Chapter 132

Please check the notice! (Illustration related)


What I conveyed to Arwen are some of the speeches that played a decisive role in Hitler's grip on power.

With one speech, Hitler instilled a sense of superiority and pride in the Germans, who had fallen into a sense of inferiority after the defeat in World War I, and further cemented his position.

Since then, a Nazi party has been established, purging all of its enemies, and indoctrination as a group, covering the eyes and ears of the people. Then he invaded Poland and started World War II.

In fact, a British spy who heard Hitler's speech almost betrayed him, so you can see how good his speech was. The speech itself was the perfect content to cheer up the people who were discouraged.

"Come on, don't play around! How am I supposed to give a speech like this!"


As Arwen blushed and shouted, I burst into laughter as I pounded my fists on the desk. She seems to have realized too late that the content of her speech was strange.

Either way, I can now imagine Arwen yelling at the people of Albnheim with a strong accent and exaggerated gestures in my head. No matter how I think about it, it doesn't fit at all.

"Ah, Bae. It's been a while since I've laughed out loud."

"Ugh… don't make fun of me. I'm serious…"

As I wiped away my tears, Arwen grumbled with a weary expression on his face. However, his blushing face is still there, and his ears are raised high above the sky.

The elf heard that his ears change as his emotions move. So it means that now she is shy.

Besides, he had a pouty expression like a child, sticking out his lips to see if he was sprained. Who would look at such a cute and beautiful elf and think that she was the queen of Albenheim.

Maybe it's because she's not a queen and just looks at her normal appearance. Up until this point she had never seen Arwen as a queen, so she had no imagination at all.

But it seemed better to stop joking around. I immediately apologized to Arwen, who was vomiting.

"Okay. I won't joke around anymore. But isn't a temporary speech okay?"

"Obviously, it's a great speech. But somehow… I'm not sure if it's a speech that instills pride or if it's meant to incite. It's completely different from the speech I wanted."

"That's correct."

In fact, it is not wrong to say that Hitler also raised the confidence of the defeated Germans with that speech. It can be seen that the agitation also started from that time.

"By the way, is this something you have to ask me? Usually, someone else writes a speech and you check it yourself."

"Because, at least, there are none of the people I know who are as good as you. The only one who knows the writing that moves my heart is you."

"I wish I could gilt the face in moderation."

"Excessive humility is not good looking. Are you saying that your writing is already moving the world?"

When I say it so firmly, I feel embarrassed. I smiled awkwardly and patted the back of my neck, then pulled it out.

"Okay. So, Arwen, do you want me to write a speech for you? To solve the mixed race problem that is occurring in Alvenheim."

"Yes. Alvenheim is now in a much greater chaos than you think. It is not possible to determine when the mixed race began to permeate Albnheim, and whether or not there were mixed races among the ancestors."

In Albenheim, mixed race is already an irreversible social phenomenon. It can be said that they are better than humans, but elves have a short lifespan, so it is easy to find mixed races, unlike humans, where generations change frequently.

However, the problem is that the features do not appear well on the outside. In fact, Albnheim has no choice but to harmonize with the mixed race.

It took me a while to think about how the situation in Albenheim was going, and then a question came to mind and I asked Arwen.

"The symbol of pure blood is great for elves? Isn't that also racial supremacy?"

"Yes. However, as you know, there is a kind of chosen people idea that the elves were chosen by the gods in their hearts. The blood of the race that was chosen by the gods and the blood of the race that did not. This alone can explain it."

"The more you look at the elves, the more you can't understand them."

Sometimes it is a race that pursues honor and pride, but sometimes it is a race that eats itself out of arrogance like this. Elves can be said to be extreme, just as self-esteem becomes arrogance and electoralism or a sense of superiority becomes arrogance.

They even have the 'strength' to do so, so there is a high risk of falling into pride. In the end, the mixed race can be seen as a result of half-elf-specific arrogance.

"Are the pure blood and the half blood clashing with each other right now?"

"It's not that far yet. Most of the people who identify themselves as mixed race are sitting in high positions. However, doubts are sprouting that people around me are also mixed race."

"If you leave it like this, it will get worse."

Fortunately, the buds had just sprouted, but the flowers were not in full bloom. The moment the flowers are in full bloom, it will be uncontrollable confusion, so it is Arwen's duty to calm him down through his speech.

The question is whether the elves, who discriminate against even mixed races, will listen to Arwen's speech and calm down. Things are not so easy.

In the worst case, someone incites them to drive out all the mixed races. If this happens, the Dark Elves who have had the same experience will completely turn their backs on Albnheim, saying that it has not changed, and naturally, the national power will also drop sharply.

It's still just the calm before the storm, and if we don't get it right here, no one can predict what the future holds for Alvenheim.

'It must be burdensome.'

I stared at Arwen, worried about Alvenheim's future. How difficult it is to have a country's fortunes decided on those tiny shoulders.

Moreover, many elves are stubborn, and older people like the Senate are both wise and cunning at the same time. Those who are too young for Arwen to deal with.

Maybe it's because I can't trust the people in Albnheim because it's not someone else and I'm not sure why I asked for a speech. I was curious about Albenheim's political structure, but I think it would be better not to interfere up to that point.

In a way, this can also be said to be a test given to Arwen. I need a little help and that's it.

"Anyway, I get it. I'll help you write the speech."

