Chapter 108

After all the performances that were timeless masterpieces themselves were over, I followed Cecily at her request. Even after the stage was over, the festival in the village showed no sign of ending and was still hot.

The show started at 6 o'clock and the current time is exactly 8 o'clock. It felt like less than an hour had passed, but time just melted away. That means the show was fun.

Anyway, I made an appointment with Marie for 9:00, so it's enough to talk with Cecily before then. Cecily must have listened to me and Marie, so she'll cut her time off.

"Shut up…"

"Are you calming down now?"

However, it seems that it will take some time unexpectedly. Cecily still couldn't get over her emotions, because she cried from time to time.

Tears flowed down her face like a waterfall when she only heard the Lyrus Band. She must have been exhausted mentally and physically at the Matrix troupe's performance, she cried so mournfully that she was weeping.

In the end, it took a bit of time to appease Cecily for 10 minutes. Fortunately, Cecily is better than before thanks to my comfort.

Now, we were sitting next to each other under a big tree, and unlike the center of town, there was not a lot of floating population, so there were no strange glances at us.

You can go to places with a lot of people and look at them with suspicious eyes, and above all else, you have to be careful at night, even at festivals. It is said that the knights dispatched from the Imperial Palace are in charge of security, but there is something just in case.

Of course, this is close to my opinion. Cecily is destined to be her next Demon King, so her power will be strong, and her escort knight Garz will be guarding her surroundings.

I came to this rare place just because we needed a space where we could talk.

"…I'm sorry. I showed Eun-in an ugly side."

Cecily's tears, which seemed like they would never stop, finally stopped.

She wiped the corners of her eyes with a damp handkerchief and spoke in a voice mixed with embarrassment and weeping. Also, since it was just the two of us, we started using respectful words.

I was a little worried about her as she cried so much that the handkerchief was all wet. At that level, it was not strange even if there were symptoms of dehydration.

So I gave him a drink from the market, but Cecily refused, reaching out his hand. As I was sipping my drink, Cecily took a deep breath, exhaled, and stared blankly in front of me.

"…it was a very moving stage, right?"


"And the fact that the director was a demon was also surprising."

"I was surprised too."

She knew through Cecily that she used magic for directing. But, I couldn't even imagine that it would be a demon.

It could be said that it was a prejudice, but the demons were far from art, and they were a race specialized in battle.

There have been times when demons have been persecuted before, but historically, there are very few cases where they were active in fields other than combat.

But now the world has changed. The view towards demons has completely changed, and they have begun to treat demons as people rather than demons.

The director of the Matrix troupe, Scar, was also hiding his identity, but when the perception changes, he must have gathered up the courage to reveal his identity. Even if the perception has changed, it does not mean that the preconceived notion has changed.

Perhaps the message that Skal wanted was to stop prejudice against demons. Asmodians, she said, possess excellent qualities not only in battles and magic, but also in culture such as art.

"How did your sister feel when that person revealed that she was a demon?"

"I thought he was great and a courageous person. It must have been difficult to make such a decision… I must have had the confidence to handle it. As I said before and after, discriminatory views toward demons are still there."

As she explained, there are still many people who treat demons as demons.

Currently, it is considered almost racially discriminatory, and most people send unkind eyes to those who have been discriminated against, but the demons are equally hurt.

Therefore, in the future, Scala will also receive various views, and discrimination will exist among them.

"But… it's thanks to you that I was able to get that courage. If it wasn't for the book you wrote, that person would have hidden his identity for the rest of his life."

Cecily spoke in a low voice and turned her head to me. Her red eyes that were moist and gleaming softly were really beautiful.

I looked at her face for a while, then turned my head away from embarrassment. But when I turned her head, she secretly grabbed my hand.

It is not soft or soft like Marie, but it has been trained for decades, giving it a rough feeling. A hand like Nicole or Adelia.

"What do you think of Eun-in? Were there any impressions or impressions after seeing the performance?"

"…Of course it is."

I answered, but I don't think I can make eye contact with Cecily. She had a premonition that if she ever ran into her, she would be staring at her face as if possessed.

In fact, I can only vaguely guess what kind of feelings Cecily has for me through her actions so far. If you don't know, you're going to be blunt and pretend you don't know at all. But I'm going to refuse.

They say the world allows polygamy and high-power men have a lot of women, but I'm not confident about that. If you can't take responsibility, you don't have to do anything that makes you accountable in the first place.

More than anything else, it is certain that it will hurt Marie a lot, and the way of thinking from a previous life is deeply ingrained in me. As I, who was not harsh by nature, naturally felt a sense of rejection.

At this moment, I was about to try to sneak out Cecily's grasping hand. Cecily tightened his strength, as if he would never let it go, making it impossible to escape.

