Alexandra ***

[ Daniel's POV]

Doctor Alexandra looked at me " It's good that you are awake Daniel, Now we should do a MRI scan to check your body "

" Nurse Betty prep him up and bring him to the MRI room " Doctor Alexandra ordered nurse Betty who came along with her

My aunt Brooke came forward and asked Doctor Alexandra " I am pateint's Aunt Doctor, Is Daniel alright ? "

Doctor Alexandra looked at me and said " It's all healed we just need a scan to confirm everything is alright "

Jessica asked the Doctor " Can he discharge today Doctor? "

" No, we should wait for the MRI results, you young lad go attend your school today, you don't need to take care of him, we'll take care of him very well in the hospital " Doctor Alexandra gave a mischievous smile

" You old hag, it doesn't matter if I don't attend the school for one day, I won't leave him alone with you " Jessica placed her one hand at hip and pointed at doctor with other

" Umm, Jessica it's wrong to be rude to your elders, but It's fine if you want to stay for one day " Aunt Brooke spanked Jessica

" Ahh " Jessica bit her lips and was unable to shout at my aunt and nodded weakly


I was moved into a stretcher and transported to the MRI room and Jessica and Aunt Brooke were stopped outside the room

Doctor Alexandra locked me in position on the bed and sent me inside the MRI tube and went to the opposite room

She came back again in 1 minute and pulled me out of the tube, what happened was there anything wrong with the machine?

" You are alright Daniel, there is no abnormality in your brain and your whole body is normal "

" Uhh, you finished the MRI scan, but I wasn't able to machine operate "

" This is an advanced MRI machine made by my daughter, it doesn't make noise during scans and with me as top radiologist it won't take a minute to read your scan "

" umm, so I can discharge right away right ? "

Doctor Alexandra removed her white coat and threw it aside and sat on above me " Where do you think you are running ?, you know that It's my 'Duty to Warn' the government for receiving a potentially dangerous patient, Now that I have withheld the information aren't you making me commit a crime ? "

I scratched my head " Doctor Alexandra I am not a dangerous person and my abilities are currently sealed, So I won't be a harm to society now , So you aren't actually committing a crime "

Doctor Alexandra removed her shirt exposing her huge melons covered by a sexy black bra " let's see what the government does when I inform about it "

" Sigh, What do you want me to do to keep silent about this Doctor Alexandra ? "

She pulled me above and kissed me passionately for few minutes " you fucking Bastard, are you still asking what to do ?, I never would have had sex with a patient if not you hypnotising me to do it "

" But I am a normal Human Now Dr., I am not making you do this now "

" sigh, yeah I know your abilities are sealed, as your semen sample which was emitting weird radiation stopped after you passed out, but Fucking heck my body is still craving your touch " Doctor Alexandra stood in and removed her panties and stood over my head

" From now on you'll be my sex toy Daniel, you should please me however I want " Doctor Alexandra squatted over my head and positioned her pussy over my mouth and started grinding her pussy

Sigh, so I don't have a say on this ?, anyway I like the situation That I was in, I rubbed her smooth thighs and held her in position and kissed her pussy before diving my tongue deep into her

Her nectar was sweet and addictive that I sucked her pussy like a vacuum cleaner, she grabbed hold of my hair and grinded her pussy over my mouth and ended up climaxing into my mouth

Dr. Alexandra was gasping for breath " you fucker I wouldn't do this When I am normal, you bastard you have fucking changed me "

She got up and sat on my hard dick violently, just looking at Her attractive body and her swinging boobs and her pretty face made me cum instantly within a few pumps

Dr. Alexandra looked at me in disgust " What the fuck ? are you one shot man ? I didn't expect you to be so weak Daniel, Sigh, can you get your dick hard again ? "

as I wasn't in my incubus form, After cumming once I had post nut clarity, I didn't feel horny enough to fuck such a pretty woman, but I didn't want to disappoint her

I always cum instantly when watching porn, but my recovery time is short that I would recover within 5 minutes and end up climaxing multiple times

" Doctor Alexandra can I eat your pussy?, I would recover within 5 minutes and would be ready to satisfy you "

" You sure are trying your best to please me, here you go, freshly fucked creampie just for you " Doctor Alexandra sat up on the table and pulled and spread her legs

