Bad News

"Sigh, get out of this boiler room. You are undeserving of being under someone as magnificent as me. When your instructor gets back, let him take you. You are a lost hope," said cadet knuckles sighing in regret.

During their training with Cadet knuckles, they noticed That sick asshole loved fighting, and was purposefully making the whole training exercise difficult for them but no one can deny that he was a very talented fighter as he had taught them alot.

But they just couldn't keep going like that after a while they reached their limits

Hearing the cadet knuckles say that they quickly ran out

"Damn, that guy is annoying," Jake exclaimed. He looked kind of depressed. We had tried our very best, but cadet knuckles just continued making it hard for them.

"Let's leave, you never know if he might be lurking in any corner watching us," said the fatty jack. When he said that, a shiver immediately went through our spines.

We picked up speed as we left the valley.

"Hey, what's that over there?" said Joey while pointing at a rock covered with dense leaves.

The fatty looked at Joey. Astonishingly, he said, "What don't tell me you don't have rocks and leaves where you come from, Joey? That's just too rich. Hahahahhahahah"

The rest of us laughed out loud

"why are you laughing? Aren't you from the same place as him?" jack asked jake

"uhhh shut up" jake said as he turned away

Joey just looked at us with disdain and walked to the wall covered in leaves. He touched it and gasped in astonishment, "There's an opening in here."

"Let's check it out," Frank looked surprised as he walked towards the opening


In front of them there stood a huge waterfall. You couldn't hear the sound from outside though, it was well hidden.

All of a sudden


They heard jacks voice

He had gotten half naked then he ran and jumped into the water.

They all soon joined in

But after a while they left

A waterfall inside the base was a bit suspicious they didn't want to break the rules

"hey why aren't there any officers around" jack suddenly asked a passing cadet

"A massive raid had happened and thousands of people had died. Some villages were touched, and the village of spikes received the most damage." The cadet explained

Frank was stunned for a moment

That was his village


"hm? Where are you going?" jack asked frank

But he was met with silence

Frank sprinted with all his might, and in no time he was at the gate.

"Hey, you stop right there, you're not allowed outside the barracks," a cadet shouted

It was a cadet screams a lot,

Luke looked at Frank disdainfully.

"Go back right now !" said cadet Luke.

Frank hesitated, but after a brief thought, he went straight for the gate.

"I have to make sure mom is alright or I'll never forgive myself," he thought.

"Audacious!!" screamed cadet Luke while he released a palm towards Frank, but Frank took a side step and dodged the palm.

Cadet Luke looked furious and took a quick glance at the school gate outpost. There stood a man looking down at him with disdainful eyes. The cadet Luke could only bow his head down in absolute shame. He couldn't even one-shot a candidate. Just thinking of it made him angrier.

"Insolent bastard!!" cadet Luke screamed while sending several palms towards Frank. Frank dodged them with difficulty. He looked very miserable even though he dodged all. It was at a hair's breadth.

However, Frank soon felt a large amount of pressure radiating from cadet Luke's body. He looked like he was about to murder someone..

Suddenly, an arm appeared and stopped the cadet Luke's palm

cadet Luke was blown away a few meters and when he looked up. He saw a cadet with long hair tied up with a golden ribbon.

"When has killing ever been permitted inside the barracks, Luke? Or do you think I am nothing but thin air? You want to kill my candidate! " Cadet Wang said

"Wang you dare rebel against orders? Did you tell your candidate to come to the gate to cause trouble? Who do you think you are? Do you have no respect for the defending elder of the gate? " said cadet Luke

Cadet Wang's face changed. It was true, there was an order that candidates weren't allowed outside the barracks at this time because of the night raid. What was Frank doing here?

" I just came back from a mission. I shouldn't be dealing with this right now." Cadet Wang then looked at Frank questioningly.

"Instructor wang Please, I need to check if my mother is alright. She's in the village of spikes, "said Frank.

Wang then came to a realization, although he had been back for only a short amount of time, he had heard of what happened during the raid. It was bloody, especially in the village of spikes.

"Damn," he thought.

"Bahahaha little wang, you managed to finish the mission at Death Valley, good. I always knew you could do it." A voice echoed from inside the gate outpost.

"Elder, Wang Ben is a disrespectful and arrogant soldier. He shows no obedience towards authority, and he's slowly spreading it to the new candidates. Please punish him." said cadet Luke, with a righteous grin on his face,

The elder then added, "little wang ben, you have to understand this is not one of those good-for-nothing gangs in Black River City, this is a fire-bird base, and you are nothing but a cadet here."

"But seeing as you have just come back from Death Valley having completed a major feat, I won't press for the appropriate punishment."

"Thank you, elder," said Wang Ben as he grabbed Frank by the arm and turned around.

"Wang Ben, even if I forgive your insolence and your blatant disregard for military rules, I won't forgive that brat over there," said the elder.

"What do you want?" Wang Ben frowned as he said this.

" How can I, a glorified elder of the fire-bird army, need something from you?" The elder said

The old man then walked forward and whispered something in Wang Ben's ear.

"Don't go too far, elder. If you cross your boundaries, I will make sure my father hears about this, "said Wang Ben angrily.

"Whatever you mean, little Wang Ben, are you threatening a fire-bird army elder?" the elder went on to say

"Doesn't matter, Luke, take that candidate to the guard house, let him stay there for two days, and make sure he understands that Fire-bird barracks isn't his father's house."

Luke looked excited. He immediately reached out to Frank in an attempt to grab him but Cadet Wang Ben stood right in front of him staring at him with a frown.

Luke stared back at Wang Ben with a sinister grin, then turned to look at the elder.

The old man nodded back to him.

But suddenly, Wang Ben turned around and crouched towards Frank and told him

"For now, do not worry about the village of spikes. For now, give me your home address so I will head over there and ask around for your parents."

Cadet Wang Ben then looked back at cadet Luke and said, "Bring him back in one piece. If not, you will find out what happens when you offend someone from Black River City. I don't care who is backing you. "

Luke understood what it meant to be threatened by the people of Black River City. They were a bunch of crazy people and would do anything for revenge. He looked solemn and then hit Frank with a palm, knocking him out cold.

Luke then put Frank on his shoulder and walked off in another direction.

Wang Ben looked at the old man and walked toward the gate.

"Wang Ben, you seem to have forgotten that they are ordered not to let any cadet or candidate out of the barracks," the elder mocked, and added,

"You can take the trash off the streets, but you can't remove the street smell from the trash."

Wang Ben then proceeded to pull out a medallion and show it to the elder.

"hm?" The elder frowned. How did a piece of trash get that medallion?

Wang Ben then continued walking towards the gate and paid the elder no mind.

As soon as he left, a few cadets came out of the outpost and stood beside the elder.

"Make sure he doesn't come back, but be very discreet about it if anyone finds out. I don't think I need to remind you who he is, and bring that medallion back in one piece," said the elder.

The few cadets in black robes nodded and left the elder.

The elder looked to the sky with his hands stroking his chin.

"I wonder how he got that medallion. It doesn't matter either way, it will be mine soon." said the elder with a large grin on his face.