Chapter 130

Some people might be surprised to find out that Arwen is of mixed race, but others may have doubts at the same time. She has a senate who insists on pure blood, how did she get to be crowned queen?

Furthermore, why does the Senate not investigate blood ties even though mixed blood causes such social chaos? All of these reasons are due to the characteristics of mixed blood.

Mixed race, as explained, almost inherits the characteristics of an elf even if one of the parents is human, with no noticeable differences. Even short ears are common compared to other elves, so they ignore it.

And mixed races enter Albenheim with the ability to adapt and manage themselves as much as they were born and raised in a human society. No one has any doubts, and even if you have doubts, no one will notice if you go through them with ease.

Of course, there are times when they make fun of the wrong mouth and find out that they are of mixed race, but surprisingly, it is often dismissed as a secret. Albnheim is more collectivistic than in other countries, but what if it was known that he was friendly with mixed races?

Not only mixed races are punished, but other people can also be ignited, so it is an implicit secret. Even half-breeds know this, so either they live quietly or try desperately to rise to a position that no one can reach.

Arwen is also a mixed race born between an elf and a human, but she is a slightly unusual case. It is the fruit of love between her father and her human mother, an elf, and unfortunately her mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her.

The father was grieving for a while, and in accordance with his wife's will, he took Arwen and wandered around the human world. Arwen says she looks like a green house plant on the outside, but she's actually the opposite.

Unlike other elves, who have witnessed and experienced the bright and dark sides of human society with their own eyes, the way of thinking itself is closer to that of a human being. The reason she was crowned queen at such an early age is because she made good use of the dark side of humanity.

However, at that time, he had a characteristic arrogance of an elf, so he suffered a great diplomatic defeat, but he stood up once again by showing an amazing ability to learn.

Based on that experience, Arwen learned one truth. If something is wrong, he has to correct it.

This way of thinking alone allowed Arwen to grow a lot in a short period of time and further confront the serpent-like Senate.

"We can't just sit around and watch it! We need to formally protest the humans!"

"And I think we have to get rid of all the hybrids currently in Albnheim. If we go on like this, we don't know what kind of confusion Albnheim will experience."

"Perrin is right. Even if the hybrids are in high positions, it will be stable if they are boldly thrown out."

It has now been a week since the 12th volume of Xenon's biography was released.

Sitting on the throne, Arwen looked at the Senate protesting fiercely in front of him with annoyed eyes.

As usual, I was watching the state affairs, but suddenly he came up to me and said something like that.

Still, it was an unexpected problem, that is, the appearance of mixed races made my head more complicated, but when I went to the Senate, the stress was not so much.

'Did you know that your queen is half-blood?'

I was so angry that I couldn't help but laugh. Again, Arwen is of mixed race.

So, I thought about how to make that dirty mouth shut. She already knows why the Senate has seizures with foam in her mouth.

'It must be scary.'

After decades of arguing with the Senate, he had already grasped all of their behavior patterns.

If it's a timid voice, it's just to get you on your nerves, and a raised voice means you've caught on.

However, there were very few instances of such high-pitched voices. Until now, only once, except when amending Albenheim's outdated 'law'.

The law was the very power of Albenheim at the time, and the senate was in the grip of it. Of course, if such a law is amended, there is no choice but to protest.

Due to the defeat in the tribal war and the change of the system, the law was amended, but it still remains outdated. And in order to hold the vested interests firmly, the Senate has so far checked the king and queen and forced them down.

However, they were pure-blooded, not mixed-blood, and were raised as plants in a greenhouse. Conversely, Arwen is a giant tree that has grown up after being hit by a typhoon since childhood.

'From their point of view, mixed blood is a risk factor.'

The potential of a mixed race is far superior to that of a pure blood elf. I don't know why, but the weight is being focused on the guess that he inherited the amazing ability of humans to learn.

As a result, the more the number of mixed races increases, and the higher the ranks rise, the more dangerous the position of the Senate and the older generation will be. I don't know what the new generation will think, but it is more likely that they are more favorable to mixed race than the old generation.

Only elves were chosen by the gods, and furthermore, to the senators who have a mindset that they should be superior to other races, mixed races are people who cannot stand still.

'But I didn't know there were so many mixed races…'

Arwen heard the protests of the Senate with one ear and flowed it through the other, thinking of the mixed races living in Albenheim. A kind of coming out (?) that started from the 12th book of Xenon's biography gradually grew into a huge flame.

