Chapter 125

The advice I received from Siris was very useful. Not only did I get to know the general life of the Dark Elves, but what kind of abilities they have, what kind of history they have, and finally what kind of thoughts they have.

Dark elves value tradition and history like normal elves, but unlike the elves of Albenheim, who are locked up unless something big happens, there were many people who were awake in their thoughts.

However, the conflict between generations was no different from that of the elves, and they seem to be worried that their traditions and culture will disappear if they merge with Albenheim.

This was uniquely the general atmosphere of the new generation of dark elves rather than the old ones.

Even more so, Albenheim had abandoned the Dark Elves in the distant past, so the goal of the conflict is still unresolved.

Currently, Arwen was preparing step by step for the rally, but even this was canceled due to Lane's hard trolling.

Because of this, the current elves and dark elves are close and distant. A relationship that came from the same root, but had to fall apart due to discord.

'Besides, even now, we can't say that we have a good relationship with each other…'

There is a document in the literature that the long ears of elves were elongated to more carefully listen to the voice of the gods. According to the literature, even the elves take care of their ears no matter what, and if they are damaged, they will try to recover them somehow.

The Dark Elves, on the other hand, had the custom of cutting their ears in half to signify their contempt for Alvenheim, who, captured by their arrogance, slaughtered and even exiled them. Not only this, but also wear earrings to check your age.

If the elves of Albenheim had been properly handed down the historical truth, the Senate, who did not want to reveal the so ugly truth, hid the past and further treats the Dark Elves as 'heretics'.

Not only the Senate, but also the elves of Albenheim have been educated for a long time about the meaning of their ears, so there is a saying that if you see a dark elf, you see it with disgust.

In fact, regardless of the old generation or the new generation, the gaze towards the Dark Elves is not very good.

The reason I came to know this is the truth I heard through Arwen. Even in the holy land, he accidentally found a historical book that was kept hidden, and thanks to that, he learned the ugly historical truth.

Unlike other elves, the reason Arwen has a particularly awake mind is because he knows the truth.

'It's a really good texture for me.'

In Xenon's biography, a clash occurs between the hero who leads the elf and the hero who leads the dark elf.

Fortunately, the elf hero who learns the historical truth accepts the dark elves with ease, and furthermore, he is in a hurry to reclaim the invaded Alvenheim.

It is questionable whether this will solve the relationship between the elves and the dark elves, but it will probably have a significant impact. Even the demons have changed their perception 180 degrees right now, but I don't think it's any different than being an elf.

Anyway, after receiving very good advice from Siris, I sent it back. Just before sending her back, she asked if she really wanted to appear in Xenon's biography, which made her uncomfortable.

In fact, even if a character like Siris appears, there is no setback in the story, so we plan to show him several times. She's not a hero, but a heir to that hero or something like that.

Thus, I prepared the next book by writing Zeno's biography, and as time passed, Friday came when the exam was over.

"Ah, it's really annoying. Why is the professor making the problem so difficult?"

"I guess it's because it's a test. So do you think you did well?"

"I don't know, either. Still, I'll get an average since I've been in attendance."

Marie, who was sitting next to me, grumbled that the exam was harder than I thought. Still, it seems that it is unavoidable that he is hungry when he cuts the steak into small pieces and puts it in his mouth.

I smiled softly as I looked at it, then opened my mouth quietly.

"Marie is smart, so she'll get a good grade. I can be sure."

"I don't think that's what Isaac would say?"

A familiar voice came from the other side, not Marie. I turned my head towards it.

As always, Cecily was sitting there, as beautiful as a single black rose, but with an alluring beauty. She wouldn't mind if she was alone, but she also had an unexpected person next to Cecily.

"Yeah. It sounds a bit deceiving when you say that."

It was Lina, the princess of the Minerva Empire. Now, several months after the successful exhibition, her beauty has risen even more.

He still had the cute features of a puppy, and his eyes, which were especially large compared to other people, gleamed like sapphires. In addition to this, her breasts cannot be hidden even with school uniforms.

