Chapter 133

For me, it was very fortunate that the dormitory was basically soundproofed. If it wasn't for that, not only my laughter, but Arwen's cry would have been delivered.

But Arwen and his speech subtly overlap, so I can't stop laughing. In addition, the elves, the symbol of pride, and the vicious Nazis got along strangely.

Arwen in uniform, arms outstretched in front of him, shouting certain slogans. Furthermore, even radical speeches that lift the people and push them into the battlefield.

The more you imagine each one, the more fun your belly button will drop.

'Try it later?'

When I finished Xenon's biography, I would write a novel about World War II, but I was debating whether to include only humans or other races. But seeing Arwen speaking, my heart was drawn to me little by little.

Of course, if that happens, the settings may be twisted in many ways, so it would be better to bury them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put this setting in a sequel to Xenon's biography later.

When Xenon is alive, all races unite to defeat the devil, but after a long time, they split up again and fight among themselves.

Even the demons who were aiming for an opportunity to attack are attacking from the inside rather than the outside, eating moths one by one. After that, you will expand your worldview.

"Heh heh heh…"

I sighed and wiped away my tears, then glanced at Arwen. She had a disgruntled look on her cheeks, puffing out her cheeks like her frog.

Besides, her pale white skin was also in a bright red state, but seeing that her silver-gray eyes were filled with a little water, I think I should stop laughing.

"…Did you all laugh?"

Arwen asked me in a blunt voice. It was a low voice, but his expression was so cute that it was not a threat at all.

Seriously, who would think that she was the queen of Albenheim when she saw such a cute girl? She only knows that Arwen, who is not her usual queen, has a strong sense of responsibility for her.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so I should apologize. I opened my mouth, wiping the dew from the corners of my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I apologize if I offended you."

"Whoa… it's okay. It's not you who's regretting me, it's me, so you don't have to worry about it."

Arwen answered, turning his head brightly. Immediately after that, she looked at me and asked me in a timid voice.

"…Isn't that really not a good fit?"

"Speech earlier?"

"Yes. Really… I wonder if none of them fit together."

"If it had been a good fit, I wouldn't have laughed."

This is a serious evaluation after erasing the playfulness. They said it suits them subtly, but it's subtle to the end, and it's similar to the eloquence of an elementary school student.


Arwen took a deep breath, as if he was discouraged by my harsh evaluation. At the same time, a depth of water was cast on her face.

I glanced at her and asked what I didn't understand.

"Is there no one who is acting like an aide? Can't we just ask them to help?"

"…The aide is the Senate. In Albenheim, the king is superficially at the top, and it is the Senate's job to assist with it."

"It's a structure that can turn into a puppet in any case."

Arwen nodded silently at my sharp point. If that were the case, the king of Albenheim would have no choice but to be politically isolated.

You can say why he created the throne, but he has no choice but to keep the senate in check.

It is said that the king of Albenheim is elected by each family by voting, so it seems that complicated secrets are intertwined here. Maybe the families choose a king to keep the senate in check.

'Somehow, the king changed from time to time, and that's why.'

You should put it in Xenon's biography as a material. I am sorry to Arwen, but I do not know the political structure of Albenheim.

I am only an advisor, not Arwen's servant. I'm just going to help with the speech and cut it off.

"Anyway, don't speak like that, do it another way, so I can hang out with you."

"What do you think is the best way to speak to me?"


He crossed his arms and looked at Arwen, thinking deeply. The style of a speech usually changes depending on the situation, but the mood of the person also plays a role.

His radical and passionate style like Hitler sets fire to his heart, and Martin Luther King's true voice, 'I have a dream', moves us.

And Alvenheim's current situation is on the verge of a rift between the elves due to the mixed race problem. Somehow, the rift must be restored and united as a single race called 'elf'.


I looked closely at her as a third person, not the usual Arwen.

Contrary to her youthful appearance, she exudes the elegance and nobility of an elf, and when she smiles, she can even feel compassion. The gentle spirit and charisma of a leader was felt.

Rather than giving a passionate speech by a person with this kind of atmosphere, the effect will be amplified when he speaks with a soft yet powerful voice.

"Have you ever communicated with people in Albenheim other than speaking to the public?"

"There have been several times when I have been asked to have fun and be careful at festivals."

"Other than that?"

"There was a time when I made a judgment in a difficult trial, and there were times when I gathered and communicated with the people. I couldn't trust the Senate, so I decided that it would be better to listen to the people directly. Anyway, why are you asking that?"

Arwen asked the question with a bright but questionable look. I shrugged and answered as if it was someone else's story.

"It's nothing else, but an elf acquaintance I know favorably evaluated you. Did you say that you were a merciful and elegant queen? I was curious if other people looked at you like that."

"Umm… I heard that she has a grown-up side, unlike her childish appearance."


"At the festival."

"Did you say that openly in front of your face?"

No matter how good Arwen is, it is an act of insulting the king. It's me, at the time of the exhibition, we didn't know each other's identities, and now we have our weaknesses, so we can be friends.

Arwen heard my question and looked away, and opened his mouth with embarrassment.

