Chapter 135

The next day after it was confirmed that we were heading to Albenheim. Arwen came directly to my dorm.

Jira, who was hiding by using magic, sneaked into the dormitory, but no one noticed. At first she was startled by the sound of a voice in the air where she was nothing, but she soon realized that she was Arwen and was relieved.

After that, Arwen came to the dorm, and I told her the news before we started talking. The news that I am going to Alvenheim.

And Arwen's reaction was quite remarkable.

"What, what? What did you just say?"

"I'm going to Albenheim in a little while. My friend suggested we go together.


"They say I'll be able to see you with my own two eyes as you speak."


Arwen, who was not expecting me to come to Albenheim, was sobbing as he touched both ears with his hands. It's pretty strange to see her elongated ears grabbing her like a handle. She seemed to have a habit of coming out whenever she was embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Arwen, in a slightly anxious voice, hinted in a slightly anxious voice, whether it was bothering him that he saw my speech. His hands were still holding his ears tightly.

"Oh, can't you come?"


"It's kind of a shame, I mean."

"What kind of shame is it that you have already seen everything you want to see?"

Arwen's cheeks reddened like the sunset as if he felt embarrassed at the strange part. She couldn't help but groan as I watched her with her own two eyes as she provoked her.

But that doesn't mean I don't agree at all. If the person who guided you sees the ability to be passed on and showcases that ability in front of a large number of people, the burden will double.

There must already be a feeling of pressure to do well, but if you watch me, the pressure will be enormous.

"Anyway, it's decided to watch your speech. I've already made a teleport reservation, and there's no reason to refuse."

"Chae, can't we just say that we're writing a book?"

"Well. You'd think it would be the other way around? Why do you reject such a good subject?"


Did I decide to watch the speech? Arwen grabbed her ear and squeezed her eyes shut.

After that, he took a deep breath, loosened his ears that had been holding him like a handle, and muttered quietly.

"I can't help it… But don't expect it. No matter how good the speech you deliver, it depends on the person giving it."

"If you have confidence and do like you did last time, there will be no problems."

"It would be nice, but…"

It seems that Arwen feels a lot of pressure. After all, since you said this is your first public speech, it is natural to be nervous.

Even giving a presentation in front of people is nerve-wracking enough to tremble, but a speech, that is, a public address. As the day draws nearer, Arwen's heart will tighten every minute, and there is a strong possibility that he will not be able to sleep properly.

If it was someone I didn't know, I would have ignored it, but since it was Arwen, I wanted to help. She was responsible, even if she did something wrong, and in a way she is one of those people who can be called 'friends' to me.

Since I have a narrow relationship, I want to help my friend as much as possible. In a way, he was deeply involved in state affairs, but he was able to ignore it because he was just helping a friend.

"What can I do to cheer you up? Or even stroke my hair?"

"…don't treat me like a child. Even if it looks like this, I've lived many times longer than you."

"For a grandmother, she likes sweet things a lot."

"You… Whoa."

Arwen did not get angry at the name "grandmother", but patted his chest as if he was condescending to himself. She seems to have gotten used to it now that she has been making fun of her for being her grandmother.

In fact, it is possible to call her a grandmother because she is Arwen. She never flirts with Cecily once and almost ripped her ear off, so she never does.

On the other hand, Arwen's reaction is very funny. She usually acts like a child, but when she teases her like she is now, she tries hard to pretend to be an adult.

Then when I get pissed off, I get excited like a rabbit that has been deprived of food! And it was difficult to stop at all.

"…the only human who can talk to me without fault is you."

"Are you saying that I'm special?"


I said this as a joke, but Arwen looks at me intently. This made me rather embarrassed.

Meanwhile, she nodded and opened her mouth in a calm voice.

"In a way, it might be, because I never had human friends when I lived in a human society."

"Huh? Weren't you from Albenheim?"

"He's half-human, half-blood. I forgot I didn't say anything."

The news that Arwen was of mixed race is a little surprising. It was because of her preconceived notion that the Queen of Albnheim would be of course pure blood.

However, as Cindy mentioned last time, Arwen took the queen's seat on her own without the support of a prestigious family. If she was an ordinary elf, she would be reluctant to do something, but if she was of mixed race, the story is different.

"I had no idea. So, did you live in the human world until one of your parents died naturally?"

"My mother gave birth to me and soon after she left Mora's bosom."

"Uh… I'm sorry."

