Chapter 131

Xenon's biography, volume 12, resulted in the creation of numerous heteros*xual couples, but interestingly, the emergence of mixed races between elves and humans, which had been hidden for a long time, became known in earnest.

It is a social phenomenon that naturally arises as questions that no one has thought of are rising to the surface one by one.

Not knowing about other races, there was hardly any mixed race of elves and humans, so it was enough to give a big shock to the world, and especially in Albenheim, there was a strong response.

But what's wrong with me being mixed race? I have no other thought than that, so I'm thinking that's what it is. Moreover, half-elves, who are of mixed race, inherit all elf traits except for their potential.

Not only does she look like an angel, but she also has longevity, magic, and powerful physical abilities. On the contrary, half elves have greater potential than normal elves and have the flexibility to live in a human society.

My guess is that the older generation, especially the Senate, are being stingy. At first glance, Cindy heard that the Senate was a racial supremacist and would vehemently reject the existence of mixed races.

Moreover, Arwen has an open policy, so it would be a very good phenomenon to keep her in check from the senate's point of view.

If I can't mediate the chaos in Albenheim, I'll keep Arwen in check, and even if it doesn't, I'll just have to touch the mixed race from time to time.

In politics, you have to be mean and wicked to gain victory.

I felt a little sorry for the unexpected situation, but I have no intention of interfering with this since it was Arwen's personal problem.

I'm only exchanging news, and unless I'm the first to stick with it, I won't be able to step out at all.

"Isaac. I know that because both me and Cindy will be away in five days."


Professor Elena's lab came to read books and papers.

I was reading a book leisurely while drinking even the tea that Cindy had brewed myself, and listening to Elena's words, I opened my eyes wide. She had never seen that not only Elena vacate her seat, but Cindy as well.

The last time Cindy returned to Albenheim to submit her thesis, this is the first time Elena has been away. She asked her while holding her teacup.

"Suddenly? Where?"

"Albenheim. The Queen is giving a speech to the public. If possible, you want all the people to gather, so you should go there."

"A public speech?"

I tilted my head as I heard Elena's answer. Considering the current situation in Albenheim, it was doubtful whether it was a good decision to be speaking out of nowhere.

As if Elena had read my thoughts, she raised her glasses, which had fallen slightly, and opened her mouth with a characteristic business-like tone.

"As you know, Albenheim is currently confused about the issue of mixed race. You must want to solve the problem quickly. There is a sense of impatience, but it is also a problem to remain silent without saying anything."

"Um… are you okay?"

"Well, I haven't seen the Queen give a speech either. This is probably the first time she's ever delivered a speech to the public."

If this is your first speech to the public, is it that you didn't do it when the Queen took the throne? When I tilted her head with that question, Cindy, who was sitting across from her, explained it for me.

"The king of Albenheim is not chosen by the people, but by each family, that is, the nobles vote and vote… Anyone can attend, but the king is chosen from a prestigious family…"

Cindy's explanations came into my ears one after another, although her voice was characteristically muffled. I turned to Cindy, sipping tea from the other side, and asked another question.

"Is this grand queen also elected by the family?"

"No, the current queen was a member of society that could be seen everywhere before her accession… Besides, she was too young to become a queen… I don't know how she got to sit on the queen's seat… From what I heard, it was rumored that they roasted and boiled famous households with cheoseul…"

In fact, Cindy must have been an ordinary student or Elena's assistant back then, so I don't know. He seemed to be better off asking Arwen separately if he had the chance.

"Then when are you going to be back? Are you only coming to hear the speeches?"

"No, I'm going to visit my house after a long time… The last time I submitted my thesis, I forgot to listen…"

"I'm thinking of discussing with other scholars. I wonder what scholars think of mixed races."

After Cindy, Elena answered bluntly. I looked at the two elves alternately, and suddenly a question came to mind and I opened my mouth.

"By the way, Professor and Cindy are pure blood, aren't they? Mixed races seem to have short ears, but they say they're no different from normal elves."

"I'm not sure about that either. My parents didn't check whether my parents were pure-blood or mixed-blood. Maybe there are humans among distant ancestors. I'll have to ask at this time."

"Me too…"

Mendel's genetics are those of lightly chewed elves, so they themselves do not know whether they are pure blood or mixed blood. It really is an interesting situation.

I looked at the two elves who seemed to have no thought in the midst of a mixed-race existence that was nothing more than a hot potato, then asked quietly.

"What do you two think about mixed race?"