Although it started with a rough relationship, after the exhibition ended successfully, he treats them with kindness. In particular, the recovery of the relationship with Marie was cited as the biggest factor.

If it had been before, Lina would not have been able to attend this event because she was too sensitive, but now that she and Marie are close, they are treating her like a normal friend. It is worthwhile for me to carry the gun and restore the relationship between the two of them.

"I don't know what you two are thinking, but I'm not that smart. Just think of it as a different point of view."

"That alone is great. Isaac isn't even a highly educated aristocrat like us, is he?"

Lina smiled softly and opened her mouth. That's not sarcastic, actually, except for me, all of them are women of high rank.

Therefore, even the quality of education received by the family is inevitably different, and it is not unreasonable for Lina to think like that. This is only possible because I am a reincarnation.

I shrugged my shoulders at Lina's words and spoke in a sultry tone.

"It's an honor for the family to see that the princess treats me well."

"…don't do it. It's awkward now and I think I'm going to die."

When I said it jokingly, Lina gave an expression of trembling in her teeth. It's been months since she'd given up all power and authority and treated her friendly, so she's fed up with the formalities.

Lina was also deeply reflecting on the wrong she had done to me, and for a princess, I also like Lina, who has a solid concept, so she plays this kind of prank sometimes.

Even if you don't go far, think about the attitude of the Teres royals towards Adelia. Lina, at least, doesn't treat her as harshly as they do.

'It's a story about having an illegitimate child.'

Minerva's publicly known royal family is only Leort and Lina. However, as seen in the Kingdom of Teres, it is highly unlikely that there will be no hidden children like Adelia.

Besides, as in the Middle Ages, cheating on husbands is permitted and cheating on wives is strictly prohibited by law, so many men have separate lovers. In particular, I heard that the higher the rank, the stronger the tendency.

'I'm not talking about.'

I alternated between Marie, who ate the steak eagerly to fill her stomach, and Cecily, who was sitting across from her. Both of them are my lover and life partner.

It was a pity that an amicable agreement had been reached, but if they were different people, it would not have been a mess holding each other's heads.

"By the way, Isaac. When will Volume 12 come out?"

Then Marie, who was suddenly slicing the steak, suddenly asked me a question. At the same time, the eyes of Lina and Cecily also turned towards me. It's okay to ask such a question, it doesn't matter what you say because the room is set aside.

Anyway, I listened to her question and pondered it in my head. It has only been ten days since the 11th volume was released, but the 12th volume is almost on the verge of being completed.

Apparently, the composition and development had already been solidly prepared, and there was no blockage in writing, as Siris had consulted him. Moreover, he had very little to worry about, so he could concentrate on his writing.

Above all, Volume 12 is a resting episode, and the full-fledged story begins with Volume 13.

"It will probably come out soon. It's a slightly resting session."

"Really? It comes out very quickly. When was the 11th volume released?"

"It came out exactly a week ago. Anyway, it's amazing. Can you write so quickly? It must not be easy to write the imagination in your head."

When she heard the news that Volume 12 was coming out soon, Lina opened her eyes and asked me. I listened to the question and pondered how to answer it.

Actually, it's not that difficult by my standards. In his previous life, he improved his eyes by reading various books, and developed his writing skills through transcription.

So, as long as there is a moderately good material, there is no difficulty in writing. If I had to pick a problem, I would write the first paragraph.

Depending on the first paragraph, the content after that is often very different, so I have no choice but to go through a lot of trouble.

"Well? It's difficult to answer. As long as you choose spelling and words well, it's not difficult to write."

"…that sounds kind of unlucky."

"I know."

"All geniuses are like that."

Three people who say they are unlucky towards me. I was a little confused, but shook my head.

Since I was a reincarnation, I couldn't say that it was possible, so I felt like I had to live as an unlucky person. I wonder if the day will come when I will tell you this fact.

As I was about to chop up the remaining steak and put it in my mouth, I remembered something I had forgotten. He swallowed the steak in his mouth and spoke to Cecily on the other side.

