Chapter 126

It was when Isaac left for a short time at the dormitory to get some medicine. As soon as Isaac left, Lina called Marie, who was sitting opposite her.

"number of animals."


At this, Marie raised her head without slicing the steak slowly. Her skin, like snow white, was softly red because of what Isaac had just said.

Her red hair stood out even more because her hair was white, but it wasn't important to Lina. What is important to her is the identity of the 'medicine' Isaac was talking about.

"Do you know what medicine Isaac is taking?"


"I think you would know. I've never seen Isaac taking medicine until now."

Lina has been with Isaac less often than Marina Cecily. It was because she was busy with organizing exhibitions, and she devoted herself to her studies in order to get good grades in her studies at the academy.

Now, thanks to the end of the trial period, I have more free time, but this is the first thing I learned about Isaac taking medicine. So, in addition to providing support to him, I was planning to help him wash away some of the mistakes of the past.

"Isn't it supposed to be a chronic illness?"

"It's not like that. It's just… yeah. It's really a preventative medicine."

"preventive medicine?"

What the hell are you doing to prevent it? And did Marie's face turn redder than before?

Lina and Marie once received s*x education at the Imperial Palace, but they literally only received it. He doesn't know anything about the secret atmosphere or slang between a man and a woman.

This is why Lina is puzzled, and also why it is difficult for Marie to tell her. Who can say that I went to get the pill to have s*x in public?

"Is it expensive? If it's expensive, I…"

"No. It's not that expensive. It's available in the market, so there's no need to help."

"Is it like a nutritional supplement?"


While Marie was contemplating how to get Lina to understand, Cecily, who was still watching, smiled and opened her mouth.

"So, will Marie be scolded by Isaac with a stick from now on?"

"A stick?"

What is this again? Lina looked at Cecily with the expression that she had heard a strange noise. She is a face that demands an explanation.

However, Cecily only fixed her gaze on Marie with her characteristic bewitching expression. This is the moment when her playfulness is activated.

"What do you mean by being scolded with a stick? Is it possible for Isaac to hit Marie?"

"It's never about hitting. It's just… a game, a game. A game between me and Isaac."

"It's a game, but you need medicine and you're being scolded with Isaac's club? What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand anything…"

Lina paused without speaking. It was because she was reminded of something of her when she looked at Marie's face, which was as red as a red sunset.

As I've mentioned before, Marie instinctively knows whether the other person is sincere or a lie, whereas Lina's observation skills are excellent. Having excellent observation skills means observing the ability to reason accordingly.

Cecily's playful remarks about what Marie is ashamed of and about being scolded by Isaac's bat. A drug that is absolutely necessary for 'prevention'.

Finally, a game played with two people, that is, between a man and a woman.

When all of the above were put together, a single culture popped up in Lina's head.

"… …"

As she recalled the act, Lina's face instantly heated up. The funny thing is that only her face gradually turned red while still stiff.

If it was a normal situation, I would have woken up in a hurry, but since it was deeply related to the private lives of men and women, even Lina had to struggle.

Even if she is the imperial princess, she is also a virgin who has never had any experience with men. She said that in the past she had dated several men for arranged marriages, but she was all that.

When everything was sorted out, Lina swallowed her saliva and asked Marie in a slightly shaky voice. Marie was rubbing her chin with a blushing face.

"…number of animals?"


"I hope you… with Isaac…"

"I did. That's what you think."

"Since when?"

I've seen them go on dates like dripping honey. But I couldn't even imagine where I was going.

Marie drank a sip of tea with her chin clenched to avoid burning her throat, then glanced at Cecily, not Lina. She made her mood weird by saying nothing for nothing.

With it or not, Cecily is watching the current situation with interest. His unique playful expression is a bonus.

Marie quietly opened her mouth, suppressing the desire to scratch that despicable face.

"…After the exhibition."

"Then from then until now…"

"I did it almost every day. I couldn't do it because I was busy during the exam period. I'm going to go do it now."


Now it was Lina who covered her mouth and did not know what to do. Lina's bewildered reaction when the 'mask' was taken off was nothing new.

Marie also had a look of surprise, but now it is a priority to get out of this atmosphere. If it weren't for that, I thought it would be like this even after Isaac came. Instead, it started by rebuking Cecily.

"Cecile, do you really have to say that? And what's a stick, stick?"

"Isn't it a stick? Maybe something like this is a stick, or what?"

Cecily asked the question, spreading her hands at regular intervals. It was a very direct expression, and it was her way.

