The will of the strong

Barrracks will now be called "bases".

"The will of the strong"


"Where am I?"

"What happened?"

"NO!! Where am I? I have to check on my mother!!!" The voice in the dark room screamed.

It was Frank and he was tied to a wall with chains in a dark guard room.

"Shut the hell up, you're making a lot of noise, don't let me come in there and teach you a lesson," the guard in front of the dungeon-like cell's voice echoed.

But Frank didn't stop. He kept on struggling, as if he wanted to break the iron chains and get out. He seemed disorientated. His hands were starting to bleed because he was pulling really hard.

"Oh, is he awake now? Why didn't you call for me ?" "Said a voice in the distance."

The voice seemed to be getting closer; he then looked over and smiled with an evil-looking grin. It was Cadet Luke.

"Oh, my oh my, if it isn't Wang Ben's little candidate, the one who thinks he's above military rules, oh my oh my," the cadet luke said as he slowly walked forward .

Frank just kept glaring at cadet Luke,

"This asshole is here again." cadet Luke had really started to piss off Frank a lot. He was just too obnoxious.

"Guard open the door and let me in. I have some things to discuss with my little friend here," the cadet Luke commanded the guard

"Yes sir," The guard He was only a low-level guard. He couldn't do anything other than comply with what Luke had said. Coupled with the fact that all this was sanctioned by an elder

Luke casually strolled in with a bag in his left hand, then looked at the guard from the corner of his eyes and motioned for him to leave the guard room area.

"Lock the door behind you," cadet Luke added.

"Little boy, your Daddy is here to take you on a little lesson on disobedience," said cadet Luke.

"Maybe after this cleansing you will see the right path and attain better judgment on who not to mess with," he added.

"Who are you calling little? I'm going to bite your head off, you piece of trash wannabe!" screamed Frank.

He then added, "Don't think we don't see right through you."

"You act so arrogantly, but we all know deep down you're absolutely terrified of Cadet Wang. Do you think that the backing of an elder will keep you on the same level as him? You're nothing but a joke and everyone knows it," said Frank.

Cadet Luke's grin slowly turned into a frown as the words kept rolling out of Frank's mouth. He hit the nail on the head. Originally, both he and cadet Wang Ben had been in the same class when they first joined the army, but Wang Ben had always outshined him.

And slowly, Wang Ben became stronger than him He despised Wang Ben from the start, so as soon as he gained some power in the base, he began targeting cadet Wang Ben.

However, he wasn't the only one with influence. He later found out that Wang Ben had a very big backer back in Black River City.

And that made him hate Wang Ben even more, but all in all, he was scared of Wang Ben, so he tried to harm Wang Ben from the shadows. Truly, he was the scum of the earth.

He was a coward. but a very vengeful and hateful coward.

"I got it, precisely, didn't I?" Frank exclaimed. "

The look on your face says it all," Frank added.

"You have a very big mouth here in the military. We speak with our fists, not our mouths," cadet Luke said.

Cadet Luke then proceeded to pull out a pair of gloves from his back and started walking closer to Frank, who was still laughing hysterically, and soon

"bang" cadet Luke started punching Frank in his mouth, arms and other parts of his body.

But Frank didn't stop laughing, though he thought in his mind, "I can only depend on instructor Wang to check up on my mother now. I really hope she's alright. If not, my dad will be very sad."


At that time, Wang Ben was currently riding toward the village of spikes on his horse. He seemed on high alert, though he had the feeling that he was being followed, so he sped up without looking back.

And not so far away from him were a few people in black clothes on black horses looking down at him from a hill.

"Split up you three, take the shortcut to the village of spikes and lay an ambush in front"

Three horsemen then broke off from the group and soon started moving at full speed.

The remaining horsemen started following Wang Ben with much less vigor. It seemed like they were confident in their ability to catch him.

The chase went on for a while until Wang Ben noticed that he was getting close to the village of Spikes Gate.

He still maintained alertness He was a true soldier and the battlefield was his home, without true skill and alertness, he would have died a long time in his own home.

He quickly noticed a few horsemen, three of them to be precise, coming at him in full from inside the village of spikes. He could only think

"damn it's an ambush." He was cut off from both sides as he soon heard a horse galloping behind him.

"Hahhahahahahaha" laughed the rider in front. He was still quite far, but he still mustered the strength to say "we finally got you Wang Ben." Did you think you could run from us forever? "

Wang Ben understood the gravity of the situation, but he had no choice. He turned left and started galloping forward. He was heading toward the mines.

They thought that he was just running for his life.

But that was not what was going through Wang Ben's mind. He was thinking

"the mine has a mountainous terrain; I can try and pick them off one by one from there."

Where others saw a dead end, he saw an opportunity.

While Wang was going through a troublesome situation, the three J's were also being hunted down by cadet knuckles.

He had found out about what happened at the gate and how Wang Ben had gone out to look for Frank's parents.

So he used the opportunity to further fight against the three j's for his own entertainment, but when he got to their dorm room, to his surprise, they had gone into hiding.

That excited cadet knuckles even more, so he started hunting for them anytime he found them in their hiding spot. They'd split up and run away again, after going a few rounds with him.

While they were going through that, Frank had also escaped from the dungeon after days of torture due to Cadet Luke's carelessness. He got a hold of a tool that Luke had left inside of Frank's cell. Frank got a hold of it, and cut the chains with the tool that Cadet Luke had left behind.

On the 2nd day of his torture, he was bruised all over and his head hurt very much, so Frank tried to get to the battle stage to look for cadet knuckles.

Frank stumbled and fainted at the bank of a waterfall area inside the bases. However, when he fainted, a mysterious old man appeared next to his severely injured body. The old man looked at Frank with interest, smiled, and lifted Frank on his shoulder and took him away.

the mines

"You can't escape us. Come out and surrender," said the leader of the black-robed men surrounding cadet Wang Ben.

There were a few bodies around Wang Ben, but the enemies around him still outnumbered him Wang Ben had several bruises all over his body. He was also bleeding from a stab wound. Who would have thought that a single favor would nearly cause his death?

"Just give up, Wang Ben, give us the medallion and maybe we will give you a peaceful death," said the leader of the black-robed men.

Wang Ben just kept his calm. If he was going to die, then so be it. He knew how dangerous the situation was, but he still wanted to take them down with him, so he lunged toward one of the men with his sword.

"Kill him!!" screamed the leader of the black-robed men. He lunged towards Wang Ben, but it was too late. Wang Ben had already killed one of them.

Wang then turned and executed a skill that made him move like a ghost, swiftly appearing behind the leader. He raised his sword, and he then struck and cut the leader's head clean off.

"Run!!" The remaining black-robed men scattered as their leader and the strongest of them had been killed.

When Wang saw that, he was relieved. He had used all his energy to kill the leader. He really couldn't continue fighting, but then he slowly collapsed. Before he closed his eyes, he noticed a figure drawing closer and closer to him If Frank was there, he would be shocked to see that this figure was his father.