Chapter 123

I don't know if I've said it before, but Zeno's biography is only a novel based on facts, and never actually happened.

I know that demons are being discriminated against by people, but I had no idea what kind of beliefs they had at the time of writing, and the romance between Kair and Elisha is just a story I have heard of, but I have not seen or experienced it myself.

But readers are mistakenly thinking that I have experienced all of the above. In the case of Sakran's sacrifice, he was once favored by the demons, and Kair and Elisha were even said to be experiences.

If it had been a nonsensical story, it could have just passed.

Moreover, it combines the power of writing and readability that I have never seen before, so it was natural for people to fall for novels.

Anyway, considering the above conditions, people are guessing that I am a sage who has experienced the world alone for decades, and at the same time, they are thinking of me as a scholar with a history of visiting the holy land of Albenheim.

If he had written a novel based on facts in his previous life, he would have pointed out the so-called 'history', but this is a fantasy world where anything happens.

Rather, it is perfectly normal for battles and magic that are theoretically impossible to be fired, and on the contrary, it is a place where common sense has been changed to such an extent that the 'steam locomotive' is pointed out as historical evidence.

In fact, there was a movement to invent a steam locomotive in Machina, the land of the dwarves, but because it was so complicated, I heard the news that everything except the poisonous species fell out.

In any case, it was good that I did not have to go through the historical evidence in detail, but I was still uneasy. It meant that the moment when the bottom line was revealed, the time for my identity to be revealed is getting closer.

The story began to reflect not only humans, but all races. Various stories will appear regardless of humans, demons, elves, dwarves, and beasts.

So, I need someone who needs advice somehow, but the demons have Cecili, so it's fine, and the elves have Arwen and Siris. Dwarves not only have a lot of knowledge known as books, but they don't have much of a problem.

There is only one thing left, and to this day, only Suin, who is not on good terms with humans. Besides, the country of beasts, Animus, had just been founded, so little was known about its structure.

'There's Leona… but she's a bit naughty.'

Leona is the only person she is close to, but her relationship with her is neither good nor bad. She's only going to light up her face as she goes out every now and then.

Although we met by chance, it did not change our daily life. Besides, she's only been taking her history lectures lately, so I seldom run into her.

'First, let's focus on the story between the elves and the dark elves. It will take some time for the beasts to appear in earnest.'

I got rid of my worries about how to portray the beast and focused on writing. In Xenon's biography, the country of the beasts appears late because of the lockdown policy.

Above all else, elves are more important than Suin right now. The invasion of Albenheim alone will devote a whopping two volumes.

Therefore, it is more important to organize the structure of Albenheim rather than the beast. Fortunately, he received advice from Arwen, so there was no problem.

'Once the council is the highest group, the battlefield and…'

Unlike humans with a large population, the elven army tends to operate in a small group, and this is the reason why each elf warrior is one hundred per day.

Not only this, but even civilians possess very powerful powers. From an early age, his parents taught him basic martial arts and magic, as well as being trained at 'Le Keron', which is called the first academy.

And when we think of warriors, we usually think of people fighting with swords and shields, but elves also include wizards. Instead, warriors specialized in magic tend to be called 'mages'.

In any case, the title of 'warrior commander' is the commander who leads all of the above groups. As a commander, personal force is also destructive to humans, and it is rare that he will directly step forward.

Because of this, do we have to go to the battlefield even when we are dealing with humans even during a tribal war? Most of the time, they don't participate. In fact, considering the rank of commander, it is natural, but that arrogant idea is fundamentally underlying.

only one. Except for Aiker, who recognized the true nature of human beings.

He felt a crisis when the Human Coalition pushed in with extraordinary strategic tactics, and he participated himself, but unfortunately, as you know, he was caught and arrested by the Senate.

'There are four warriors in Albenheim. An elf warrior said he would serve in the army until his death, so he'll never be a hermit.'

Elves with strong stubbornness tend to devote their whole life to the profession they are involved in because of their unique personality. There is no such thing as full retirement, and even if injured, they often remain as advisors.

So, even if Albenheim is invaded, it will stand firm, but as it battles with the demonic executive, its power will be cut metallurgically.

'But why don't elves use wizards like the air force?'

As you can see from the last time Cecily levitated me, even an elf can fly freely through the sky with a little effort.

It may seem a little funny to say that wizards are used like air force, but elves and demons are actually possible, so it is a question that arises. If you use it like a reconnaissance aircraft or bomber, humans will lose their hands.

Of course, the narrow-minded and savvy elves proudly insist on a head-to-head match, so even this is a cowardly tactic and will likely be ignored. It would be better to add one more warrior leader to Xenon's biography and add the setting.

'What if this changes your mind…'

In the first place, the concept of 'air force' does not exist in this world, so you can laugh and move on. I'll dismiss it as funny as a steam locomotive.

After that, as I continued to write the story, I had no choice but to stop the pen in the middle. Although he knew a lot about the elves, he did not know their fighting style at all.

I know that they insist on a head-to-head match, but what kind of weapons they use, how they fight while using magic, and finally how the organization is organized, etc.

I wouldn't call it a secret, but I didn't know the most basic part.

I was thinking about what to do, but when I couldn't come up with a suitable solution, I decided to summon Siris.

'I should also ask about the details of the life of a dark elf at the same time.'

