Chapter 134

There was a brief incident, but it passed smoothly. Even if Arwen said he would leave, I was worried that he might be watching me secretly, but even that disappeared when I entered the main room.

Because right now, the priority was to properly scold this despicable cat. On the way, Marie begged her to apologize, but it was of no use to me, who was already excited.

Eventually, after skipping dinner, it was late at night that Marie was able to return to her dorm. It was so intense that I had no choice but to support it because the strength in my legs was loosened.

Before I let Marie go, when I arrived in front of the girls' quarters, I gently stroked her hair and said in a semi-teasing way.

"Don't play like that in the future, okay?"


Marie blushed and muttered, but didn't say anything else. She rushed in, and she was ripped off in reverse, so she had nothing to say with even ten mouths.

"…I'm working out hard, so wait and see."

"You're in trouble. Is there anything going on tomorrow?"

"It's not a big deal, but Lina has a story she wants to tell tomorrow. We can talk about it at the same time."

There was really nothing. I'm already used to having a meal with Lina, so it's okay to just talk together.

However, I don't know if I should say that Lina is a bit strange lately, or something suspicious. Because every time she kept looking at me, she was subtly unable to make eye contact and glanced in strange places.

First of all, it can be asserted that there is absolutely no favoritism as a member of the opposite s*x. Instead of doing her a favor, she only played her pranks on her, so her crush can't build up.

Besides, after Lina gave up her authority, she only thought of me as a comfortable friend, nothing more.

In the first place, she doesn't see each other as often as Marina Cecily, but two or three times a week. Only at her dinner table.

The two have never been alone, and there has been little contact since dating Marie.

"Okay. Go get some rest. I'll be sorry if I can't wake up tomorrow."

"Hing. Thanks to someone, my stamina has been strong, so I'm not nodding at this level."

"Yeah? Go to the inn now…"

"But tomorrow's lecture is more important, so I'll go. Goodbye!"

As soon as I secretly grabbed my waist and suggested in a soft voice, Marie hurriedly left. I stumbled for a while because my legs didn't have the strength to return, but I steadfastly headed home.

Of course, he didn't just look straight ahead, but looked back and showed a smirk. And then, until she blew away a kiss.

I smiled and waved at Marie, who seemed to be becoming more and more attractive. As I always think, I am really happy that Marie is my girlfriend.

'Let's go back to the house.'

It was around 8 o'clock when we left the dorm, so we still have time to write a speech for Arwen. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from writing and focusing on speeches for a week.

Moreover, there is one content that suits the situation of Albenheim right before the division. This is a speech by Abraham Lincoln, the president who united the United States, which had been devastated by the Civil War, into one.

A great president who truly united America with the abolition of slavery. His speech was evaluated as a failed speech at the time, but it came to exist as a famous speech that will be recorded in history in later generations.

'I don't remember everything, but…'

I remember Hitler's speech because I like World War II, and I know very little about Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, with a few exceptions.

However, even a portion of it will be enough to have an effect. Now, the key is to make that saying come naturally.

'Something seems to be nonsense.'

The worst event that shook the Republic of Korea in my previous life came to my mind. An incident in which democracy almost fell to the ground, but the people took the initiative to bring down the president.

I was worried that the fact that I wrote Arwen's speech for me would be revealed, but she's a genius enough to memorize everything she's seen once, so there shouldn't be any problem. Perhaps as soon as I deliver her speech, I take a glance and set it on fire.

All I have to do is pray in my heart for Arwen to do well. In fact, helping me speak is a huge political intervention.

Maybe it's because Arwen is closer to a friend than a queen to me. I also liked her sense of responsibility for squeezing her head even for her faults.

'If I ask Siris, will you see me speaking?'

The procedure to enter Albenheim is only terribly complicated, but after entering, there is no inspection. Because of this, he has heard at first glance that many people are trying to smuggle in.

Even teleporting, with the exception of a few, can only set the range outside the country. I heard from Gartz that he was activating a kind of magic like a barrier, but he explained that he didn't even know how to do it unless he had permission from the king.

'I will come back to receive the speech anyway.'

I moved to the dorm, looking forward to a week later.


It was the next day. Yesterday, as Marie mentioned, we had dinner with Lina and there were only really little things to say. Of course, Cecily was sitting next to Lina.