"Oh, that's right. Cecily's sister."


When I called, Cecily looked at me with blinking red eyes. It was so cute that he had a fork in his mouth.

"I need some help this time, can you help me?"

"What help?"

"Your sister might know it, but Lilith is a character she modeled after her. I want to take a look at not only her looks, but also her fighting style and things like that."

"The way you fight? No, wait a minute. So, was what I said last time true? You created Lilith by looking at me?"

It seems to be referring to the time when the Seven Deadly Sins first appeared. At that time, it seemed like it was not a big deal since I asked in a floating way.

I nodded, looking at Cecily's face, full of anticipation. Lilith has no intention of denying that Cecily is the motif.



As I nodded in affirmation, Cecily's expression brightened like the sun. Even the reddish-colored eyes became infinitely dazzling, and it was an expression of being touched.

Even though it was different from what I expected, I was skeptical because it was a very different reaction. I caught my eye when I glanced next to her and looked at her with an envious expression. Meanwhile, Cecily opened her mouth hurriedly in a voice that seemed a little excited.

"Well, then I'm honored! I'm the original creator of the characters in Zeno's life… It's the perfect wish for us demons."

"I'm a villain, are you okay?"

"If you made a villain, wouldn't even that be attractive? I'll help you unconditionally. What kind of help do you need?"

Was he so happy that he appeared in the book? Cecily shone with a dazzling light in her eyes, rarely showing her enthusiasm.

It was me who had no choice but to panic, but I brought out what I had been thinking about.

"As I said before, I want to refer to my sister's fighting style. Lilith is a demon who has become a demon.

"It's a fighting style… Does Lilith also use swordsmanship?"

"Yeah. But it's not flashy and it's only going to be a medium for using magic or technology."

"The same is true of the swordsmanship I learned. Humans hone their skills to fill their lack of power, but we demons hone their skills to use their powers efficiently. Umm…"

Cecily pondered for a moment, then tapped the cheek with her finger and opened her mouth.

"You can't use magic in the academy, so I'll just have to visit Helium during vacation. Then I'll show you how I fight."

"Thank you, but are you going to do a match?"

"Yeah. Maybe I should call on Lord Ballak."

After all, it's a good thing to teach. However, Gartz knows who I am, so he probably won't have enough people.

"I'm envious. My girlfriend doesn't even show up. Is this correct?"

Was it really dissatisfying that Cecily appeared in Zeno's biography? Marie groaned and groaned.

It was really cute to see her fat face and one cheek puffed up like a puffer fish. So I slowly reached out to comfort my girlfriend.

Then he whispered softly in her ear.

'You don't have to be jealous. You know that? I'm going to write about our story. Whether it's day or… night.'

'… …'

'You can look forward to it.'

Then, in an instant, Marie's face turned red. I smiled and slowly moved my face back.

If it was a long time ago, I wouldn't have been able to speak properly and stayed still…

stutter- stutter-

Like a prey-seeking beast, she patted my thighs and moved towards the center.

Fortunately, there was someone in front of me, so I didn't do anything creepy, but I couldn't help but get excited.

As soon as Marie's soft hand settled on it, I carefully grabbed her wrist. It was still a silent sign asking for patience.



"After dinner… you know?"

Everyone knows what Marie wants. So I kept my expression under control as much as possible and told the people in front of me.

"Can I go back to the dorm for a while? I have an urgent business."

"Huh? Suddenly? What's going on?"

It was definitely too sudden, so Lina opened her eyes and revealed her doubts. On the other hand, Cecily, who already knows the relationship between me and Marie, has a look on her face.

I looked at Lina who was bewildered, then smiled and answered quietly.

"I need some medicine. I'll be right back."


Lina tilted her head as if she couldn't grasp it, and asked in a voice that couldn't understand more than before.

"Where are you sick? If you're sick…"

"It's not painful, it's just a preventative medicine."

"…preventive medicine?"


Apparently, Lina didn't seem to care about this.