What's even more surprising is that even the mixed races were unaware that there were other mixed races. It's not that I didn't know at all, I was just guessing, but I guess I didn't know there would be so many.

Moreover, most of the mixed races who confessed are socially capable people who occupy one position at a higher rank. Not only professors, but also priests who worship gods, and even famous warriors who belong to the military.

Even one of the warlords is rumored to be of mixed race, giving Albenheim a great shock.


"… …"

Arwen, who had organized all his thoughts, gave a command in a low voice, and even the senator, who had been protesting like fire, kept his mouth shut. But the disgruntled expression was still there.

Afterwards, Arwen looked at the faces of the Senators one by one with pitiful eyes and sighed deeply. I can't find any corners that I like here or there.

"I understand your opinion. You want to find the writer who caused the confusion in Albenheim?"

"Yes. If we go on like this and say something strange to our elves, doesn't the Queen know very well what will happen?"

An old man with little wrinkles for an elf asked Arwen in an old-fashioned voice. The persuasion of a person who could be called the representative of the senate seemed plausible.

It's not another novel, it's Zeno's biography. A rare masterpiece that completely changed the perception of the demons, and a book that has already become culture itself.

This is one of the concerns not only of the Senate, but also of Arwen. In particular, Arwen can only help but get a little nervous because he's done a big mistake with Xenon, i.e. Isaac.

"There is even a harbinger that Albenheim will be invaded. No matter how novel it is, it is impossible for us, Albnheim to be attacked."

A young elf next to the old man opened his mouth in a hoarse voice. When Arwen heard the story, she barely endured the fact that she almost burst out laughing.

It's a novel, so I was wondering if there was a need to over-immerse myself in it, but I'm an elf, so I understand. However, he may have learned history in vain, but for Arwen, it was terrifying.

"It's a funny thing. There is a historical fact that Albnheim was invaded 3000 years ago during the Demon War, so it's impossible?"

"At that time, the 'World Tree' did not exist. But as long as the World Tree exists…"

"The writer is well aware of the arrogance of the elves, so Albenheim must be suffering."


"Stop mentioning the contents of the novel. I don't want to see people protesting over fictional stories. Talk about reality."

"… …"

When Arwen spoke clearly, the young lawmaker was also at a loss for words, so he kept his mouth shut. Arwen looked at it and clicked his tongue inside him.

The ingrained notion that elves are superior to other races and always perfect was absurd to say such a thing. What kind of ugliness is this to try to censor even a beautiful culture?

"By the way, you did something funny without my permission. If you don't edit the story, you're going to ban the sale of Xenon's biography in Alvenheim?"

"Yes, but it was a prompt action based on good judgment."

"What is that judgment? I'd like to hear it."

What kind of bullshit are you talking about this time? Arwen waited with her pitiful face as if there was no need to manage his facial expressions.

Whatever the Senate says, one thing is certain. The Senate has no answer.

"Now Albenheim is suffering from measles due to a mixed race problem. Moreover, since the story of Albenheim has been published, more and more people have been reading the book."

As the old councilor said, Zeno's biography was not originally popular with the elves. It's because humans are the main characters, and they didn't have much to do with elves before.

But when it was revealed that Mary was an elf, and the tragic epic of Kair and Elisha came out, her popularity skyrocketed. In particular, among the new generation, Mary was very popular because she was not elf-like, she was radical and said everything she had to say.

Conversely, there is great dissatisfaction among the older generations. Because they thought the elves were valiant warriors and proud races, not as fussy as Mary.

Still, except for hardliners like the Senate, it can be seen that there are few people who dislike Zeno's biography. Unlike other races, she is an elf with a more intense generational conflict, but Xenon's biography is being treated as an exception.

"Even so, no one knows what will happen if we hear a strange story about our elves. So, before the new book is released, I think we should find the author as soon as possible and ask for a correction."

"What if the author releases it as is without any modifications?"

"I think it's right for us to check first before a book is imported and then release it."

In a word, it means censorship. So that when there are bad words about the elves, strong sanctions can be given.

High-ranking people censorship has a huge side effect. People will become dissatisfied with those in power, and it may even become more difficult to govern.

How much less, the moment the Senate accepts this proposal graciously, it means that the Senate grabs hold of the vested interests, which Arwen cannot accept. At this, she narrowed her brow and spoke in a voice that seemed to suppress her anger.

