Assassins ***

I was hugging Doctor Alexandra from her behind and was fondling her huge boobs and was licking her earlobes while thrusting my dick in her pussy

" Hey Doc, Alexa Can I discharge by today ? "

" Don't call me Alexa, it's a bit wierd and why do you wanna discharge now, Don't you want to have more fun with me ? "

I thrusted deep into her before pumping my last reserve into her womb and buried my head into her hair, smelling the scented shampoo smell " I do want to continue this Doctor Alexandra, but I have to stop teacher Lisa's wedding, I should get out of here "

she turned and looked at me and spoke in a very serious tone " Do you the criminal who shot you in the head Daniel ? Do you know how he is now ? "

I shook my head

" The people from the Sheng di family killed him as soon as they arrived at the Mall and destroyed all the recorded evidence from CCTV's and all the phones and warned others to not spread about the incident "

" So ? "

" Don't you still get it ? The police didn't file a case on them and The media didn't report it on news on tv or paper, they hid it thoroughly and there was no trace of an incident ever happening like that, they went to such an extent just to cover up the cowardly behaviour of their Young generation Sam "

" hmm " my dick got hard again inhaling her fragrance, I loaded my rifle with Blank shots and headed into the central battlefield

Doctor Alexandra squeezed her thighs preventing me from moving in, she pulled my ears " Yous stupid bastard, aren't you listening to what I am saying ? "

" Sigh, What do you wanna say Doctor?"

" Lisa's fiance is from a powerful family, with your powers currently locked, how will you face it as a normal human ? "

I looked into Doctor Alexandra's eyes and asked her " Do you mean I can't do anything without my powers Doctor Alexandra? "

She avoided my eyes, and turned her head and spoke sarcastically " What can you do with this weak body ? "

I leaned forward whispered in her ear while thrusting deep into her pussy " I might not have my demonic powers and might be a normal human, but that doesn't allow me to see one of my woman being forced to do something against her wish "

Doctor Alexandra started screaming " Did you fall in love with her, that you are willing to take risk for her, just like you took a bullet for her ? "

I pulled her into my embrace and kissed her " I don't know anything about love, I just was attracted by my teacher's pretty face and my lust took control of my body during the shoot out incident, all I can say is that no matter what situation or to who it happens, as long as it is beautiful woman, I will try to help her "

" and I will even take a risk of it's a woman I know or I had sex with, even you Doc, No matter what difficulty you may face in the future, I'll always be there to help you "

I kissed her Passionately and ended up firing a blank shot into her, my dick was hurting orgasming multiple times in row

" Sigh, help me dress up you little bastard, we have already used too much time " Doctor Alexandra got up and wore her bra, I kneeled down and licked up my cum flowing down her thigh, and finnally licked the lips of her pussy

She moaned and held my head closer to her " No matter how many times you do, I won't get used to it Daniel "

I sucked her pussy drinking all my cum, cleaning her beautiful pussy, swallowing mouthful of my cum

" Just seeing you do this made me horny again Daniel, but we should stop here, I have been holding back my piss for past half an hour " She took her knee length black skirt and wore it hurriedly

She walked a few steps hurriedly before locking her legs and stopping in place and looked at me " Ahh, Daniel can you call nurse Betty?, If I move from this position I might start peeing here "

" Ohh, you don't need to ask her help Doctor, let me help you " I kneeled infront of her and put my head under her skirt locking my mouth over her pussy

" Ahhh, what are you doing Daniel ? I am not able to control it, don't blame me " a salty stream of piss was shot into my mouth

This is my second time drinking a woman's piss, it was Strangely humiliating and stimulating me at the same time, I loved being used like a piss toilet for my women

my dick got hard again and was throbbing in pain due to continuous errection for many hours, even then I placed my dick between the beautiful calves of Doctor Alexandra and started humping it like a dog in heat while drinking her piss

I felt a prick over my neck, and my vision became black


[ Doctor Alexandra's POV ]

Daniel was now drinking my piss under my skirt, just as I expected him to do, his tongue touching my pussy made me almost cum once again

Shit, I shouldn't lose my rationality, I should do it to save Daniel, I picked up the anaesthetic injection from the tray nearby and injected into his neck

Don't blame me Daniel, I am doing this for your own good, I'll wake you up after Lisa's wedding get over

He must fainted immediately after injection, So I held back my piss, but suprisingly he was still licking my pussy

I lifted my skirt and looked at him only to find he had lost conscious and was licking my pussy by instinct, his will of lust was moving his body

ohh, I wasn't able to hold back my piss seeing him eager to serve despite losing conscious, this is only possible for those with insane amount of lust

I pissed into his mouth completely, emptying my bladder, he drank it fully without spilling a drop, he licked my pussy clean and finally gave it a kiss before falling down


[ Daniel's POV ]

[ Host in danger, unlocking the seals due to emergency ]

I opened my eyes only to see a knife coming towards my heart, I dodged it immediately and used my tail to pull my knife towards me and threw it back on the one who tried to kill me

It landed on his thigh, making him fall down, I was about to question him about why he wanted to kill me, when a cold metal touched my head

There was another one here to kill me ?, shit I am fucked up, If I get shot in such a close range, my brains would splash out

" Never thought I would encounter a demon, I should have doubted when you got healed instantly, never mind now due you Bastard " He was about to pull the trigger, when a walking stick went pierced his throat, killing him instantly

I looked at the door from where the walking stick flew and found a middle aged man, walking towards me, he scanned me from head to toe and grinned happily

" Never thought my Nephew would be a demon "

I never remember having an uncle like him, I scratched my head and asked him " Who are you ? "

He hugged me tightly and patted my back with force " I am your fourth uncle Simon* Daniel, you might not Remember me, but I still remember how you used to peek under girls skirts when you were 3 years old "

Did I do something like that ?


* - Simon, Charles's father from ' tales of harem king '