"No idea? Rather, a scholar like me would have taken the existence of mixed blood for granted. Hundreds of years have passed since elves and humans came into contact, but it is impossible for there to be no mixed blood. Maybe there is a mixture of demons and elves? "

Ira was born to a demon descendant of the devil and an elf descendant of an angel…

'Is it Nepal?'

The race in the game that was famous in my previous life came to mind for a moment, and then another thought came to my mind.

'By the way, aren't there mixed races born between demons and humans?'

Right now, the focus is only on half-elves, but people born between humans and demons may appear. However, unlike the elves, the awareness of the demons was not very good until the Zeno era, so there is a strong possibility that they will not really exist.

It would be a good idea to wait a little bit and ask Cecily after class is over. While I was thinking about it, Cindy came up with her own thoughts after Elena.

"Me too… If it's for Albenheim, I'll have to accept it… If I tie the knot wrong like this, there could be a big crack in Albenheim… Right now, the old generation and the new generation are having a conflict, and even the mixed race problem appears…"

"It must be very serious."

"Ugh… The Queen should be able to give a good speech…"

Cindy said with a gloomy look on her face that she was worried about a new conflict that had arisen. She is genuinely worried about Albenheim when she sees her expression as well as her elongated ears drooping down.

Even though elves are said to be a near-perfect race, in the end they are just humans. Conflicts are bound to arise at any time due to differences in ideology, and it is very difficult to become truly one.

It is difficult to change the way of thinking of elves, since most of them have their own strong beliefs deeply ingrained in them. It can be said to be stubborn, or it can be said to be stubborn.

If that mindset can be changed through a public address, Arwen's talent and ability must be outstanding. She has witnessed countless instances in her previous life that changed her history with just one speech.

'It would be a good prey for other countries.'

A country that has collapsed due to external pressure has a chance to rebuild, but if it collapses from within, there is no answer. In the future, Albnheim, the 13th book of Xenon's biography that I will write in the future, will also fall like that, and this is evidenced by history.

What is the future of Albenheim? Will this event lead to growth or vice versa?

A person's true ability has always come out of a crisis, regardless of age or age.

"I wish you all the best."

"It should be fine… Maybe my child will be born of mixed race…"

"Are you going to marry a human?"

"It's not like that… You don't know people's work… There may be people who are handsome and good-natured like you…"

"Am I good-looking even by elf standards?"

It was a f**king joke. Cindy blinked with a puzzled look on her face at my joke.


And until he makes a stupid yet cute sound. When he sees his pale skin reddened softly because he is only in the laboratory and does not see the light, he seems to have realized what he was saying too late.

I closed the book and stood up while Cindy's thought circuit stopped. There is still some time left before the classes of my acquaintances are over, but I plan to go back to my dorm and write.

"I'm joking. You don't have to think too deeply about it."

"…don't make fun of me…"

"I mean, where is the kid who is easy to tease like you?"

Although Cindy murmured, Elena quietly put the deal. Naturally, Cindy mumbled with her characteristic melancholy expression.

He smiled at the sight and greeted the two of them.

"I'll go home first. I'll take this book with me."

"Do whatever you want."

"Oh no…"

After greeting the two elves, I went out of the lab. The current time is about 3 o'clock. There are about 1 hour and 30 minutes left for all classes to finish.

Until then, I'll just have to roll around in the dorm or write 13 volumes. Since the development has already been arranged, the 13th volume is expected to be released as soon as the 12th volume.



It was on the way back to the house while walking. I heard someone calling from behind me in a timid voice.

He turned his head back, but saw no one. As she tilted her head, wondering if she had heard something wrong, a voice came from below.

"Hey, here it is."


It was a very familiar voice. I lowered my head down hopelessly.

As seen in the exhibition, the head of a tiny little girl wearing a white robe caught my eye. The silver-gray hair that fell under the hood caught my attention.

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Eventually, the person who called me slowly raised his head and showed his face. Silver-gray eyes shining like the Milky Way radiated intelligence, and she was a girl with a cute and adorable beauty like a girl.

Although she was wearing a hood, she couldn't hide her gorgeous beauty, and she looked at me with a slightly tense look.

"…maybe Arwen?"

It was Arwen, the queen of Albenheim and the elf who will give a public address in five days. As she was startled by her sudden appearance, Arwen opened her mouth with a slightly shaky voice.

"That, dear. Maybe your name is…"

"That's right, Isaac."

"Hey, you've grown a lot. It hasn't even been half a year since then… your voice has changed…"

I used to be very tall. People around me always said the same thing, so now I'm not very impressed.