"…that's what you called me."

"Now did you notice?"

When I asked with a bitter smile, Cecily answered with a weak smile. Then she was in a lingering afterglow, and Cecily was crying so her head didn't turn.

Is this the feeling of a fly caught in a sticky spatula? I gave up taking my hands off and looked up at the sky.

In a previous life, it was difficult to see a single star, but here the air is clear, the stars form a river and the Milky Way is spread out. It was such a sight even with the naked eye, and it made me realize that I really have come to a different world.

After that, he looked up at the sky filled with the Milky Way for a while, then lowered his head again and opened his mouth quietly.

"…First of all, I'm going to start the serialization again. I showed you a stage like this, but if you don't serialize it, that would be rude as it is."


"Yes. But because of my studies, the serialization cycle will be very long. At least one volume will come out every two to three months."

"There's nothing wrong with that. It's enough just to resume the serialization."

Cecilia said in a slightly excited tone, as if she was delighted to have a series on Zeno's biography. As I was stroking the back of her neck in embarrassment, she asked abruptly.

"Then we can talk about Kair and Elisha, right?"

"Uh… yes."

"I'll be looking forward to it. I was curious to see what their story would be like."

It ends in tragedy though. I couldn't speak, so I laughed awkwardly.

It was the best I could do, because if I acted for nothing, everything could be revealed.


Meanwhile, Cecily felt a stronger force on her hand. He flinched for a moment and turned his head, sorry.

He came face-to-face with Cecily's eyes gleaming with bright red desire.


Cecily exhales a lively breath when I'm stagnating. When she glanced up at her, her horns were already full of red.

As I said before, demons experience a physiological phenomenon similar to the evil cycle every specific period, but since it is a time when desires are full, they usually meditate for a day.

But now she doesn't even have time to meditate, and her eyes are already open. I hurriedly called her Cecily, thinking that she might be eaten by her in various ways.

"Who, sister? Are you okay?"

"Yeah… I'm still patient."

Fortunately, the line didn't seem to be crossed…

"But I don't think I'll be able to stand it anytime soon."

It's not… but it's reached its limit. At the same time, her subtle body began to flow from her.

Is it like a kind of pheromone that stimulates a man's primal instinct? I opened my mouth hastily for a moment, even though my heart was pounding in Cecily, who was gradually becoming full of color.

This could turn into an irreversible situation like last time. Last time, Marie broke in, and now there is no one here.

Even if there is no light, it may be dark and someone passing by may not be able to spot us. It was possible because Cecily lit the way through magic.

"Calm down. You're the princess of Hellium, aren't you? You can stand it."

"…Yes. I have to endure it. I have to endure it…"

Cecily started sweating profusely. I was trying to be as patient as I could, but seeing her pounding her chest, I had a feeling that it was going to explode soon.

As I was panicking at him, Cecily lowered her head and muttered a little.

"I am so lovely and grateful… How can I endure it…"


"I can't. No more… no."


Cecily lifted her head with a determined look and pushed me hard. Naturally, my body fell to the ground helplessly.

As I was unable to accept the sudden change of circumstances, a dark shadow fell over me. Even in the darkness, he could see as clearly as the reddish-red eyes of Cecily.


"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."


"Forgive me… for being greedy."

This is not the case. I struggled to escape somehow.

But it was all in vain. Even though Cecily was tying my two hands with one, he couldn't get out. That's the proof that the force between me and Cecily is the difference between heaven and earth.

Last time Marie broke in and was able to prevent the accident, but not now. This can really get things done outdoors.


Cecily climbed on top of me and gently caressed my cheek. And he looked down at me with eyes glistening with desire and said bizarrely.

"Haha… Those soft cheeks. Those shiny golden eyes. I want them all…"

"… …"

"I want to bring pleasure to this delicate body… I want to make it mine… Even every single hair…"

As if it were true that she was a descendant of a succubus, she provoked me by bringing out vulgar and dangerous words. It even exuded a sense of color, arousing an irresistible desire.

As a result, my heart started pounding and my lower body began to gain strength, but I refused to think of Marie as much as I could.

"Sister! Please come to your senses! This isn't good for the two of us…"

"No. I'm sure you'll like it too. Why? I'll make it that way."

"… …"

I can't, this girl. What if…!

Just as I was about to give myself a headbutt because I didn't want to do it anymore, she fixed my face with her hand caressing my cheek. She was in a situation where she could not even shake her head with the immense power.

So I rolled my eyes and tried to break the situation. Gartz, who used to be an escort, is nowhere to be seen.


Finally, Cecily licked her lips and whispered quietly…

"I'll eat well♡"

She lowered her head slowly and slowly opened her mouth slightly.

At that moment, I apologized to Marie inside and closed my eyes tightly.