And when Lina saw the length of the club Cecilia expressed, she couldn't help but be astonished rather than surprised. It was a path far beyond what she learned at the Imperial Palace.

But Marie had another drink there.

"Now it's bigger than that."

"What? Is that real?"

"Yeah, I guess I grew taller as I got taller."

This time, it was Cecily's turn to be surprised by the testimony that the length grew longer as she grew older (?). Since she became Isaac's woman, she has been getting 'advice' from Marie from time to time.

Because of this, he learned what Isaac likes and what kind of behavior he likes, but he is unable to enter the main show.

The reason is that Marie still monopolizes Isaac, and above all, the 'evil cycle' is slowly approaching.

To get rid of the evil cycle, as I explained before, you need to control your desires or eliminate them altogether through meditation.

Recently, thanks to the invention of medicine, the number of demons suffering from the evil cycle has decreased, but Cecily is waiting for the evil cycle to come.

If it becomes a musical instrument, pleasure takes precedence over pain. Marie had fun from the first night thanks to Isaac, but innately, the compatibility is different for each person.

"I… Cecily?"


"Maybe Cecily, you too…"

Lina asked Cecily in a cautious voice. She was covering her face with both her hands, trying to cool her face, which had now turned red.

The combination of cute looks like a puppy exudes the charm of a virgin who is embarrassed by lewd stories, and her solemnity and charisma as a princess disappeared everywhere.

Was it new for Lina, who reacted like a suk-maek, unlike usual? Cecily stared at her sternly, then smiled at her and answered in her demanding tone of voice.

"Well, did you? Didn't you? What do you think of our Lina?"

"Are you going to do it too? Oh, with Isaac?"

"Yeah. Do you think I'll do it soon?"

"Ma, Marie is there. But can I stop saying things like that?"

Lina asked, pointing her finger at Marie. She was quite embarrassed, so she stuttered her words, not like her.

Conversely, Cecily did not lose her composure. As if she had forgotten something, she said ah, and delivered a surprising fact to Lina.

"I forgot to tell you. I'm dating Isaac too."

"What, what? That, then…"

"You're right. Polygamy. As you can see, I'm a demon and Isaac is Xenon. I think this alone will explain it."

"… …"

It was an understandable statement. Besides, Cecily is the princess of Hellium, so it will be of great help to Isaac politically.

However, Lina was in a state of confusion due to obscene words. She puckered her mouth like her fish and then slowly turned her head towards her Marie.

After meeting Marie's blunt gaze, Lina opened her mouth with a cautious tone.

"…Is that true?"

"Yeah. By the way, I'm Jeongsil. This is something Cecily also admitted. Isn't it?"

"Actually, if you're not married, I think Jeong-sil's seat is vacant."

"Hey sir… I can't. You get out. Fall for Isaac."

"I don't like it~"

Even though Marie and Cecily were playing pranks on each other, Lina still couldn't control her heart. No matter how hard she tried to calm herself, all sorts of thoughts ran through her mind.

'Marie and Cecily did the same thing with Isaac… No. I don't think Cecily has done it yet… uh…'

I felt my head overheating in real time. And she remembered the width of the gap Cecily had just shone as she spread her hands.

Lina slyly looked down at her while Marie and Cecily quarreled with each other about her filial piety. She never goes out with Isaac, but she's old enough to be interested in her s*x.

After that, he looked at the two of them and compared them gently. I'm not going to tell you what the comparison is because I think you can figure it out without explaining. And…

'Are you going over your belly button? Is it really possible?'

I couldn't help but be shocked again. Marie, who accepted everything, was amazing, and she felt the mystery of the human body anew.

Lina swallowed her saliva, then raised her head to look at Marie. It's a triumphant expression as if he had even won the fight against Cecily for filial piety.

"I… Marie?"


"Really that's… it all goes in? Doesn't it hurt?"

Marie blinked and faced Lina who asked the question. Her face was scorched red, and her blue eyes were curious.

All the appearances of Lina she knew had disappeared, and only the girl who showed interest in s*x existed. She's not a princess, she's a cute and cute girl that suits her age.

How cute was that Marie looked at her softly and raised the corners of her lips.

It felt like he had somehow caught Lina's weakness, and it seemed like he could use it for a long time in the future.



"Do you want me to explain everything that happened on the first night, or answer only the questions you asked? You choose."


When Marie asked in a strange voice, Rina's face was so hot that she could even start steaming. Still, her gaze was focused on Marie, whether she wanted to hear her answer.

