A deal

[ Sarah's POV ]

I suddenly felt a heaviness in my chest, I felt an ominous sensation, I wasn't sure about the reason

I pushed out Brooke and Sophia who was hugging me left and right, I slapped their asses to wake them up

" Huh, Is it time yet, shit there is only half an hour left before my daughter comes to home " Sophia got up and screamed after checking her phone

Brooke rubbed her eyes and woke hearing her scream, we all dressed up and tidied the bed and sprayed room freshener


By the time we finished tidying up the doorbell rang, And Sophia opened up the door and I saw a cute chubby version of Sophia

Sophia asked us to stay and wanted to introduce us to her daughter, She was surprised to see someone else in her home

" Silvia this Sarah and her sister Brooke, we became friends this morning, so treat them properly" Sophia introduced us

Silvia walked into the bedroom and sniffed the air and became suspicious but shook her head and greeted us " Good evening Auntie Sarah and Brooke " and walked into her bedroom after greeting us

"Sigh, she is a why girl, she is uncomfortable with new faces " Sophia sighed

Silvia who changed her dress came out of the door and shouted at her " Who is the shy type, didn't you call you them as your friends, you should at least hide the sex toys, if you don't want me to find out "

Brooke and Sophia's face reddened, The small chubby brat, looked cute arguing like that, I walked forward and pinched her cheeks " What an arrogant little brat we have here, you shouldn't talk back to your mom "

She slapped my hands away " Don't pinch my cheeks, I don't want another person to pull my cheeks "

" Oh, does that mean you have a boyfriend who pulls your cheek ", I teased her

" Who-o has a boyfriend ?? " Silvia blushed and stammered while answering

Sophia too picked up on her change in her daughter and started tickling her daughter's armpit " Who is that lucky boy, Silvia, did he propose to you or you proposed to him "

Silvia Broke away from her mom and pushed Sophia down and tried to run back to her room, but I caught her and asked Sophia " Can I have some fun with her Sophia"

" Sure, but don't make her cry ", Sophia got up and gave me permission to take care of her naughty daughter

I squeezed her soft ass and whispered in her ear " Hey chubby girl, don't you know you should obey your mother, do you know how I punish my Nephew for not obeying me "

Silvia struggled to get out away from my hold but I pulled her into my lap in a spanking position and pulled down her skirt exposing her white panties " Let me down pervert, leave me alone"

I didn't listen to her pleadings and and slapped her ass, I covered my hand with my mana and covered her erogenous zones while slapping her ass

Silvia moaned in pleasure but closed her mouth with her hands to hold back her moans, but she wasn't able to orgasm and climaxed making her panties wet

I wanted to pull down her panties, but she caught them and jumped out from my lap and pointed at me and Sophia " You, You perverts " She wanted to run back to her room but Sophia caught her back

" You are not leaving until you tell me about the boy, who pinched your cheeks "Sophia held Silvia and started tickling her armpit again

I looked at Brooke who was sitting in sofa opposite to us and enjoying the show with saliva dripping down her mouth

Daniel called me this time I wanted to reply back, when Silvia looked at the caller photo and shouted in surprise " your that pervert senior's Aunt ??? "

" huh, Silvia you know Daniel ?"

"Not only me, the whole school knows about him, didn't you see that video pervert aunty Sarah "

I shook my head, Silvia switched on the TV and played a youtube video, Brooke sat with me and Sophia and looked at the TV screen curiously

It was titled pervert caught in train, this title doesn't seem good, When the video played, we three were shocked witnessing the scene, It was my Nephew in the video, where he slapped a girl only to be stripped and Humiliated in train ( though it was censored, it only had a small blur to hide his small penis )

'Aaahhh Just getting Humiliated like this just turns me on'

Hearing my son speaking like that public made me want to spank him till he doesn't have an ass , we all three became speechless witnessing the scene

Silvia then turned to me " See a perverted Nephew for a perverted Aunt, what a match " and gone back to her room and closed the door

Sophia cleared her throat " There is nothing wrong in being open with our fetishes, but this is too open "

" Why don't you stay here for dinner Sarah, you can even call your Nephew, I can cook something up to cheer him " Sophia asked me

Tsk, She wants to hog my Nephew, Why would I bring him here," no need Sophia, Your daughter will feel uncomfortable if I invite him, anyway I should go back home and prepare dinner , we'll meet again "

" Yeah Sarah and Brooke take care and don't forget to call me when you are free " Sophia sent us off


Brooke and I took a cab back home, and looked at the phone after receiving a notification, it was a message from Daniel

