Chapter 122

After being appointed as a recommended student by Professor Elena, my personal time became very generous. I was able to invest a lot of time in writing because I just listened to the lectures I wanted without being obsessed with scores.

Of course, if Professor Elena calls you, you have to run to the lab. Since she appointed me her recommended student, she is effectively her assistant. Of course she's a fresh freshman, so she doesn't roll like Cindy.

Because of this, if I want to take a break from writing, I tend to visit Professor Elena's lab. Marina Cecily tends to meet after all of her classes, so she doesn't mind until then.

Teaching Cindy how to write in the lab is routine, so skip it, Professor Elena asks me for her opinion, or I ask her a question and discuss with each other.

Lastly, because I boasted an extraordinary amount of knowledge and a unique point of view, unlike mine, he gave me theses and other books and showed signs of trying to raise me as a graduate student.

In the beginning, it was just a discussion, but it was too much to rub against Elena, who had accumulated knowledge for hundreds of years, so she mainly focuses on my unique point of view.

"But I'm a recommended student, so what exactly do other students do when they enter 3rd grade? No matter how you look at it, the number is too small."

"It's simple. Like you, you become an assistant and receive knowledge from the professors. The professors can focus on one by one rather than dealing with multiple students, so the efficiency is very good."

"Then, are you going to take lectures from the professors in the hall?"

"Yeah. If you want, I'll ask the kids. All the professors here are my students, so they'll be happy to listen."

"…it's okay."

There was nothing left to say at Elena's reply that the professors at the History Hall were all her students. After all, he is an elf who is the representative of the longevity species, so that's good enough.

Since then, while looking through the books for better knowledge, a question suddenly came to mind. Since Elena is also an elf, it was a question that naturally came to mind.

"Professor. Excuse me, but how old did you say you are?"

"Huh? I haven't lived for 300 years yet. Why?"

Elena looked at me while reading my question. Through the round glasses, the green eyes raised a question.

As I pondered the timing of the outbreak of the racial war in my head, I brought out the part I was curious about.

"I heard from Cindy that the elves had a lot of conflict between the generation that fought a tribal war and the generation that didn't. Is that really the case?"


After listening to my question, she leaned back in her chair and began to ponder her thoughts.

Elena, who had been contemplating for a while with her gaze on the ceiling, finally came up with answers one by one.

"For now, I can say that I am half right and half wrong. The racial war was the trigger for the elves to break free from racial supremacy. But, as you know, it is very difficult to change the entrenched mindset. It stands out. Besides, the racial war is more about the self-destruction of the elves rather than the good of the human union."

"Then you're saying there are racial supremacists in the new generation?"

"It is, but in reality, among the new generation, they tend to be treated as unlearned people. Conversely, among the old generation, philanthropists are detested. Simply put, it is an ideological battle."

"Social phenomena are as complex as humans."

"Is there no reason to say that there is a place where people live? The conflict between generations is not just for elves, but for all races."

There is a very famous phrase (?) in a previous life.

Kids these days are not spoiled.

This famous passage is written not only in the 21st century, but also in the distant, distant BC. But ironically, those spoiled children grow up and change the world.

"But why do you ask? Generational conflicts are common among you humans."

"That's true, but unlike humans, elves have a strong tendency to not unite well. You know the case in which Aiker warrior was arrested during the war, right?"

"Of course you know. Aiker was an elf who at least understood how to fight humans, but the senate arrested him for breaking the law. Even as an elf, I couldn't understand it."

I've mentioned it a few times so far, but the elves didn't get along well enough to understand it during the racial war.

On the surface, it seems that they are fighting with one mind and one will from the human union, but that is only a superficial story, and you can see that by looking at the arrest of the Aiker battlefield.

Furthermore, Arwen informed that the Dark Elves tried to send support, but the Senate rejected it like a sword. Although he was pushed by the Human Union, he refused because the Dark Elves were exiled.

Conversely, humans did not choose any means and methods to gain victory. Sending an assassin was the basics, and even with a lot of sacrifices, the supply route was blocked.

However, due to the complicated political mix, the aftermath that occurred after the tribal war was terrifying. A typical example is the conflict between the Minerva Empire and the Ters Kingdom that has continued to this day.

As I listened to Elena's explanation, I thought deeply, and then carefully asked for her opinion.

"You really think it's impossible for the elves to unite as one? When a large-scale war such as a racial war breaks out, it seems like it's going to be a law or something."

"The Queen won't do that, but maybe the Senate will say something. Even a tiger with a missing tooth doesn't mean it has no legs. As you wrote on the test paper last time, history repeats itself."

"It sounds like it's very difficult."

"Yeah. Above all else, the new generation isn't much different from the old generation. I don't know if it's a racial characteristic, but elves tend to believe in what they believe is right. Because of this, great people like Aiker's warriors stood out even more."

The novel was supposed to be written as a novel. To the extent that Elena, who has an objective view, can say too much, it seems that the elf race is not that flexible.

Arwen, like a new generation of elves, is also carrying out an unconventional policy in many ways, but it is clear that he is inflexible when going there. The same goes for Siris, who is currently serving as my errand man.

It's clear from the last time I summoned her, she came back in a bathing state. I remember how embarrassed she was back then and sent it back.

"Then the fusion between the elves and the dark elves would be even more impossible?"

"I can't give you a definitive answer on that. I know very little about the purpose of the dark elves as a race. I know the history, but I've never known anyone in over 200 years. It's one of my main research lists right now. ."

In fact, the Dark Elves are one of the unknown and unknown races. Occasionally, he appears in the world and attracts many people's attention, but no one knows what the purpose is.