It must have been both, so Marie remembered her first night with Isaac after the exhibition. When she thinks about that time, her heart is pounding and nervous, but it is a memory of the past.

Now, she was no more than a woman who had awakened to the castle as much as a succubus. They hand over the initiative to each other and indulge until they reach their limit.

"Then I'll explain how I and Isaac spent the night. It was Isaac's mistake in the first place."

"Can you speak?"

"Yeah, Isaac invited me to his bedroom to talk to him for a moment. He even made coffee."

"Uh, that's…"

"That's right. Isaac Tanae really wanted to talk to me, but I wasn't. And Cecily was talking nonsense to me, so there was something urgent."

"Useless words?"

When Cecily was mentioned, Lina's gaze turned to the side. Cecily shrugged her shoulders as the attention was drawn to her and answered savvyly.

"I was just saying that if you don't do it first, I'll intercept you first. Who would have thought you'd get the job done the same day?"


Am I weak to this kind of story? Lina let out a pained sound.

The reason was screaming that I should stop, but my heart was seducing me by saying that I could listen more.

Although it was different from the s*x education learned at the Imperial Palace, the real experiences of a friend who was very different gave Lina a new stimulus.

"Isaac is stroking my whole body. It's like handling a fragile craft.

"He, and?"


As the story of Marie's first night continued, Lina got more excited. She could tell that she was completely absorbed by the occasional exhalation of her exhalation.

Eventually, when I entered the part that could be called the highlight…


He never lost concentration while swallowing saliva. Marie continued to use explicit expressions that were not from a duke's family.

Unlike Lina, Cecily didn't mind because she had already heard it many times, but she listened quietly because it was deeply related to Isaac.

"Bird, until dawn? Isn't it hard?"

"When I woke up the next day, the sun was in the middle of the sky. I don't know what I did back then. Now, even 30 minutes is exhausting."

"Ah, Isaac is surprisingly strong…"

"I heard that you were even trained as a knight when you were young. You have no choice but to be strong."

"Gulp. After that? Did nothing happen in the morning?"

"There was. What was the situation…"

It was a series of surprises. This is the moment when the image of Isaac, who was so fragile in Lina's head, changes into a single 'man'.

Recently, Marie's face has brightened and she seems to have gotten more and more beautiful, but was it all because she slept with Isaac? Lina felt a strange feeling on their first night, which was gorgeous until the very end.

"Our first night is over here. After that, I do it whenever I have time, so there's nothing I can say about it."

"Then, can you tell me your opinion?"

"… …"

It was a situation where he couldn't accept the capacity, Nabal, and Lina. The more you imagine it in your head, the more it feels like the bottom is getting tingly.

It's like this just by listening to it, but I can't figure out what it would be like if I actually did it. She's not dating Isaac, but she's already taken the norm in her mind.

Isaac is the only man I've been dating recently, and Jackson was attached to me in the past, but after the group assignment, he broke off on his own. There is Leort, but he is a real older brother, so he dismissed them separately.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

"I'm here. I'll go in."

While Lina hesitated, Isaac returned with her medicine. At that, Lina lifted her head, which had lowered her slightly.

Eventually, as Isaac opened the door, her gaze turned to a stern place. The part that Marie had emphasized in particular until recently.

But Isaac opened his mouth with a carefree face, unaware of that fact.

"Are you finished eating? Shall we count?"

"Yeah. Then. Are you going right away?"

"You want to do that?"

"It's been accumulating for a few days. I can't solve it alone."

If I hadn't listened to Marie, I wouldn't have been able to understand their conversation. But not now.

As soon as Lina heard their conversation, she could predict what they would do next.

The Academy has inns for guests, but it's not just guests. For the nobility, there was also a soundproof room.

So Isaac and Marie were there…


Lina swallowed the saliva in her mouth once again. Her heart trembled and she tensed as she only imagined.

I know myself that this shouldn't be the case, but after hearing the story, I felt the urge to see it in secret.

Maybe it will be helpful for my first night in the distant future. Because she is the princess of the Minerva Empire, it was natural for her to marry a man.

Of course, this is what reason is saying, and instinct is merely s*xual curiosity. The 17-year-old is just about to open her eyes to the castle.

Will you keep your face as a princess, or will you move according to your greed as a person?

It was a moment when Lina fell into the troubles of a lifetime, privately and not in public.


And Cecily, who watched it from the side, shed a strange snort.