Incubus rampage **

[ Teacher Lisa's POV ]

What the fuck did I see ? is Daniel's Aunt a devil, how did she heal Daniel, I can't even scream as she tied me with a tail, her tail's end has heart shape, is she a succubus ?

" please take care of my nephew " Daniel's Aunt spoke to me before flying through the window

Where is she going ?, should I inform police, what happened to Daniel his body glowed in blackish gold hue and his injuries healed rapidly, huh even horns were growing out of his head

Wait, what is happening to his body ? He changed completely, How did Daniel turn into a sexy man, he looked more perfect than movie stars, hmm whats with the tent at his crotch

I lifted it and saw a huge 9 inch cock, it's perfect in shape what happened to his small dick

I sensed movement from Daniel " Huh, Miss Lisa, like what you see ? " It was Daniel's voice but it sounded more charming

I got scared and fell back, he caught me in his embrace " are you scared of me Lisa, you got scared of my horns? "

I nodded my head and rapidly and tried to push him away, but he caught me tightly and retracted his horns and kissed my neck

Aaah, his tongue gives me an electrifying feeling my whole body was trembling in excitement, I wasn't able to think about anything, His touch made me lose rationality

He kneeled down and got under my skirt and pulled my panties to the side and started eating my pussy

Aahhh, My student is eating my pussy, we shouldn't be doing this, Daniel is the patient, he should rest, no did he become a Incubus because of his mother, am I having sex with incubus

Just within a few seconds I ended up squirting into Daniel's mouth, My mind became clear after orgasming, I realised what I was doing, My student Daniel who was in his hospital gown, lifted his gown and rubbed his cock over my pussy and was ready to enter my virgin pussy

I am a virgin, I am saving this body for my wedding night, how can I give it away cheaply in a hospital, to my student on top of that , moreover how can I lose my virginity to a demon

I kicked him away, I realised I was in presence of demon and was scared he might rape me, I curled into a ball in the corner of room " please don't touch me "

" Sigh Miss Lisa you could have said you were not interested in me " Daniel sighed

I closed my eyes waiting for him to rape me, how can a incubus listen to a human ?, I trembled thinking I might be violated in this hospital , but the room was silent without any movement

Where did he go, isn't he a demon ? he shouldn't roam around the hospital, is he trying to fuck another woman ?, Why didn't he try to rape me? isn't he an incubus?

Ahh, I stood up with my trembling legs and Saw the floor where I curled up, it was wet, huh I touched my skirt, It was wet due to my dripping pussy

Did I want him to rape me ?, fuck where did the bastard go, Did his mother also go to fuck someone ?, fucking perverted family, why did she ask me to take care of him, shit

I ran out of the room and saw he was in the patient's room where Jessica got admitted after she fainted along with Sarah hearing Daniel go into coma . Daniel was kneeling between Jessica's legs and eating out her pussy

Fuck this bastard, he is trying to rape a sleeping women, I ran to save Jessica, but I stopped due to Jessica's moan

" Ahhhh, Don't eat my pussy in public Daniel, Ahhh, others are watching us ahhh " Jessica moaned in her sleep and climaxed on Daniel's face

She woke up due to the stimulation and saw there was a man between her leg and kicked him in the face " Kyyyaa, pervert, who the fuck are you ?, die you bastard " Jessica removed her drips and held the drip holder stand to hit Daniel over his head, making him faint

I ran over and prevented Jessica from hitting him further and covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming " Don't hit him Jessica, he is Daniel "

Jessica paused and looked at me with a weird look, I explained to her " Blah blah, blue Blu "

She dropped the stand and checked my head " Did you to hurt your head Teacher Lisa, you should get checked, look this person is just a pervert, how can Daniel have guts do something like that " she pointed to the floor where there was no one

" Huh, where did the pervert go, Fuck I should kill that pervert, How can I face daniel ?? " Jessica screamed and ran out of the room with a drip holder stand

I ran behind her and tried to calm her down" That man is Daniel Jessica, believe me "


[ Teacher Lisa's POV ]

" Aaahhh, ahhhh " we both heard moaning sounds and ran towards the room

Daniel was kissing a Doctor, That woman must be atleast his mother's age, what the fuck is the bastard doing

He pulled down her panties and was about to plunge his dick into the doctor when Jessica tried to hit his head with the stand, but Daniel blocked it with his hand, but as his timing was wrong the sharp edges of the stand cut his fingers, leaving one finger hanging from his hand, blood pouring like a fountain

" Ahhh " Jessica dropped the bar in shock

The doctor who Daniel was kissing was shocked and shouted " WHY ARE YOU HITTING A PATIENT ? " and took bandages to stop the bleeding

" Huh, why are you angry Jessica, you could have told me, that you wanted to fuck me ? are you worried you hurt me, don't worry about it " The doctor tried to bandage the broken finger, but Daniel placed it in position and rubbed it, it healed instantly, both Jessica and the doctor was shocked that they fell backwards

Daniel was still holding the doctor and played with doctors huge boobs over her shirt " Let me look after the doctor first Jessica, don't interrupt us, I'll come back to you, you can watch us if you want " He leaned forward and kissed the doctor and ended up fainting and falling over the doctor

I saw an injection over Daniel's neck, it must be the doctors doing, she pushed Daniel down and looked at us " Did you see what just happened now ?" She asked us

Jessica was equally puzzled and scared and looked at me " is what you said true teacher Lisa, is he a demon ? "

" WHAT ??? " The doctor was shocked and looked at me for explanation


After explaining everything to the doctor, we all three carried him back to his ICU and strapped him tight to his bed

His Aunt asked me to take care of him, but what have I done, Won't they call the police

I looked at the doctor, her name is Alexandra, 45 year old widowed woman, she is the chief medical officer of the hospital, her daughter is Rachel who currently owns most of the pharmaceutical industry in this country

She didn't want to report to the police and wanted to experiment more on Daniel, I warned her not to harm him as his mother who's a demon might kill her, she nodded In understanding and promised she won't harm him

Jessica was looking at Daniel, with complicated emotion

" Uuughh " Daniel woke up and tried to be free from his strains

" Huh, did you girls want to have some bondage sex, you could have told me at before, I am into it, Now who is gonna fuck me first " Daniel asked with a perverted smile which suited his face perfectly

Jessica held his hand and asked him " Are you Daniel, what happened to your face, how did you change so much ?, Did you become a devil? where are your horns ??? " She asked him a series of questions

" Hmm, let me answer all your questions Jessica, I am the Daniel you know, it's I removed my imperfections from my face "

a black mist covered his face and vanished away and his face changed back to how it was before " See, this is just my new ability, I can change my faces easily " He changed back to his extremely handsome face and continued speaking " And about me becoming a demon, it's true I turned into a Incubus, but I am currently an half incubus, see I only have my horns " horns grew out of his head scaring both Jessica and Alexandra

The ICU room door opened and a fat chubby nurse rolled into the room

" what are you doing here Betty ?"

The fat woman named Betty scratched her head " *Cough* I saw three women kidnapping a patient at midnight and followed them thinking they were organ traffickers , but I didn't expect to see this, * gulp * " she started sweating seeing Daniel in devil form

" whoa, one more member, we can have fivesome together" Daniel cheered