Of course, I am different from others because I have a very useful messenger named Siris. They lead a tribal life in the depths of forests or mountains, undergo rigorous training from an early age and grow into full-fledged warriors.

Occasionally going out and appearing in the world is to collect information and make money to buy necessary things. I heard that each Dark Elf warrior has more than one hundred per day, so you only need to do a little mercenary work.

Siris explained that the reason for continuing such an uncomfortable life is to wait until Albenheim accepts them.

'It has to be strong affection.'

Although dark elves are more flexible and individualistic than other elves, they are ultimately the same elves. There is a basic sense of the people who have been chosen by God, and that's how strong it is.

And Albenheim was the first civilization established by the elves according to the will of the gods, and a land flowing with milk and honey. Almost everything that can be called the 'first' is in Albenheim, so it is natural to have a strong affinity for it.

'But what kind of reaction would he have if he destroyed Albenheim?'

I looked up at the ceiling and thought about the development of the 12 volumes. Book 12 is about Mary's confession to Zeno, but in the end, it ends with the devil plotting a plan to surprise Alvenheim.

The full-scale invasion of Albenheim took place in volume 13, and at that time, the elf queen Elisha was in a state of exhaustion to the point of being exhausted after Kair's death, so it was difficult to even properly prepare for it.

Not only this, Xenon and his party went on a reconnaissance with the elf warrior commander due to the constant threat of demons, and from that point on, the trolling of the council begins.

'I'm curious about Arwen's reaction.'

Even when the 11th volume was released, Arwen sent a letter with his heart through Siris. Perhaps it was because of him that Kair and Elisha fell apart, but it was an absurd yet cute content.

Of course, I didn't forget to explain it well so that her misunderstanding was resolved because the story had already been decided. Nevertheless, Arwen asked if she needed anything, so she could speak through Siris.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

While I was working hard on the story in my head, someone knocked on the lab door. The moment I lifted my head towards the door, I heard a very familiar voice from behind the door.

"It's me… I'm going in…"

It was the voice of Cindy, an elf woman who was tired and had an impressive voice. Then the door opened and I could see her face with both eyes.

The thick dark circles, half-closed eyes, and loosely tied hair were still there, but her beauty was outstanding like an elf. Rather, it has a decadent beauty, and unlike the elves I know, it exudes a subtle charm.

And today, he looks happier than usual. His eyes were wet with fatigue, but the corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

'By the way, did you go to Yggdrasil to submit your thesis?'

I remembered that she went to Yggdrasil, one of the holy places of Albenheim, to submit her thesis. In the meantime, thanks to the level of force I have been teaching, Cindy's writing style has improved dramatically.

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Even when Elena received the inspection first, he said that this was enough, and he told me to go to Yggdrasil quickly, so wouldn't it be okay?

While I was thinking about it, Elena looked at Cindy and asked with a look of anticipation.

"How are you? How are you?"

"Yeah… it passed safely… Now I can sleep in peace… hahaha…"

Cindy had a smile on her face that was relieved. As she may have mentioned once before, elves have to go through a daunting process to become a professor, as they are called the walking library.

Only for that major, you must have the knowledge equivalent to a Doctor of All Things, and even a thesis to be submitted to Yggdrasil is ridiculously difficult.

In fact, it is natural that elves can study one field intensively as long as they live long, and the number of papers accumulated over the years is uncountable. Even if you choose a topic, it is extremely difficult to pass because there are so many similar things.

Therefore, it should be congratulated that Cindy's thesis was passed.

"Congratulations. Has Cindy got her PhD now?"


Cindy answered in a sobbing tone and walked slowly towards me. Then he came closer to me and carefully grabbed my hand.

He was a little flustered, but he stood still as he looked at Cindy with a genuinely happy smile. Afterwards, she thanked me in a sincere voice, even though she was sobbing.

"It's thanks to you… Thank you so much…"

"What did I do? I only taught you how to write. The research was only done by Cindy."

True. I only taught Cindy how to write, and the research was her own initiative.

But Cindy seemed to think it wasn't. She shook her head softly and smiled brightly.

"It's true that you helped… Isaac, it must have taken decades without you…"

"If Cindy thinks so… Anyway, what are you going to do now? You've got your doctorate, so you don't need to be with Professor Elena."

Now Cindy can become a professor or a scholar if she wants to. That means you don't have to be Elena's assistant.

Cindy knew this too, loosened my hand and pondered it. But he tilted his head to see if nothing came to mind.

"Well… I'll be here for a while… There are a lot of papers and books I haven't read yet…"


"Ugh… So come visit me often… If there's something you don't know, you can ask… I'll help you as much as I can…"


After thinking about what question to ask, I decided to ask Cindy the same question I had just asked Elena. Note that Cindy was still holding my hand.

"Cindy, do you think elves can truly unite? Not only elves, but dark elves as well."

"…doesn't something like that come out of a novel…? And I don't know what dark elves do…"

Well. After all, you treat it as something that is only possible in a novel. I nodded at Cindy's answer.

"Ah… I heard some interesting news from Yggdrasil today…"

"What news?"

"You know the Zeno biography that came out this time… That's where Kair and Elisha broke up…"

"Ah. That's it. Why?"

Cindy, perhaps unaware, pulled out an answer while holding my hand tightly.

"There was a lot of talk about that… because scholars were fighting each other…"

"…why are you fighting over something like that?"

"Because it's too realistic… In fact, there were a lot of cases where humans changed their minds or died first…"

"… …"

"Currently, there is no riot in the nationwide survey… I wonder if a thesis will be published soon…?"

I'm really looking forward to the response of Volume 12.