It was strong enough to brightly illuminate the surrounding area filled with darkness for a moment, so it was impossible to dazzle. I closed my eyes tightly at the blinding brightness.

After a few seconds passed, the light gradually disappeared and then went out completely. As the light faded, I also slowly opened my eyes.

There was something hazy in my vision because of the sudden burst of light, but it wasn't to the point where I couldn't tell the object apart.

"…it must have been a big deal."

Suddenly, she fell from above me, fiddling with the necklace and muttering quietly. There was a mixture of relief and embarrassment on her face. I didn't understand her situation and looked at her with her smirk.

Then she looked at me, smiled bitterly, and explained the powers contained in the necklace.

"This necklace is one of the treasures handed down through our generations of Helium. It has the ability to calm the mind when a bad cycle strikes or when you can't control your desires."

"Then just…"

"Yes. I almost did something terrible to the benefactor. I'm really sorry."

Cecily nodded at me and apologized. I glanced at her with her fishy eyes and her puzzled expression on her face, then checked the condition of her horns with her swipe.

Before, it was filled with red, but now the tip is black. Although the desire was not completely resolved, fortunately, it seems to have been a temporary measure.

'Wow… Then you'd be really f**king f**ked up?'

I almost had my first experience outdoors. Even with a princess from a different country than her girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Cecily looked at me and hesitated, then asked a question in a very cautious voice. Her face was red from what had just happened.

"I… benefactor."

"…Oh, yes. Just tell me."

"I repeat, I'm really sorry. Like last time, I couldn't overcome my desire, so this time I caused a big disrespect to the benefactor…"

Cecily bows her head and apologizes, knowing that she herself has made a huge mistake. I calmed my pounding chest as I straightened out my messy clothes.

As if Cecily's s*xiness had penetrated into my body, my whole body was on fire. Should I say it's an ambiguous feeling as if it was cut off in the middle?

I answered, cooling my face by fanning. Still, the heat did not subside.

"That… it's fine. But I said that the greed that was inherent in the musical cycle came out, so before…"

"…Yes. It's embarrassing, but it's my sincerity."


Cecily nodded her head as if she couldn't overcome her embarrassment, and answered in a low voice. I too was embarrassed, so I showed admiration rather than admiration.

If so, it usually means that he has a desire to attack me, and that means that Cecily likes me.

I opened my mouth quietly, pondering what to say in the sudden awkward atmosphere.

"That… I understand your sister's feelings. You mean she likes me… too?"

"…Yes. It's embarrassing, but I love my benefactor."

"… …"

Cecily blew a fastball without saying a round and round like before. It was really cute and lovely to see him bow his head in embarrassment and confess.

But for now, you need to keep your reason as much as possible. Although polygamy is allowed in a world where polygamy is allowed, there are no single real problems.

It's a matter of lifespan, so there's no problem since I've already offered her an alternative. The problematic part is Marie.

"…Sister. To be honest, I also have a crush on her as a member of the opposite s*x. But I don't have the confidence to take responsibility for it. I have to take care of Marie right now, but just the two of them… It will cause a lot of problems in many ways."

"I know."

"Depending on the circumstances, I may not be able to give love to my sister."

"I'm fine."

"Am I that good?"

Why did Cecily, the princess of a country, want me so much? I couldn't understand.

If it was Cecily, I would be able to meet a much better man than I am. Although I am the writer of Xenon's biography, I thought that I should choose me.

As she looked at Cecily with such doubts, she slowly raised her head, which had been lowered down, to face me directly.

It was an expression of willpower that he had already made up his mind, and at the same time, his expression of sorrow.

"Yes. I love you. You are the grace of God who saved our demons and you are very considerate."

"… …"

"Even if you refuse, I will protect your legacy. This estate where you were born, and all your descendants to come. This is the reward I can give as the Princess of Hellium."

Even if you don't accept it, I will keep my heart until the end. When I heard Cecily's resolute promise, my heart was greatly shaken.

You love me so much, can I accept a little bit of it?

Emotions are shouting to accept, but reason is shouting that Marie's opinion is important. I was tossed between reason and emotion, sighing and making a decision.

"…I think it would be a good idea to discuss it with Marie."

"Go, thank you! Really…"

"Instead, if you attack me like I did before, I'll cut you like a knife right away. At least I want to do my first experience with Marie."

This cannot be conceded. Marie was a woman who only saw and loved the character of Isaac, not Zenon. It was the best I could do.

But Cecily heard this and, I don't know what she thought, but she made a remark that made me embarrassed.

"If I have s*x with Marie, are you saying it's me after that?"


"Then I must help the benefactor form a relationship with Marie as soon as possible. Then I…"

"… …"

I'm at a loss for words.