I'm used to sitting with four people like this, so I didn't have much to say, but the other three were busy chatting. It was not for nothing that there was a myth that the plate would break when three women get together.

However, after the meal was over and while we were enjoying our dessert, Lina made us an interesting suggestion at first.

"Do you have any plans to go to Albenheim?"


That's the suggestion that you don't want to go to Alvenheim, the land of elves. It was such an abrupt suggestion that not only me but also Marie sitting next to me had no choice but to open her eyes.

Lina isn't the type of person who makes such sarcastic jokes. If you see that characteristic expressionless expression, it's really suggested to us.

"Why all of a sudden Albenheim?"

Marie, not me, asked in a voice full of doubts. Even so, Lina's suggestion had a strong feeling as if she ate her front and back.

Lectures are still going on, and it takes a long time to get to Alvenheim. Assuming you ride a wagon, it will take at least a few days.

Of course, you can use the teleport as Lina, the royal family, and the duke are young. But I am not.

Meanwhile, Lina looked at us and quietly set the teacup down. There was a faint thumping sound.

"You may have heard the news, but the Queen of Albenheim is due to give a public address in the next six days. It is attracting a lot of attention because it is Albenheim, not anywhere else. Moreover, since this is the first speech of the Great Queen, interest is growing. "

"I know that. What does that have to do with us?"

"I don't think it would be bad to see it once. Isn't it a bit too much for the emperor or king to personally come to such a place? So, you and children like me go there. Perhaps the ministers and ministers of other countries will also come."

"If that's the case, then you and Leort-sama can go."

I also agree with Marie's question. Usually, it is common for Leorth and Lina to go to such a place, not Lina and Marie.

After reading our expressions, Lina smiled shyly and explained the current situation one by one.

"Your brother is currently busy with engagement issues. The Teres Kingdom side is pursuing marriage."

"From the side of the Kingdom of Teres? Why all of a sudden?"

"It's not sudden. It's been that way since the exhibition. Our empire seized the opportunity thanks to Xenon, that is, Isaac, who made his hometown known. You guys know what it means to the birthplace of a world-famous master."

As everyone knows, my hometown, Michelle's estate, is slowly developing into a city of culture. Even after the exhibition is over, more and more tourists come to see the exhibited works, and the top is also visiting.

In addition, the original Michelle estate was the original estate that even the imperial family looked up to. The other side was too busy to delay the development, but after the exhibition is held, the development is being promoted like a bulldozer.

Above all else, I have benefited greatly culturally by confessing that my hometown is Michelle's estate, so the Kingdom of Teres has no choice but to burn.

"That's why there is a saying that the second princess is transferring to our academy. You guys don't have to worry about it. The second princess is the same age as your older brother and is uneducated."

"What is your name?"

"Hiriya Ducard von Kutchers. Sky blue hair and sky blue eyes."

"… …"

Was it the woman who seemed reticent at the exhibition? She's wearing a uniform, so I know she's exceptionally conspicuous.

However, it can be said that he is by no means a very likable person. Because he was one of the culprits that brought tears to Adelia's eyes. She even instructed her own sister not to go near her.

'Adele noona must have a hard time…'

I would rather Leort transfer to the Academy of Teres Kingdom, but the Minerva Empire is holding the initiative. The Kingdom of Tersu knows that too, so it must be sending Hyriya.

I felt my taste bitter. Does Lina really know? That Adelia was the illegitimate son of King Terse. And the trauma of being abandoned by her family.

"Anyway, my brother can't go because he's busy with personal problems. But isn't it a bit too much for me to go alone? That's why I'm going with you guys."

"Even though I am, why is Isaac? Only we know the true identity of Isaac."

Marie is right. If you are a writer of Zeno's biography, you may not know it, but he is superficially the son of a baron. Compared to the princess and the duke Yeong-ae, the light is not fading and she is far behind.

It's much better to go at least the Count or just the two of us, Lina and Marie.

At the question with such an intention, Lina smiled and spoke words that tickled Marie's heart.

"That's true, but if you're engaged, there's no problem. Even though you're not officially engaged, you're going to do it anyway, right?"

"Anything to ask for later?"

She is also a princess. To the answer that made Marie's question 'like', she had no choice but to show a reaction mixed with admiration and absurdity.

No joke, in this world, if you're engaged, you're actually married. Marie and I are not officially engaged, but they are already being promoted by their respective families, so this is a semi-confirmed matter.

