Strap-on action - 1 **

[ Daniel's POV ]

I was currently bound to my bed and my libido was increasing rapidly, I wasn't sure why, but I feel like fucking any of the four woman in the room

[ Temporary transformation to half incubus due to excessive ingestion of mana, As your still a virgin you don't have complete control of emotions ]

[ Have sex till mana wears of to keep impulses under control, consequences for not controlling impulses is dangerous ]

" Hey girls why isn't anyone coming forward to have sex with me, I wanna lose my virginity "

" Huh, can I too have sex with you ? " The chubby nurse asked me

" why do you ask such a question, you all are pretty women, I am ready to have sex with anyOne " My cheeks were pulled by Jessica and Teacher Lisa from each side

" Am I not fat and disgusting ? "

" Huh nurse, you look chubby with some extra fat, but don't worry you can lose all your fat in one sex session "

" Huh, really? " Betty's eyes twinkled

" Yeah, as you can see I am incubus, I absorb the life force of women, but I can specifically absorb the life force force from your fat cells, destroying them in process, I gain from having sex with, you too gain from having sex with me by losing your weight, with sex having so much benefits you mustn't delay it "

"Yeahhh " Nurse betty tried to jump over my bed but was blocked by Alexandra

" What are you talking pervert, How dare you talk about having sex with others when your girlfriend is here " Jessica pinched my thigh

" Jessica stop pinching my thigh, it only turns me more and weren't we only couples till Teacher Lisa complete her date, when did I accept on becoming your boyfriend? "

" W-what did I say that ?, didn't we accept on becoming couples till Teacher Lisa's marriage? "

" Huh, why are you bringing me in Jessica, Now go to your bed and sleep, young girls shouldn't sleep late or else they'll get wrinkles earlier "

" Huh, you should worry about your self Teacher Lisa, you are more older than me, you should atleast maintain your face till you marry your fiancee !!"

Teacher Lisa's face become gloomy, while Jessica puffed up her chest in victory, while I was watching them argue in interest Doctor Alexandra and nurse flipped me over and raised my hip and tied me up with bars locking my leg and hands in position

I didn't resist and was only curious about how'll they have sex with me in this position, The nurse was wearing a strap-on and lubed my ass with Vaseline jelly

" HEY, BETTY WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? " I shouted in shock

both Teacher Lisa and Jessica stopped arguing and looked at me and was shocked seeing Betty wearing a strap-on

" hey you fat bitch what are you doing to my boyfriend ? " Jessica pushed away Betty from me

" it was me, I told Betty to collect sperm samples to examine them, we can't allow a demon to have sex with us even though he is your boyfriend without doing any tests " Doctor Alexandra came forward and explained

" huh, when did I allow him to have sex with others, and why should you collect sperm samples like this ? " Jessica argued

" this is called Prostate massage Little girl, only trained nurses like us can do it properly, you just sit and watch as I fuck your boyfriend's ass " Betty stroked her fake cock

" you bitch, give me that, I should be the one that should fuck my boyfriend's ass, you bitch give it to me before I snap your neck of " Jessica gave Betty a chokehold and finnally succeed in snatching the strap-on from Betty

Jessica rubbed my ass with her fake cock " Your ass is mine Daniel" and aligned the top to the entrance of my asshole

" Please stop it Jessica, even my aunt hasn't taken my anal virginity"

" Did you just say Aunt , you bastard what kind of relationship did you have with your aunt ? "

" Huh, what you told befor fainting was it true Daniel " Teacher Lisa asked me

" Huh, what did I say teacher ? "

" Something like I'll be a good slave for you mommy in next life ? "

" Uuhhhh ???!!" Jessica was shocked and Alexandra was looking at me curiously, while Betty had already started masturbating

" What kind of fucked up relationship were you having bastard, are you playing some roleplay? "

" No, my Aunt placed a slave seal on me, by which she can feel my location, my emotions etc "

My aunt might have run away but she is still safe as the soul seal would react if there is any harm to the master, but it was fine now, I guess she must have some important job to take care

" You fucking bitch, did your mom force you do such a thing, She is a succubus right she must have surely done such a vile thing " Jessica pulled my hair

" No I accepted willingly mesmerized by mom's beauty, I am glad to be slave to such a beautiful wom- Fucck " Jessica drove the strap-on deep into my ass

" You fucking bitch, you must have done that under control, No, let me fuck you hard and turn you into my slave, You'll be mine and only mine " Jessica pounded my ass hard, while nurse Betty was holding a container near my dick ready to collect sperms

" Hey, Jessica please stop it, I don't wanna do it, atleast give me a 1 minute break ! "

" I won't stop untill you become by bitch you bastard, take my cock, I'll ravish your asshole, so that it only belongs to mine " Jessica held my hips and started slamming her cock deep into mine

Sigh, why can't she give me a minute, I broke my restraints and grabbed her after turning back, Alexandra and Betty was shocked that they took weapons nearby ready to hit me

Jessica was scared as she didn't expect me to break the strains easily, teacher Lisa was ready to grab Jessica away

I stopped them " Please give me minute to transform into a suitable body for this strap-on act "

They stopped understanding my intention, seeing that they didn't wanna attack me, I used the transmogrification ability that I recived temporarily in this incubus form and choose a suitable apperance

They were shocked seeing my appearance, I had turned myself into a femboy like astolfo

I kneeled between her legs and opened my mouth wide " please give me your dick master "

Nurse Betty got a nose bleed and fell down, while both Teacher Lisa and Doctor Alexandra was fully flushed seeing this

Jessica became more horny, her body became hotter that I was able to see fog coming out of her nostrils " Here, take it you bitch "

Jessica held my head and shoved her cock deep into my throat, surprisingly gag reflex was absent in this body that I was able to deepthroat Jessica's fake cock without any issue