Alvenheim is invaded by demons, and the World Tree is eventually burned, causing the elves to leave their hometown. One of those refuges is the forest where the dark elves were hiding.

In fact, dark elves live a tribal life in the deep forest where there are few people, and they live a tribal life only with horses.

Siris once mentioned that dark elves are very dexterous as they live a harsh life like demons.

'It would be much better to ask though.'

I put my pen down for a moment and opened the desk drawer. Then the rolled paper appeared.

It was very thick because it had a capacity of almost tens of sheets instead of one, but as everyone will have noticed, it is a magic field for summoning Siris. Tear this piece of paper and Siri will be contacted and she can accept or decline her summons.

'I'm not going to take a bath this time.'

The last time I called him, he came in naked. When I asked her in a bewildered state, she said that she was in the bath …

In the end, when he responded to the summons, he told him to at least put on his clothes and sent him back. After that, she had nothing to call, so she never summoned her, but I was worried that it might happen again this time.

Dark Elves are more flexible than ordinary Elves, but Siris is more rigid. Fortunately, there is no need to be caught by summoning only to the dormitory, but I am somewhat nervous.


As I pulled a sheet out of the well-dried scroll, a magic paper filled with unknown characters caught my eye. I know that it took a strand of Siris' hair to make one of these magic papers.

I got up from my seat and walked to a slightly wider area. Then, without hesitation, he tore the paper.


As soon as the paper was torn in exactly two, it turned into blue particles and scattered in the air. Now that Siris has been contacted, all we have to do is wait.

Although it's a bit embarrassing to call on such a trivial matter, she follows along without complaint. In fact, he's only an errand man, half-slave. Of course, they don't actually treat them like slaves.

'It's a little late today.'

Until the last summoning, if I tore the paper, Siris responded immediately and was summoned. However, the summons is a bit late today because of something.

If there are circumstances where I have no choice but to refuse, maybe that's why I said that I don't have to respond to the summons. Siris also serves as Arwen's escort, so she can't help but be busy with various things.

It was the moment when I was about to leave my regrets behind and go back to my desk.

"Did you call?"


The voice of a husky yet low and profound woman. There is only one owner of such a unique voice.

So I turned my half-turned back back to normal. And when he saw Siris in his eyes, he flagged it.

He didn't come naked while taking a bath like last time, but he came only in underwear, so he was there. Even the black underwear that goes well with the copper-colored skin, so the gaze went to a strict place.

Not only the 11-character abs, but also the underwear that barely covered the voluptuous breasts approached sensationally. My usual attire was very revealing, but now I only wear underwear and stimulate my man's heart.

I looked up and down quickly at Siris with bewildered eyes, then opened my mouth hastily.

"Why, why are you dressed like that? You get your clothes and leave them behind?"

"I came here while I was getting a good night's sleep."

"… …"

As soon as I heard that, I checked the time. The current time is 1:30 PM.

I don't know if the dark elves are nocturnal or if they just came from a nap, but sleeping in underwear is likely to be Siris' sleeping habit.

In the meantime, Siris opened her mouth with a characteristic husky voice that reminded her of the last time she was naked when I seemed to be dizzy.

"Even if it's underwear, I'm not naked, so I decided that it would be okay, so I accepted the summons."

"No. I'm not okay."

Siris's lack of flexibility gave me a headache. He may be suitable as an escort, but his daily life seems to be a young gem.

The problem is that Siris is tilting her head as if she doesn't know what's wrong. This forced her to seriously doubt the dark elves' s*xual culture.

Even though he is a semi-slave errand, I don't know whether he has a chastity or not, whether he came while taking a bath or wearing underwear while sleeping.

I glanced at Siris while washing my face. Combined with her copper-colored skin and the strong body typical of a female warrior, her destructive power was truly terrifying.

"That… Dark elves aren't chastity or anything like that? From Arwen, elves say that just showing their naked body to others who aren't their companions will taint their chastity…"

"It's an elf custom. We live in a harsh environment, so we're kind of tolerant of s*x. Even if a partner dies from an accident or disease, if they agree with them, we can get another partner. Of course, adultery and rape are very different even in the discipline. It is an act of going out, so severe punishment will be imposed."

"What punishment?"

"The man cuts off his genitals, and the woman sterilizes it by slicing the inside with a hot skewer."


Thanks to this, I learned about the fearsome customs of the Dark Elves. Anyway, second to this-

"…I'm really sorry for waking you up first. If Siris-san wishes, you can go back to sleep."

"Then can I get a good night's sleep here? I didn't even have the mana to teleport because I just came from training."

I wonder if Siris was really tired, but his golden eyes were gradually closing in against his stiff tone. She was forced to open her eyes, but seeing her frown, she seemed to have reached her limit.

Dark elves are trained to stay up all night for a few days, but how tired can they be? I looked at her with her sad eyes and gave her permission.

In the original dormitory, intrusion of other people is prohibited, but on the contrary, if you sneak in, no one will know. It means that Siris will have no problem sleeping here.

"…Do whatever you want. There are blankets, so sleep warmly."

"Thank you. Then excuse me for a moment."

So, as soon as Siris was summoned, he scrambled into the bed I was sleeping on and began to sleep. As soon as she lay on the bed, as fluffy as her tired face, she went to sleep…

"The bed smells nice."

"…just go to sleep."

It seemed that he should seek advice after Siris slept.