I kneeled down between her legs and dove my head under her short black skirt, I was able to smell the musky smell coming from her freshly fucked pussy

" Do you like the view ? " Doctor Alexandra patted my head

I nodded my head " look at my freshly fucked pussy, Do you like it's smell ? " She held my hair and dove my nose into her pussy

" Inhale it, this how losers should be treated if they can't satisfy their woman " She let my hair loose and spread her pussy with her fingers and my cum was flowing out

I brought my tongue closer and licked up my cum flowing out of her pussy, it was hot and had some metallic taste, I didn't like the taste, but the humiliating aspect and her moans made my dick hard within my recovery period

" So you do like cleaning up my pussy, guess I should make you my cuckold slave and make you eat my pussy fucked up by other men, What do you say do you want me to see me fucked up by other men ? " Doctor Alexandra stroked my dick with her stocking clad leg

What is she speaking, Just imagining it made my dick hard and just like before I ended up messing up her leg within few strokes " Ohh, you came harder than before, So you truly want me to be fucked up by other men "

" No Doctor Alexandra, I just got excited, I don't want you to have sex with other men, I want you fully to myself " I hugged her feet and started Stuttering in shock

Just after cumming again, the post orgasmic clear hit me like a truck, why the fuck did I excited ?, Did I want her to be fucked up by other men ? bullshit, it is my fucking nightmare seeing my woman fucked by other man

" Do you want me not to fuck other men ? "

Doctor Alexandra rubbed my head like a dog

I nodded my head rapidly, Doctor Alexandra smiled and said " I can Fully become your woman, if you fully become mine "

" what do you mean by that ? "

" I want you to not see other women " Doctor Alexandra crossed her legs

" How is that possible ?, I still have to save teacher Lisa from her marriage, Jessica seemed to have fallen in love with me, and my Mom.. , sigh how can I give up on other women, just to please you - "

Doctor Alexandra shoved the cum stained stocking clad leg into my mouth " Do you want a fucking harem, Do you think you can please everyone in the harem ? Do you even care about the feelings of other women ? Why the fuck only you can have multiple woman and expect us be faithful to you ?, If you aren't tied to single woman don't expect all your women to remain faithful to you, if you fuck other women, we too can fuck other men, this is equality you Bastard "

Hearing her words made me realise that I was wrong and it changed my whole world, Just as she says in this modern world I can't expect my woman to be fine with me having other women

Doctor Alexandra started buttoning up her shirt and was ready to leave disappointed in me

Sigh, I held her leg and licked up my cum splattered on her stockings " Sorry Doctor Alexandra, I can't expect you to be mine, but I don't want you to be unsatisfied, So please use me till you are satisfied, I can't leave my woman unsatisfied, didn't you want a sex toy, So please use me like one "

Doctor Alexandra looked at me and started laughing " I was just playing a joke on you Daniel, Did you seriously fall for my lie ? '

I kissed her feet " your my first woman Alexandra, I won't be able to forget you, even thought I can't expect you to be fully mine and even if you have some other men in your life, Don't hesitate to call me anytime, I would take care of any problems you are facing or you know, if your partner is not able to satisfy I don't mind satisfying your sexual desires "

Doctor Alexandra looked at me deeply into my eyes and stepped on my dick and started crushing it

" It's my precious dick Doctor Alexandra don't damage it " She stepped on my dick with full force

" What cheesy lines are you spouting bastard ? Trying to win my heart ehh ? "

She pulled me up and kissed me passionately and started stroking my limp dick, she whispered softly and rubbed my chest with her other hand " I won't fall in love with other men in this life with you here you bastard "

she bit my ears and spoke huskily " but if you keeping fucking other women, I might tie you up and let you watch another cock enter my pussy "

Just imagining me tied up while Doctor Alexandra being fucked up infront of me, made my dick hard

" Sigh, you truly are a cuckold pervert, I guess I should lock your dick and allow only superior cocks to enter my pussy " she stroked my dick rapidly

Within a few seconds I ended up cumming in her hand

I looked at her " why do you have to spoil it ? "

She smiled and brought her cum stained hand near my mouth, I sucked on her fingers and cleaned up my cum

" Didn't it make your dick hard instantly ?, I might not fuck another man but doesn't prevent me from doing some dirty talk to tease you "
