Saving Teacher Lisa ***

I don't remember having an uncle like that, but before thinking about that why were they here to kill me, I knelt down before the assassin who got hurt in his thigh and pulled up his mask only to find he had stopped breathing

" Assassins trained by an organization always has precautions lad, You don't need to ask questions from him, I have already found that it is the assassins from the Shang di family from their movements, your teacher's fiancee who have sent them to kill you "

" why should he kill me ? " How did the uncle even kill a man with a walking stick ?, moreover he seems like he knows more about the assassins

" you should be the one to ask him, So what are you going to do ? " Simon took his walking stick from the Assassin's throat and wiped it clean

" I should find out about Aunt , her body seems to be taken over by another entity, I don't know where she is, but I should find her before something gets wrong " It's been a day since Aunt went out, I still haven't heard from her

Simon, who seems to be my third uncle patted my shoulder " You don't need to worry about that lad, your uncle Henry is already on the trail to catch your mother don't you have something else to take care of "

" what do you mean dad's gonna take care ? isn't he a normal office wager and how do you know my uncle Henry ? "

Uncle Simon smiled and rubbed my hair " Let's talk about it some other day, don't you wanna save your teacher ? "

Ahh, yes teacher Lisa's wedding is tomorrow morning, she didn't seem interested in it, I should probably go and help her, hmm where is she currently ?

" You want her address ? Here it is, this is where her phone's signal was last found out " He sent me a message after tapping his phone a few times

" aren't you coming with me ? " the Shang di family is a cultivator family and it would be tough job to help her out

" My son's been admitted here lad, and a man shouldn't receive others help to save his woman "

Hmm, wise words, I looked at the address and walked out of the door going to save teacher Lisa

" Hey you Bastard, why are you walking through the door, It took me some time to erase the footage and the demonic energy spread over the hospital, you don't want the government or the hunters organization to catch you "

" What ?!!! the government is after me ? "

" not after you cunt, but after demons, if the government finds you are a demon, you would be locked up in a basement and experimented "

" Huh, so why did you give me the address ? "

" just Fucking fly out of the window with your wings, and limit the usage of your demonic energies "

I have wings ? , I touched my back to find a pair of cartilaginous appendages sticking out of my back, like a bats wing , the more I focused on the wings they became and spread out to 2 meter wide

The wings were retractable and was like a fourth arm to me, huh ? Then what about my third arm ? a tail from my back went between my legs and came in front of me, I even have a tail

What happened to me, I opened up the system interface and checked it

[ Name : Daniel

RACE : Incubus

PHYSIQUE : Primordial Masochistic Body ( partially unlocked )

TITLE : succubus's Slave

MANA: 100/100

STR: 20

STA : 20

AGI : 20

VIT : 20

INT : 20

Skills :

-Transmogrification level 1

( able to change body shape according to thoughts with certain limitations)

- Incubus life drain level 1

( able to absorb the life force of a single person up to a certain limit upon intimate contact )

- further skills locked

( fuck up more to unlock)


Moreover how does this uncle know so much about demons, as I looked at him to ask further questions he kicked me out of the window " just fucking fly out of here you bastard, I should clear up these corpses, man up and save your woman you brat "

" Fucking old man, can't you give me some time " I held onto to the window sill while flying and shouted at him

He threw me the black mask which the assassins wore " here wear this mask, so you don't get caught by cameras and just fucking get of here, before your woman gets fucked up others "

Shit, that bastard might not wait for the wedding day and might rape teacher Lisa before, I instantly opened the Google maps and navigated to the give location and found out it was huge mansion with a huge board attached to the entrance carved ' Shang di '

Seems like I am in the right place, As I was flying I easily flew past all the guards and security and flew out of the window and found Lisa being tied up in the bed naked, while Sam removed his pants Reddy to plunge his cock into her pussy

I broke into the window and used my tail to stab his throat and killed him instantly, upon seeing me Teacher Lisa cried happily, though she wasn't able to talk due to gag in her mouth

I removed her gag " Thank god you are alive Daniel, this fucking Sam sent assassins to kill you - " I paused her talk as I was able to hear footsteps outside