I guess I just asked. Naturally, I thought that he would have left the heavens, but I was worried that he might have hurt his wounds.

Fortunately, Arwen reassured me by shaking his head to see if he didn't care too much. Afterwards, she recalled the memories of her past, bringing out her old things one by one with faint eyes.

"After my mother passed away, my father took me around the world. I saw the bright and dark sides of human beings with my own eyes, and I made their strengths mine. It could have been."

"Did you even roast and boil a prestigious family?"

"It can be seen that it is similar. I asked you to lend me your strength to check the Senate. At the same time, as the power of the Senate grew day by day, the elites decided that they needed a way to contain it, so they helped me."

"Then you didn't go to the academy?"

I heard from Cindy that the elves of Albenheim were educated in a place called the First Academy. Until the age of 50.

The story of becoming a walking library is because they only receive education until they turn 50. Of course, there are no complaints because he is immersed in the work he enjoys, not the infusion-type education like in any other country.

And elves need to graduate from the academy to be recognized as a full-fledged member of society. However, I don't know how the mixture works.

"You can attend the academy. I've heard stories from other mixed races that most of the human parents come to Alvenheim after enjoying heavenly beasts. For the same elves, the door to the academy is always open, so there's no problem getting an education."

"What about getting an education until you're 50?"

"It's a universal story and it varies from person to person. As long as you graduate, you can do it in 10 years."

"Only for the same elf, it's pretty generous."

"It may be possible because of the long lifespan. It's impossible to tell how old you are from the outside. Most of the same elves tend to infer their age based on their tone of voice or body posture."

In some ways, only the same elves show mercy. However, looking at the noise of the mixed race issue now, it can be seen that there is still a long way to go.

If the situation does not subside, the mixed blood test will be spurred. I was worried that if the repression took place, a truly fascist state would be born.

If that happens, Arwen could also be banished. I looked at her softly and asked in her quiet voice.

"Are you going to reveal that you are also of mixed race in your speech?"

"Huh? Isn't that a natural story? Otherwise, urgency would not come out."

"Anytime you look at it, you have a strong sense of responsibility."

"Hmm. I'm not happy at all even if I praise him."

Arwen was coughing, but I could see. There was a slight blush on her pure white cheeks.

Most of all, the long ears flap up and down. No matter how hard you try to hide your emotions, it seems like you can't help it with your ears.

"I'm not happy. Tell me what to do with your ears."

"Hey, this is unavoidable!"

"How do you deal with the Senate because you can't hide your feelings like that?"

"As I said before, you are the only human I can talk to without fault. Actually, there aren't many people who can be called friends."

Why do I feel pity for some reason? Perhaps the reason she embraced Lane so much was because she was lonely.

As soon as she was born, she led a wandering life, and after entering Albenheim, she took the queen's seat. It's okay to say you have little time to maintain relationships.

Although he pretended to be calm on the outside, few people would be able to talk openly like this. In fact, even if they joked that I was special, they would agree.

"You're a friend… Well, as you go through life, you'll be able to make friends. Because you still have many more days to live than me."

"I wish I could, but the problem is that I can't trust people easily because of the Senate. I don't know where their eyes and ears are, so I have to be careful about everything."

"It's the perfect situation to get a suspicious disease."

Arwen nodded without a word. She must be well aware of the futility of 'trust' in high-ranking politicians like her.

Politics is deeply related to power, and the higher the power, the farther away from morality it is. Trust also naturally fades in its meaning.

The moment the power weakens, the hyenas come rushing in. Historically, tyrants are often born with a passion for power, but most of them become violent due to a suspicious person.

'If that's the case with Arwen…'

Could a fascist elf really appear? It can be the worst record in the history of Albenheim, when all the senate is pushed away by force and only her exists.

Of course, due to Arwen's good-natured personality, the probability of that happening is slim, but he doesn't know the world. There are countless cases of Seong-gun who fell into the path of evil due to various incidents.

I looked at Arwen with pitiful eyes. Arwen said with a bitter smile as if he had read my eyes.

"You don't have to look like that. This is the path I've chosen, so I can't complain. I'm not as weak as you worry."

"Why did you choose to be a queen? You can live a normal life."

To achieve a specific goal, you need to rise to a high level of authority. So, what is Arwen's goal?

She listened to my question, pondered if I could speak, and then looked into my eyes. My face was projected in silver-gray eyes that twinkled like the Milky Way.