I received a message from Dan , saying he will be out for dinner with his teacher, hmm was his crush his teacher ??, Did he succeed in bringing out in one day

This must be why he called me, sigh if I had attended it I would have asked about it, now it's itching me to know about it

Brooke got down in between as she had some work to do


I entered my home and ordered dinner as I received a message from my husband that he is going out on a business trip which was suddenly arranged today

Fuck that bastard he is for sure cheating on Me, which company arranges business trip without prior information, shit how was I so gullible back then, I should just break open the truth as Soon as he comes back

While I was waiting for the dinner I received a call from Dan again, I picked up the call preparing to tease him

" Is this Daniel's Aunt ? " I heard a shaky female voice

" yes, this is ? "

" I am his maths teacher Lisa speaking, would you please come to Rachel Hospital nearby the school " The Voice sounded more shaky

My chest tightened, I felt the slave seal weakening, "WHAT HAPPENED TO Dan ? " my heart beat started beating loudly

" Uuuu, Daniel got into a shot at the restaurant " she spoke while crying


".... He is currently in surgery "

I hung up the call and booked a cab to the hospital


Shit, What has happened to dan, I went towards my dan's room after asking the hospital reception

I saw a mature woman sitting along with a school girl waiting outside the operation theatre

" Are you Daniel's Aunt ? " The mature woman, who I guessed to be his teacher got up

" yes I am, could you please explain what happened to my Nephew "

She explained that she invited her two students with her to meet her fiance and about what happened at the restaurant


Fuck, I felt So angry I slapped her hard " you Fucking bitch, why do you have to invite my son, look at what has happened to him "

Lisa didn't get Angry and only dropped her head down " Sorry miss, it was my fault, you can hit me till you calm down "

Fuck, I wanted to slap her till she dies, shit it wasn't her fault

" Sorry Teacher, I wasn't able to control myself, he is inside the surgery room right, don't worry he'll be back on his feet in no time !" I was just calming myself


While we comforted each other, The doctor came out, We looked at him with expectation, he looked at me

" Are you patient's mom ? "

" Yes ! "

" We tried our best to save him, but the Bullet penetrated his skull and damaged his brain "


" Yeah as his brainstem wasn't injured vital functions are normal but, his brain was damaged permanently making him vegetative for the rest of his life ---- "

I wasn't able to hear the rest of his words as I became shocked hearing my son would remain vegetative and fainted


I woke up and saw that I was treated with saline drip, " FUCKING HECK, WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN ? "

Suddenly the system screen appeared in front of me

[ System being invaded by Succubus Queen's Soul due weakening of hosts defense mechanism ]

The blue coloured screen turned red

[¢^%^¢¢π¢°^%°¢=¢={©× ]

[ Do you want to Save your Nephew ?? ]

" YES "

[ Allow me to take over your body ]

" Do whatever you want as long as you can save Dan "

[ Move towards your Nephew ]

I walked up to teacher Lisa who was sleeping by my bedside and asked her " Where is Daniel now ? "

" He is in the ICU, next to this room "

I pulled off my drips and ran toward that room, Teacher Lisa came following me

" Sarah, Doctor told not to enter the room till tomorrow "

I ignored her and looked at my son and asked the Succubus to save my son

[ I'll take over your body permanently and you won't have a chance to see your son again, are you ready for that ? ]

" As long as my Son wakes up anything is fine "

[ Sure ]

My mind got clouded and horns grew up from my head, wings from my back and tail from my back

Lisa got scared by my change and tried screaming but I blocked her mouth

[ you still have a few minutes before I take over your body completely, If you kiss your Nephew and send him some huge amounts of mana, the seal in his body will break and his body will heal automatically ]

I decided to trust the succubus and pulled the intubation tube from my nephew's's mouth

' What the fuck are you doing ' is what Lisa wanted to ask but her mouth was tied by my tail

I kissed Dan and transferred the overflowing mana from my transformation into him

Daniel's body started glowing in golden Black color and Horns started growing from his head and the bandage around his head tore open due to the horns exposing his rapidly healing skull

It got healed within seconds , Daniel woke up and looked at me " Aunt "

I wasn't able to control the succubus Queen's soul anymore I put back Daniel to sleep with the abilities unlocked from transformation into a succubus and looked at Lisa

" Teacher Lisa, I won't be able to meet him again, please take care of him for me, please don't tell anyone about this, will you do that ?"

Lisa was shocked by the whole incident and only nodded her head

I ran out of the hospital and lost my consciousness completely as the succubus Queen took over my body completely
