Strap-on action 2 **

Jessica lifted me off the bed and pounded deep into my ass after removing my patient gown,

my dick was of 8 inch size was dangling in air infront of everyone, Jessica held my legs and rammed her fake dick Deep into my ass making me moan

Teacher Lisa's face was flushed and she left the room unable to stand the stimulation

Nurse Betty started stroking my dick and aimed it to the semen container, I didn't last much with such heavy prostate stimulation and shot my load into it, making the container overflow

" Ahh, Now store these samples in the cryo storage Betty, now let's move on for the main action " Alexandra ordered Nurse Betty

Betty clicked her tongue and moved out of the room

I laid on the bed weakly when Doctor Alexandra stood over the bed with my head between her legs, She pulled her tight skirt exposing her shaved pussy, it was dripping from her juices

She slowly lowered her ass over my face and aligned her pussy close to my mouth and fully lowered her entire body weight on my head locking my mouth with her pussy

I extended my tongue deep into her pussy and taste her dripping wet pussy, It was like eating peach and her musky smell was making my dick hard again

Jessica kneeled between my legs and rubbed her fake cock over my asshole and slowly thrusted it deep in

I was recieving double stimulation from both Doctor Alexandra and Jessica, When Nurse Betty entered the room with more toys and pulled teacher Lisa in

" Hmm, look at whom I found listening through the door" Nurse Betty patted Teacher Lisa in her ass

Teacher Lisa's face was flushed and spoke in a weak voice " I can't be here, I am already engaged to someone else "

" Huh, isn't it that cowardly man who gave up on you easily, you deserve some one better teacher Lisa " Jessica spoke while spanking my ass

I wasn't able to speak as my mouth was blocked by Alexandra's pussy

" Even then they are from cultivation family, it isn't easy for ordinary people like us to go against them " Teacher Lisa teared up

Doctor Alexandra stood up from my face and asked Teacher Lisa " Forget about the consequences Lisa, I'll take care of it, do what you truly want to do, don't care what the society thinks about you "

" Now what do you want to do Lisa ?" Doctor Alexandra lifted Teacher Lisa's chin and whispered into her ear

Teacher Lisa was hesitating when nurse Betty who brought condoms, covered my dick with it and was about to take my dick in her pussy only to be pushed by Jessica

" What are you doing fat bitch his virginity is mine? " Jessica removed the strap-on and was about to sit on my dick only to caught by Teacher Lisa

" High school Students shouldn't have sex Jessica, now leave it to adults, now go to your bed it's already late at night, You'll get wrinkles if children like you don't sleep properly " Teacher Lisa started arguing with Jessica and pulled her away from me

" You old hag, don't you have a fiance go take care of him, Daniel is mine and mine only, go fuck off bitch "

" Who did you call old hag, you little brat " Teacher Lisa pulled Jessica's ponytail

" You slut don't see other men when your already engaged, stay away from my man you whore " Jessica tore Teacher Lisa's shirt

The fight became intense and each of started tearing each other's dress

Doctor Alexandra was amused seeing their fight and removed my condom before taking my dick in her pussy

" Ahhh, your dick feels like a electrifying vibrator Daniel, your raw dick feels so good Daniel, shoot your cum deep into my pussy "

" Why did you remove the con- " I wasn't able to complete my sentence and my vision was blocked by the chubby ass of Nurse Betty

Her pussy was sweaty from her non-stop work, her huge ass was soft and trapped my face between her crack and her weight blocked my nose making me difficult to breathe

I instantly activated [ Life drain ] and selectively drained the life force from her fat cells

" Ahhhhhhhh, Stop it Daniel, I can't Take it " Betty screamed loudly, I was able to feel her body getting lighter and lighter and she climaxed instantly drenching me with her pussy juices

Finally after removing her excess fat, I stopped the [ Life drain ] , while absorbing the fat I ensured that I didn't absorb much of her fat from ass and boobs

Betty finally collapsed and fainted falling of from my face, My body was fully brimming with life force, hmm can I try that ?

I looked at doctor Alexandra who was shocked witnessing the instant weight reduction of Nurse Betty and held her hips before driving my dick deep into her and Channeled the excessive life force into her ageing cells

Her body regained vitality and her skin glowed and her pussy tightened around my dick making me cum inside her

" Ahhhhhhhh " Alexandra too climaxed violently before collapsing, hmm she looks 10 years younger now

I looked at Teacher Lisa and Jessica who's dresses are completely torn was completely shocked

" Hmm, don't you want to fuck me too?" I walked forward and caressed both of their ass cheeks

" Are you shocked by what happened now, don't worry Teacher Lisa even You can become younger, hmm Jessica you look perfect as of now, you can eat as you wish and become fat without any worry " I squeezed both of their ass and kneaded them like a dough

hmm, why are they still silent ?, are they too shocked witnessing such a scene

" Did you just lose your virginity to that old Bitch ? " Jessica spoke in a low voice

" Did you just fuck her without condom Daniel? " Teacher Lisa too spoke in a equally chilly voice

" Huh, why does your tone seem weird, did you catch a cold or something? " I tried to ease the tension

But it only became worse, they both looked at each other and nodded and Jessica spoke in a chilly tone " Teacher Lisa, I give you permission in helping me tame the slave of mine "

" huh, who's your slave, My Aunt is my master and I am her slave, when did I become yours ? "

Teacher Lisa cracked her knuckles " He won't listen if we talk peacefully Jessica, He is still speaking some nonsense "

Both Jessica and Teacher Lisa wore a strap-on and teacher Lisa lifted one of my leg and drove her cock into my asshole rashly while Jessica drove her fake cock into my mouth preventing me from talking

They both lifted me up in the air, with teacher Lisa behind me fucking my ass and Jessica fucking my mouth

Teacher Lisa squeezed my balls and pinched my left nipple with one hand while Jessica held my hair and thrusted her cock deep into my throat and piched my right nipple with her other hand

I wasn't able to stand the stimulation and ended up cumming intensely, But they didn't seem like stopping and went even more rougher

Sigh, It looks like I won't be able to sleep this night
