
The scout's leader threw a tantrum; they had stolen his swift.

He was pissed

he had been tricked and humiliated again by the infantry unit. The worst thing was that he nearly lost to a junior cadet.

What was more infuriating? nearly losing to a junior or having their swift taken right before their very eyes?

The Swift was essential for the scout's training, and although the base provided two of them every year,

They still couldn't afford to lose any.


The worst thing was that they didn't steal just any swift, they stole a mutated swift.

The swift is a kind of earth worm. When it penetrates a certain kind of soil, it produces a kind of plant that nourishes the body and most of all,

The processed form of that plant creates a booze-like elixir that increases speed, and you must understand that there is nothing more important to a scout than speed.

So it pissed off the scout's leader when they stole the mutated swift, which could definitely yield more

"Leader, should we inform the Knights unit about it?" Ian said

Yun Di's frown suddenly morphed into a big evil grin.

"Yes," he thought.

The knight didn't help them because they didn't know about the mutated swift.

They would definitely fight to take it back if they knew that it was mutated.

"Get me a horse!" Yun Di screamed.

He would meet the knight leader himself this time.


The boiler room

Several people were currently seated in the boiler room.

This included Wang Ben, Jack, Frank, and Jake.

Wang Ben said that Joey was still training with one of his seniors, so he couldn't make it.

So it was just them until

"Knock, knock"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in."

A cadet walked into the room and frank could recognize him

He was the cadet that whispered something into Wang Ben's ear earlier during the whole scout fiasco

He whispered something into Wang Ben's ear once more. That made him smile.

"Good, make sure that I'm kept in the loop," Wang Ben said.

"Yes sir."

The cadet stood up and left once again.

"Come on, Frank," Wang Ben said.

Frank stepped forward

"Tell me what level you've reached in the raging fist skill," Wang Ben inquired.

"peak of rapid 2"

A look of heavy shock appeared on Wang Bens' face.

"What do you mean?" Wang Ben asked with a look of confusion on his face.

Usually, it wouldn't matter how talented you were, you would not be able to get to rapid 2 without guidance.

In fact, if no one tells you that you can only improve with actual combat, you will be stuck.

So the look of confusion on Wang Ben's face was perfectly justified.

He wasn't the only confused one, though.

"I trained?" Frank replied.

"How did you train?" Wang Ben asked.

Frank then proceeded to tell Wang Ben everything, beginning with him failing miserably and ending with the mysterious senior showing up to teach him.

"Oh" wang ben now understood.

This further solidified his belief that the old man, red smoke, wanted to take Frank as a discipline. Why else would he dispatch someone to teach Frank a technique?

"brother wang Do you, by any chance, know who the senior is?" Frank asked Wang Ben.

"Can you describe what he looks like?" Wong Ben asked

Frank froze

The guy was putting on a mask throughout their encounter.

Frank shook his head.

"I didn't see his face but" Frank then went ahead to describe his body features and build


Wang Ben simply closed his eyes and said, "No, I don't know anyone like that."

The information was just too little, so he couldn't identify him.

"Okay, Jake is still at level one and Jack has his own set of techniques," Wang Ben continued.

"So Jake, you come with me, Frank, and Jack, go have a rest and come back in two days, "wang Ben said to them.

He didn't want Frank and Jack to get ahead of Jake by too much of a margin, so he had to train Jake as fast as possible.

There was another reason, though.

They really haven't had a lot of peace since they got back, so he wanted them to relax a bit.

They both left the boiler room and went back to their dorms.

"Okay, Jake, show me what you've learned," Wang Ben said.

Jake knew that he was behind, so he was determined to reach them at all cost.


Candidates' dorms

Frank and Jack had just crossed the gate into the dorm area when they noticed a group of candidates.

And amongst them was someone familiar


He was the youth that fought against one of the top candidates in the scout's unit.

They also noticed someone else. He was the youth that was with cadet Luke the first time they encountered each other.

They seemed to be opposing each other, as if they wanted to fight.

Frank and Jack looked at each other with an evil grin. They changed directions and headed for the group of candidates.

Both groups noticed them and tensed up, especially Gertrude's group.

They were already at a disadvantage if the other team received more people. They wouldn't hold back anymore.

But they soon noticed the fatty jack, so they calmed down. Some also knew Frank to an extent.

Although the story of Luke capturing Frank was well known in the base, the story didn't really have a face.

"What's going on here?" Jack asked with his hands on his hip.

He saw that they recognized him, so his head was a bit blotted.

Gertrude looked at the both of them with a nonchalant gaze. Since he didn't need to fear that they would join them, he was relaxed.

Still, he didn't think that he needed to explain anything to them or ask them for help. He had his own pride, after all.

He was proud, but that didn't mean the other candidates with him were the same.

"They just stopped us for no reason and asked us to bow to this Yun guy," one of the people behind Gertrude said. He naturally wanted Jack on his side against the other group.

A flash of realization came to Frank and Jack at that moment.


"Was he related to the elder of the gate ?" They both thought

It made sense that he was with cadet Luke when they first met him, and cadet Luke was always sucking up to elder Yun.

"Oh, so you're related to the elder of the gate ?" Frank asked

he had more of a grudge against them than anyone else.

"How does that concern you?" young master Yun didn't see much importance in replying frank.

His eyes were glued to Jack the whole time. He wasn't at the battle stage when the whole thing with the scouts happened, but he knew Jack.

As his uncle Yun had told him, Jack came to the Yun mansion in the base to fight against Luke. In fact, the whole incident made people disdain Luke even more.

Although they knew that he had been injured before, they still humiliated him in front of the Yun mansion.

"So you are then? good," Frank replied.

He started stepping forward, and he was releasing a rather oppressive aura.

This astounded the young master Yun,

"Another genius?" young master Yun said with a frown on his face

He knew that Frank wasn't a noble and he didn't know which family Jack belonged to, because, believe it or not, some nobles decided to side with the warrior factions.

For example, most of the clans in Black River City sided with the warrior faction, so he wasn't too sure about him.

"You fatty, you are a noble, why hang around with these peasants?" Young master Yun asked

Young Master Yun understood that he was now at a disadvantage, so he tried to change the topic.

because he knew He couldn't ask people who were strong to bow to him,

"What is the role of a noble if not to protect the commoners?" Jack suddenly replied with a heavy laugh.

Gertrude and the rest glared at Jack. They didn't need protecting.

Frank was also dumbfounded. He really didn't know what to say. This fatty always says the most annoying thing at the worst possible times.

Seeing that the rest were on the verge of turning on him, he quickly changed the topic.

"Yun boy, why don't you go home? We are, after all, fellow candidates," Jack said.

"The assessment is close, and we will have plenty of time to fight to our hearts' content when that time comes," he added.

Young Master Yun knew he was at a disadvantage, so he didn't push it.

He and his men turned around and left.

"Thank you brothers," one of the candidates behind Gertrude said with a bow.

Gertrude looked at Jack and simply nodded.

"Don't thank me with a bow," Jack replied.

"Let's get hammered," Jack said at the top of his voice.

This brought smiles to the faces of the candidates.