"You mean to suppress freedom of expression? Then why does art exist and why does culture exist?"

"You mean it doesn't matter if I say something bad about our elves?"

"It's not for us to judge. It's up to those who see and hear the culture firsthand. If it's an expression that is not true, many people will criticize it, and if it isn't, we will agree."

"Even if everyone agrees, a minor misunderstanding may change their view of us. Look at Volume 12 right now. There's a story between an elf and a lower race, but what kind of hybrids don't ride?"

His tone is elegant, but he has a strange power to make people angry. Arwen felt his head start to throb and placed his hand on his forehead.

And after arranging his thoughts for a while, he opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

"…Representative Pyrenees."

"Yes, my queen."

"How old are you now?"

Arwen suddenly asks about the age of the old councilor, Pyren. Pyren had a question about it, but he answered it obediently.

"Including this year, we've seen 845 springs."

"It's number 845…"

It was an old-fashioned answer. The new generation doesn't answer that way, but responds normally.

After that, Arwen took his hand off his forehead and lifted his head calmly. As she sat on the throne, she naturally looked down at the Senate, and her silver-gray eyes lit up.

"Pyrenees Representative. You must have watched Albnheim for hundreds of years. In your eyes, I will look like a kid who hasn't gone through 200 springs. Doesn't it?"

"No. The Queen is our Albnheim's…"

"The words came out of my mouth. I'm not an idiot who doesn't know your speed."

"… …"

In response to the direct response, Pyren looked up at Arwen with a slightly bewildered face. The image of Arwen looking at herself with her lofty yet gloomy eyes and a pathetic expression caught her eye.

Not the girl who chatted with Isaac at the time of the exhibition, but the dignity and charisma befitting of a 'Queen'. A force so strong that even the Pyrenees, who rule the Senate, trembled, flowed out.

"Another question. Representative of Florence. How many years have you ruled Albnheim in the Senate?"

"…I saw Spring 531 while in the Senate."

"What did you feel there? Were you able to rule Albenheim as you like? Of course, it was until the racial war broke out. Humans were so weak, Beasts were savage, and Dwarves didn't care. Lastly, the Demons We couldn't even touch it because we had abilities equal to ours."

"… …"

"However, you may have ruled Albenheim, but you have never ruled the world."

When a heavy fact hit her chin, Pyren's body trembled greatly. But the lawmakers standing next to him reacted quite differently.

One kept his mouth shut, while the other took a step forward in exasperation to shout at any moment. However, as soon as Arwen looked at her with a cold gaze, her body hardened and she couldn't even try.

Arwen, as he sensed that the momentum of the Senators was gradually softening, continued speaking in a soft yet powerful voice.

"If you close the eyes and ears of the people and manage them as they please, why do people exist and why do countries exist? The world is not like chess, where you can move as you please. People don't move as you want, and the world We elves never change the way you want. We elves are God's chosen race, but after all, we are mortals who live longer and more powerful than other races compared to the world. We don't change the world, we change our bodies in a changing world. If we change the world, it will be like going to war with the whole world."

"… …"

"Albenheim is ruled by you and I, but we must not change it as we wish. The judgments we thought were good could work for the people in a bad way. There is only one reason for our existence. Smiles on the people's faces. This is to make it grow. It is not to train a slave who has no feelings."

Since they were correct one by one, the Senate couldn't even refute it. If you deny even that, you are acknowledging that the people of Albenheim are being treated as slaves.

Arwen snorted as if the Senators only rolled their eyes and said nothing. Then she spoke to the Senate with a look as if she had made up her mind.

"I will give a speech in front of the people in a week from now. I will take measures to stabilize the current situation as you have requested."

"…where are you planning to speak?"

Pyren asked cautiously. The momentum had faltered.

"I'll give a speech in the plaza. I'll prepare the magic. Or do you have any dissatisfaction?"


"Then get out of here. There's a lot to think about."

When Arwen issued a congratulatory order, the senate reluctantly resigned. And just before going out of the audience, Pyren turned her back and met Arwen's eyes.

Arwen also met Florence's eyes and formed a subtle confrontation. After a while, Pyren walked out of the audience without saying a word.

Finally, Arwen was the only one left in the audience, and she sighed deeply when she was freed from stress.


Afterwards, she threw away all her dignity as a queen and grumbled.

"I'm craving something sweet…"

At the same time, one concern came to mind.

"…I've never given a speech before."

I need help.