I hid behind the door and waited for the person to enter, The person opened the door and entered in and saw a beautiful maid enter in, she saw the corpse of the Sam and was about to scream

[ maid image here ]

I would have killed if it was a male witnessing the scene, but seeing a beautiful woman walk in, I didn't have it in me to kill her

I swiftly went behind her and covered her mouth, I was able to feel her huge breasts rubbing against my arm, I leaned forward and whispered in her ear " Please don't shout Beautiful miss, I would leave after taking my girlfriend, I won't hurt a beautiful woman, you can scream after yo

I was able to smell her Jasmine scented hair and plump butts rubbing against my dick, I bit her ear lobe and whispered " Can you understand it miss, If yes lick my palm and grind your ass against my dick "

She nodded her head and licked my palm and my dick went between her ass cheeks

Sigh, I removed my hand and went forward and thanked her " thank you "

I walked towards Teacher Lisa and undid her knots, the maid walked in front of the dead corpse of Sam and inspected before looking at me and asking " You're an incubus? "

" Yeah, but I won't do you any harm so don't worry, I'll leave my girlfriend instantly"

" Hmm, Do you think you can escape the pursuit of Shang di family after killing their young Master? "

" I have wings, I can fly away from troubles easily, there is no problem"

" Shang di family has connections with the government and you'll be labelled as wanted criminal and would be hunted like dog, don't even think about killing other family members, they aren't useless as this stupid Sam " She kicked away the corpse

after thinking for a bit , I used my Transmogrification ability and changed into Sam, Lisa's dead fiance, retracting my horns, wings and tails

" How is it ? , I'll act as the young master and fool them "

She walked around me and inspected fully before nodding her head " you look exactly like him, but without my help you'll give yourself away easily "

I didn't know how she is so calm and is able to accept everything, it wouldn't be bad to trust her and receive her help and , So i nodded and asked her " So what should I do to receive your help ?"

She looked at me with a fiery gaze and said huskily " If you want my help then you should have sex with me "

ahh, a beautiful woman is willing to have sex with me, why will I hesitate, She must have been charmed by my handsome incubus face, Never thought I would solve the problem easily

" You fucking bitch, Just kill her Daniel, No one would know You were the one who killed him " Lisa roared

I looked at her with tear filled eyes " Don't worry about me Teacher Lisa, I would sacrifice myself to keep you safe "

" You fucking Bastard " Teacher Lisa gritted her teeth and stood at the edge of the bed

the maid stood infront of me and shook her hands " I am Chase, let's have a happy fuck "

She pressed my shoulders and pushed me to my knees and commanded " make me wet "

Her maid skirt went till her ankles, So I went under her skirt, it was dark, but I was still able to smell her musky smell and feel her smooth thigh, I rubbed my cheeks between her thigh and went till her hip, I bit her panty and pulled it down

As I was pulling it down I felt a huge sausage hit my face , As It was dark under her skirt I lifted it up and saw a huge 9 inch dick hanging between her legs

WTF I fell back on the floor, Is she a trap ? , No she had huge boobs and nice womanly charm, As I was sitting confused

" Surprised, Sorry I didn't inform you before, but I am a transwoman "

Teacher Lisa held her tummy and started laughing " Hahahaha, what are you gonna do now Daniel ? "

I looked at Chase and asked her " Should I really do it, why don't I ask Teacher Lisa to do it ? "

She rubbed my head and held me firmly in position and slapped her cock on my face " Now, now don't be a sacred little boy, let me teach you "

I had sucked on strap-on, but I didn't wanna suck on a real cock, I tried to turn my head away from her cock, but she held me firmly and pressed open my mouth with her two fingers and shoved her cock deep into my throat

" That's it take it all bitch " She started thrusting her dick deep into my throat, while holding my her

Teacher Lisa widened her mouth witnessing me sucking a real cock and started shouting " Oh my god, is this for real, Fuck Dan are you getting hard fucked by a real cock ? Shit I can't wait to show it to other girls, Hmm chase can I take a video ? "

" Hmm, go ahead but don't share it to others, I am a bit shy " Chase held my hair and fucked my throat rapidly