So Marie as the duke's daughter and I as her fiancée, there is no problem going to Albnhaum.

But the problem still remains.

"Then you're going to use the teleport? Going by wagon would take too long."

"Of course you have to use the teleport. And I'm leaving two days before the speech. Albanheim's immigration procedure is difficult only for heterogeneous people. If you do it wrong, it might take all day, so it's better to go early."

In human society, teleportation is a magic that can only be used by nobles above the count. Teleport facilities are usually installed in each mansion, and in the case of emperors and kings, they are developed enough to cross countries.

Of course, this is the story of the present, and the teleport facility is showing little signs of being developed as a means of transportation. Not only Albnheim, who is implementing an open policy under Arwen's guidance, but also demons are gradually reaching out to the world.

Dwarves are a race that does anything as long as they pay a fair price, so it doesn't matter. What remains is whether or not the magic is passed on to the public is the key.

'Looking that there is no such thing as a horse tower, it is still a long way off.'

That's what I was thinking. Hearing Lina's caution, Marie began to inquire carefully one by one if she had any further questions.

"Is there anything to be careful about in Albenheim? It's my first time going to Albenheim."

"First, you need to know who you want to talk to. There are elves who hate humans because of race wars. Besides, it's difficult to tell the age just by looking at it, so it's best to refrain from talking to them as much as possible."

"I see. Then where do we sit for the speech? Are there any VIP seats?"

"No. VIP seats are of course the nobles of Albenheim, that is, the prestigious. We'll sit right behind them and watch."

If that's the case, Cecily will come too. I shifted my gaze and looked at Cecily, who was sitting next to Lina.

While we were talking, she sat there without a word.

Then, as if he felt my gaze, our eyes met, and as soon as we met our eyes, I immediately opened my mouth.

"Are you going to go with Cecily too?"

"I want to go, but I'm not sure if Albnheim will accept demons. I don't know if the Queen will directly allow it."

Are you asking me to do it for you? I answered Cecily with a grin, and she smiled bitterly.

Even if elves have an open policy, after all, elves are elves. It will certainly take a long time to accept the demons, descendants of demons.

Maybe someone will shout why the devil came to the holy land of Albenheim. Right now, the mixed race problem is rampant, but the demons are terrified.

"Oh, Cecily."


"I have a question, is there no mixed blood between demons and humans?"

It was Marie's question. It was something that not only her but also I and Lina were curious about, the three of us were curious at the same time.

In the midst of such interest, Cecily seemed a little embarrassed, blinked her bright red eyes a couple of times and then tapped her cheek with her finger. It's a unique habit that comes up whenever you think of something.

After thinking for a while, she answered in a slightly vague voice.

"Well… Unlike elves, demons haven't been treated well so far, so I haven't heard of a mixed race being born. If there was, they would have gone out to protect our helium."

"…I'm sorry."

"No. You don't have to apologize."

When Marie apologized, Cecily waved her hand and said it was okay, then looked away at me. And as he rolled up the corners of his lips even more, he opened his mouth with a soft voice.

"I think we'll hear the news of the birth of a mixed race in a little while, right?"

"… …"

Why are you looking at me and talking? Of course, since they were demons whose popularity is soaring day by day, you may hear the news that they were really mixed races.

I pretended to be calm and raised the teacup.

'By the way, the horns…'

Cecily's horns are starting to take on a reddish color just like the last exhibition.


It was time for Isaac to go to the bathroom to do chores.

When Isaac was gone, Lina carefully called out to Marie, who was sitting opposite her.

"…number of animals?"

"Yes why?"

"You… you said you were going to stay for a day in Albnhaum."

"By the way?"

"Are you in need of a soundproof place?"

Lina asked a question, but Marie knew exactly what it meant. As if embarrassed, she blushed on her cheeks and answered with an embarrassed expression.

"Boo, can I ask you a favor? Or it might get a little noisy… Since it's Albenheim, would that be enough?"

"Uh, yes. Of course."

Lina said with a red face for some reason.


It was so quiet that even Marie couldn't hear her.


And Cecily next to him could hear them all. She looked at Lina's face with subtle eyes.

Perhaps he was already imagining insidious thoughts, his face turned red and he couldn't even raise his head.

Even where it tickles, she twists between her legs. It's like seeing a sensual girl for the first time.


Cecily grinned inwardly at Lina's insidiousness.