By the way, looking at it this way, Arwen's stature is short. When she stood next to me in an exhibition, she was just over my shoulder, but now it touches her chest.

Although elves are born with good physical abilities, it seems that it does not necessarily depend on their physique. Even if it is that small, I know that it has the grip power to crush stones with bare hands.

"So why are you here? I heard you're giving a speech soon?"

"Hey, from whom did you hear that?"

"From another elf. There is someone I've met."

"That's right… Actually, I came here because it was related to that."

"Is it related?"

When I questioned, Arwen looked at me with a slightly nervous expression and opened his mouth in a cautious voice.

"I wanted to help you write your speech…"

"… …"

"I can only think of you as someone who can write well."

Why do people think of a president who has been impeached by the people?


To be honest, it was a bit absurd, but I brought Arwen to the dorm. As he said before, the dormitory prohibits other people from entering, but there is no problem if you sneak in.

Moreover, in the case of Arwen, he could hide himself with magic, so there was no fear of being found out. The prohibition of the use of magic within the academy does not have to be magic that consumes a lot of mana like teleportation.

"So you want me to help you speak?"

"I don't care… but yes."

Arwen, sitting on the bed, listened to my questions and answered them quietly. She took off her hood, revealing her beautiful appearance, and she looked very sorry.

After all, she has a history of wrongdoing me. Of course, it was a problem caused by Lane's hard trolling, but it is a fact that she is also responsible for her.

Siris is acting as an errand man without saying a word, and Arwen is delivering a book in the Holy Land to me, so I'm not in a position to ask for anything. But seeing it in person like this, it seems that it is urgent.

I glanced at Arwen, who seemed to be sitting on a cushion of thorns, and suddenly there was something I did not understand and opened my mouth.

"Didn't you say you didn't give a speech when you took the throne?"


"How did Albnheim choose a king, so he never gave a speech? I've heard from acquaintances that the family is elected by voting."

"This is the first time I have spoken in front of the people. Before taking the throne, I have expressed my aspirations in front of the Senate and the powerful families of Albenheim. But this is not a speech, I literally expressed my aspirations."

"Then you actually ascended the throne on your own?"

"Neither is it. As you may know, the throne's owner has changed several times over the decades. When I left, there were few candidates, probably because the family was reluctant."


It seems that the political situation in Albenheim is complicated. He said there was a senate, so maybe he couldn't resist their pressure and came down on his own.

Moreover, the fact that she ascended to the position of queen on her own without receiving family support proves that Arwen's political abilities are excellent. She must have been confronted with her senate through her powers.

The ultra-high theft problem was caused by a synergy between misjudgment and Lane's trolling, but it does not mean that Arwen is incompetent. Although each individual is immature, it is being evaluated by the public as having great virtues as a leader.

"The content of the speech is, of course, a story about mixed race, right?"

"As you said. We have to solve the current situation somehow… To be honest, it's too difficult. It's hard to find speeches that move people's hearts even historically…"

In fact, as she said, the importance of her speeches does not go far, but Lincoln and Martin Luther King can tell just by looking at them. Of course, this is a story when I played a positive role, and the negative ones are Hitler and Goebbels.

A speech that moves people's hearts is hard work, but talent is very important. Speech in a more appealing voice rather than hard reading as if reading a Korean book. The difference between the two is obvious.

But the most important thing is the content of the speech. As time goes by, you can see why Lincoln and Martin's speeches are still talked about, and how Hitler took control of Germany is studied.

I stared at Arwen, who was blushing, and opened my mouth.

"Wait a minute."

A funny joke suddenly came to mind and I started writing in my notebook. Arwen was skeptical at first, but as I sat down at my desk and started to write, she waited patiently.

About five minutes later, I handed Arwen a provisional speech that filled half the page. Arwen glanced at me with a bewildered expression as I delivered the speech.

"This is a speech I wrote because I was bored. You read it once and judge for yourself."

"If that's the case…"

As it was a temporary speech, she accepted it without hesitation. Eventually, his silver-gray eyes turned to the note page.

About a minute had passed since then, Arwen opened his eyes wide and admired it sincerely.

"What a wonderful speech! After all, that's the writing power of a writer in Zeno's biography. But…"

But for a moment to admire him, he tilted his head and muttered strangely.

"Why do I feel like I'm instigating…?"


I couldn't hide my laughter. The truth of the speech I gave to Arwen is none other than…

"Dear? This is strange no matter how you look at it… Just looking at the text, it has a strong accent…"

"Pu ha ha ha ha!"

The speech that brought the famous Hitler to power.