"…he was hiding his face as in the exhibition. At that time, the Queen bought food and asked a few people she met."

"Looks like you like to play, my queen."

"I, too, should not be able to relieve stress! After all, I am also an ordinary person!"

When I stabbed the fact, Arwen shouted in embarrassment. Whether it was shameful or shameful, her white cheeks were ripening like read poetry.

Well, it is understandable that stress is unavoidable in a situation of political isolation. In fact, the reason she was able to endure until now is probably because of her slight deviation.

"Anyway, you can style it differently depending on how people see you. Wouldn't it be better to speak in a merciful and graceful voice, as usual, but with power?"

"…it's difficult."

"Anything is difficult the first time. Now practice as I said."

"Are you going to do it again?"

Arwen frowned, expressing dissatisfaction, as if he was dissatisfied with the makeshift speech, which was almost insidious. They seem to think that it is propaganda, rather than a speech at all.

But that's because it's a radical action, if you style it with Arwen, the atmosphere will change 180 degrees. The content itself was specialized in elevating the hearts of the people who are tired of a sense of defeat.

I poked my lips and gently patted Arwen, who showed his whole body what he didn't want to do.

"Try it once. I won't laugh this time. I'm serious."

"Whoa… just this one time."

"Okay. Instead, you can change the sentence to suit you."


Arwen got up from the bed and gently closed his eyes. Then he seemed to recall slowly what I had said, and then he began to speak in a classical tone.

The voice that came out of her mouth was closer to a 'king' in the true sense, not a girl acting like a child.

"We, Albenheim, were chosen by the gods to establish the first civilization on this land. Furthermore, with magic…"

"… …"

I watched in a completely different atmosphere and style than before. If the previous speech had ignited a spark in the heart and provoked it, now it has a feeling of healing by gently stroking the wounded wound.

Even though the speech had the same content, only the style was changed, but the effect was completely different. Also, people should wear clothes that fit them.

"Alvenheim is no longer a loser. Rise up once more, elves of Albenheim. Let us show the world our strength once more. Let our voices reach the home of the gods, far away."

"… …"

"Hmm. Big…"

All the speeches were over. Perhaps Arwen was nervous, as soon as the speech was over, he coughed and glanced at me.

Then, perhaps embarrassed, she twisted her silver-gray hair with her fingers and asked me to rate her.

"Mo, it's all over. Are you okay this time?"

"It was great. I'll do that in the future."


Arwen smirked at my sincere praise. Her dignity as a queen has vanished, leaving only the girl she admires and likes.

I saw it and thought about whether it was okay or not, but since I found her own style, I decided that there would be no problem. Because her cant her share of the rest of her depended on her.

"Instead, it would be better not to just talk, but also to make gestures and actions. If you look at people who are good at speaking up to this point, most of them say that they looked in the mirror and checked their facial expressions and body movements. Just take a look."

"Can you tell me who those people are? If I can find them in a book, I'd like to find them."

"I forgot who I was because I read this book a long time ago. Unlike you, I am a human being."

"Ah… that's a pity."

Arwen showed a sign of regret. She could not say that she had been in a previous life, so she was a little sorry that she lied.

"And the most important thing when giving a speech is a confident tone and attitude. Can you guess what will happen when you hesitate?"

"…I'm worried that I'll be able to do well."

"As I said before, anything is difficult the first time. Besides, speaking is one of the most important qualities for leaders. I think that I am doing what I should one day do."

Even if I encourage you, Arwen still has a worried face. Her self-confidence was noticeably diminished, and her eyes caught my eye.

So, I decided to give some advice here. If you are hesitant here, you cannot predict future results.

"Arwen. Even though I'm helping you now, what will you do later? As you know, I'm a human and you're an elf. You can write or review speeches while I'm alive, but after that, you have to do it yourself. ji."

"… …"

"Even if you are in conflict with the Senate, keep in mind that the people of Albenheim should be the first priority. That powerful Senate is nothing compared to the people of Albnheim itself."

In a country, public opinion is very important. If public sentiment is low, they will naturally distrust the government, and furthermore, it may reach a point where it cannot be controlled.

Conversely, if the public sentiment is sufficient, the leader takes action on his own without any specific orders. Historically, there are numerous examples of how a small country developed into a powerful country by uniting with the hearts of the people.

However, here, public opinion and agitation must be thoroughly separated. This is because incitement reaches an uncontrollable realm as soon as the brainwashing is released, but the public sentiment is often with them until the end.

"You have to win their hearts with this speech. In fact, it's a stage that tests your crisis management skills. Will you remain as the great queen who united pure and mixed blood in history, or an incompetent queen who failed to resolve the rift and caused divisions? It is up to you whether or not you will remain as

"…Thank you. Thanks to you, I feel refreshed."

Arwen smiled slightly at my advice and advice. It was a smile that was somewhat remorseful.

Seeing that smile, I was about to open my mouth.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

Suddenly, someone knocked on the dorm door. Arwen and I shifted our gaze towards the door, regardless of who came first.

– Isaac. are you inside It's me, Marie.