Next, Arwen smiled and opened his mouth with a sullen tone.

"This is a story I haven't told anyone. You're special to me, so let me tell you."

"Then you can't listen."

"Sa, listen to what people say!"

After all, Arwen is the best way to make fun of it. She giggled, blushing and blushing as I giggled.

I can't stop because it feels like making fun of an innocent child. Still, it sounds like a serious story, so let's hear it.

Arwen also coughed as I listened, then glanced at me. She then spoke in a quiet, soft voice.

"As I said before, I traveled the human world with my father. Watching their bright and dark sides, I learned a lot. One of them is that humans fail too many times. In other words, they are constantly trying."


"On the other hand, we elves? We only walk on the path that someone has walked. The problem is that we can overwhelm other races with one path. It's okay now, but there will definitely be a bigger division in the future."

"Because of humans?"

"Our complacency must be greater than that. Even though the tribal war, the shadows hidden in the light, have been uncovered, the senators are restless. Even their power is getting stronger and stronger than it used to be. You can tell by looking at the countless number of times the owner of the throne has been replaced."

In fact, the king of Albenheim does not seem to have changed frequently compared to his lifespan. Hearing Arwen's story, it seemed that it was really because of the strict restraints of the Senate.

"I wanted to prevent that. Furthermore, I am constantly challenging myself. Even if a conflict arises along the way, if the conflict is resolved, even a small amount of 'change' has occurred.

"I don't know if you know, but there are many people who hate change, too."

"But it doesn't mean that no one is taking up the challenge. I just want to encourage the people to take on a challenge. I don't care if someone makes a useless policy. I don't know now, but evaluations may change in the distant future."

As Arwen said, policies that were harshly evaluated at the time are often praised as achievements in the distant future. She is more concerned about the future than the present.

But that's not to say there aren't any concerns. I asked her in her worried voice.

"Then you? Are you okay? If you do something wrong, you could be deported?"

"If it's not the Senate, but the people expelled, I'll gladly accept it. That'll be a change too."

"Looking at it like this, you don't look like a real elf."

"I don't think I'm an elf…"

Arwen listened to me, shrugged his shoulders, and answered savvyly.

"In a way, it's possible. Because it's a mixed race that has a human way of thinking. Still, he has pride as an elf."

"I think this is another elf-like answer."

"Then what do you think an elf is? Do you think of it as an arrogant and stubborn race as other humans think?"

"Just what…"

I shifted my gaze elsewhere and pondered. Just like humans, elves are a race that cannot be easily defined because of their moorishness.

As Arwen said, elves are arrogant and arrogant, but on the contrary, they can be said to be a proud and valiant race. If humans have clear light and shadows, should it be said that the shadows hidden by the elves are too strong because the light is too strong?

Still, this one seems certain. I opened Arwen's face and opened her mouth.

"A race that only needs to be hit by one to come to its senses."


Arwen blinked at my answer. It's a reaction she didn't expect at all.

So I continued talking with a bit of nonsense.

"Elves are a race that only needs to be hit in order to come to their senses. Race wars and the feud between elves and dark elves that you mentioned are all the same, aren't they? I don't think about moving until someone hits me."

"… …"

"So, you have to beat someone to develop. Do you understand what I mean?"

"… …"

Whether it was absurd or bewildered, Arwen blinked with an innocent face. She was so cute that she almost patted her head without realizing it.

Arwen grinned as if he had finally sorted out all his thoughts. Then he shook his head and said,

"Really… That's a bizarre answer. Still, it's true, so there's no room for refusal."

"If I knew, I would hit him coolly during a speech. I'll give you the speech."

"Thank you. And… Isaac."


Arwen called me and hesitated to speak. As soon as she made a puzzled expression on her face, she made a small request to me.

"If I go the wrong way… can you hit me?"


"It's because you're the only person I can call a friend, and you're the only one I can hit."

So, every time you derail, you want me to tell you to come to my senses? The word choice is weird, but Arwen is asking me to act as a brake.

It seems that the saying that you consider me special wasn't a lie, it was the truth. I was a little perplexed, but then I accepted.

"Okay. That'll be easy enough."


Arwen smiled softly and opened his mouth slightly.

"It's really nice to meet you."

a few days after that.

"Are you going with Cecily too?"

"Yeah. I'm going with Sir Ballak."

"Why again, Mr. Gartz?"

"Are you just taking me with you? I'd like to meet you, and at the same time."

I departed for Albenheim.