumed to be a man. But he is a gloomy and moody person that can never be seen as an actor.

Perhaps I wasn't the only one thinking that way, and the surrounding audience began to murmur at the appearance of an unfamiliar man. Starting with the question of who that is, the expectation that another play will unfold.

I was in the same mood, so I was expecting a little bit of what would happen.


Meanwhile, the man who arrived at the center of the stage evoked the atmosphere through a cough. Naturally, the murmur of the audience stopped.

Then he looked around the crowd, coughed once more, and opened his mouth in a soft, low-pitched voice.

"Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Scar, the director of the Matrix Troupe."


"A director?"

"Is that really true?"

At the shocking declaration, the murmur of the audience grew much louder than before. Not only the audience, but I was also embarrassed.

So far, the director of the Matrix troupe has never been revealed, and has been a hidden entity. It was able to become famous worldwide thanks to the synergy of splendid directing along with such mysticism.

Also, when signing contracts with other groups, they put up an agent. When the Matrix troupe came to our mansion a few days ago, we communicated through a representative rather than a director.

However, it suddenly appeared today. It must have been a shock to people, and the intention was unknown.

"I'm sure everyone is confused. You must have wondered why the director, who had been hiding his identity so far, appeared here. By the way, there is no need to doubt it because it is the real director, not an impersonation."

"… …"

"The reason I showed myself to everyone today is simple. I wanted to ask if you really enjoyed the performance. How is it? Did you enjoy watching the performance?"


The loud answer came from the seat of the commoners, not the VIP seat. To keep their dignity, the VIPs responded with applause without words.

The director nodded his head as if he was satisfied with the audience's reaction, and continued speaking slowly.

"I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. Actually, it's a slight adaptation of the original, so I was wondering if you liked it. Most of the people here are fans of Xenon's biography, so you'll know where I fixed it."

This is the director who commented on Sakran's will. In fact, the character interpretation was excellent enough to say that it transcends the original.

"I don't know if you're here, but I would like to express my gratitude and apologies if Zenon-sama is present. You wrote such a wonderful novel, but I could only express it. I even interpreted it as I wanted."

"… …"

Not at all. Rather, it makes me want to go down in front of him and bow down.

The director would be the only person with the ability to transform a novel filled with only text into such a splendid style.

"Until now, my plays were only available to wealthy people or nobles. But, seeing the audience today, what can I say… I wondered if this is a culture that everyone can enjoy together. Collaboration with the Lyrus Band It was also a good experience for me."

"… …"

"That… Anyway, the introduction was long, but what I want to say is this."


After saying that, the director threw off the robe that was hiding his face. Concentrating on him, I couldn't help but widen his eyes as soon as he took off his robe.


"Pu, horn? No way…"

"Were you a demon?"

"oh my god…"

In addition to his jet-black hair, the devil's horns protruded from his head. And even the eyes shining as bright red as blood.

Contrary to his low-pitched voice, the director, who had an innocent look, was none other than a demon.

The fact that the director of the world-famous troupe was a demon made the audience more noisy than ever before. As if expecting all of this, the director smiled and continued with his characteristic soft tone.

"As you can see, I am a demon. I was persecuted before Zenon's biography appeared in the world."

"… …"

"But everyone. How did you feel when you saw my performance? You may have wondered who designed this stage, but you probably never thought of me as a demon."

There was a subtle power in his characteristic soft tone. The audience seat, which was noisy, quickly became quiet as the director spoke and listened to his story.

I was surprised that the director was a demon, but for a moment, I glanced at Cecily. It wasn't that she was surprised that she had guessed at the part that she used her magic.


I was just busy crying. I looked at the wet handkerchief, and then moved my head forward again.

"What kind of race do you think the demons are? Until Zeno's biography was published, they must have been like demons and time bombs. It is also true. It's a race I was born with."

"… …"

"But it has changed completely since Xenon's biography appeared. The Xenon biography gave us hope, not despair. It also gave us the courage to move toward the light without fear of the darkness."

You paint your face a lot. I was so shy that the desire to twist my body was filling up.

While wriggling in embarrassment, the director looked around the crowd once more and continued his speech quietly.

"I can say that I also got courage from him. And I am a demon, but I am nothing more than an ordinary artist who loves art. I hope you see us as demons as ordinary people living in this world, not as demons."

"… …"

"That's all I want to say, and if Zenon-sama is here, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude. This was the director of the Matrix troupe, Scal. Thank you!"

Clap clap clap!!!

As Scal bowed deeply and politely bowed, applause erupted once more, as if deaf. After a while, some people approached Scarl, apparently they were actors from the troupe.

Surprisingly, they were not demons, but ordinary humans. The Matrix Theater Company was famous long before Zeno's biography was published, but seeing that they have been together up to this point, they seem to be conscious people too.

Thus, the performance that left a lasting impression in many ways came to an end. But people couldn't get up easily. He was immersed in emotion while enjoying the afterglow.

So did I. The impression I received from the performance did not go away easily. Rather, it kept running around in my head and made me imagine it several times.

'…I have to write this because I am grateful.'

Their performances evoked the urge to write. To be honest, if you show this level of quality, you have to beat the hiatus in return.

Although at least one volume will be published every two months due to studies , shouldn't we show that kind of effort? I closed my eyes and imagined the future development.

"It was a really great stage, right?"


"When are you going?"

Marie asked me from the side. I waved my arms helplessly and answered roughly.

"You go back to the mansion first. I'll be here for a while."

"Poop. How good is it that all of your strength is gone. Cute."

After hearing my answer, Marie smiled softly and pinched her cheek slightly. She didn't have the energy to react, so she did what she wanted.

"And… Isaac."


"When can I go to bed?"

Then I saw that it was there. I thought about it, and told him the right time.

"It'll be fine around nine."

"It's 9 o'clock… Okay. Can I look forward to it?"

what are you expecting I looked at Marie with a questioning expression on my face.

She was smiling brightly, but somehow her cheeks were blushing because of some embarrassment. So she couldn't help but wonder even more.


"Um… nothing. I'll just leave."

And then, as if running away, Marie gets up from her seat and disappears. I glanced at her back and muttered a little.

"…what is it?"

As I was muttering, Cecily asked me next to me.

"Ugh… Isaac…"


"Shut up with me… Would you like to talk to me for a moment? Big…"

I looked at Cecily, who was still weeping, with a puzzled look. Although she was crying throughout the performance, her beauty was relatively intact.

Oh, of course.

'…Isn't that what dehydration comes from?'

I couldn't help but worry about the wet handkerchief.

I glanced at the smirking Cecily and the handkerchief, then answered quietly.

"all right."

"Hey… Thank you…"

After Cecili answered, she carefully grabbed my hand and opened her mouth in tears.

"I really want to tell you… Hib. I have something to say…"