To my surprise, the person who knocked on the door was my girlfriend, Marie. The dormitory is only prohibited from entering, so there is no problem as you can knock like that.

However, it is a problem if the problem is that Arwen is not the only one in the dorm. I looked at Arwen, feeling the hairs all over my body stand up.

Arwen blinks his silver-gray eyes, and it looks like he hasn't understood the situation yet. Hell, she didn't know the rules of her academy, so she deserved such a reaction.

"Hey, hey! Hurry up!"

"Huh? Why do you have to hide?"

"Okay, hide! Whether you use magic or stealth, do anything! The original dormitory means that no one other than the owner is allowed in!"

"I know."

Arwen was puzzled by my urgent request, but hid himself through magic. I don't know if he used teleportation or stealth like a dark elf, but he disappeared without a trace.

After seeing it, I was relieved to myself, and then I called out to Marie through the door.

"I'll go now! Wait a minute!"

After finding out if there were any traces of Arwen, I walked towards the door. She didn't forget to check the time as she walked.

There was still a little bit of time left for all classes to be over, but whether the professor finished early or for some other reason, I arrived early.


When I opened the door, I was met with Marie, who had a characteristic slurping smile. I looked around her, wondering if there was anyone around her, and asked her.

"Why did you come so early? Lecture?"

"Professor has urgent work, so I finished it quickly. I came to the dorm because Professor Elena wasn't in the lab."

"Yeah? Then…"


Before I could even speak, Marie pushed my chest hard with her hand. It was never a weak force, so my body had no choice but to be pushed back slightly.

Fortunately, she did not let go of the hand holding the door, but she did not stop there. I took advantage of the moment I stepped back from her, clasped her tightly and pushed her away.

Naturally, I fell from the door, and Marie had already set foot on the front door. The door also slammed shut and made a rattling sound.

"Uh, huh? Marie?"

"You don't have to go all the way to the inn, right? I heard from Lina, but I heard that the dormitory is completely soundproofed. It's like making sure you can't hear anything you're doing inside."

Marie looked up at me and said in a somewhat excited voice. I looked down at her face in hopelessness.

In the eyes that twinkle like jewels, desire is boiling like lava. I thought it had decreased recently, but it seems that firewood has been added once again.

'Damn it…!'

It doesn't matter if you're alone with Marie, but now Arwen is hiding here. This means that the moment you enter into a relationship, you will see everything to Arwen.

So I decided that I had to stop it somehow, so I hurriedly told Marie. At the very least, it's beneficial to go somewhere other than your accommodation.

"I… Marie? Anyway, in the dormitory…"

"How about a quick one here? After a date, you can do it again at the inn? Think of it as warming up."

"What kind of warm-up is this? Get this hand away!"


Overwhelmed by the momentum of Marie, who had turned into an incarnation of s*xual desire, she staggered back and arrived at the bed. I tripped over the bed and fell backwards, and Marie was in a position to run over me.

Even though the shadows have fallen, why is it that Marie's blue eyes have the illusion of a heart-shaped engraving? A woman's s*xual desire cannot be grasped at all.

But this is it, and as long as Arwen is watching, you should never work here. I asked Marie in an urgent voice.

"Ma, Marie? Can't you just be patient?"

"No. No. Today's class was very difficult, so I was very stressed. I have to relieve myself with Isaac's body.

Marie blinked her eyes a couple of times without speaking in a voice full of color. She then lifted her head and began to sniff her.

"Sniff. Sniff."

"…number of animals?"

"Sniff. What does this smell like?"

Maybe he even took over the body scent that came out of Arwen. I didn't notice it at all, but after all, the woman is something different.

As I was thinking about it, Marie, who was sniffing and sniffing, burried into the nape of my neck and started sniffing. Then he frowned slightly and muttered a little.

"Even the bed smells like this…"

"… …"


And then, Marie looked at me with suspicious eyes. I was so nervous that I felt like I was f**ked in a different way.

Did she really notice Arwen's existence? I wish she hadn't.

So, when a heavy silence fell in the dormitory, Marie smiled broadly and spoke words to relieve her tension.

"Did you even spray perfume on the bed?"


"At first I thought another woman was coming to the dorm. But only the bed smells, not your body?"


It was when I was laughing awkwardly. With a smile on her face, Marie lowered her head slowly, and she put her mouth on the nape of my neck.


"Ugh… Marie?"

"I'm going to make Isaac's body smell of mine."

The crisis was over, but another crisis remained. I hurriedly tried to pull her off, but she was immovable. She didn't even think about falling apart.

In the end, I thought I had to work like this.

[…I will leave my seat for a moment.]

Arwen's voice suddenly resounded in his head. There is some shame in it, but Arwen's voice is definitely right.

He seemed to have conveyed his intentions telepathically, but he seemed to be watching all of this from his side.


I covered my face with one hand for a moment, then glanced at Marie. She has no intention of falling.

He was taken aback by this and said in a slightly angry voice.

"number of animals."


"You died today."

"What, what? Whoa!"

I warmed up and went straight to the main room.