"Hey, is that really true?"

"Yeah. Instead, there must be a reward, right?"


Arwen's expression, which had brightened as soon as the sound of reciprocation came out, hardened in an instant. She will know her too. What does it mean to ask me for a speech?

I am ashamed to say these words out of my mouth, but I am the author of the biography of Zeno who is taking over the world. It means that at least one handwriting ability is recognized, and it is not easy to ask me like that.

In the yard where he was hiding his identity, Arwen himself came forward and asked for it. If you don't reciprocate, you're selling your conscience.

'But I don't deserve anything in return.'

The ultra-high theft had already ended with receiving the Holy Land Book, Siris an errand, and Lane sentenced to probation. This is purely a transaction with Arwen personally.

But the trouble is that he has nothing to receive from Arwen.

money? I'm already piling up, and I'm not very interested in money. Above all, two girlfriends have a lot of money, so what do they need?

honor? I am the author of Xenon's biography. no words needed

status? What to do, just ask Lina.

knowledge? I am reading a book from the Holy Land.

Woman? Marie and Cecily. Marie has been doing it all night long and she is likely to do it with Cecily soon too.

'Wow… Come to think of it, it really isn't?'

At the age of less than 20, I was able to realize that I had everything a man could want. He has an easygoing personality and lacks greed for power, so he doesn't want anything.

But it is strange to say that I do not receive it. From Arwen's point of view, I have to take care of her once again, because only she can become uncomfortable.

I pondered over and over again as to what kind of reward I had to get in order to understand Arwen. For a very brief moment, even a sinister thought occurred to me, but I threw it away.

'…Oh yeah. This should be enough.'

Fortunately, one remains. I think it will be fine as it can be referenced in Xenon's biography.

"Can you tell me more about magic?"

"Magic? Aren't you a wizard?"

At my request, Arwen tilted her head and responded that it was cryptic. As she said, I'm not a wizard, I'm just a civilian with good stamina.

But what I want is not to be taught magic, but to learn about the types of magic and their effects. A magic that only elves can use, not teleport or flying magic.

You might ask if it's okay to ask Cecily, who is the same master of magic, elves are descendants of angels and demons are descendants of demons. Perhaps because of this, the magic of demons tends to focus on 'destruction'.

Conversely, elves can be seen as full of hexagons. Support is support, attack is attack, defense is defense, and so on. Instead, the output is slightly weaker than that of the Demons.

"Even if it's not, you can refer to it. And I'm not asking you to teach me magic, I'm asking you to tell me what your name is and what your abilities are. If possible, write it down and send it to me."

"Isn't there a demon princess?"

"Cecile is a demon. I heard that the magic used by the elves and the demons is different."

"Hmm. It makes sense. I see."

Arwen, who was nodding his head, looked at me and said in a cautious voice.

"…Is that really enough?"

"I have enough."

"Isaac. I am the queen of Albenheim. Even if it is difficult to ask, I will gladly accept it. I do not want to be in debt like this."


Arwen put her hand on her chest and made a friendly offer, and I folded my arms and looked at her face. Then, he slowly lowered his gaze.

He's wearing a robe now, but a tight dress like the last time is hiding inside. A silver-gray dress that matches her hair color boldly revealed Arwen's body.

Contrary to his youthful appearance, he remembers that his pelvis was excellent. Even when he got down on his knees and bowed his head, his gaze went away, so I won't go into further explanations.

'Oh. Another lewd devil…'

I hurriedly defeated the lewd demon and looked at Arwen. She's not really sure if she's really sorry.

"It's okay. I'm only writing speeches. Or would you like to help me give a speech? Then there's one thing I'd like to ask you."

"Hey, what is that? Even if you say it now, I'm willing to listen."

"It's no fun if I say it now. Would you like to practice here first?"

"Then the speech…"

"Do it with that."

Arwen had a dissatisfied look on his face as he was not very reluctant to speak in a text I had arbitrarily written. Still, the content itself was enough to uplift the people.

Then Arwen got up from the bed, untied his neck, and looked at me. As I faced her, one question of her came to mind.

"Can I not memorize it?"

"I've already memorized everything."

"… …"

"Our elves only have poor applications, but once they see it, they never forget it."

It is also a Gaesagi race along with the Demons. As a human and an ordinary person, I feel even sadder.

As she was looking at Arwen with jealous eyes with such a heart, she gasped for breath and tapped her chest, perhaps a little nervous.

I had a wish that I could take off my robe if possible and do some eye candy, but I struggled to suppress it because it seemed like I was crossing the line.

Eventually, Arwen clenched his fists with a determined look…

"We, the people of Albenheim! Chosen by the gods, established the first civilization, and furthermore, magic…!"


I laughed out loud from the first sentence. Even taking a radical gesture, his image was projected without fail.

However, Arwen continued his speech steadfastly. The more serious it is, the funnier it is.

"Even though we were defeated in the race war, we realized our mistake and made progress! So, elves!

In the end, even she thought this was not the case, and rarely spit out thick swearing. And as she flopped on the bed, she cried out.

"I really can't do it! This is incitement, what is speech?!"


"Don't laugh! I said I was serious! You red man!!"

"Oh, my belly! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Whether Arwen screamed or not, I fell to the floor and was busy laughing. It seemed like an elementary school student was eloquent, so it presented an unbearable cuteness.

"Don't laugh!!"
